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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-03

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE 3/01/2001 H parembash toy Germanoy Epitropoy gia th dieyrynsh ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs Gkoynter Ferxoigken gia synexish twn synomiliwn, alla kai synetismo toy Ntenktas, oi eperxomenes boyleytikes ekloges, oi diakommatikes synergasies kai to endexomeno kybernhtikoy anasxhmatismoy, ta pyrhnika opla stis Bretanikes Baseis, h ygeia toy apaxqentos apo tis katoxikes dynameis Panikoy Tziakoyrma, alla kai oi nees ayjhseis twn thlefwnikwn klhsewn apo thn Arxh Thlepikoinwniwn Kyproy kai oi ejagores kai sygxwneyseis etaireiwn sthn Kypro kata to 2000 einai merika apo ta qemata poy apasxoloyn to shmerino Typo sthn Kypro.

H "Alhqeia" sthn kyria eidhsh katw apo to titlo "Parembainei o Ferxoigken" anaferei oti o armodios gia th dieyrynsh Epitropos Gkoynter Ferxoigken einai apofasismenos na symbalei oristika kai qa epidiwjei "me oikonomiko moxlo na allajei" th stash ths Toyrkias". Alloy anaferetai sth meiwsh twn kaysimwn poy teqhke se isxy apo thn 1h Ianoyarioy, alla den einai arketh gia na kalycei ta elleimmata twn etaireiwn petrelaioeidwn ta opoia ftanoyn ta 15 ekatommyria lires, opws grafei h efhmerida.

H "Maxh" ypo ton titlo "H 'M' ta eipe prwth" anaferetai stis prosfates plhrofories poy eidan to fws dhmosiothtas, symfwna me tis opoies oi Bretanikes Baseis kateixan pyrhnika opla. Paraqetei fwtotypia ths "M" ths 20hs Aprilioy 1962. Alloy anaferetai ston tews Arxhgo ths Eqnikhs Froyras, Niko Dhmoy, o opoios symfwna me thn efhmerida apeilei me apokalyceis ton Ypoyrgo Amynas Swkrath Xasiko, zhtwntas parallhla parembash toy Genikoy Eisaggelea.

O "Poliths" sthn kyria eidhsh me titlo "Epibebaiwnontai oi foboi gia th ygeia toy Tziakoyrma", anaferetai stis dhlwseis toy Anwteroy Symboyloy twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn sthn Kypro Bontik Simpor, oti giatros ths OYNFIKYP, o opoios ejetase ton Tziakoyrma, diegnwse ychlo zaxaro, kai anaferei oti h kypriakh kybernhsh enteinei tis prospaqeies ths kyriws pros to Londino gia thn apeleyqerwsh toy. Se allh eidhsh grafei gia to neoeisaxqen systhma baqmwn poinhs gia tis parabaseis toy odikoy kwdika, me to opoio oi odhgoi mporoyn akoma kai na xasoyn to diplwma toys.

"H Shmerinh" me titlo "Orgio ayqairesiwn ATHK" anaferetai stis ayjhseis poy epebale h Arxh Thlepikoinwniwn Kyproy stis thlefwnikes klhseis, "ekmetalleyomenh to monopwliako kaqestws" kai sygkroyomenh me thn politikh ths kybernhshs gia eleyqeropoihseis kai enarmonish me to eyrwpaiko kekthmeno. Alloy grafei gia th prwth synedria toy etoys sto Xrhmatisthrio Ajiwn Kyproy, shmeiwnontas oti "me tis pio arnhtikes prooptikes ekane xqes thn emfanish toy o neos xronos sto 'patwma' toy XAK".

Sto "Fileleyqero" prwtoselidh eidhsh einai oi eperxomenes boyleytikes ekloges, oi diakommatikes synergasies kai to endexomeno kybernhtikoy anasxhmatismoy kai, opws grafei katw apo ton titlo "Meteklogikos anasxhmatismos", o Proedros Klhridhs kaqhsyxase proswrina toys ypoyrgoys toy me mia "sibyllikh" dhlwsh oti toys perimenei pollh doyleia meta tis eortes twn Xristoygennwn kai ths Prwtoxronias. Ektima oti to senario toy anasxhmatismoy qa epanelqei amesws meta tis boyleytikes ekloges. Se allo qema grafei gia tis kinhtopoihseis twn kybernhtikwn iatrwn kai thn apergia poy prokhryjan gia thn erxomenh Paraskeyh sta kratika noshleythria.

H "Xaraygh", sto kyrio qema kai katw apo ton titlo "Dikaiwnetai to AKEL", grafei oti me thn epibebaiwsh ths yparjhs pyrhnikwn oplwn sth Bash Akrwthrioy kata th dekaetia toy '60, dikaiwnontai oi kataggelies toy AKEL poy eixan ginei ekeinh thn periodo. Allh eidhsh einai h anadiamorfwsh kai anasxediasmos twn dioikhtikwn perifereiwn ths Kyproy apo thn kypriakh kybernhsh, me stoxo thn kalyterh ekmetalleysh twn xrhmatodotikwn programmatwn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail", sto kyrio qema me titlo "O Klinton sto teleytaio sprwjimo gia eirhnh sth Mesh Anatolh", grafei oti o Amerikanos Proedros Mpil Klinton synanthqhke xqes me ton Palaistinio hgeth Giaser Arafat gia na syzhthsoyn tis amerikanikes eirhneytikes protaseis, enw h bia ejakoloyqei na kyriarxei sthn perioxh kai oi Israhlinoi ekfrazoyn amfibolia gia th diasfalish mias symfwnias sto ameso mellon. Alloy grafei oti dekaepta atoma traymatisqhkan sobara se 134 troxaia dystyxhmata se oloklhro to nhsi kata th diarkeia ths ebdomadas 10 - 17 Dekembrioy 2000.

H ebdomadiaia oikonomikh efhmerida "Financial Mirror", me ton titlo "'Gamoi' 600 ekatommyriwn lirwn mesa sto 2000", grafei sto kyrio qema oti oi ejagores kai sygxwneyseis etaireiwn sthn Kypro, kata to 2000, kategracan rekor, fanontas tis 110 synolika kai me ajia poy ypologizetai sta 600,64 ekatommyria lires. Allo qema einai h parembash ths Kentrikhs Trapezas Kyproy ston kaqorismo ths isotimias ths kypriakhs liras meta th fileleyqeropoihsh ths agoras synallagmatos, gia prwth fora, prokeimenoy na antistaqmisqei h synexhs pwlhsh apo tis emporikes trapezes.


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