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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-27

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE - 27/1/2001 H eidhsh gia thn yparjh koitasmatwn petrelaioy kai fysikoy aerioy sth qalassia perioxh konta stis kypriakes aktes kai oi endokommatikes diergasies enocei twn boyleytikwn eklogwn kyriarxoyn sta shmerina prwtoselida twn kypriakwn efhmeridwn. Oi ejelijeis sto Kypriako, to qema twn agnooymenwn toy 1974, h xrhmatisthriakh agora, to problhma me th diadosh twn narkwtikwn sthn kypriakh koinwnia kai to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias einai merika apo ta ypoloipa qemata toy kypriakoy Typoy.

H "Alhqeia", sto kyrio qema me titlo "Petrelaioparagwgos h Kypros", grafei oti exoyn entopisqei megala apoqemata petrelaioy kai fysikoy aerioy sth notioanatolikh Mesogeio kai oti h Kypros proxwrei se sxediasmo gia diasfalish twn symferontwn ths, enw ekdhlwnetai kai entono endiaferon apo amerikanikes etaireies. Se allo qema grafei gia kypriako diabhma pros th Gioygkoslabia gia tis dhlwseis toy Dioikhth ths Kentrikhs Trapezas ths xwras ayths, Mlantza Ntinkitz, oti h Kypros, h Ellada kai h Elbetia arnoyntai na dwsoyn stoixeia gia dhqen "mystikoys" trapezikoys logariasmoys toy Milosebits kai allwn prwhn ajiwmatoyxwn ths gioygkoslabikhs kybernhshs.

H "Maxh", katw apo ton titlo "Parembash Anan", grafei sthn prwth selida oti kata th xqesinh toy synanthsh me ton Eidiko Symboylo toy Genikoy Grammatea toy OHE gia to Kypriako Albaro nte Soto, o Proedros Klhridhs katesthse safes oti h E/k pleyra den prokeitai na dexqei allagh ths diadikasias twn synomiliwn gia epilysh toy Kypriakoy kai zhthse opws o Genikos Grammateas toy OHE Kofi Anan kaqorisei nea hmeromhnia synexishs twn ek toy syneggys synomiliwn. Alloy grafei gia tis kaqhsyxastikes dhlwseis toy Dieyqynth Kthniatrikwn Yphresiwn Payloy Oikonomidh oti to kypriako xoirino kreas einai elegmeno kai katallhlo gia katanalwsh.

Ston "Polith" prwtoselido qema einai oi endokommatikes diergasies enocei twn boyleytikwn eklogwn kai, katw apo ton titlo "Apokefalizoyn ton Mhtsopoylo", grafei oti eji stelexh toy Dhmokratikoy Synagermoy, poy protiqentai na katelqoyn stis ekloges ws ypochfioi boyleytes Leykwsias , "zhtoyn piestika opws apotrapei h ypochfiothta toy ekproswpoy toy kommatos Tasoy Mhtsopoyloy sthn idia eparxia". Allh eidhsh einai oti, ektos apo thn etaireia "Easton Services", alles tessereis etaireies poy enegrafhsan thn idia hmera, stis 26 Noembrioy 1999, me edra tis Parqenoys Nhsoys, agorasan sxedon epta ekatommyria metoxes ths "Gklompalsoft".

H "Shmerinh", sto kyrio qema me titlo "Sirial petrelaioy", grafei oti sto qema poy proekyce me tis apokalyceis gia yparjh koitasmatwn petrelaioy kai fysikoy aerioy sth qalassa, konta stis aktes ths Kyproy, "diakrinontai skies", para thn epibebaiwsh ths eidhshs apo ton Ypoyrgo Emporioy, Biomhxanias kai Toyrismoy Niko Rolandh. Se allo qema grafei oti o Proedros ths Koinoboyleytikhs Epitrophs Ygeias Andreas Parisinos anelabe mesolabhtiko rolo wste na jeperastoyn ta empodia kai na prowqhqei to nomosxedio gia to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias sthn Olomeleia ths Boylhs gia chfish.

