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Greek Government Press Briefing, 00-06-14

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 14 Ioynioy 2000



Geia sas.

Synedriase, shmera to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio. Antikeimeno syzhthshs htan h entajh ths xwras mas sthn ONE. Thn erxomenh Deytera, to prwi, kata thn enarjh toy Eyrwpaikoy Symboylioy, qa lhfqei h politikh apofash, h opoia qa symperilhfqei sta Symperasmata poy qa ekdoqoyn thn epomenh. Epishs, organwnetai, apo thn Proedria, teleth gia to gegonos ayto poy exei xarakthra giorths.

O Prwqypoyrgos, milwntas sto Ypoyrgiko Symboylio, anaferqhke sth megalh politikh shmasia ayths ths ejelijhs, h opoia qewreitai shmera apo polloys ws mia aytonohth katalhjh twn prospaqeiwn poy kaname. Einai gnwsto, omws, poia htan h katastash poy antimetwpise h kybernhsh ola ta prohgoymena xronia, poia htan h katastash sthn opoia h xwra eixe perielqei to 1993. Ta qeamatika apotelesmata, ta opoia exoyme petyxei, ofeilontai, akribws, sthn politikh poy akoloyqhse h kybernhsh kai sth symparastash toy ellhnikoy laoy, o opoios me kopoys kai qysies synebale apofasistika, wste na miloyme shmera -oxi monon emeis, alla dieqnws- gia ena epiteygma, to opoio syntelesthke sth xwra mas. Na epityxoyme, dhladh, plhrws ta krithria poy problepoyn oi sxetikes synqhkes, wste h xwra mas na einai pleon isotimo melos ths ONE.

O Prwqypoyrgos ejefrase, ena geniko problhmatismo gia tis ejelijeis sthn E.E., afoy pleon peran toy stoxoy ths entajhs sthn ONE poy epiteyxqhke, twra qa prepei na synexisoyme thn prospaqeia mas, wste na diasfalisoyme thn isotimh symmetoxh ths xwras mas stis ejelijeis poy akoloyqoyn. H domh ths E.E. allazei. Nees xwres synergazontai me thn E.E. kai einai ypochfies pros entajh se aythn. To montelo leitoyrgias ths E.E., twn 10 h twn 15 xwrwn, den mporei na antapokriqei stis anagkes poy prokyptoyn, logw ths symmetoxhs sthn E.E., sto problepto mellon, 20, 25 h 28 xwrwn. Ola ayta ta qemata, ta opoia syzhtoyntai sthn E.E., qa apasxolhsoyn leptomerestera kai thn ellhnikh kybernhsh, thn epomenh periodo. Shmasia exei oti gia thn patrida mas dhmioyrgoyntai nees prooptikes se ayto to neo periballon, to opoio diamorfwnetai. Emeis qa prepei na eimaste parontes, kaqe fora, sthn koryfh ths E.E.. Polles xwres, idiaiterws oi prohgmenes, asfalws kataballoyn prospaqeies na enisxysoyn th metajy toys synergasia, wste na apotelesoyn ena eidos prwtoporias sthn E.E.. Emeis epiqymoyme -peran ths qesmikhs katoxyrwshs kai ths isotimhs symmetoxhs mas sthn ONE h sthn E.E. sto synolo ths- na exoyme tis dynatothtes ws xwra, ws koinwnia, ws oikonomia, na antapokrinomaste sta aithmata, ta opoia kaqe fora tiqentai, wste etsi na ejasfalizoyme th symmetoxh mas sthn omada twn xwrwn poy briskontai sthn prwth grammh twn eyrwpaikwn ejelijewn. Gi` ayto, loipon, prepei na synexisoyme entatika thn prospaqeia mas. H symmetoxh mas sthn ONE enisxyei qeamatika th diapragmateytikh qesh ths xwras mas, se oloys toys tomeis, kai sto ejwteriko mas periballon, idiws sthn perioxh twn Balkaniwn.

