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Greek Government Press Briefing, 00-06-13

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 13 Ioynioy 2000



Geia sas.

Einai se ejelijh h synedriash ths diypoyrgikhs epitrophs, ypo ton Prwqypoyrgo, gia qemata poy aforoyn th diorganwsh ths Olympiadas toy 2004. Shmera, oi ypoyrgoi qa syzhthsoyn ta sxetika me th xrhmatodothsh problhmata ths Olympiadas, opws epishs ta erga poy prepei na ginoyn gia thn anaplash twn aktwn opoy qa filojenhqoyn olympiaka aqlhmata.

Prepei na sas anakoinwsw, epishs, oti exei ypografei koinh ypoyrgikh apofash. Prokeitai na ekdoqei, loipon, h legomenh ``epikhryjh''. To poson to opoio problepetai sth sygkekrimenh periptwsh einai 1 disekatommyrio draxmes gia opoion qa parasxei eparkeis plhrofories, prokeimenoy na odhghqoyme ston entopismo kai th syllhch twn dolofonwn tromokratwn.

Ayta apo thn pleyra moy. Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

MPOTWNHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, yparxei ena dhmosieyma sto periodiko ``TIME'', to opoio afhnei na ennohqei oti h Ellada den mporei na diorganwsei Olympiakoys Agwnes kai to syndeei me to teleytaio ktyphma ths 17N. Epeidh ayto to qema mpainei kai janampainei, kai malista pio entona twra, exete kapoio sxolio;

REPPAS: Diaforoi ``kaloqelhtes'' qewroyn oti h Ellada exei perielqei se mia tetoia katastash, wste na dyskoleyetai na diorganwsei thn Olympiada toy 2004. Kata kairoys diatypwnontai kathgories, me aformh diafora qemata. To teleytaio qema to opoio proekyce einai ayto toy tromokratikoy ktyphmatos, poy dinei thn eykairia se kapoioys, prokateilhmmenoys arnhtika kata ths xwras mas, na amfisbhtoyn th dynatothta mas na oloklhrwsoyme thn Olympiada toy 2004. Exw pei kai se allh eykairia, oti ayth h sysxetish einai adikaiologhth. H Olympiada toy 2004 qa diejaxqei se synqhkes apolyths asfaleias. H xwra mas proetoimazetai katallhlws gia na to petyxei ayto. Sas qymizw oti kai sto parelqon, kata th diejagwgh Olympiadwn, yphrjan tromokratika ktyphmata, se xwres poy ypotiqetai oti eixan ejasfalisei ychles synqhkes asfaleias, se olh thn periodo, poly perissotero kata th diarkeia diejagwghs twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn. As mh diatypwnontai, loipon, tetoioy eidoys kathgories. Tetoia dhmosieymata den jerw apo poioys grafontai, jerw omws ti einai ayto to opoio epidiwketai mesw twn dhmosieymatwn.

Emeis den qa parakoloyqhsoyme ayth thn ``gkriza'' kathgoria. Emeis proetoimazomaste gia na diorganwsoyme mia artia Olympiada.

MIXAHL: Pws ejhgeite mia antifash poy yparxei, ayth th stigmh, apo thn amerikanikh pleyra; O k. Mpremer kai olh ayth h parea toy ekei pera, synexizoyn akaqektoi tis kataggelies enantion ths Elladas. Malista, kai o prwhn arxhgos ths CIA poy ekane kai ekeinh thn peribohth synenteyjh sto ``Pontiki'' leei oti ``an qeloyn stoixeia, as apeyqynqoyn sto Steit Ntipartment kai sth CIA, epishmws''. Kai epimenei stis kataggelies toy. Apo thn allh meria, h k. Olmprait kai h epishmh amerikanikh pleyra, na to pw etsi, kratane mia metriopaqesterh stash. Pws ejhgeite ayth th diglwssia, na to pw etsi, poy yparxei peran toy Atlantikoy;

REPPAS: Milw ek meroys ths kybernhshs kai gnwrizw poia einai h qesh poy exoyn ekfrasei ta stelexh ths amerikanikhs kybernhshs. Oi alloi, stoys opoioys anaferqhkate, gnwrizete oti den einai melh ths kybernhshs. Mporei na exoyn tis dikes toys apoceis. Apantwntas palaiotera se sxetikh erwthsh, kapoioys apo aytoys toys eixa xarakthrisei monomaneis. An gnwrizoyn otidhpote, to opoio mporei na symbalei sto na jeperasoyme ta problhmata, tis kaqysterhseis, thn anapotelesmatikothta, thn opoia paradexomai oti mexri twra exoyme epideijei, mporoyn ki aytoi, kataqetontas ta stoixeia ta opoia lene oti gnwrizoyn, na mas bohqhsoyn na petyxoyme ton koino stoxo: na ejarqrwsoyme thn tromokratia. Alla, elpizw na ajiopoihsoyn ayth thn eykairia kai na milhsoyn egkyrws kai ypeyqynws. Na kataqesoyn o,ti sxetiko gnwrizoyn. Kata ta alla, h diadikasia ayth, toy na diatypwnoyn dhladh tetoioy eidoys kathgories kata ths Elladas, oxi mono den odhgei sto na epityxoyme to skopo mas, antiqetws, blaptei -qa elega- thn koinh prospaqeia poy kataballoyme -oi armodies yphresies twn dyo xwrwn, dhladh- gia na ejaleicoyme ayth th drasthriothta. Th blaptoyn ayth thn prospaqeia, giati dhmioyrgoyn mia sygxysh kai skiazoyn th metajy mas synergasia. Kalo qa einai, loipon, na stamathsoyn aytoy toy eidoys th drasthriothta.