Sto "Fileleyqero" kyrio qema, me titlo "Maxes mesa sta kommata", einai oi endokommatikes diergasies gia ton katartismo twn chfodeltiwn me ta onomata twn ypochfiwn boyleytwn. Sto DHSY epikratei anataraxh logw diarrown kai antidrasewn gia thn ypochfiothta toy k. Mhtsopoyloy ston katalogo twn ypochfiwn boyleytwn ths eparxias Leykwsias, enw kai sto DHKO shmeiwnontai antidraseis "se anoigmata poy exoyn ginei se gnwsta proswpa gia na employtisoyn ta kommatika chfodeltia". Allh eidhsh einai oti h Slobakia, h Roymania kai h Boylgaria exoyn epideijei endiaferon gia antikatastash toy aystriakoy apospasmatos ths OYNFIKYP, to opoio apoxwrei oristika to kalokairi.

H "Xaraygh", me ton titlo "Qerizei o leykos qanatos", grafei se prwtoselido qema oti symfwna me stoixeia ths Yphresias Diwjhs Narkwtikwn yparxei anhsyxhtikh ayjhsh ths emporias, katoxhs kai xrhshs twn narkwtikwn kata to 2000 kai oti gia to qema ayto exei terasties eyqynes h kybernhsh gia thn adraneia poy epideiknyei. Se allo qema grafei oti proklhqhke megalh anastatwsh stis oikogeneies syggenwn agnooymenwn meta th xqesinh dhlwsh toy Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn Iwannh Kasoylidh se syzhthsh sthn Koinoboyleytikh Epitroph Prosfygwn, oti apo ereyna toy Dieqnoys Eryqroy Stayroy gia katagrafh martyriwn stratiwtwn toy 1974 "prokyptoyn stoixeia poy prokaloyn ekplhjeis".

H agglofwnh efhmerida "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti o Ypoyrgos Emporioy, Biomhxanias kai Toyrismoy Nikos Rolandhs epibebaiwse xqes tis plhrofories gia entopismo petrelaioy kai fysikoy aerioy se perioxh ths notioanatolikhs Mesogeioy, apefyge omws na pei kata poso ayth h perioxh empiptei sta xwrika ydata ths Kyproy. Alloy grafei oti h Kypros mporei na breqei enwpion toy Eyrwpaikoy Dikasthrioy Anqrwpinwn Dikaiwmatwn mesa stoys epomenoys dyo mhnes an den arei amesa thn apagoreysh gia synach politikwn gamwn metajy Ellhnokypriwn kai Toyrkokypriwn.

H ebdomadiaia oikonomikh efhmerida "Ependytikh", sto kyrio qema me titlo "'Mayres listes' sto XAK", grafei oti se gaggraina gia to xrhmatisthriako qesmo teinei na ejelixqei to qema twn epitagwn xwris antikrisma kai shmeiwnei oti ta xrhmatisthriaka grafeia toy topoy elaban ta metra toys ekdidontas "mayres listes", oi opoies kaqe mhna anaqewroyntai gia na diagrafontai ekeinoi poy telika plhrwsan. Alloy grafei oti h ptwsh kata th xqesinh xrhmatisthriakh synanthsh qa htan kata poly megalyterh apo to kleisimo, ean den empainan sto systhma synallagwn oi prajeis toy teleytaioy deyteroleptoy.

H ebdomadiaia oikonomikh efhmerida "Neos Typos" sto prwtoselido toy qema, to opoio stegazei ypo ton titlo "Oi 'ejypnoi' kai ta qymata", grafei oti symfwna me forologikes katastaseis poy ypoblhqhkan sth Boylh prokyptei oti oi eleyqeroi epaggelmaties ypoforologoyntai systhmatika. Se allo dhmosieyma, h efhmerida grafei oti dhmosia diafwnia metajy DHSY kai AKEL, me entonh antallagh epixeirhmatwn, proekyce ejaitias toy neoy qesmikoy plaisioy poy yioqethqhke apo thn prwth toy xronoy, allazontas rizika toys oroys ths xrhmatopistwtikhs agoras.

H "Oikonomikh" sto kyrio qema, me titlo "Sto Anwtato h Sharelink", grafei oti emmenoyn oi xrhmatisthriakes arxes sth qesh toys gia anaqewrhsh apo thn en logw etaireia sth 1 lira 21 sent ths protashs gia ejagora ths Kyknos, enw h idia prosfeygei sto Anwtato Dikasthrio. Alloy grafei oti oi efhmerides "Oikonomikh" kai "Financial Mirror" sto plaisio ths prospaqeias toys na enhmerwsoyn kai opoy einai dynato na ekpaideysoyn thn ependytikh koinothta gia tis pagides ths xrhmatagoras, organwnoyn to erxomeno Sabbato eidiko seminario gia to qema kata th diarkeia toy foroym "Xrhmatisthrio 2001".


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