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Greek Government Press Briefing, 00-06-16

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 16 Ioynioy 2000



Geia sas.

Prin dexqw tis erwthseis sas, qa hqela na kanw ena sxolio me aformh dhmosieymata poy sxetizontai me thn katabolh toy ``perifhmoy'' 10xiliaroy, to opoio h kybernhsh yposxeqhke, proeklogika, se kathgories asfalismenwn: Me safhneia kai kathgorhmatikothta tonizw oti ayth h desmeysh isxyei apolytws. Hdh, exoyn ginei oles oi aparaithtes probleceis se oikonomiko epipedo. Oi armodies yphresies asxoloyntai me to texniko meros ths katabolhs toy ofeilomenoy posoy. To poson ayto, kata periptwsh, jekina apo tis 9.800 draxmes kai fqanei tis 14.000 draxmes. H katabolh toy posoy qa arxisei apo th stigmh poy qa oloklhrwqoyn oi sxetikes diadikasies kai ws ek toytoy den dikaiologeitai opoiadhpote amfisbhthsh ths proqeshs ths kybernhshs na fanei synephs se mia ypoxrewsh poy anelabe enanti toy ellhnikoy laoy, proeklogika. Pros epirrwsh twn oswn eipa, sas enhmerwnw oti to Dhmosio, symfwnhse me tis Trapezes na katabalei se aytes to poson twn 700 ekatommyriwn ethsiws. To poson ayto antistoixei stis dapanes, oi opoies prokyptoyn gia ta trapezika idrymata, logw toy antikeimenoy poy toys anateqhke. Ayto kai monon apodeiknyei oti eimaste etoimoi na proxwrhsoyme sthn katabolh toy posoy aytoy, opws akribws ejaggeilame proeklogika. Opoiadhpote allh proseggish sto qema ayto, einai toylaxiston kakopisth. Syntomotata oloklhrwnontai oi diadikasies, sto plaisio twn armodiwn yphresiwn, gia thn katabolh toy posoy aytoy. Mia gia panta jekaqarizw pws exei to qema.

Qelw, epishs, na sas pw oti qa exete sth diaqesh sas ena keimeno apo to Grafeio Typoy toy Prwqypoyrgoy gia tis synanthseis poy eixe o Prwqypoyrgos, shmera to prwi, me toys politikoys arxhgoys. O Prwqypoyrgos synexizei tis synanthseis toy me toys koinwnikoys foreis.

Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Qa forologhqei ayto to epidoma;

REPPAS: Oxi, bebaiws.

PAPADOPOYLOS: To rwtw giati kai sto koinwniko epidoma to poso proseteqh sto noymero ths syntajhs, yperebh ena sygkekrimeno orio kai meta ginontan kai parakrathseis. Yphrjan syntajioyxoi poy pairnane ligotera.

REPPAS: Oxi, den synebh kati tetoio. Oi syntajioyxoi oi opoioi dikaioyntan ayto to epidoma koinwnikhs allhleggyhs, to gnwsto EKAS, eixan poly xamhlo ethsio eisodhma kai gia to logo ayto phran ayto to epidoma. Ayth h proseggish sas den einai orqh.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Epimenw, giati emena moy ferane apodeiktika stoixeia syntajiodothshs poy apo 110.000 draxmes toys kocane kai phrane 94.000.

REPPAS: Oxi, pantws, logw toy epidomatos Koinwnikhs Allhleggyhs.

KALARITHS: O k. Karamanlhs eqese to qema ths diaplokhs;

REPPAS: Sas eipa oti yparxei sth diaqesh sas keimeno, apo to Grafeio Typoy toy Prwqypoyrgoy, sto opoio anaferetai ti akribws syzhthqhke. Gnwrizete oti h prwtoboylia toy Prwqypoyrgoy gia tis synanthseis me toys politikoys arxhgoys aforoyse ta ths entajhs ths xwras mas sthn ONE, alla bebaiws oi politikoi arxhgoi eixan th dynatothta na qesoyn kai alla qemata. O Prwqypoyrgos edwse syntomes apanthseis. Gia to sygkekrimeno qema, epanalambanw oti to qesmiko plaisio poy yparxei sth xwra mas isxyei kai ejasfalizei th diafaneia. Apo ekei kai pera, h syntetagmenh politeia mas exei ta organa sta opoia mporoyn na prosfeygoyn oi endiaferomenoi, prokeimenoy na yperaspizontai ta symferonta toys.

STAMATOPOYLOS: H kybernhsh pote skopeyei na ejorisei ton Arxiepiskopo;

REPPAS: As sobareytoyme.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Kati akomh. Prokeitai na katarghqei o stayros ths ellhnikhs shmaias;

REPPAS: Apanthsa, xqes, se ayto. To efera, malista, ws paradeigma.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Giati, alloi ypoyrgoi den sas katalabainoyn kai bgainoyn kai lene alla pragmata;

REPPAS: Oydeis ypoyrgos eipe kati diaforetiko.