Oi apofaseis poy lambanoyme shmera kai oi opoies epiloges, opws aytes qa efarmostoyn ta epomena dyo-tria xronia, qa exoyn kaqoristikh shmasia gia thn poreia ths Elladas tis epomenes dekaeties. Shmera oi apofaseis poy lambanoyme @eipwqhke xarakthristika- einai apofaseis me orizonta toylaxiston dekaetias.

O k. Papantwnioy, o opoios elabe to logo, ws basikos eishghths gia to qema ayto, ekane mia istorikh anadromh, oxi ws pros thn politikh prospaqeia ths kybernhshs, alla sth diadikasia poy akoloyqhqhke, me thn aithsh gia thn entajh sthn ONE, stis 9 Martioy. Milhse gia tis ekqeseis ths Eyrwpaikhs Kentrikhs Trapezas kai ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs poy ekdoqhkan stis 3 Maioy, oi opoies, me poly qetiko tropo, sxoliazoyn ta epiteygmata ths ellhnikhs oikonomias. Staqhke sthn apofash toy Symboylioy twn Ypoyrgwn Oikonomikwn, toy ECOFIN, stis 5 Ioynioy, opoy omofwnws oi xwres ths E.E. anagnwrisan tis poly qetikes epidoseis ths ellhnikhs oikonomias. Anaferqhke sto periexomeno ths apofashs, kanontas idiaiterh mneia se dyo fraseis poy perilambanontai: oti ``h Ellada exei ekplhrwsei plhrws oles tis proypoqeseis'' kai gi` ayto ginetai dekth sthn ONE, xwris, dhladh, na tiqentai opoiesdhpote alles proypoqeseis, gi` ayth thn ejelijh. Opws epishs oti ``h Ellada einai se qesh na ajiopoihsei ta pleonekthmata sth zwnh toy EYRW kai exei dhmioyrghsei oles tis proypoqeseis, wste na diasfalisei kai sto mellon staqerothta kai anaptyjh''.

Htan poly epainetikh h ypodoxh poy eixe h ellhnikh ypochfiothta, opws xarakthristika eipwqhke. Malista, me protash toy Galloy Ypoyrgoy k. Fampioys, h symmetoxh ths Elladas sthn EYRWzwnh, apofasisthke na ginei oysiastika eji mhnes prin, stis arxes aytoy toy Ioylioy. Ayto einai ena xarakthristiko stoixeio poy martyra thn empistosynh twn etairwn pros tis dynatothtes ths ellhnikhs oikonomias, thn empistosynh toys gia to oti ayto poy exoyme petyxei, exei staqeres baseis kai qa exei diarkeia kai prooptikh kai den einai kati to peristasiako.

O k. Papantwnioy anaferqhke, epishs, stis dyskolies poy antimetwpisame thn prohgoymenh periodo, menontas idiaitera stis kriseis poy ekdhlwqhkan sthn Apw Anatolh, sth Rwsia, poy ephreasan oles tis xwres kai thn Ellada, ston polemo sto Kossyfopedio kai sto seismo poy egine sthn patrida mas to Septembrio toy 1999. Ayta ta gegonota epibarynan thn prospaqeia mas, dyskolecan thn epiteyjh twn oikonomikwn stoxwn, alla para tayta, katorqwsame na jeperasoyme ola ta empodia kai na fqasoyme sto skopo mas.

Bebaiws, einai epiteygma, opws xarakthristika tonisthke, oti petyxame thn entajh sthn ONE, exontas taytoxrona mia poly shmantikh eklogikh nikh, thn trith kata seira, gia to Kinhma mas. Einai megalh h prosfora toy PASOK @oloi milhsan gia kati tetoio- pros ton topo, afoy to 1993, otan kai pali to PASOK anelabe th diakybernhsh ths xwras, polloi paragontes sto eswteriko, alla kai to ejwteriko, proeblepan oti odhgoymaste se oikonomiko kai koinwniko adiejodo, oti h Ellada htan piqano na odhghqei akomh kai se stash plhrwmwn sto telos toy 1993-arxes toy 1994. Omws, ayth h katastash antimetwpisthke. Exei allajei qeamatika h poreia ths xwras mas, me apotelesma shmera na qewreitai peripoy aytonohto, ayto poy tote fainotan ``apiasto oneiro''.

