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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-02

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE - 02/01/2001 Oi dyo efhmerides poy kykloforhsan shmera, "Apogeymatinh" kai "Deilinh", asxoloyntai me to Kypriako, to Xrhmatisthrio Ajiwn Kyproy, plhrofories gia "polemo" enantion toy Ypoyrgoy Dikaiosynhs kai Dhmosias Tajhs, tis ayjhseis sta telh thlefwnias poy epebale h ATHK, th synexizomenh paranomh krathsh toy Panikoy Tziakoyrma apo to katoxiko kaqestws, tis plhrofories gia yparjh pyrhnikwn oplwn stis Bretanikes Baseis kai ta agglika eggrafa gia to rolo ths xoyntas twn Aqhnwn sthn Kypro to 1970.

H "Apogeymatinh" katw apo ton titlo "Strateyontai kata Kosh dyo isxyroi andres" anaferei oti o Ypoyrgos Dikaiosynhs kai Dhmosias Tajhs "balletai" apo thn hgesia toy Dhmokratikoy Synagermoy, dioti symfwna me to dhmosieyma, "prowqei thn ypochfiothta toy Proedroy toy DHKO Tassoy Papadopoyloy gia tis proedrikes ekloges, enw eixe kai sto parelqon stenes sxeseis me ton prwhn Proedro toy DHKO kai nyn Proedro ths Boylhs Spyro Kyprianoy."

Alloy grafei oti apo shmera h lianikh timh twn kaysimwn meiwnetai kata 2,2 sent to litro, ystera apo th meiwsh twn timwn toy argoy petrelaioy stis dieqneis agores.

Ejalloy h "A" anaferei oti apo xqes ayjhqhkan ta telh twn thlefwnikwn klhsewn, ths syndeshs kai ths syndromhs sth staqerh kai kinhth thlefwnia. H mhniaia syndromh yperdiplasiazetai se treis lires, enw to telos klhshs sthn idia eparxia ayjanetai apo 1,3 se 2 sent kaqe tessera lepta. Ta yperastika telh qa einai 3 sent to lepto se wres aixmhs kai 2 sent to lepto ektos wrwn aixmhs.

Anaferomenh se eggrafa poy edwse xqes sth dhmosiothta to bretaniko Ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn, h "A" grafei oti oi Bretanoi proebhsan se apokalyceis gia to rolo ths Xoyntas kai ths Toyrkias sthn Kypro, shmeiwnontas oti apo to 1970 sxediazan thn anatroph toy Makarioy.

Oson afora plhrofories poy egrace h "Santei Taims" gia yparjh pyrhnikwn oplwn stis Bretanikes Baseis sthn Kypro, h efhmerida shmeiwnei pws o Proedros ths Dhmokratias, Glaykos Klhridhs dhlwse xqes oti polles fores oi kata kairoys Proedroi ths Kyproy zhthsan ejhghseis apo tis ekastote agglikes kybernhseis, oi opoies sthn apanthsh toys "ta masoysan".

Stis ejwterikes eidhseis, h "A" anaferei oti sto prwtoxroniatiko mhnyma toy o Proedros ths Toyrkias, Axmet Netzntet Sezer, eipe oti h xwra prepei na eksygxronistei gia na mpei sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, shmeiwnontas oti "den yparxei allh epilogh gia mia xwra poy qelei na anhkei sto sygxrono kosmo".

Alloy h efhmerida grafei pws lamproi htan ana to pagkosmio oi eortasmoi gia thn prwtoxronia, omws se arketes xwres h xara gia to neo xrono egine qrhnos, afoy shmeiwqhkan traymatismoi kai qanatoi apo ekrhjeis bombwn, sygkroyseis, beggalika, pyrobolismoys kai xamhles qermokrasies.

H "Deilinh" me kyrio titlo "Anatroph skhnikoy" grafei oti h toyrkikh stash sto Kypriako apeilei na anatrecei to skhniko poy sxediasan oi HPA, Bretania kai HE gia treis gyroys synomiliwn to 2001, ena sto telos Ianoyarioy, allo to Febroyario kai ena trito ton Ioynio. Anaferei oti gia to sxediasmo htan enhmera ola ta endiaferomena merh, shmeiwnontas pws oi HPA, h Bretania kai ta HE qa epixeiroysan na ftiajoyn synolikh morfh lyshs, epi ths opoias qa arxize sklhrh diapragmateysh.

Grafei oti sygenneis toy apaxqentos Panikoy Tziakoyrma pragmatopoihsan xqes kaqistikh ekdhlwsh diamartyrias sth Bash Akrwthrioy me aithma thn apeleyqerwsh toy kai apekleisan thn kyria eisodo ths Bashs. Epanelaban thn eyqynh poy ferei h Bretania gia thn apagwgh toy Panikoy kai zhtoyn apo to Londino na mesolabhsei gia na afeqei eleyqeros. Nwritera h syzygos toy Nikh, h opoia ton episkefqhke sthn katexomenh Leykwsia, dhlwse pws o Panikos den einai kaqoloy kala sthn ygeia toy.

H "D" epikaleitai nomikes phges oti ayjanetai o ariqmos twn etaireiwn poy den antapokrinontai stis ekklhseis twn ependytwn opws ayjanontai kai oi kataggelies ependytwn kata twn etaireiwn, merikes apo tis opoies den protiqentai na proselqoyn oyte se dialogo me toys paraponoymenoys h toys dikhgoroys toys. Sto metajy, ta koinoboyleytika kommata ekfrazoyn foboys gia thn proqesh germanikhs trapezas na ependysei 100 ek. lires sto XAK kai ektimoyn pws h eisroh toy posoy aytoy, poy qa ginei ypo morfh daneioy, mporei na dhmioyrghsei problhmata afoy ependyths qa einai to kratos.

Anaferetai sth shmerinh synedria toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy kai ths Koinoboyleytikhs omadas toy DHKO gia na asxolhqoyn me toys kanonismoys gia th diadikasia epiloghs ypochfiwn gia tis boyleytikes kai tis dhmotikes ekloges, to sxedio dieyrynshs toy kommatos kai thn topoqethsh epi twn proypologismwn toy kratoys, enw qa syzhthqoyn epishs kai qemata poy aforoyn thn parapera organwtikh anaptyjh toy kommatos kai thn enisxysh twn oikonomikwn toy.

Proballei dhlwseis toy Yfypoyrgoy para tw Proedrw Pantelh Koyroy oti den yparxoyn skeceis gia yphresiakoys ypoyrgoys stis boyleytikes ekloges. Anaforika me plhrofories gia anasxhmatismo, o k. Koyros dhlwse pws ean o Proedros ths Dhmokratias den htan eyxaristhmenos apo toys ypoyrgoys toy, qa ekane anasxhmatismo.

Se allo shmeio grafei oti "ypo astynomiko kloio brisketai o Ypoyrgos Dikaiosynhs kai Dhmosias Tajhs Nikos Koshs apo to perasmeno Sabbato meta apo plhrofories gia piqanh energeia kata ths zwhs toy."


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