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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-08

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE 08/01/2001 H apeilh ths Toyrkias gia enswmatwsh twn katexomenwn, h dhlwsh toy Proedroy ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs sxetika me thn entajh ths Kyproy sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, oi diaboyleyseis twn kommatwn enocei twn boyleytikwn eklogwn, h syzhthsh twn kratikwn proypologismwn sth Boylh, kaqws kai oi ejelijeis sto Xrhmatisthrio einai orismena apo ta qemata poy proballei o shmerinos kypriakos Typos.

H "Alhqeia", sto kyrio qema me titlo "Ebdomada entonwn diaboyleysewn", grafei oti ayth h ebdomada qewreitai periodos entonwn diplwmatikwn diaboyleysewn gia epanenarjh toy dialogoy gia to Kypriako, afoy ayrio anamenetai na fqasoyn sto nhsi o Amerikanos proedrikos apestalmenos Alfrent Mooyzes kai o Eidikos Syntonisths gia to Kypriako Tomas Goyeston. Alloy grafei oti h efarmogh ths apofashs ths EE gia apagoreysh ths xrhshs kreataleyrwn stis zwotrofes qa kaqysterhsei sthn Kypro gia merikes akoma ebdomades.

"H Maxh" sto basiko qema, me titlo "Anakamptei o DHSY", grafei oti akrws enqarryntika einai ta apotelesmata dhmoskophshs poy dienerghqhke gia logariasmo toy DHSY kai deixnei oti to komma anakamptei kai shmeiwnei oti h dhmoskophsh qa einai ena apo ta qemata poy qa syzhthqei sthn ayrianh synedria toy Politikoy Grafeioy toy kommatos. Se allh eidhsh, grafei oti o Arxiepiskopos Xrysostomos me dhlwseis toy proeidopoihse oti an o Toyrkos eisboleas den anagkasqei na fygei, den yparxei dyantothta epibiwshs toy kypriakoy ellhnismoy.

"H Shmerinh", sto kyrio qema me titlo "Mas kataklebei h ATHK", grafei oti kerdh ekatommyriwn lirwn qa pragmatopoiei h ATHK, ekmetalleyomenh to monopwliako ths pronomio kai se plhrh antiqesh me to eyrwpaiko kekthmeno, afoy efarmozei to systhma twn monadwn sth xrewsh twn astikwn kai yperastikwn klhsewn kai ypoxrewnei toys polites na proplhrwnoyn thlefwniko xrono, ton opoio den xrhsimopoioyn. Alloy grafei oti h rhjh sthn hgesia ths OELMEK einai plhrhs kai shmeiwnei oti dyo stelexh ths proeidopoihsan oti an h protash ths Organwshs pros thn ergodotikh pleyra den yperchfistei apo toys kaqhghtes, qa ypobaloyn thn paraithsh toys.

"O Fileleyqeros", sto prwtoselido qema ypo ton titlo "Nea tetelesmena s' ejelijh", grafei oti xronodiagrammata gia thn ylopoihsh toy sxedioy enswmatwshs twn katexomenwn sthn Toyrkia qa teqoyn stis syskeceis poy qa pragmatopoihqoyn ayth thn ebdomada sthn Agkyra, me th symmetoxh twn T/K kai shmeiwnei oti symfwna me diplwmatikes phges, h efarmogh toy sxedioy qa ginetai stadiaka, alla se sygkekrimena xronika plaisia. Alloy anaferetai sth epanafora, apo pleyras toy Proedroy ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs Romano Pronti, ths diasyndeshs ths entajhs ths Kyproy sthn EE me th lysh toy Kypriakoy.

H "Xaraygh" sto basiko qema, me titlo "Mazi me to AKEL gia thn allagh", anaferetai stis ergasies toy 13oy synedrioy ths EDON kai shmeiwnei thn etoimothta ths na agwnistei apofasistika sto pleyro toy AEKL gia na katakthqei mia perilamprh nikh stis epikeimenes boyleytikes ekloges. Alloy anaferetai se protaseis toy AKEL gia to adiablhto twn eklogwn, poy, metajy allwn, perilambanoyn eishghseis opws oles oi protaseis gia to adiablhto twn eklogwn syzhthqoyn se eyreia syskech kai opoios ypoyrgos qelei na emplakei stis ekloges na paradidei to ypoyrgeio toy se antikatastath kai na epanerxetai, an to qelei o Proedros meta tis ekloges.

H agglofwnh efhmerida "Cyprus Mail" anaferetai stis ayjanomenes anhsyxies gia to "Syndromo twn Balkaniwn" poy eikazetai oti prokalese h xrhsh bombwn me employtismeno oyranio, apo pleyras toy NATO kata toys bombardismoys sth Gioygkoslabia. Alloy anaferetai sthn ekdhlwsh diamartyrias poy pragmatopoihsan dekades syggeneis toy Panikoy Tziakoyrma, o opoios aphxqh kai krateitai paranoma apo to toyrkiko katoxiko kaqestws, ejw apo tis Bretanikes Baseis sthn perioxh Agioy Nikolaoy. Oi diamartyromenoi apekleisan thn eisodo twn Basewn zhtwntas thn amesh apeleyqerwsh toy.

H ebdomadiaia oikonomikh efhmerida "Neos Typos", sto kyrio qema, me titlo "Ligoteroi foroi gia toys mikromesaioys kai tis etaireies" grafei oti ayrio proserxetai sth Boylh o Ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn prokeimenoy na enhmerwsei sxetika me tis proqeseis ths kybernhshs gia anaqewrhsh toy forologikoy systhmatos. Se allh eidhsh grafei oti ystera apo entono paraskhnio, h Epitroph Kefalaiagoras kai to Symboylio toy Xrhmatisthrioy katelhjan se aporrich pente aithsewn etaireiwn gia entajh sto XAK, dinontas paratash 30 hmerwn se alles 17 etaireies gia na dwsoyn symplhrwmatika stoixeia.

H ebdomadiaia "Oikonomikh" sto basiko qema, ypo ton titlo "Gennaiodwrh poyloystrina" grafei oti toylaxiston 30 ekatommyria lires perissotera qa eisreysoyn sta tameia twn emporikwn trapezwn, san apotelesma ths ayjhshs sta daneistika epitokia. Se allo dhmosieyma, h efhmerida grafei oti apo th qetikh h arnhtikh chfo toy DHKO ejartatai h egkrish twn kratikwn proypologismwn gia to 2001, enw AKEL kai Kinhma Sosialdhmokratwn exoyn hdh jekaqarisei th qesh toys, me to AKEL na threi apoxh chfizontas kai katachfizontas sygkekrimena kondylia kai to Kinhma na katachfizei.

H efhmerida "Poliths" den parelhfqh sta grafeia toy KYPE.


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