Oi kateyqynseis ths politikhs mas gia thn epomenh periodo, aforoyn prwta apo ola th dhmosionomikh peiqarxia. Qa prepei h prospaqeia mas gia th meiwsh mexri mhdenismoy twn elleimmatwn, na synexistei to idio entatika. Bebaiws, gnwrizete poly kala oti ta elleimmata diamorfwnontai apo th sxesh, metajy twn forwn, dhladh twn forologikwn esodwn, apo th mia, kai twn dhmosiwn dapanwn apo thn allh. Emeis pisteyoyme oti me to pleonasma poy qa paragoyme, logw toy ychloy ryqmoy anaptyjhs ta epomena xronia, qa exoyme th dynatothta na xrhmatodothsoyme politikes gia na kleisoyme to elleimma, pragma to opoio apaitei poly ligoteres dapanes apo o,ti sto parelqon. Kai bebaiws, na proxwrhsoyme se programmata, prokeimenoy etsi na epityxoyme th beltiwsh ths zwhs twn politwn, antapokrinomenoi taytoxrona sth desmeysh poy analabame, sto plaisio toy stoxoy mas gia thn koinwnikh politikh, na enisxysoyme poly ta koinwnika programmata, sto plaisio ths kybernhtikhs politikhs.

Deytero shmeio, peran ths dhmosionomikhs peiqarxias, einai oi diarqrwtikes allages. Oi diarqrwtikes allages prepei na ginoyn mesa se ena neo periballon, me ajiopoihsh twn newn texnologiwn. Kai bebaiws, gia mas -to exoyme pei, allwste- h asfalistikh metarryqmish einai kaqoristikh. Qa ephreasei ta pragmata, genikotera, opws epishs, oi diarqrwtikes allages se alloys tomeis ths oikonomias mas. Exoyme kanei sxetikes leptomereis anakoinwseis gi` ayto to qema.

H Anaptyjh einai to trito shmeio. Apotelei mia megalh proklhsh. Pisteyoyme oti qa antapokriqoyme ta epomena xronia, giati exoyme kalytero shmeio ekkinhshs, oson afora ta dhmosionomika megeqh, ta elleimmata ta opoia pleon den exoyn to ycos twn prohgoymenwn etwn. Qa proxwrhsoyme stis diarqrwtikes allages gia tis opoies ekana ena sxolio, molis prin. Qa exoyme sth diaqesh mas shmantikoys anaptyjiakoys poroys, idiaiterws apo to G@ K.P.S. Kai bebaiws, qa ajiopoihsoyme tis dynatothtes poy prosferoyn oi nees texnologies gia to skopo ayto.

Mporoyme etsi na elpizoyme oti epitygxanoyme, ta epomena xronia, ena ryqmo anaptyjhs poy jeperna to 5%, fqanei to 5,5%, wste mesa sth 10etia, h opoia hdh jekinhse, na katorqwsoyme thn apolyth sygklish, na petyxoyme dhladh mia apolytws isotimh sxesh me tis alles xwres ths E.E., oson afora to epipedo ths kaqhmerinhs zwhs twn politwn, to biotiko epipedo mas.

-Ayto shmainei ayjhsh twn eisodhmatwn gia oloys toys ergazomenoys.

-Shmainei dhmioyrgia pollwn xiliadwn qesewn apasxolhshs. Exoyme desmeyqei, allwste, gi` ayto.

Kai, bebaiws, shmainei poly shmantikotera posa gia thn askhsh koinwnikhs politikhs, se sxesh me to parelqon.

Oson afora thn Apasxolhsh, to problhma ths anergias einai meizon problhma gia mas. Pragmati, epitygxanontas ayton ton ychlo ryqmo anaptyjhs, proxwrwntas se diarqrwtikes allages, diaqetontas kondylia gia thn epaggelmatikh katartish kai epanekpaideysh twn politwn kai antapokrinomenoi stis proklhseis twn ejelijewn sthn agora, me nees morfes ergasies, gia perissoterh eyelijia, opws allwste problepetai sto sxetiko nomiko plaisio poy isxyei sth xwra mas, mporoyme na epityxoyme ta epomena xronia, th dhmioyrgia pollwn xiliadwn qesewn apasxolhshs.

