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Greek Government Press Briefing, 00-06-20

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 20 Ioynioy 2000




Kalhmera sas kai kalh ebdomada.

Shmera to meshmeri, sth Synodo Koryfhs sthn Portogalia, qa yparjei mia diakoph, prokeimenoy na ginei mia mikrh teleth ypodoxhs ths Elladas sthn Oikonomikh kai Nomismatikh Enwsh. Meta thn teleth, h synedriash qa synexisei tis ergasies ths me thn ejetash twn ypoloipwn qematwn.

O Prwqypoyrgos epistrefei, shmera, stis 10 to brady.

Sygxarhthrio thlegrafhma apesteile, edw sthn Aqhna, pros ton Prwqypoyrgo o Arxiepiskopos Aqhnwn kai Pashs Ellados k. Xristodoylos, kaqws epishs kai o prwhn Proedros ths Neas Dhmokratias k. Ebert.

Ayrio sth 1 to meshmeri, o Prwqypoyrgos qa dexqei, sto Megaro Majimoy, thn PASEGES kai sth synexeia stis 13.45 th GSEBEE. Oi synanthseis aytes entassontai sto plaisio enhmerwshs poy kanei o Prwqypoyrgos, me thn eykairia ths entajhs ths xwras mas sthn ONE.

Thn Pempth, stis 9 to brady, o Prwqypoyrgos, me thn idia eykairia, qa paraqesei dejiwsh, sto Zappeio Megaro.

Qelw na tonisw th spoydaiothta ths entajhs ths xwras mas sthn ONE. Einai ena poly spoydaio gegonos, katalytiko qa elega, gia thn ejelijh kai thn proodo ths xwras mas. Einai ena istoriko gegonos. Qelw, omws, na meinw se mia parathrhsh: otan yparxei staqerh kai ypeyqynh politikh, opws yphrje apo to @94 kai meta, kyriws, alla kai ta prohgoymena xronia, dhladh apo to 1974, me oles tis kybernhseis, tote h xwra anaptyssetai kai proodeyei kai shmera brisketai anamesa stis prwtes xwres ths Eyrwphs kai sto eyrwpaiko gignesqai.

Qelw, epishs, na pw, oti me thn proodo ths, h xwra tima me ton kalytero tropo kai thn istoria ths kai ton politismo ths kai thn paradosh ths. Feygei apo thn opisqodromhsh kai to periqwrio.

Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

FILHS: An katalaba kala h exoyme kapoio lektiko sxhma. H Ellada shmera einai sto periqwrio kai thn opisqodromhsh;

XYTHRHS: Den eipa ayto. To antiqeto akribws. Eipa oti me thn epityxia ths ayth@

FILHS: @``feygei apo to periqwrio kai thn opisqodromhsh''!

XYTHRHS: Bebaiws.

FILHS: Ara, shmera, einai sto ``periqwrio kai thn opisqodromhsh''; To xqes htan prin apo liges meres, prin apo tessera xronia;

XYTHRHS: Eipa oti apo to 1974 kai meta to epediwje ayto. Kai kyriws apo to 1994 me staqerh kai ypeyqynh politikh proxwrhse h Ellada se ayth thn epityxia. Th xarakthrisa istoriko gegonos. Kai eipa oti h xwra tima me ayton ton tropo thn istoria ths, ton politismo ths kai thn paradosh ths.

I. KAMPOYRAKHS: Ayrio qa ginei h synedriash ths diypoyrgikhs epitrophs gia toys Olympiakoys Agwnes;

XYTHRHS: Oxi. Sto telos ths teleytaias diypoyrgikhs eixame anakoinwsei kai thn hmeromhnia ths epomenhs synedriashs. Qa ginei stis 28 toy mhnos.

ANTYPAS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, qa hqela mia dieykrinish gia to ean to thlegrafhma toy Arxiepiskopoy emperiexei kai kapoia allh anafora pera apo ta sygxarhthria.

XYTHRHS: Den to exw dei, alla einai ena sygxarhthrio thlegrafhma.

FILHS: Qa yparjei apanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy se ekeinoys poy stelnoyn sygxarhthria thlegrafhmata;

XYTHRHS: Bebaiws, qa yparjei.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Apo ton k. Klinton den phre sygxarhthrio thlegrafhma;

XYTHRHS: Nai ayto to gnwrizete. Sas eipa gia ta shmerina thlegrafhmata. Ta alla ta gnwrizete kai exoyn, hdh, anakoinwqei kai apo thn ellhnikh antiproswpeia sthn Portogalia. O Prwqypoyrgos, shmera, to meshmeri qa paraxwrhsei, ekei, synenteyjh Typoy stoys synadelfoys sas, opoy kai mporei na anaferqei se ayta.

MPOTWNHS: Me aformh to ayriano syllalhthrio, laosynajh opws th leei h Ekklhsia, exoyme kati neotero; Giati h Ekklhsia epimenei oti to meizon qema einai oi taytothtes, alla ta osa yposthrizei se arqro toy o ypoyrgos Dikaiosynhs M. Staqopoylos kai me bash ayta exei jekinhsei olon ayto to agwna. Dhladh, h kybernhsh yioqetei ayto to periexomeno twn apocewn toy k. Staqopoyloy;

XYTHRHS: Toso dia stomatos toy Prwqypoyrgoy, oso kai me tis qeseis poy diatypwnoyme olo ayto to diasthma, exoyme katasthsei jekaqarh thn apofash mas gia thn thrhsh toy nomoy, sxetika me tis taytothtes. Gia otidhpote allo, den yparxei kati. Oi fobies kai oi anasfaleies poy ekdhlwnontai einai anypostates. Den einai qema diko mas.

