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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-20

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE 20/01/2001 Oi dhlwseis poy eginan meta tis epafes poy h Belgida Yfypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Anemi Neits eixe xqes sthn Aqhna, to xqesino mparaz dhlwsewn apo pleyras kybernhshs kai kommatwn gia to qema toy Eqnikoy Sxedioy Ygeias, oi dhlwseis toy T/K hgeth Raoyf Ntenktas gia to qema twn agnooymenwn kai h xqesinh anakoinwsh ths Alpha Bank gia to qema twn epitokiwn einai merika apo ta qemata poy proballei o shmerinos kypriakos Typos.

H "Alhqeia" grafei sto kyrio ths qema me titlo "Piesh sto AKEL gia to ESY" oti entona epikritikes gia th stash toy AKEL kai toy DHKO enanti toy ESY htan oi antidraseis ths syntrhptikhs pleiochfias twn kommatwn kai organwsewn, kati poy ektimatai apo arketoys oti qa leitoyrghsei ws moxlos pieshs, idiaitera gia to AKEL, to opoio paroysiazei mia diproswph politikh apenanti sto sygkekrimeno qema. Alloy anaferei oti ena ektenh katalogo apo desmeyseis poy anelabe na ylopoihsei h Kypros mexri to telos toy 2000 kai den tis exei akomh ylopoihsei, paroysiase xqes ston epikfalhs ths diapragmateytikhs antiproswpeias gia thn entajh ths Kyproy sthn EE, Giwrgo Basileioy, o epikefalhs ths diapragmateytikhs omadas ths EE gia thn Kypro, Leopolnt Maoyrer.

"H Maxh" ypo ton titlo "'Etaireia' plastwn" grafei sto kyrio ths qema oti se typografeio metetrece thn oikia toy sthn Palloyriwtissa o Gewrgianos Edoyardos Kotanidhs, 27 etwn, o opoios symfwna me thn Astynomia eftiaxne plastes adeies odhgoy ths Rwsias kai tis moiraze se omoeqneis toy ana to pagkyprio enanti amoibhs, symboyleyontas toys pws me aytes qa ejasfalizan kypriakes adeies odhgoy. Se allo qema h efhmerida anaferei oti nees qewries peri ths tyxhs agnooymenwn akoysthkan xqes apo to Ntenktas, o opoios se synenteyjh toy ston ANT1 yposthrizei oti polla apo ta onomata poy briskontai ston katalogo twn agnooymenwn zoyn sthn Aystralia, thn Agglia h tis eleyqeres perioxes.

O "Poliths" grafei sto kyrio toy qema me titlo "ESY katalabes;" oti para thn apofash toso toy AKEL oso kai toy DHKO na mhn yperchfisoyn to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias (ESY), opws ayto proteinetai, h kybernhsh jekaqarizei oti den allazei ta sxedia ths, anaforika me thn prowqhsh toy proteinomenoy nomosxedioy sthn Olomeleia toy Swmatos, elpizontas oti ayto qa tyxei telika egkrishs. Se allo qema shmeiwnei oti ekteqeimeno afhse o Proedros toy DHKO Tassos Papadopoylos, ton ekproswpo Typoy toy kommatos Andrea Kwnstantinoy kai dhlwse agnoia gia anakoinwsh poy ekdoqhke apo to DHKO, me thn opoia epikrinetai entona o Proedros toy DHSY, Nikos Anastasiadhs.

"H Shmerinh" me kyrio titlo "Akalyptos o Kasoylidhs" anaferei oti jekremasto afhsan ton Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn Iwannh Kasoylidh kai thn Kypriakh Dhmokratia h Yfypoyrgos Ejwterikwn toy Belgioy Anemi Neits kai h ellhnikh kybernhsh. Oyte h k. Neits, oyte h k. Elisabet Papazwh, oyte o k. Giwrgos Papandreoy thrhsan thn yposxesh toys pros ton k. Kasoylidh oti h YFEJ toy Belgioy qa epanorqwne me xqesinh ths dhlwsh, sthn Aqhna, thn proxqesinh ths topoqethsh, sth Larnaka, me thn opoia qewroyse ws qemeliwdes zhthma thn paraxwrhsh morfhs anagnwrishs sto ceydokratos. Alloy h efhmerida grafei oti h aporrich ths protashs ths hgesias ths OELMEK apo toys kaqhghtes dhmioyrghse bary klima sthn organwsh.

