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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-05

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE 5/01/2001

H apofash toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias na mhn syzhtoyntai opoiadhpote aithmata ergazomenwn sth Dhmosia Yphresia mexri tis boyleytikes ekloges, h anamenomenh klimakwsh twn metrwn ek meroys twn kybernhtikwn giatrwn meta thn apofash ayth, oi antidraseis sthn apofash toy toyrkikoy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy gia prosarthsh twn katexomenwn, h apofash ths Arxhs Thlepikoinwniwn Kyproy (ATHK) na epanaferei ta telh gia xrhsh toy Diadiktyoy stis arxikes toys times kai kathgories enantion ths Arxhs oti parabiazei thn eyrwpaikh nomoqesia ston tomea twn thlepikoinwniwn einai merika apo ta qemata poy apasxoloyn to shmerino kypriako Typo.

H "Alhqeia" katw apo ton titlo "Terma sthn ekmetalleysh" grafei oti me xqesinh dhlwsh o Proedros ths Dhmokratias eqese fragmo sthn ejarsh ypobolhs misqologikwn kai allwn aithmatwn apo syndikalistikes organwseis kai organwmena synola toy eyryteroy dhmosioy tomea kata thn proeklogikh ekstrateia. Alloy anaferei oti xqes eixe thn onomastikh toy eorth o Mhtropoliths tews Lemesoy Xrysanqos. Kata th diarkeia ths dojologias paresth kai ecalle mazi me ton Xrysanqo kai o Mhtropoliths Lemesoy Aqanasios.

"H Maxh" katw apo ton titlo "Fragmos stis diekdikhseis" anaferei oti o Proedros ths Dhmokratias apofasise thn pagopoihsh ths ikanopoihshs aithmatwn kai diekdikhsewn sto dhmosio tomea mexri tis boyleytikes ekloges. Alloy grafei pws o katoxikos hgeths Raoyf Ntenktas dhlwse oti oi andres ths Eirhneytikhs Dynamhs toy OHE den mporoyn na askoyn ta kaqhkonta toys sthn katexomenh Kypro, xwris prohgoymenws na exoyn ejasfalisei "adeia", kata thn ekfrash toy, apo tis legomenes "arxes" toy ceydokratoys.

O "Poliths" katw apo ton titlo "Pagos ston ponokefalo" anaferei oti "mpainoyn sto cygeio" ta aithmata koinwnikwn synolwn kai omadwn ergazomenwn meta apo apofash poy anakoinwse xqes o Proedros Klhridhs gia mh ejetash opoiwndhpote aithmatwn prin apo tis boyleytikes ekloges. Alloy grafei oti se dyo peripoy mhnes qa oristikopoihqei kai qa ejaggelqei to chfodeltio toy AKEL gia tis eperxomenes boyleytikes ekloges kai prosqetei oti thn perasmenh ebdomada idryqhke omada epikoinwniakhs politikhs ypo ton Dhmhtrh Xristofia.

"H Shmerinh" katw apo ton titlo "Ejegersh giatrwn" grafei pws "jespa qyella" ston eyaisqhto tomea ths dhmosias ygeias, meta thn apofash toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias na pagwsei thn ejetash aithmatwn twn ergazomenwn sth Dhmosia Yphresia mexri tis boyleytikes ekloges. Oi giatroi den apodexontai thn pagopoihsh twn aithmatwn toys kai apeiloyn na baloyn "loyketo" sta nosokomeia, prosqetei h "S". Alloy anaferei oti o Syndesmos Idiwtikwn Etaireiwn Thlepikoinwniwn kathgorhse thn Arxh Thlepikoinwniwn "gia aqemito antagwnismo kai katafwrh parabiash ths Eyrwpaikhs Nomoqesias".