KARAMPASHS: Apo poies xwres h etairies yparxei ekdhlwsh endiaferontos, wste na oristei kapoios ws symboylos asfaleias sth xwra mas kai poio poso einai ayto poy qa doqei;

REPPAS: Exei dwsei sxetikes apanthseis se analoga erwthmata o ypoyrgos Dhmosias Tajhs. To poso anerxetai peripoy sto ycos toy enos disekatommyrioy draxmwn gia thn kalych ths amoibhs enos symboyloy, o opoios qa proslhfqei ws symboylos twn ellhnikwn armodiwn yphresiwn, prokeimenoy na diasfalisoyme th diejagwgh ths Olympiadas kata tropo o opoios qa kanei tis synqhkes apolytws asfaleis. Alla, den exei arxisei ayth h diadikasia, wste na gnwrizoyme poioi einai aytoi oi opoioi ekdhlwnoyn h prokeitai na ekdhlwsoyn endiaferon. Den qewroyme, omws, oti einai ayto stoixeio, to opoio ws kinhtro, ws afethria, mporei na odhghsei kapoioys na diatypwnoyn kakopistes kritikes kata ths Elladas h na analambanoyn prwtoboylies, oi opoies oysiastika strefontai enantion ths xwras mas, me aformh to teleytaio tromokratiko xtyphma. Qewroyme, dhladh, oti to antikeimeno ayto einai jexwro. Kai en pash periptwsei, to oikonomiko toy megeqos den einai tetoio poy na dikaiologei tetoioy eidoys draseis apo thn pleyra kyklwn ektos Elladas.

MPEKAS: Yparxoyn endeijeis kai apodeijeis oti, pera apo th symparatajh ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs sthn ayrianh laosynajh ths Qessalonikhs, yparxei kai taytish. Pws to sxoliazete ayto;

REPPAS: H Nea Dhmokratia einai ena politiko komma, me to opoio epiqymoyme na exoyme anoikto diaylo epikoinwnias gia ta megala qemata ths xwras, sto plaisio ths politikhs antiparaqeshs, ths epoikodomhtikhs kritikhs kai ths synqeshs twn apocewn. H Ekklhsia, h ierarxia, oi foreis ths Ekklhsias den einai politiko kinhma kai den mporei na antimetwpizontai apo th dikh mas pleyra me tetoio tropo, opws antimetwpizoyme, dhladh, ta alla politika kommata. An yparxei sympleysh -thn opoia egw den gnwrizw ayth thn wra, giati den exw sth diaqesh moy ta analoga stoixeia- qewrw oti einai anepitrepto. Thn katakrinw ayth th symprajh giati pisteyw oti alloiwnei to xarakthra poy prepei na diepei th leitoyrgia ths Ekklhsias. Kai, bebaiws, deixnei oti h ajiwmatikh antipoliteysh endidei se kapoioys peirasmoys, mono kai mono gia mikrokommatikoys skopoys kai ayto den epitrepetai na ginetai.

BITALHS: Anaforika me to aithma dikastikhs syndromhs poy qetei h ellhnikh pleyra gia na kataqesei o k. Goylsei, blepete na yparxei diaqesh apo thn kybernhsh twn HPA, na sthrijei ayto to aithma;

REPPAS: H diadikasia einai se ejelijh. Diatypwqhke, kat` arxas, to aithma apo th dikh mas pleyra, eite na metabei stis HPA Ellhnas dikastikos leitoyrgos kai na labei sxetikh kataqesh, eite na klhqei sthn Ellada kai na kataqesei o en logw ajiwmatoyxos. Den exoyme thn epishmh antidrash apo thn pleyra twn HPA. Einai prowro, loipon, na proboyme se opoiadhpote antidrash twra.

KARAMPASHS: Epeidh sto Xrhmatisthrio synexizontai kapoia ``paixnidia'', mhpws exete kapoio sxolio;

REPPAS: Kanena sxolio gia th leitoyrgia toy Xrhmatisthrioy.

Sas eyxaristw poly.

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