"O Fileleyqeros" grafei sto kyrio toy qema me titlo "Epikindynh belgikh narkh" oti oxi mono den htan atyxes frastiko pyrotexnhma oi dhlwseis ths Belgidas Yfypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn, alla ean balei kaneis sth seira tis energeies ths prin, kata kai meta thn episkech ths sthn Kypro, katalhgei sto symperasma oti eprokeito piqanothta gia sygkekrimenh politikh epilogh. Alloy h efhmerida shmeiwnei oti epitokia poy apoklinoyn shmantika apo ekeina poy qa epibaloyn oi treis megalyteres trapezes kai poy anamenetai na dhmioyrghsoyn ayjhmeno antagwnismo sto trapeziko systhma ths Kyproy anakoinwse xqes h Alpha Bank.

H "Xaraygh" me kyrio titlo "Kataskopoi ypo asylia" anaferei oti me thn kalych kai prostasia poy toys ejasfalizei h dipwlatikh asylia, oi Amerikanoi exoyn metatrecei to ktirio ths amerikanikhs presbeias sth Leykwsia se ena ypersygxrono "kastro" kataskopeias. Alloy h efhmerida shmeiwnei oti se plhrofories oti "diaforoi symaptriwtes mas, peran toy xwroy toy AKEL, endiaferontai na elqoyn se epafh me to AKEL" se oti afora sth synqesh toy chfodeltioy toy gia tis boyleytikes ekloges toy Maioy anaferqhke xqes o ekproswpos Typoy toy AKEL Nikos Katsoyridhs.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" grafei sto kyrio ths qema oti oi Bretanikes Baseis qa proboyn se anaparastash ths apagwghs toy Panikoy Tziakoyrma, sto xwro opoy aphxqh prin apo ena kai pleon mhna. H anaparastash symfwna me thn efhmerida qa ginei thn erxomenh Tetarth sto dromo Pylas - Pergamoys opoy o E/K ergolabos ejafanisthke apo to aytokinhto toy stis 13 Dekembrioy. Se allo qema h efhmerida anaferei oti o Genikos Eisaggeleas Alekos Markidhs dhlwse xqes oti qa kinhqei poinikh diadikasia kata toy ypo diaqesimothta Kyprioy diplwmath Xaralampoy Kacoy, poy dietelese presbhs sthn Kypro.

H ebdomadiaia oikonomikh efhmerida "Ependytikh" me kyrio titlo "'Paignidia' stis times" anaferei oti orismenes metoxes kataferan na spasoyn ta asfyktika epipeda timwn, poy diapragmateyontan epi seira ebdomadwn, fqanontas estw kai gia ligo sta oria toy limit-up. Alloy h efhmerida anaferei oti me arnhtiko proshmo ekleise h xqesinh teleytaia xrhmatisthriakh synanthsh ths ebdomadas me to Geniko Deikth Timwn na paroysiazei apwleies ths tajhs toy 1,05%.

H ebdomadiaia epixeirhmatikh efhmerida "Oikonomikh" anaferei sto kyrio ths qema me titlo "Asfalistikh ... anasfaleia" oti allo ena oxyro ths kratikhs parembashs peftei me thn plhrh fileleyqeropoihsh twn asfalistrwn. Me apofash toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy thn perasmenh Tetarth to asfalistro gia thn ypoxrewtikh asfalish enanti tritoy payei na einai kaqorismeno kai afhnetai na kaqorizetai apo tis etaireies analoga me ton pelath. Se allo qema grafei oti th Deytera anamenetai na ypobalei h Epitroph Kefalaiagoras stis arxes toy XAK thn ekqesh me ta porismata ths ereynas gia thn Kyknos Ependytikh.

To ebdomadiaio oikonikiko kai politiko fyllo "Neos Typos" me kyrio titlo "Erxetai h Marfin" anaferei oti h afijh sthn Kyproy toy k. Andrea Bgenopoyloy, Proedroy ths MARFIN AEPEY, oi epafes toy me diaforoys paragontes kai oi synanthseis poy qa exei me ton Typo, einai proaggelos toy anabaqmismenoy endiaferontos toy omiloy gia thn Kypro. Alloy h efhmerida grafei oti poso 251 ekatommyriwn dolariwn qa dapanhqei apo pleyras kybernhshs ta epomena ennea xronia, oytws wste na ylopoihqei h anabaqmish kai metakinhsh twn diylisthriwn Larnakas.


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