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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-28

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE 28/01/2001 To Kypriako, o proxqesinos seismos sthn India kai o megalos ariqmos qymatwn poy prokalese, oi eswkommatikes diergasies gia ton katartismo twn chfodeltiwn enocei twn boyleytikwn eklogwn, h ekklhsiastikh krish kai to paraskhnio ths diadoxhs ston arxiepiskopiko qrono, to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias kai h piqanothta emfanishs kai sthn Kypro kroysmatos ths nosoy twn trelwn ageladwn einai merika apo ta qemata twn shmerinwn kypriakwn efhmeridwn.

H "Alhqeia", sto kyrio qema me titlo "15.000 oi nekroi apo to seismo sthn India", anaferetai ston proxqesino megalo seismo poy eplhje to kratidio Gkoyzarat, sth dytikh India, anaferontas oti o synolikos ariqmos twn nekrwn jeperna tis 15 xiliades, enw sthn polh Mproyz exoyn tafei zwntana 400 paidia sta ereipia sxoleioy. Polles xwres, anaferei h efhmerida, exoyn hdh aposteilei swstika synergeia kai allhs morfhs bohqeia. Se allh qesh dhmosieyei synenteyjh toy Ellhna Presbh sth Leykwsia, Xristoy Panagopoyloy, o opoios anamesa se alla dhlwnei pws h Ellada den qa epitrecei th dieyrynsh ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs xwris thn Kypro.

H "Maxh", katw apo ton titlo "Ayjanontai oi syntajeis", grafei se prwtoselido qema oti o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Glaykos Klhridhs, qetontas se amesh proteraiothta thn ayjhsh twn syntajewn gia anakoyfish twn hlikiwmenwn kai anabaqmish ths poiothtas zwhs toys, edwse odhgies sta armodia Ypoyrgeia na proxwrhsoyn taxista sthn etoimasia twn sxetikwn meletwn kai nomosxediwn. Se allo qema grafei oti to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias, opws prokyptei apo ta apotelesmata paraskhniakwn diaboyleysewn anamesa stoys emplekomenoys foreis kai ta kommata, "odeyei pros chfish xwris tympanokroysies".

O "Poliths", me ton titlo "Kai sto baqos Nikhforos", grafei sto kyrio qema oti h prosfath ekklhsiastikh krish fainetai oti ektonwnetai, alla anamenetai "anazwpyrwsh" ths kata th sygklhsh ths Ieras Synodoy ths 12hs Febroyarioy, opote qa teqei to qema twn kathgoriwn poy eixan diatypwqei enantion toy Mhtropolith Pafoy Xrysostomoy kai toy Xwrepiskopoy Arsinohs Gewrgioy gia synwmosia. Ayta, symfwna me thn efhmerida, ginontai gia th diasfalish isorropiwn enocei ths diadoxhs toy Arxiepiskopoy Xrysostomoy, enw fainetai oti prowqeitai gia to skopo ayto o Hgoymenos Kykkoy Nikhforos. Se allo qema grafei gia tria piqana senaria poy prowqoyntai apo jenoys diplwmatikoys kykloys gia synexish twn synomiliwn pros epilysh toy Kypriakoy.

H "Shmerinh", sto kyrio qema me titlo "Kleisth porta", grafei oti meta thn egkatastash toy neoy Amerikanoy Proedroy Tzortz Mpoys sto Leyko Oiko, oi Repoymplikanoi kratoyn kleisth thn porta ston Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn ths Elladas, Giwrgo Papandreoy, deixnontas etsi th dysareskeia toys gia thn yposthrijh poy aytos pareixe ston ypochfio twn dhmokratikwn, Al Gkor. Allh eidhsh einai h piqanothta emfanishs ths nosoy twn trelwn ageladwn se Kypria asqenh, kati poy odhghse to boyleyth toy AKEL, Takh Xatzhgewrgioy, na zhthsei apo ton Proedro ths Epitrophs Ygeias ths Boylhs, Andrea Parisino, opws eggracei to qema pros syzhthsh kai kalesei oles tis armodies yphresies na proselqoyn gia na enhmerwsoyn ta melh ths Epitrophs.

"O Fileleyqeros" sto kyrio qema, me titlo "Belgiko sxedio lysews", grafei oti stoixeia, poy synistoyn ena oloklhrwmeno sxedio lyshs toy Kypriakoy paroysiasqhkan sthn prosfath syskech stis Bryjelles poy organwse to belgiko Ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn kai symmeteixan oi mesolabhtes sto Kypriako. Se allo dhmosieyma h efhmerida grafei oti epidhmikes iwseis basanizoyn ayto ton kairo mikroys kai megaloys, logw twn astatwn kairikwn synqhkwn kai idiaitera logw ths xamhlhs qermokrasias kai grafei oti prokeitai gia iwseis toy anwteroy anapneystikoy systhmatos, gastrenteritides kai ojeies meses wtitides.

H "Xaraygh", sto kyrio qema me titlo "Se tentwmeno sxoini", grafei oti h deinh qesh sthn opoia exei perielqei o DHSY, me tis eswkommatikes erides na ojynontai kai thn apoysia synennohshs kai epikoinwnias me to Proedriko, anagkazei ton Proedro toy DHSY Niko Anastasiadh na teinei xeira filias pros dynameis me tis opoies sto parelqon eixe breqei antimetwpos kai symfwna me phges ths "X", o k. Anastasiadhs piezei ton Giannakh Matsh na einai ypochfios h na energopoihqei ston proeklogiko agwna. Alloy anaferetai sto xqesino Pagkyprio Synedrio toy KEA, kata to opoio, o Proedros toy Antwnhs Pasxalidhs askhse sfodrh kritikh sthn kybernhsh.

H agglofwnh efhmerida "Sunday Mail" anaferetai sto kyrio ths qema ston katastrofiko seismo sthn India poy eixe ws apotelesma na xasoyn th zwh toys peran twn 15 xiliadwn anqrwpwn. Se allo dhmosieyma, h efhmerida anaferei oti xqes o Proedros Klhridhs anakoinwse apofash poy elabe to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio kai poy afora thn paraxwrhsh kondylioy ycoys 222 ekatommyriwn lirwn me stoxo thn agrotikh anaptyjh, gia ta epomena pente xronia, kati poy apotelei megalh ayjhsh, se sygkrish me ta posa poy doqhkan gia to skopo ayto kata thn periodo metajy 1993 kai 2000.


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