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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-29

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE - 29/01/2001 Oi epafes toy Eidikoy Symboyloy toy Genikoy Grammatea toy OHE gia to Kypriako Albaro Nte Soto kai h arnhsh toy katoxikoy hgeth Raoyf Ntenktas gia synexish twn ek toy syneggys synomiliwn, oi foboi gia klimakwsh ths entashs kai allaghs ths bashs twn synomiliwn gia to Kypriako, oi anhsyxies gia piqanh emfanish ths nosoy ths spoggwdoys eggefalopaqeias, gnwsth ws nosos twn "trelwn ageladwn", sthn Kypro, kai h katastash twn aiqoyswn epishmwn sta aerodromia einai orismena apo ta qemata poy probaloyn oi shmerines efhmerides.

H "Alhqeia" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Den paei se synomilies o Ntenktas" anaferetai ston katoxiko hgeth Raoyf Ntenktas o opoios meta th xqesinh synanthsh toy me ton Eidiko Symboylo toy Genikoy Grammatea gia to Kypriako Albaro nte Soto, epanelabe thn arnhsh toy na metabei sth Geneyh gia tis ek toy syneggys synomilies. Alloy h efhmerida proballei dhlwsh toy Ypoyrgoy Amynas Swkrath Xasikoy, oti ta tyfekia G3 twn eqnofylakwn qa elegxontai apo thn Astynomia kai thn Eqnikh Froyra, kati poy qa katastei apotreptiko metro gia ta polla kroysmata klophs stratiwtikwn tyfekiwn kai diaprajh egklhmatwn.

"To Qarros" sthn kyria eidhsh ypo ton titlo "Tipota to neo den proteinei o Nte Soto" grafei gia thn epafes toy Eidikoy Symboyloy toy GG toy OHE gia to Kypriako Albaro nte Soto oi opoies den exoyn na proteinoyn tipota to neo, enw thn idia wra o katoxikos hgeths epanelabe tis apaithseis toy gia "ish metaxeirish" kai arnhqhke na symmetasxei stis ek toy syneggys synomilies. Alloy h efhmerida grafei gia ta xqesina epeisodia ston agwna metajy Omonoias kai Olympiakoy poy eixan ws apotelesma ektetamenes zhmies sto stadio GSP, alla kai to qanato enos filaqloy apo kardiakh prosbolh.

O "Poliths" se kyrio qema ypo ton titlo "Rezilikia epishmwn" grafei gia tis aiqoyses epishmwn twn aerodromiwn stis opoies epikratei "tritokosmikh eikona" giati tis dieykolynseis den apolambanoyn mono oi epishmoi alla kai ta syggenika toys proswpa. Alloy h efhmerida grafei oti kamia sxesh me "th noso twn trelwn ageladwn" den exei h asqeneia ths gynaikas apo th Lemeso poy pasxei apo th noso ths spoggwdoys egkefalopaqeias, diabebaiwse xqes o Genikos Dieyqynths toy Ypoyrgeioy Ygeias Symewn Matshs.

"H Shmerinh" sto kyrio qema ypo ton titlo "Iatrikos synagermos" anaferetai stis dhlwseis toy Genikoy Dieyqynth toy Ypoyrgeioy Ygeias Symewn Matsh, o opoios tonise oti meta apo ejetash ths periptwshs piqanhs asqeneias ths spoggwdoys eggefalopaqeias poy pasxei gynaika asqenhs sth Lemeso den yparxei kamia sxesh me th noso twn "trelwn ageladwn". Wstoso h efhmerida epikaleitai iatrikoys kykloys poy dierwtwntai poia episthmonikh meqodo xrhsimopoihse to Ypoyrgeio Ygeias kai katelhje sto porisma oti h periptwsh ayth einai sporadikhs morfhs. Alloy grafei oti sthn apo koinoy ekmetalleysh twn koitasmatwn petrelaioy me thn Aigypto epikentrwnei tis prospaqeies h kybernhsh.

"O Fileleyqeros" sto kyrio qema ypo ton titlo "Foboi proklhsews entasewn", epikaloymenos diplwmatikes phges, grafei gia "endexomeno proklhsewn kai klimakwshs ths entashs" apo toyrkikhs pleyras se mia prospaqeia apoprosanatolismoy alla kai epibolhs dia ekbiasmwn twn qesewn ths gia diaforopoihsh ths bashs twn synomiliwn. Shmeiwnei oti oi qeseis toy katoxikoy hgeth Raoyf Ntenktas "denoyn oysiastika ta xeria" toy Albaro nte Soto kai twn allwn mesolabhtwn. Alloy h efhmerida anaferetai se dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Paideias Oyranioy Iwannidh oti h sejoyalikh diapaidagwghsh qa prepei na qewreitai dedomenh stis treis tajeis toy gymnasioy kai oti qa yparjei eyry programma epimorfwshs twn kaqhghtwn gia to sygkekrimeno maqhma.

H "Xaraygh" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Torpilh Ntenktas" grafei gia thn arnhsh toy katoxikoy hgeth na metabei sth Geneyh gia tis ek toy syneggys synomilies, epimenontas sthn anagnwrish toy ceydokratoys kai sthn "ish metaxeirish dyo kratwn kai dyo lawn". H efhmerida filojenei dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn Iwannh Kasoylidh, o opoios diaceydei tis ektimhseis gia prowqhsh "belgikoy sxedioy" lyshs toy Kypriakoy. Alloy h efhmerida anaferetai sthn arnhsh toy Ypoyrgeioy Oikonomikwn na egkrinei ton proypologismo gia to 2001 toy Forea Ishs Katanomhs Barwn, kati poy qetei se sygkroysh thn kybernhsh me ton prosfygiko kosmo.


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