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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-04

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE 4/01/2001 To sxedio ths toyrkikhs kybernhshs gia plhrh enswmatwsh twn katexomenwn sthn Toyrkia, oi endokommatikes diergasies enocei twn eklogwn, to aithma toy AKEL gia diorismo yphresiakwn ypoyrgwn kai paraithsh toy Ypoyrgoy Eswterikwn Xristodoyloy Xristodoyloy, h khdeia twn leicanwn toy agnooymenoy katadromea Kwsta Menoikoy poy ginetai shmera sthn Aystralia, oi ejelijeis sthn ypoqesh fonoy twn Tziakoyrh kai Aimilioy, ta telh prosbashs sto Diadiktyo poy epiballei h ATHK kai h anameijh ths sto emporio termatikoy ejoplismoy, ta aithmata twn kybernhtikwn iatrwn kai h ejaggelqeisa 24wrh apergia toys, einai merika apo ta qemata twn shmerinwn kypriakwn efhmeridwn.

H "Alhqeia" katw apo ton titlo "Toyrkikh eparxia ta katexomena" grafei sto kyrio qema oti, opws apokalyptei h efhmerida "Sampax", h toyrkikh kybernhsh synetaje mystiko sxedio drashs poy problepei thn plhrh enswmatwsh toy katexomenoy tmhmatos ths Kyproy sthn Toyrkia kai thn symperilhch toy sto toyrkiko kratos ws ths 82hs eparxias toy. Alloy grafei oti paramenei agefyrwth h diafora me toys kybernhtikoys iatroys, oi opoioi paroysiazontai me nea aithmata, dyo hmeres prin apo thn ejaggelqeisa 24wrh apergia toys, symfwna me to Ypoyrgeio Ygeias.

H "Maxh" sto kyrio qema me titlo "To dromologio toy fonia" grafei gia ton tropo diafyghs toy dolofonoy twn Tziakoyrh kai Aimilioy, poy egine to prwi ths 27hs Dekembrioy 2000, ejw apo to oikhma ths Enwshs Newn Agiwn Omologhtwn sth Leykwsia, alla, par' oles tis plhrofories poy syneleje h Astynomia, h ypoqesh mallon qa parameinei anejixniasth, opws grafei h efhmerida. Alloy anaferetai sthn ypobolh protasewn ths kybernhshs gia xrhmatodothsh apo ta eyrwpaika Tameia Perifereiakhs Anaptyjhs kai se dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Eswterikwn Xristodoyloy Xristodoyloy oti me ton kaqorismo perifereiwn gia lhch xrhmatikhs enisxyshs den katargoyntai oi eji dioikhtikes eparxies.

Ston "Polith" prwtoselidh eidhsh einai oi endokommatikes diaboyleyseis kai bolidoskophseis enocei twn eperxomenwn boyleytikwn eklogwn kai, me ton titlo "Lista DHSY gia boyleytes", grafei oti o Proedros toy DHSY Nikos Anastasiadhs exei hdh bolidoskophsei sygkekrimena proswpa se oles tis eparxies kai, askwntas plhrws to dikaiwma poy toy parexei to katastatiko toy kommatos, qa orisei oktw aristindhn ypochfioys boyleytes. Allo qema einai h khdeia toy hrwa kai agnooymenoy toy 1974, Kwsta Menoikoy, poy ginetai shmera sthn Aystralia, enw - symfwna me thn efhmerida - h Yphresia Agnooymenwn gnwrize apo xronia oti o Menoikoy htan nekros kai qammenos sto stratiwtiko nekrotafeio Lakatameias.

H "Shmerinh" sto kyrio qema kai katw apo ton titlo "Rapisma sthn ATHK" grafei oti me dhlwseis toy o Ypoyrgos Sygkoinwniwn kai Ergwn Aberwf Neofytoy epekrine th dioikhsh ths Arxhs Thlepikoinwniwn Kyproy gia thn efarmogh ychloteroy teloys xrewshs gia prosbash sto Diadiktyo apo ayto poy eixe egkrinei h Boylh, kaqws kai gia thn ekmetalleysh ths monopwliakhs metaxeirishs poy ths parexei to Syntagma, me to na empleketai sto emporio thlefwnikwn syskeywn kai alloy termatikoy ejoplismoy. Se allo qema grafei gia oti to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio qa apofasisei shmera kata poson qa apodexqei thn antiprotash poy ypebale xqes h OELMEK gia thn anelijh twn kaqhghtwn - melwn ths.

O "Fileleyqeros" me kyrio titlo "Toyrkikh eparxia to 'kratos'" anaferetai sto sxedio oikonomikhs kai politikhs enswmatwshs twn katexomenwn poy katartise h Toyrkia epixeirwntas na ekbiasei ejelijeis kai na synthrhsei to klima entashs alla kai na edraiwsei thn apofash ths gia mh symmetoxh stis synomilies. Alloy grafei oti h kybernhsh fobatai prospaqeies ejeymenismoy ths toyrkikhs pleyras gia na proselqei sth diadikasia twn synomiliwn, poy phgazoyn apo plhrofories kai epafes me jenoys mesolabhtes, enw gia to qema anamenetai na yparjoyn syntoma bolidoskophseis pros th Leykwsia.

H "Xaraygh" katw apo ton titlo "Na antikatastaqei o Xristodoylos" proballei thn ekklhsh toy GG toy AKEL Dhmhtrh Xristofia gia diorismo yphresiakwn ypoyrgwn enocei twn boyleytikwn eklogwn se ypoyrgeia enw o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos xqes dhlwse oti doqhkan rhtes entoles stoys ypoyrgoys poy qa anameixqoyn ston proeklogiko agwna na exoyn amepth symperifora. Grafei oti to timariqmiko epidoma poy qa paroyn oi ergazomenoi apo thn 1.1.2001 ayjanetai kata 4,94% panw sto basiko toys misqo alla h apwleia epi twn basikwn misqwn qa synexisei na einai ths tajhs toy 1,95%.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" sto prwtoselido ths anaferetai sto qanato hlikiwmenhs gynaikas otan h stegh toy spitioy ths kai enas toixos katarreysan xqes, sto xwrio Aqhenoy. Anaferei oti h Koinoboyleytikh Epitroph Oikonomikwn qa ejetasei th forologikh protash ths kybernhshs thn erxomenh Deytera enocei ths olomeleias ths Boylhs poy synerxetai thn erxomenh Pempth, dhlwse xqes o Ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Takhs Klhridhs ystera apo synanthsh me thn hgesia ths OEB.


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