"O Fileleyqeros" katw apo ton titlo "Epitaxynoyn ton epoikismo" anaferei oti me th dianomh ghs se Toyrkoys yphkooys to kaqestws ths Agkyras proagei hdh nea tetelesmena sthn katexomenh Kypro. Stoxos twn Toyrkwn, shmeiwnei o "F", einai na prokatalaboyn nees prwtoboylies kai na dhmioyrghsoyn proypoqeseis gia telikh anagnwrish toy ceydokratoys. Alloy grafei oti to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio apanthse katafatika sthn antiprotash ths OELMEK gia th dhmioyrgia qesewn proagwghs, omws den apokleietai h anazwpyrwsh ths krishs afoy h antiprotash tiqetai ypo thn airesh ths genikhs syneleyshs toy kladoy twn kaqhghtwn, merikoi apo toys opoioys paroysiazontai me diaforetikes apoceis.

H "Xaraygh" katw apo ton titlo "Adiejodo" anaferei oti pleon qewreitai "oristikh kai ametaklhth" h apofash twn kybernhtikwn iatrwn na baloyn "loyketo" gia 24 wres se ola ta kratika noshleytika idrymata stis 12 Ianoyarioy. Apotelesma toytoy, prosqetei h "X", einai na ojynqei to klima anamesa sto Ypoyrgeio Ygeias kai th syntexnia twn kybernhtikwn giatrwn, PASYKI. Alloy grafei pws anamenetai na ektojeyqei sta 17 ekatommyria lires to elleimma toy Logariasmoy Paroxwn Anergias mesw toy opoioy plhrwnontai ta epidomata anergias.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" katw apo ton titlo "O KOT orgismenos apo diarroh ekqeshs" anaferei oti ajiwmatoyxoi toy Kypriakoy Organismoy Toyrismoy ekanan entonh kritikh gia th diarroh eswterikhs ekqeshs toy se kaqhmerinh efhmerida poy egrace oti "Oi Aggloi mas blepoyn ws adiaforoys kai akaqartoys". Alloy grafei oti h Arxh Thlepikoinwniwn Kyproy ekane strofh 180 moirwn sto qema twn xrewsewn gia to Diadiktyo, epanaferontas ta sta arxika toys epipeda, poy eixan egkriqei apo th Boylh.

H ebdomadiaia agglofwnh "The Cyprus Weekly" anaferei oti o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Iwannhs Kasoylidhs dhlwse xqes oti oi toyrkikes apeiles gia enswmatwsh twn katexomenwn edafwn ths Kyproy sthn Toyrkia den qa stamathsoyn thn eyrwpaikh poreia ths Kyproy. Alloy grafei oti h syzygos toy Panikoy Tziakoyrma, Nikh, ton episkefthke xqes sth fylakh opoy krateitai apo to katoxiko kaqestws. Kata thn epistrofh ths eipe oti o syzygos ths gnwrizei gia tis prospaqeies poy ginontai gia apeleyqerwsh toy, afoy parakoloyqei ta MME.

H ebdomadiaia agglofwnh efhmerida "The Weekly Review" katw apo ton titlo "H Arxh Thlepikoinwniwn Kyproy parabiase to nomo" paraqetei dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Sygkoinwniwn kai Ergwn Aberwf Neofytoy anaforika me thn apofash ths Arxhs na ayjhsei ta telh xrewshs ana lepto gia toys xrhstes toy Diadiktyoy. Alloy grafei oti to systhma twn baqmwn poinhs gia tis odikes parabaseis poy yioqethse to Ypoyrgeio Sygkoinwniwn kai Ergwn arxise na tiqetai se efarmogh apo thn astynomia se mia prospaqeia meiwshs twn dystyxhmatwn stis odikes arthries toy nhsioy.

H ebdomadiaia oikonomikh efhmerida "Ependytikh" katw apo ton titlo "Prowroi oi diastagmoi" grafei oti h kypriakh oikonomia eiserxetai pleon se pragmatikes synqhkes eleyqerhs agoras, kanontas to prwto bhma me thn eleyqeropoihsh twn epitokiwn, ejelijh poy "oysiastika edwse nea prooptikh sthn oikonomia". Alloy anaferei oti h prwth xrhmatisthriakh ebdomada katedeije thn adynamia ths agoras na anakamcei, afoy o Genikos Deikths paroysiasthke aisqhta meiwmenos se sygkrish me thn prohgoymenh ebdomada.


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