STAMATOPOYLOS: O k. Shfoynakhs to eipe.

REPPAS: Kanete terastio laqos. O k. Shfoynakhs exei steilei epistolh stis efhmerides poy toy apodidoyn tetoioy eidoys apoceis kai h apanthsh poy dinei einai katalytikh. Aplws, den thn exete ypoch sas.

TAKHS: Protiqetai h kybernhsh na probei se antikatastash twn tessarwn boyleytwn poy diafwnoyn me th dhmioyrgia temenoys, sthn onomastikh chfoforia ths Boylhs, thn erxomenh Trith;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete poly kala oti oi boyleytes poy symmetexoyn se kaqe Tmhma ths Boylhs, ekfrazoyn thn apoch toys kai chfizoyn kata syneidhsh.

TAKHS: Nai, alla ean den chfisoyn oi tesseris, mporei na mhn chfistei@

REPPAS: Asfalws, ayto einai eyqynh twn boyleytwn, giati oi diatajeis chfizontai me th symmetoxh twn boyleytwn. Den chfizoyn alloi paragontes.

TAKHS: Qa probeite se antikatastaseis;

REPPAS: Oydeis boyleyths mporei na antikatastaqei, efoson einai parwn kai askei ta kaqhkonta toy.

GIANNAKOPOYLOS: Synadei h qesh toy k. Kaklamanh, toy Proedroy ths Boylhs twn Ellhnwn, me thn epiqesh poy ekane ston iero klhro gia th symmetoxh toy stoys eqnikoys agwnes kai thn amfisbhthsh ths oikogeneiakhs toys ypostashs, otan sxedon to 90% twn klhrikwn einai eggamoi;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete poly kala oti den sxoliazoyme tis apoceis toy Proedroy ths Boylhs. To kyros toy Proedroy ths Boylhs kai h ajia twn oswn leei, anagnwrizontai apo oloys mas.

FILHS: Ap` oso qymamai o k. Kaklamanhs milhse gia thn ierarxia kai oxi gia ton efhmeriako klhro.

REPPAS: Pragmati, ayth htan h anafora toy k. Kaklamanh, alla den epitrepetai na mpw se peraiterw sxoliasmo.

BITALHS: Th Deytera epikyrwnetai kai typika h entajh ths xwras mas sthn ONE. Aisqanetai ypeyqynh h kybernhsh oti apeileitai h oikonomia ths xwras mas apo thn ONE kai apo th Dysh, genikotera, opws sxoliase o prokaqhmenos ths Ekklhsias;

REPPAS: H Ellada exei deijei oti einai mia xwra isxyrh, h opoia oxi mono den fobatai, alla, antiqetws, otan qetei stoxoys kai ergazetai meqodika kai systhmatika petyxainei aytoys toys stoxoys. Opoiadhpote problhmata antimetwpizoyme, den prepei na ta antimetwpizoyme me fobikh qesh h symperifora. Qa prepei na exoyme aytopepoiqhsh, na exoyme empistosynh stis dynameis mas. Ayto eipe allwste o Prwqypoyrgos, xqes, sthn omilia toy, oti h Ellada exei empistosynh stis dynameis ths. H Ellada sthn ONE, h Ellada toy 210y aiwna qa einai kalyterh, dikaioterh, dhmokratikoterh kai isxyroterh. Pisteyw oti ayth einai h kalyterh apanthsh. O agwnas poy kanoyme einai h Ellada na paramenei, efejhs, sthn prwth taxythta. Pote pia h Ellada sth deyterh taxythta. Ayto -ean qelete- einai ena synqhma poy exei oysiastiko periexomeno kai sympyknwnei thn politikh prospaqeia poy kanoyme. Ara, den dikaiologeitai opoiadhpote fobikh antidrash se problhmata, ta opoia yparxoyn kai ta antimetwpizoyme. Exei deijei h prosfath empeiria oti mporoyme na antapejelqoyme me epityxia se opoiadhpote proklhsh.

GARGALAKOS: Exei kanei prospaqeia h Ierarxia na synanthqei me ton ypoyrgo Paideias kai Qrhskeymatwn, giati -ap` oti qymamai- yparxei mia ekkremothta, gia mia episkech toy k. Xristodoyloy ston k. Eyqymioy.

REPPAS: Exete dikio. Paramenei ekkremhs ayth h synanthsh. O Makariotatos, anebale thn episkech poy eixe programmatistei me ton ypoyrgo Paideias kai Qrhskeymatwn, se antapodosh episkechs poy ekane sto Makariotato Arxiepiskopo o ypoyrgos Paideias kai Qrhskeymatwn.

GARGALAKOS: Epeidh h Ierarxia milaei synexeia gia dialogo, exei deijei apo thn pleyra ths kapoia tash na synanthqei me ton ypoyrgo Paideias;

REPPAS: Den gnwrizw na exei ekdhlwqei apo thn pleyra ths tetoia prwtoboylia. Opws kai se alles periptwseis dhlwsa, h porta toy dialogoy gia mas einai anoikth. O ypoyrgos Paideias, poy einai armodios gi ayta ta qemata, anamenei pantote toys ekproswpoys ths Ierarxias gia na syzhthsei mazi toys.