KWNSTANTINIDHS: Ayto shmainei oti menete ametakinhtoi stis qeseis sas, oson afora to qema twn taytothtwn; Dhladh, apokleiete ena dialogo me thn Ekklhsia;

XYTHRHS: Den apokleioyme kanena dialogo me thn Ekklhsia gia opoiodhpote qema aptetai twn sxesewn Ekklhsias kai Kratoys. Oxi, omws, gia tis taytothtes, to opoio einai qema apokleistika ths Politeias.

STAMATOPOYLOS: O k. Laliwths einai melos ths kybernhshs kai milaei gia dialogo. O k. Laliwths einai ektos grammhs;

XYTHRHS: Gia dialogo milame oloi mas. O dialogos einai anoiktos. Exoyme pei sygkekrimena pragmata. Oti o dialogos aytos mporei na ginei. Eklhqh apo ton ypoyrgo Paideias kai Qrhskeymatwn antiproswpeia ths Ierarxias, opws h idia h Ierarxia qa hqele, prokeimenoy na qesei ta qemata poy thn apasxoloyn. Einai qemata sxesewn Politeias kai Ekklhsias. Perimenoyme na ginei aytos o dialogos. Kai asfalws kai h synanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Arxiepiskopo.

STAMATOPOYLOS: O k. Laliwths, mesa sto dialogo ayto, den ejairei tis taytothtes. Milaei gia ola.

XYTHRHS: Egw, edw, milw ws ekproswpos ths kybernhshs.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Nai, alla o k. Laliwths einai melos ths kybernhshs.

XYTHRHS: Polla stelexh einai melh ths kybernhshs kai exoyn kai tis apoceis toys.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Kai lene o,ti qeloyn.

XYTHRHS: Oxi, tis apoceis toys lene.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Ek meroys ths kybernhshs, den yparxei mia grammh;

XYTHRHS: H grammh einai ayth poy ekfrazetai edw. Giati edw ginetai h ekproswphsh ths kybernhshs apo ton ypoyrgo D. Reppa kai apo emena, shmera.

FILHS: H kybernhsh, gia na xrhsimopoihsw thn ekfrash toy k. Laliwth, qewrei eayton oti einai me toys fwtadistes h me toys skotadistes;

XYTHRHS: H kybernhsh den kanei diakriseis, oyte exei xrhsimopoihsei aytoys toys oroys. H kybernhsh kanei to kaqhkon ths efarmozontas toys nomoys.

FILHS: H poreia, sthn opoia nwritera anaferqhkate, apo to 1974 kai apo to 1994, opws balate ena ayqaireto orio, einai poreia h opoia sprwxnei th xwra pros to fwtadismo h to skotadismo;

XYTHRHS: H poreia ayth -gnwrizete poly kala- einai qetikh gia thn Ellada. Kai aplws, ebala tis hmeromhnies aytes gia na deijw, pragma poy jerete, oti mesa se liga xronia h Ellada katafere na fqasei tis alles eyrwpaikes xwres kai na einai isodynamh kai isajia ston pyrhna twn eyrwpaikwn ejelijewn. Kai ayto exei poly megalh shmasia. Kai to apodidw ayto sthn ypeyqynh, staqerh politikh, thn opoia exei ola ayta ta xronia.

FILHS: Otan enas ypoyrgos, opws o k. Laliwths -kai epimenw, giati einai sobaro ayto to qema, den einai qema mikropolitikhs, einai qema politismiko, ideologiko gia thn kybernhsh kai to PASOK- bgainei synexws kai milaei gia toys akraioys fwtadistes, toys opoioys malista, me enan tropo poly apajiwtiko, sygkrinei me toys skotadistes. Ayto den dhmioyrgei mia alloiwsh kai mia sygxysh gyrw apo thn kybernhtikh politikh;

XYTHRHS: Oxi, h kybernhtikh politikh einai poly kaqarh kai staqerh. Exw milhsei gia th diakrish twn rolwn, gia thn apofash poy exei parei h kybernhsh gia to qema twn taytothtwn.

TSAKIRHS: Qa hqela to sxolio sas gia to prosfato dhmosieyma twn ``NEW YORK TIMES'' poy emplekei thn Ellada se ena rolo diamesolabhth me th Gioygkoslabia gia ena sxedio poy epejergazetai h Amerikh gia thn apomakrynsh toy S. Milosebits.

XYTHRHS: Opws gnwrizete, oloi to exoyn diaceysei ayto. Kai emeis, to exoyme diaceysei. Den symbainei kati tetoio.

TSAKIRHS: Kai h episkech toy K. Papoylia sto Beligradi, prin ena mhna, mhpws htan gi` ayto to skopo;

XYTHRHS: Oxi, bebaiws. Oi episkeceis kai oi epafes ginontai sto plaisio ths dieyqethshs ths katastashs sta Balkania, genikotera, meta to Kossobo kai ton polemo. H dikh mas symmetoxh ekei einai energos -kai to gnwrizete- alla den exei kamia sxesh me ayta poy anaferate.

FILHS: Proxqes, sthn ``Eleyqerotypia'', dhmosieyqhke ena mnhmonio poy afora thn ellhno-amerikanikh synergasia se qemata tromokratias. Epibebaiwnete to periexomeno aytoy toy mnhmonioy; Einai ena teliko sxedio, apo o,ti leei h efhmerida.

XYTHRHS: Den jerw, prepei na rwthsw.

Sas eyxaristw.

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