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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-21

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE 21/01/2001 To qema poy dhmioyrghqhke meta tis dhlwseis ths YFEJ toy Belgioy synexisei na proballetai apo ton Typo, o opoios asxoleitai metajy allwn me to Kypriako, to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias, dhlwseis toy Ellhna YPEJ, thn egkaqidrysh toy neoy Proedroy twn HPA, ekklhsiastika kai oikonomika qemata.

H "Alhqeia" sto kyrio ths qema me titlo "Exoyme ekneyrisei toys Eyrwpaioys" filojenei dhlwseis toy epikefalhs ths diapragmateytikhs omadas ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs gia thn Kypro Leopolnt Maoyrer, o opoios apedwse tis dhlwseis ths Belgidas Yfypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn se glwssika problhmata kai eipe oti ola sthn Kypro dhmioyrgoyn anastatwsh. Alloy, grafei gia th xqesinh orkwmosia toy 43oy Amerikanoy Proedroy Tzortz Mpoys kai anaferei oti to 64% twn Amerikanwn antimetwpizei me aisiodojia thn epomenh tetraetia enw apo pleyras Aqhnas ektimatai oti den qa yparjei allagh ths amerikanikhs politikhs sto Kypriako.

H "Maxh" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Pernaei to ESY" grafei oti to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias fainetai na odeyei pros egkrish afoy DHSY, KISOS kai EDH tassontai yper, enw AKEL kai DHKO antitiqentai sthn chfish toy sxedioy, poy anamenetai na katateqei thn erxomenh Pempth sthn olomeleia toy Swmatos. Alloy anaferetai stis dhlwseis toy Ellhna Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn Giwrgoy Papandreoy, o opoios apedwse se parermhneia tis dhlwseis Belgidas Yfypoyrgoy Anemi Neits.

O "Poliths" ypo ton titlo "Apeiqarxos o Aqanasios" grafei gia "senario epanodoy sthn ekklhsiastikh krish" meta thn arnhsh ths pleiochfias twn melwn ths Ieras Synodoy na laboyn meros se sylleitoyrgo sth Lemeso ep' eykairia ths onomastikhs giorths toy Mhtropolith Aqanasioy. Alloy proballei dhlwseis ths Anaplhrwtoy YPEJ ths Elladas Elisabet Papazwh oti ta zhthmata twn ellhnotoyrkikwn sxesewn kai to Kypriako exoyn pacei pleon na einai ellhnotoyrika qemata kai einai zhthmata gia ta opoia h Toyrkia elegxetai apo thn EE.

H "Shmerinh" sto kyrio ths qema ypo ton titlo "Bromikh yponomeysh" grafei oti h symmetoxh ths Kyproy ston Eyrwpaiko Strato "mplexthke se bromika plokamia ths mystikhs diplwmatias" kai apokalyptei mystiko eggrafo poy yposthrizei oti Kyprioi taxqhkan enantion ths apofashs gia symmetoxh ths Kyproy ston eyrwpaiko strato. Alloy anaferetai sthn Ektakth Genikh Syneleysh toy Pagkyprioy Syndesmoy Ependytwn kai Xrhmatisthriakwn Ajiwn, sthn opoia epikriqhkan entona oi Xrhmatistes kai zhthqhke h apoxwrhsh toy Proedroy ths Enwshs Melwn twn Xrhmatistwn, Xristodoyloy Ellhna, apo thn aiqoysa.

O "Fileleyqeros" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Paraskhniakes Energeies" grafei gia prwtoboylies sto paraskhnio ek meroys toy Belgioy to opoio enqarrynqhke gia proagwgh toy syntagmatikoy toy monteloy sto Kypriako kai shmeiwnei oti yparxoyn akoma problhmata sthn eleysh toy Eidikoy Symboyloy toy GG toy OHE Albaro nte Soto, o opoios qa episkefqei tis Bryjelles kai to Londino prin metabei sthn Aqhna thn erxomenh Pempth. Dhmosieyei dhlwseis toy Ellhna YPEJ oti h Kypros den qa breqei mprosta se dilhmmata alla ta dilhmmata qa ta exei h Toyrkia, poy hdh plhrwnei gia thn emmonh ths se mh epoikodomhtikes qeseis.

H "Xaraygh" ypo ton titlo "Omhroi twn Kataskopwn" anaferetai se se "kataskopeytiko diktyo poy edreyei sthn presbeia twn HPA" kai grafei oti h teleytaia thrhse sigh ixqyos stis plhrofories kai apokalyceis, enw h kybernhsh epifylaxqhke na topoqethqei th Deytera. O GG toy AKEL Dhmhtrhs Xristofias dhlwse oti o kypriakos laos den prepei na exei aytapates gia to rolo orismenwn jenwn dynamewn enw gia alla qemata eipe oti oi Ypoyrgoi ths kybernhshs Klhridh exoyn labei entoles apo to DHSY na emplakoyn entona sthn proeklogikh ekstrateia.

H agglofwnh "Sunday Mail" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Epikriseis kata ths Kyproy gia ta Narkopedia", grafei oti h Kypros epikrinetai apo dieqnh organismo poy parakoloyqei th drasthriothta twn kratwn gia thn efarmogh ths Synqhkhs Apagoreyshs twn Narkwn, shmeiwnontas pws h Dhmokratia den exei epikyrwsei th Synqhkh kai synexizei na diathrei narkes kata mhkos ths nekrhs zwnhs. Alloy anaferetai stis dhlwseis toy YPEJ ths Koybas, o opoios eyxaristhse thn Kypro gia thn yposthrijh ths sta HE sto qema ths arshs toy amerikanikoy empargko enantion ths xwras toy.


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