Oson afora to Koinwniko Kratos -poy h enisxysh toy apotelei epilogh mas- h anaptyjh ths ellhnikhs oikonomias einai ayth h opoia apotelei th staqeroterh bash gia na epityxoyme ayto to stoxo. Se ligoys mhnes -hdh exoyn jekinhsei oi sxetikes syzhthseis, sto plaisio ths kybernhshs- qa eimaste etoimoi na proxwrhsoyme stis aparaithtes metarryqmiseis, sto xwro ths Ygeias kai to xwro ths Paideias. Metarryqmiseis tis opoies mporoyme na xrhmatodothsoyme, prokeimenoy etsi na beltiwsoyme to epipedo twn parexomenwn yphresiwn ygeias, alla kai to epipedo ekpaideyshs twn newn Ellhnwn.

Oson afora tis praktikes dyskolies poy prepei na antimetwpisoyme, tis anagkaies prosarmoges poy prepei na kanoyme sto neo nomismatiko mhxanismo o opoios dhmioyrgeitai, exei katartistei sxetiko nomosxedio, to opoio qa katateqei syntomotata sth Boylh twn Ellhnwn, me to opoio lambanetai seira metrwn, prokeimenoy na prosarmostoyme sto neo systhma. Qa ginoyn diafores en eidei askhsewn proseggiseis sto qema ayto, prosomoiwseis, prokeimenoy thn katallhlh stigmh na eimaste apolytws etoimoi, opws oi alles xwres ths Eyrwphs. Apo thn 1.1.2001, apo ton epomeno Ianoyario dhladh, stis synallages xondrikhs kai se logistiko epipedo, to EYRW qa exei teqei se xrhsh, se kaqhmerinh bash. Apo ton Ianoyario, de, toy 2002, to EYRW qa xrhsimopoieitai kai sth fysikh morfh toy, pleon, gia oles tis synallages mas.

Oi synadelfoi oi opoioi elaban to logo, anaferqhkan se ayta ta qemata. Den mpainw se perissoteres leptomereies. Asfalws, peran ths oikonomikhs sygklishs thn opoia petyxame apolytws, exoyme shmantikh beltiwsh kai ston tomea ths pragmatikhs koinwnikhs sygklishs, afoy eixame se sxesh me tis alles xwres ths E.E. enan ychlotero ryqmo anaptyjhs ta xronia poy perasan, opws eixame epishs, mia shmantikh beltiwsh toy biotikoy epipedoy twn Ellhnwn, apo to 63% sto 70% toy koinotikoy mesoy oroy. Pantws, oloi oi synadelfoi dhlwsan oti prepei na proxwrhsoyme me taxyteroys ryqmoys.

Kai bebaiws, eipwqhke akomh oti exoyme epityxei ola ta krithria, opws kai ayto gia to dhmosio xreos. To dhmosio xreos, omws, sthn patrida mas paramenei se ychla epipeda, opws kai se kapoies alles xwres ths E.E. Qa prepei ston tomea ayto na epityxoyme poly shmantika apotelesmata thn epomenh periodo, giati einai megalh h apostash poy xwrizei to epipedo sto opoio kineitai to megeqos ayto gia th xwra mas, se sxesh me to epipedo sto opoio kineitai to dhmosio xreos se alles xwres ths Eyrwphs, stis perissoteres toylaxiston.

Diapistwqhke apo oloys toys synadelfoys oti ayto to opoio petyxame, apotelei th bash, prokeimenoy h Ellada ta epomena xronia na enisxysei th qesh ths dieqnws, th bash gia na beltiwsoyme thn kaqhmerinh zwh twn politwn. Omws, ayto poy exei shmasia einai na akoloyqhsoyme tis katallhles politikes, apo edw kai pera, wste h Ellada na einai ston pyrhna, sthn prwth omada twn xwrwn, kaqe fora poy qa dhmioyrgeitai, endexomenws, mia tetoia prwth omada sto synolo twn xwrwn ths E.E. Kai ayto den qa einai apotelesma kapoiwn apofasewn poy qa katoxyrwnoyn qesmika thn isotimh paroysia kai sylleitoyrgia twn xwrwn se ena organo, alla qa einai kyriws apotelesma ths dikhs mas prospaqeias, poy qa katasthsei thn Ellada mia xwra, h opoia qa mporei me ikanopoihtiko, qetiko tropo, na dinei apanthsh, se opoio qema kaleitai na apanthsei h E.E. Dhmioyrgeitai ena neo periballon kai apaitoyntai apo oloys mas nees nootropies kai proseggiseis sthn epoxh ths neas oikonomias, ths koinwnias ths plhroforias.