MOYRTZHS: Sygnwmh, mia dieykrinish: Thn anebale thn episkech; Dhladh, eixe kaqoristei ayth h synanthsh;

REPPAS: Etsi, akribws.

FILHS: Enocei toy syllalhthrioy poy qa ginei sthn Aqhna, yparxei kapoio sxolio, qa yparjei kapoia antidrash ek meroys twn armodiwn arxwn, an dhlwsoyn kai pali symmetoxh, opws sto syllalhthrio poy egine sth Qessalonikh, swmateia h syllogoi h proswpikothtes apo to xwro ths Astynomias;

REPPAS: Den antilambanomai poia einai h erwthsh sas;

FILHS: Sth Qessalonikh, symmeteixan oi katwteroi ajiwmatikoi, me prokhryjh toys kai me isxyrh paroysia, bebaiws@

REPPAS: Erixnan prokhryjeis oi ekproswpoi forewn. Diaforwn kathgoriwn foreis einai aytoi oi opoioi, me emmeso h ameso tropo, diatypwsan tis apoceis toys. Gnwrizete poly kala oti gia ola ayta ta qemata -sto plaisio ths dhmokratias mas- parexetai h dynatothta na ekfrazontai oi apoceis aytes, kaqoti den diwketai to fronhma. An probei kapoios se ajiopoinh prajh, antimetwpizetai analogws. Einai allo to ena, allo to allo.

FILHS: Dhladh, h prosklhsh sth mh efarmogh enos nomoy, apo enan kat` ejoxhn dhmosio paragonta, opws einai o astynomikos, poy prepei na efarmozei to nomo, kai lew gia tis taytothtes, den syntassetai@

REPPAS: Mhn proxwrhsoyme toso poly, k. Filh. Gnwrizete poly kala oti o sebasmos toy Syntagmatos kai twn nomwn einai kati to opoio apotelei koino topo, mas desmeyei oloys kai apotelei th bash gia thn omocyxia sthn Ellada.

FILHS: Se sxesh me to temenos, ena erwthma: H kybernhsh kai gia logoys poy aforoyn tis dieqneis ypoxrewseis ths xwras, proxwrei sthn idrysh toy moysoylmanikoy aytoy politistikoy idrymatos, toy temenoys, sthn Paiania. Wstoso, yparxoyn Ellhnes polites, moysoylmanoi sto qrhskeyma, oi opoioi katoikoyn sthn kardia ths Aqhnas kai den exoyn th dynatothta na latreyoyn th qrhskeia toys. Antimetwpizei h kybernhsh to endexomeno na doqei adeia, sto Gkazi h se allh perioxh poy zoyn merikes xiliades Ellhnes polites moysoylmanoi, na idryqei temenos;

REPPAS: Den antimetwpizei tetoio qema h kybernhsh. Pisteyoyme oti h elleich poy mexri twra yphrxe, kalyptetai apo thn prwtoboylia ayth poy analambanei h kybernhsh. Gnwrizete poly kala oti gia ola ayta ta qemata prepei na eimaste poly prosektikoi. Einai qemata poy aforoyn tis pepoiqhseis h dhmioyrgoyn syneidhsiaka problhmata stoys sympolites mas. O dikos mas logos prepei na einai pantote logos hpios, metriopaqhs, synainetikos. Kai epeidh exoyn prokycei ola ayta ta qemata, thn teleytaia periodo, epanalambanw oti emeis oydepote epidiwjame thn antiparaqesh h thn antidikia. O logos mas pantote einai logos poy den exei kamia sxesh me kamia epidiwjh sygkroyshs. Pisteyoyme oti qa prepei oloi, ta sxetika qemata na ta antimetwpisoyme se aytoys toys tonoys.

FILHS: H efarmogh twn atomikwn dikaiwmatwn, opws einai to dikaiwma @

REPPAS: O sebasmos twn atomikwn dikaiwmatwn einai apolytos sth xwra mas.

FILHS: Ara, mporei na idryqei ena temenos, sto kentro ths Aqhnas, apo Ellhnes polites;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete poly kala oti ta qemata ayta antimetwpizontai, sto plaisio toy Syntagmatos. H Politeia exei labei tis apofaseis ths se synennohsh me alloys foreis kai proxwra se efarmogh ayths ths epiloghs, h opoia nomizw oti toys ikanopoiei oloys. Mhn anakalyptoyme problhmata, ekei poy den yparxoyn. Giati, eidate kai sth sxesh Ekklhsias-Politeias, thn teleytaia periodo, me aformh aytes tis kinhtopoihseis, kapoioi kataballoyn prospaqeia na kataskeyasoyn ena pedio antiparaqeshs. Tetoio pedio antiparaqeshs den yparxei.

Sas eyxaristw.

Kalo trihmero.

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