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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-19

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE - 19/1/2001 Oi ejelijeis gyrw apo to qema ths eisagwghs toy Eqnikoy Sxedioy Ygeias, h frastikh antiparaqesh Nikoy Anastasiadh kai Dhmhtrh Xristofia me aformh th dhmoskophsh toy RIK, oi dhlwseis toy neoy Amerikanoy Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn Kolin Paoyel gia to Kypriako kai thn Toyrkia kai oi dhlwseis toys Belgidas Yfypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn Anemi Neits prin apo thn anaxwrhsh ths apo thn Kypro proballontai apo to shmerino kypriako Typo. Oi efhmerides anaferontai epishs stis xqesines plhmmyres sth Leykwsia logw twn katarraktwdwn broxwn, sth xqesinh synedria toy Kentrikoy Dioikhtikoy Symboylioy ths OELMEK kai sth dolofonia 17xronoy Kyprioy stis HPA.

H "Alhqeia" grafei sto kyrio qema me titlo "Oi ekloges ekocan to ESY" oti sto skopelo twn boyleytikwn eklogwn fainetai na proskroyei telika to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias to opoio mallon den qa kataferei na sygkentrwsei thn apaitoymenh pleiochfia sthn olomeleia ths Boylhs, sthn opoia anamenetai na doqei stis prosexeis ebdomades h skytalh gia to teliko jekaqarisma ths tyxhs toy epimaxoy nomosxedioy. Alloy h efhmerida grafei oti empargko sthn plhroforhsh apofasise sth xqesinh synedria toy to Kentiko Dioikhtiko Symboylio ths OELMEK se mia ystath prospaqeia na epanelqei hremia kai enothta sthn klado.

"H Maxh" me kyrio titlo "Nayagei to ESY" anaferei oti oi prospaqeies gia efarmogh toy Eqnikoy Sxedioy Ygeias (ESY) nayagoyn meta tis qeseis poy ejefrasan xqes ta kommata. Yper toy sxedioy tassontai o DHSY, oi Sosialdhmokrates kai oi EDH. To DHKO diafwnei kai zhtei neo nomosxedio enw to AKEL diafwnei me orismenes pronoies kai zhta anaqewrhsh yfistamenwn. Alloy anaferei oti anablhqhke xqes h chfoforia sthn olomeleia ths Boylhs gia thn egkrish apodesmeyshs pistwsewn gia thn agora tessarwn metaforikwn elikopterwn gia tis anagkes ths Eqnikhs Froyras, gia ta opoia h synolikh dapanh anerxetai sta 22 ekatommyria 26 xiliades 719 lires.

O "Poliths" grafei sto kyrio qema me titlo "Qa ftasw sta akra" oti se neo gyro antiparaqeshs, fainetai na eiserxontai kai pali oi ierarxes me aformh thn apaithsh twn Pafoy kai Arsinohs, na "jekaqarisei" to qema twn kathgoriwn enantion toys gia "synwmosia". Alloy anaferei oti Nikos Anastasiadhs kai Dhmhtrhs Xristofias ebgalan xqes ta "maxairia" kai ejapelysan allhlokathgories gia "filokommoynistes neolaioys" kai politikoys tromokrates". Sto epikentro h dhmoskophsh toy RIK, "poy anace ta aimata."

"H Shmerinh" me kyrio titlo "Belgikh bomba" anaferei oti "bomba megatonwn" erije feygontas apo thn Kypro h Yfypoyrgos Ejwterikwn toy Belgioy Anemi Neits. H Belgida ajiwmatoyxos yioqethse thn toyrkikh logikh kai dhlwse oti qewrei ws "qemeliwdh kinhsh" gia th lysh toy Kypriakoy thn paraxwrhsh kapoioy eidoys anagnwrishs sto ceydokratos. Alloy shmeiwnei oti estaze xqes to ktirio ths Boylhs kai sygkekrimena sto xwro twn episkeptwn sthn aiqoysa synedriasewn, gegonos poy epanefere to qema ths epidiorqwshs kai ths metastegashs ths Boylhs.