Sto kleisimo ths synedriashs -mias kai miloyme gia thn peraiterw prospaqeia gia ton eksygxronismo kai thn anaptyjh ths xwras mas, me th synakoloyqh anagkh na proxwrhsoyme se rhjeis me katesthmenes nootropies kai thn paqologia toy parelqontos- anaferqhkame sto qema toy Koyroyphtoy, poy gia polla xronia talaipwrei thn Ellada. Prepei na sas pw oti gia to qema ayto to Dikasthrio twn Eyrwpaikwn Koinothtwn exei ekdwsei apofash na epibalei xrhmatiko prostimo sthn Ellada, to opoio einai shmantiko, an den symmorfwqei h xwra mas. Gia to qema ayto, poy afora th dhmioyrgia enos xwroy ygeionomikhs apoqeshs twn aporrimmatwn, sto nomo Xaniwn ths Krhths, proxwroyme sthn kataqesh mias prajhs nomoqetikoy periexomenoy, h opoia qa kyrwqei, opws problepei o Kanonismos ths Boylhs, apo thn Olomeleia ths Boylhs, entos triwn mhnwn.

Prepei na sas pw oti o Koyroyphtos einai o xwros, opoy riptontai ta aporrimmata ths perioxhs. Enas xwros ekteqeimenos, dhmioyrgei terastia problhmata kai gia th dhmosia ygeia. H E.E. exei, kat` epanalhch, epishmanei thn anagkh na antimetwpisei to qema h xwra mas. To YPEXWDE, edw kai polla xronia, exei katartisei seira meletwn -perissoteres apo 50- exei dapanhsei ekatontades ekatommyria gi` aytes tis meletes. Dystyxws, omws, h antidrash topikwn forewn kai paragontwn exei katasthsei, mexri twra, anapotelesmatikh kaqe sxetikh prospaqeia mas. Proxwroyme -kai ayto problepetai sthn prajh nomoqetikoy periexomenoy, thn opoia omofwnws apofasise to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio- sth dhmioyrgia enos xwroy ygeionomikhs apoqeshs twn aporrimmatwn sthn Korakia, toy dhmoy Akrwthrioy, toy nomoy Xaniwn. Opws kai sth dhmioyrgia mias monadas anakyklwshs sthn idia perioxh kai epishs mias monadas sympieshs, dematopoihshs kai apoqhkeyshs twn aporrimmatwn, poy qa ginei sto Mesomoyri toy idioy Dhmoy.

Ta anaferw ayta, giati prepei na sas pw oti apo tis 4 Ioylioy, h xwra mas qa einai ypoxrewmenh na plhrwnei oktw ekatommyria draxmes, kaqe hmera, an h katastash parameinei ws exei shmera. Den einai dynaton kapoioi na antidroyn, na ekqetoyn thn Ellada kai na dhmioyrgoyn tetoioy eidoys problhmata, poly perissotero otan h texnologia kai h dikh mas boylhsh, afoy diaqetoyme xrhmata kai exoyme ekponhsei tis analoges meletes, problepoyn lyseis sto problhma ayto poy anabaqmizei, se teleytaia analysh, kai thn poiothta zwhs twn katoikwn sthn perioxh.

Shmera, to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio, sth qesh toy paraithqentos dioikhth toy OGA Spyroy Giannopoyloy, orise ws neo dioikhth ton k. Gewrgio Moytsopoylo, prwhn Geniko Grammatea Perifereias Dytikhs Elladas kai prwhn Geniko Grammatea toy ypoyrgeioy Ygeias.

Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

EYSTAQIOY: Kyrie Ypoyrge, apasxolei thn kybernhsh h kontra poy jespase sto xwro toy Typoy kai jekina, fainetai, me megalyterh entash me to enqeto ths ``ELEYQEROTYPIAS'' shmera;

REPPAS: Den afora thn kybernhsh o tropos me ton opoio epixeirhmatikoi foreis proballoyn tis qeseis toys h diekdikoyn ta symferonta toys. Poly perissotero, otan organa ths Dikaiosynhs exoyn epilhfqei aytwn twn qematwn. Einai ena qema, sto opoio den exei opoiadhpote emplokh h kybernhsh.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Ayto to qema to syzhthsan shmera sto Ypoyrgiko Symboylio;

REPPAS: Kamia syzhthsh. Den afora thn kybernhsh. Hmoyn safhs s` ayto poy eipa. Otan lew oti den afora thn kybernhsh, antilambaneste pws ena qema poy den afora thn kybernhsh, den einai dynato na apotelei antikeimeno syzhthshs sto plaisio toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy.

STAMATOPOYLOS: O Prwqypoyrgos to syzhthse, xqes to brady me ta kommatika toy stelexh;

REPPAS: Den egine opoiadhpote syzhthsh se opoiodhpote epipedo, kybernhtiko h kommatiko, gi ayto to qema. Giati tetoio qema den apasxolei, den afora thn kybernhsh.

STAMATOPOYLOS: O k. Papantwnioy eipe oti kapoioi ton ``piesan'' gia thn Emporikh Trapeza. Poioi einai aytoi poy ton piesan;

REPPAS: O k. Papantwnioy exei dwsei apanthseis sto erwthma sas. Kai nomizw oti den xreiazetai na ermhneyoyme ayta poy leei o k. Papantwnioy. O idios exei milhsei prwtogenws kai ayqentika.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Gia ``ekbiasmo'' k. Ypoyrge;

REPPAS: Apanthsa k. Stamatopoyle.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Oxi, den apanthsate, eipate oti exei apanthsei o k. Papantwnioy.

REPPAS: Sthn idia erwthsh exei apanthsei o k. Papantwnioy, thn opoia prosypografw.

MPOTWNHS: O k. Benizelos kai h ka Papandreoy, xqes, sth synedriash toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy@

REPPAS: Mh syzhtoyme, omws, edw gia ta ths synedriashs toy E.G. toy PASOK.

MPOTWNHS: Me aformh ayto, rwtw ean yparxei diafwnia, gia ton tropo poy xeirizetai h kybernhsh to qema twn taytothtwn.

REPPAS: Gnwrizete poly kala, oti kaqoson afora thn kybernhsh, oi xeirismoi poy exoyn ginei exoyn tyxei ths egkrishs toy Prwqypoyrgoy kai olwn twn ypoyrgwn. H kybernhsh exei omofwnh qesh epi aytoy toy qematos kai oson afora thn oysia kai oson afora ta diadikastika qemata.

ANTYPAS: Eipate oti gia to koinwniko kratos einai epilogh ths Kybernhshs, oti se ligoys mhnes, qa exoyme metarryqmiseis sto xwro ths Ygeias kai Paideias. Sthn Paideia ti qa exoyme;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete poly kala oti sto xwro ths Paideias, sto plaisio ths ekpaideytikhs metarryqmishs, exoyme pei oti h idia h didaktikh prajh einai ayth, h opoia qa mas deijei poies einai oi allages stis opoies prepei na proxwrhsoyme. Oi allages aytes, oi opoies mporei na xarakthristoyn ws beltiwseis ths metarryqmishs poy exei teqei se efarmogh, apasxoloyn thn kybernhsh. Exoyme epilejei -einai omofwnh apofash toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy, exei lhfqei se palaioterh synedriash toy- me dapanes toy G@ Koinotikoy Plaisioy Sthrijhs, na proxwrhsoyme sthn anabaqmish twn spoydwn sthn Ellada. Na anabaqmisoyme to ekpaideytiko mas systhma. Peri aytoy prokeitai.

TAKHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, shmera ekdikazetai h prosfygh gia thn perioysia toy tews. H k. Papazwh eixe pei pws an h apofash einai qetikh gia ton Kwnstantino, h kybernhsh, to ellhniko kratos, qa zhthsei toys tokoys poy einai peripoy 186 disekatommyria kai o Kwnstantinos apanthse oti: ``Am moy xrwstane, am moy zhtane na plhrwsw kiolas''. Poio einai to sxolio sas;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete poly kala oti einai se ejelijh ayth h diadikasia. Den einai dynato na emplakoyme, estw kai me sxoliasmo ayths ths diadikasias.

TAKHS: Nai, alla yparxei mia dhlwsh.

REPPAS: Qa meinete sth dhlwsh poy ekane h ypoyrgos k. Papazwh.

TAKHS: Oxi, qelw ena sxolio gia th dhlwsh toy Kwnstantinoy.

REPPAS: Ma, ekane sxolio h k. Papazwh gi ayto to qema.

TAKHS: Einai apanthsh sthn k. Papazwh, h dhlwsh toy Kwnstantinoy.

REPPAS: H kybernhsh den parembainei se ayth th dikastikh diadikasia. Kai den prokeitai na mpei se dialogo me ton Kwnstantino Glyjmpoyrgk gi ayto to qema. Den prokeitai na laboyme qesh, opws stelexos ths N.D., to opoio zhthse kata tropo -qa moy epitrecete na pw- anepitrepto, na katabalei to Ellhniko Dhmosio 100 disekatommyria draxmes ston tews, prin kan ekdoqei h apofash toy Dikasthrioy.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Eipate oti den syzhthse kaqoloy o Prwqypoyrgos to qema gia ta symferonta kai ta ekdotika. Diaceydete oti eipe, xqes to brady, oti ``den sygkybername me kanenan, oyte me thn Ekklhsia, oyte me epixeirhmatika symferonta, oyte me ekdotika symferonta'';

REPPAS: Den qa sxoliasw otidhpote afora th synedriash toy E.G. , sthn opoia den hmoyn parwn kai den exw ejoysiodothsh na milw ek meroys twn melwn toy E.G. Den apotelese, pantws -ayto mporw na sas to pw- antikeimeno syzhthshs se opoiodhpote epipedo.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Giati ta eipe tote ayta, afoy den to syzhthsate; Toy hrqe etsi jafnika;

REPPAS: Ma, ayth einai mia qesh arxhs thn opoia o kaqenas, ana pasa stigmh, mporei na epanalabei. Ayto den shmainei oti egine syzhthsh kai oti einai h ejagwgh h h synoch kapoiwn symperasmatwn.

STAMATOPOYLOS: To leei synexeia, dhladh, o Prwqypoyrgos ayto;

REPPAS: Einai gnwsth h qesh ths kybernhshs. Eseis, bebaiws, exete logoys na antilambaneste ta pragmata me ayto ton tropo. Katanohtoi oi logoi, alla den einai anagkh na symfwnhsoyme. Kaqenas exei tis dikes toy anagkes kai proteraiothtes. Alles eseis, alles emeis.

EYSTAQIOY: Yparxei kapoia apanthsh ston Oikoymeniko Patriarxh, sthn epistolh poy esteile, xqes, ston Prwqypoyrgo, zhtwntas na epideijei egnwsmenh synesh gia to qema twn taytothtwn;

REPPAS: O Prwqypoyrgos, pragmati, elabe proxqes epistolh apo ton Oikoymeniko Patriarxh, poy afora to qema ths anagrafhs h mh toy qrhskeymatos stis astynomikes taytothtes. O Prwqypoyrgos qa apanthsei dia ths diplwmatikhs odoy ston Panagiotato. Sthn epistolh toy ayth, metajy twn allwn, o Prwqypoyrgos -mporw na pw ayth thn wra- epanalambanei pws o sebasmos twn nomwn, h isopoliteia kai isotimia, apoteloyn th bash gia thn omocyxia toy laoy mas.

