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Greek Government Press Briefing, 06-11-17

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>



Dieyqynsh Plhroforhshs

Tmhma Dhmosiografikwn Kalycewn

Paraskeyh, 17 Noembrioy 2006

Ariqmos Deltioy: 41251767

Ekdosh 1



Aqhna, 17 Noembrioy 2006



" Shmera symplhrwnontai 33 xronia apo thn hmera poy oi Ellhnes foithtes breqhkan sthn prwtoporia gia thn apokatastash ths Dhmokratias sth xwra mas qysiazontas akomh kai th zwh toys gi' aythn. Shmera einai mia mera enothtas, perisylloghs kai proklhshs se oloys mas, wste na diasfalisoyme stis neoteres genies tis kalyteres dynates synqhkes gia th zwh kai to mellon toys. Shmera einai mia giorth ths Dhmokratias. H prospaqeia gia thn anabaqmish ths poiothtas ths Dhmokratias mas einai diarkhs kai mas afora oloys.

" O Prwqypoyrgos k. Kwstas Karamanlhs, qa anaxwrhsei, meqayrio Kyriakh, 19 Noembrioy, gia to Londino, opoy th Deytera, 20 Noembrioy, qa metasxei stis 11.00 se ekdhlwsh sto Moyseio Kerinwn Omoiwmatwn ths Mantam Tiso. Stis 12.30 qa parakaqhsei se geyma poy paraqetei o Prytanhs toy Panepisthmioy toy Siti, me symmetoxh ekproswpwn toy epixeirhmatikoy kai toy trapezikoy kosmoy. Stis 18.30 ths idias hmeras, o Prwqypoyrgos qa milhsei sto London School of Economics. Thn Trith 21 Noembrioy o Prwqypoyrgos qa exei stis 11.00 synanthsh ergasias me ta dieyqyntika stelexh toy egkyroy ebdomadiaioy periodikoy Economist. Telos, stis 15.00 ths Triths, o Prwqypoyrgos qa exei synanthsh me ton Bretano Prwqypoyrgo k. Toni Mpler sthn Downing Street. Meta thn oloklhrwsh ths synanthshs toy me ton k. Mpler, o Prwqypoyrgos qa anaxwrhsei gia thn Aqhna.

Parakalw tis erwthseis sas:

SPYRAKH: Kyrie Ekproswpe, hqela na epanelqw sto qema poy dhmioyrghqhke me thn emfanish ths diamartyrias twn astynomikwn ejw apo th Rhgillhs, kaqws xqes o Ypoyrgos Dhmosias Tajhs Byrwn Polydwras ekane grapth dhlwsh, mesw ths opoias oyte ligo oyte poly, xrewnei stoys astynomikoys agnwmosynh. 'Hqela, loipon, na rwthsw, an h kybernhsh symmerizetai ayth thn ektimhsh toy Ypoyrgoy Dhmosias Tajhs.

ANTWNAROS: Exei kanei dhlwsh o Ypoyrgos. To qema ayto gia to opoio sas eipa xqes dyo  treis koybentes exei ejantlhqei. As mhn apodidoyme shmasia perissoterh apo ayth poy pragmatika exei.

KALOGEROPOYLOY: Symfwna me thn efhmerida ``TA NEA'' apo diarroes toy periballontos toy k. Polydwra, o k. Polydwras ``fwtografizei'' pisw apo ayth thn istoria ton k. Zagorith kai thn k. Papakwsta. Poio einai to sxolio sas;

ANTWNAROS: Den exw kanena sxolio gia tetoioys ypainigmoys.

SIDERHS: Oi astynomikoi, opws eipan oi idioi, gyrisan spiti toys. Toys filecate kanena fontanaki, ligo nero h efygan apraktoi;

ANTWNAROS: Ti ennoeite;

SIDERHS: Eipan oti ``hrqan spiti toys''. Pws krinete ayton to kommatismo twn Swmatwn Asfaleias;

ANTWNAROS: Den gnwrizw th sygkekrimenh dhlwsh.

SIDERHS: Exete tis yphresies poy sas enhmerwnoyn gia ayth th sygkekrimenh dhlwsh.

KALOGEROPOYLOY: Qa hqela to sxolio sas gia to prwtoselido ths efhmeridas ``TA NEA'' poy mila gia fwtografiko diagwnismo ston OSE kai gia skandalo 130 ek. eyrw.

ANTWNAROS: Opws enhmerwqhka armodiws, to dhmosieyma einai anypostato kai xwris bash. Den yparxei kan diagwnismos, afoy den exei sygkliqei akomh h diakommatikh Epitroph gia na kaqorisei toys oroys enos diagwnismoy, poy qa einai anoiktos, dieqnhs kai meiodotikos.

SPYRAKH: Xqes, o k. Gewrgiadhs, o boyleyths toy kommatos poy brisketai sthn kybernhsh, apo to bhma ths Boylhs zhthse ayjhseis misqwn twn boyleytwn. Katelhje malista mesw anagwgwn profanws sto symperasma oti o boyleyths kostizei ston Ellhna polith 4 eyrw. Qelw to sxolio sas, ean einai stis proqeseis ths kybernhshs na proxwrhsei sthn ayjhsh twn misqwn twn boyleytwn kai pws blepei to aithma toys.

ANTWNAROS: Prwton, den einai stis proqeseis ths kybernhshs na eishghqei h na proteinei kati tetoio. Deyteron, den exw kanena sxolio gia dhlwseis boyleytwn.

SIDERHS: Krinete oti einai eparkhs o misqos poy pairnoyn oi boyleytes; Giati o k. Gewrgiadhs eipe oti qelei h ellhnikh Politeia toys boyleytes ftwxoys.

ANTWNAROS:  O,ti eixa na pw, to eipa sthn prohgoymenh erwthsh.

LEONTITSH: Apo thn erxomenh Deytera, sthn perioxh toy Mets kai sygkekrimena ston arxaiologiko xwro ths Artemidos qa mpoyn mpoylntozes. Eiqistai se arxaiologikoys xwroys na mpainoyn mpoylntozes;

ANTWNAROS: Den gnwrizw to qema.

LEONTITSH: Mporeite na rwthsete kai na mas enhmerwsete;

ANTWNAROS: Einai eidiko qema. Parakalw na apeyqynqeite sto Ypoyrgeio Politismoy. Oi arxaiologikoi xwroi einai apo oso gnwrizw ths armodiothtas toy Ypoyrgeioy Politismoy.

Sas eyxaristw.

Kalo Sabbatokyriako.

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