"O Fileleyqeros" grafei sto kyrio qema me titlo "Epikindynes qewries gia lysh" oti oi mexri protinos aoristes anhsyxies gia to rolo toy neoy Amerikanoy Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn, Kolin Paoyel, apekthsasn xqes sygkekrimeno ypobaqro. Tria stoixeia apo thn kataqesh toy enwpion ths Epitrophs Ejwterikwn Ypoqesewn ths Geroysias qewroyntai apo th Leykwsia idiaitera anhsyxhtika kai hdh exoyn arxisei oi diergasies gia thn kata to dynato meiwsh twn arnhtikwn epiptwsewn poy endexetai na exei h dedhlwmenh filotoyrkikh toy proseggish. Se allo qema h efhmerida anaferetai sth dolofonia toy 17xronoy Kyprioy Tzak Loytsios sto Los Antzeles mazi me alloys dyo neoys.

H "Xaraygh" me kyrio titlo "ESY - Agnwsth h tyxh toy" anaferei oti me ekatontades dhmosioys ypallhloys na diamartyrontai ejw apo to ktirio ths Boylhs, h Koinoboyleytikh Epitroph Ygeias apofasise xqes na metaferei th syzhthsh gia to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias sthn Olomeleia toy Swmatos, afoy opws fanhke, den yphrxe sygklish apocewn anamesa sta koinoboyleytika kommata. Alloy h efhmerida shmeiwnei oti o Yfypoyrgos Ejwterikwn ths Italias Oymperto Ranier dhlwse ystera apo synanthsh me to Geniko Grammatea toy AKEL Dhmhtrh Xristofia oti to AKEL einai ena apo ta megalytera kommata ths Kyproy, poy diadramatizoyn shmantiko rolo sthn politikh zwh.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti eidikoi sta qemata naytilias apo thn Kypro kai to ejwteriko qa sygkentrwqoyn sth Lemeso thn Kyriakh se mia epeigoysa synanthsh gia na apofasisoyn gia thn tyxh toy ypo kypriakh shmaia ploioy "Kastor" poy ypesth rigma kai brisketai se dieqnh ydata sth Mesogeio. Se allo qema h efhmerida grafei oti mia jafnikh mpora prokalese xqes to apogeyma sth Lekwsia ta gnwsta problhmata me tis plhmmyres.

H ebdomadiaia agglofwnh efhmerida "The Cyprus Weekly" sto prwtoselido ths qema me titlo "H Kypros einai proteraiothta" anaferetai se dhlwsh toy neoy Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn twn HPA Kolin Paoyel oti h xwra toy qa parameinei anamemigmenh stis prospaqeies gia ejeyreysh lyshs sto Kypriako. Alloy grafei oti o Soyhdos Prwqypoyrgos Gkoran Person, h xwra toy opoioy proedreyei ths EE, dhlwse oti h Kypros mporei na entaxqei sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh akoma kai an den yparxei epilysh toy politikoy problhmatos.

H ebdomadiaia agglofwnh efhmerida "The Weekly Review", sto kyrio qema me titlo "Oi dhmosioi ypallhloi lene 'oxi' sto sxedio ygeias" grafei oti oi dhmosioi ypallhloi akoloyqhsan toys trapezikoys ypallhloys xqes se mia stash ergasias diamartyromenoi kata toy proteinomenoy Eqnikoy Sxedioy Ygeias, sto opoio den epiqymoyn na entaxqoyn. Alloy grafei oti o Ypoyrgos Amynas Swkraths Xasikos diabebaiwse xqes thn Koinoboyleytikh Epitroph Amynas oti oyte h Eqnikh Froyra oyte h ELDYK exoyn apokthsei h xrhsimopoihsei se askhseis toys blhmata apemploytismenoy oyranioy.


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