MOYRTZHS: Dexeste oti apotelei paqogeneia toy politikoy mas systhmatos, ayth h allhlloejarthsh, h diaplokh ths politikhs ejoysias me epixeirhmaties, ws genikh arxh.

REPPAS: Pairnete, ws dedomeno, gia na kanete thn erwthsh sas, kati poy egw den dexomai. Gnwrizete poly kala oti oles oi epiloges ths kybernhshs eginan me gnwmona to eqniko kai dhmosio symferon. Efoson, kapoioi qewroyn oti qigontai ta symferonta toys, mporoyn na ajiopoihsoyn th diadikasia poy to Syntagma kai oi nomoi toy kratoys mas problepoyn, na katafygoyn sta Dikasthria kai na epityxoyn thn ekdosh sxetikwn apofasewn poy qa toys ikanopoioyn. Den gnwrizw, bebaiws, ean ayto qa to epityxoyn. Alla, ayto den afora thn kybernhsh. Afora mia anejarthth ejoysia, opws einai h Dikaiosynh.

MOYRTZHS: Den proswpopoiw to qema. Den afora thn kybernhsh. Afora ola ta kommata. Dhladh, exei eipwqei xiliades fores oti yparxoyn epixeirhmaties poy elegxoyn koinoboyleytikes omades poy diapernoyn akomh kai ta kommatika synora.

REPPAS: Opoios probainei se tetoies diapistwseis qa prepei na exei kanei prin thn analogh tekmhriwsh. Kai efoson yparxoyn tetoia stoixeia, tote pragmatika, mporoyme na milame gia mia ektroph apo th fysiologia toy dhmokratikoy politeymatos. Ayto, omws, einai mia qewria. Kata ta alla, h kybernhsh einai ayth poy anadeiknyetai me thn chfo toy ellhnikoy laoy kai sto plaisio ths laikhs kyriarxias askei ta kaqhkonta ths, symfwna, bebaiws, me to Syntagma kai toys nomoys. Apo kai pera, den qa sygkybernhsei, oyte me thn Ekklhsia, oyte me oikonomika kai epixeirhmatika kentra, oyte me foreis ektos Elladas. H kybernhsh exei laikh entolh. H sygkekrimenh kybernhsh exei, malista, nwph th laikh entolh kai me gnwmona to eqniko kai dhmosio symferon askei ta kaqhkonta ths. Tipota allo.

GARGALAKOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, shmera o Proedros ths Boylhs eipe oti enas pyrhnas ths Ekklhsias epixeirei allagh toy roloy ths, epizhtei ena rolo kosmiko, oti h protash poy egine mesa sthn Ierarxia na zhthsoyn thn paraithsh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias einai proklhsh kata toy dhmokratikoy politeymatos kai alla polla. Me ayto to pneyma twn dhlwsewn toy k. Kaklamanh symfwnei h kybernhsh;

REPPAS: Prwta ap ola gnwrizete oti den sxoliazoyme pote tis dhlwseis toy Proedroy ths Boylhs. Mporw na pw mono oti to kyros kai h ajia toy logoy toy Proedroy ths Boylhs exoyn anagnwristei apo oloys mas. Kata ta alla, qa moy epitrecete, me aformh thn erwthsh sas, enocei ths sygkentrwshs poy organwnei shmera h Ierarxia ths Ekklhsias ths Elladas, na pw toyto kai mono toyto: Sthn Ellada den diwketai to fronhma. Oi polites kai oi foreis einai eleyqeroi na diadhlwnoyn tis apoceis toys. O tropos, omws, me ton opoio ekdhlwnei kaqenas to fronhma toy h diadidei tis apoceis toy, prepei na einai symfwnos me ta pneymatika, koinwnika, ylika kai qesmika stoixeia poy sygkrotoyn to xarakthra toy sygkekrimenoy forea. Ayto kai mono pisteyw oti einai arketo gia na mas odhghsei se ena symperasma. O tropos, me ton opoio proetoimazetai h shmerinh sygkentrwsh, exei ola ta xarakthristika mias politikhs kinhtopoihshs. Kai qewroyme pws ayto den synadei me ton pneymatiko kai koinwniko rolo ths Ekklhsias.

Sas eyxaristw.

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