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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-12-17

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,17/12/1997 (KYPE)

H telesidikh apofash toy Alekoy Markidh na mhn katelqei ws ypochfios stis proedrikes ekologes kaqws kai ola ta sxetika epakoloyqa kai antidraseis apoteloyn to kyrio prwtoselido qema toy shmerinoy kypriakoy Typoy. H dhmosiografikh diaskech Anastasiadh kai oi dhlwseis toy Alejh Galanoy proballontai epishs stis efhmerides.

"O Agwn" grafei oti to "Oxi Markidh" pyrodotei ejelijeis sto proeklogiko topio, enw tis prosexeis meres anamenetai na lhfqoyn apofaseis apo pleyras DHKO poy qa apoboyn kaqoristikes gia tis proedrikes ekloges. Proballei dhlwsh toy Proedroy Klinton oti sth synanthsh toy me ton Toyrko Prwqypoyrgo Mesoyt Gilmaz qa syzhthsei ta elladotoyrkika kai to Kypriako, anazhtwntas tropoys prowqhshs toys.

H "Alhqeia" me kyrio titlo "Nea entonh prospaqeia" grafei oti h apofash Markidh byqise ton kosmo toy DHKO se problhmatismo, afoy dyo mhnes prin tis ekloges to komma brisketai xwris ypochfio enw exei thn eykairia na synergastei me to DHSY kai na diathrhsei sigoyra thn ejoysia. Epishs proballei tis xqesines dhlwseis Anastasiadh oti o DHSY epilegei th sigoyria ths strathgikhs Klhridh gia mia eqnika apodekth lysh toy Kypriakoy.

"H Maxh" me kyrio titlo "Ta panw katw efere o Markidhs" grafei oti apo shmera arxizei me syntonismenes kai polyepipedes prospaqeies h epanasygkollhsh DHSY - DHKO, enw o Alejhs Galanos apotelei th diejodo toy DHKO gia na apofeyxqei h diaspash toy kommatos. Epishs grafei oti h ellhnikh dikaiosynh exei anacei to prasino fws sthn ypoqesh toy Kyprioy foithth Marioy Gewrgioy, poy katadikasthke se 15eth fylakish gia fono, afoy exei ginei apodekto to aithma ths yperaspishs kai exei orisqei h 15h Maioy ws hmeromhnia neas dikasimoy sthn efesh poy exei ypoblhqei.

"H Shmerinh" exei titlo "Enallaktikes epiloges" kai grafei oti DHSY kai Proedriko xairetisan thn apofash Markidh, o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos th xarakthrise "sofh" kai o Proedros Klhridhs dhlwse oti o Alekos Markidhs katelhje sthn apofash toy "idia boylhsei". Epishs anaferei oti tropoys ylopoihshs ths symfwnias Ntemirel - Ntenktas gia enswmatwsh twn katexomenwn sthn Toyrkia qa syzhthsei h ceydoboylh to Sabbato.

"O Fileleyqeros" titloforei "Dilhmmata epilogwn sto DHKO" kai anaferetai se anoigma AKEL pros to DHKO, dia stomatos Katsoyridh poy anefere oti sthn periptwsh poy to komma ayto endiaferqei gia synergasia qa einai sto trapezi oles oi proqeseis kai qeseis toy kommatos poy exoyn teqei ypoch ths hgesias toy DHKO sth diarkeia twn polymhnwn epafwn toys. Epishs grafei oti nea diastash phre to qema twn apotelesmatwn ths dieqnoys ereynas gia ta Maqhmatika kai thn Episthmh kaqws to Ypoyrgeio Paideias kathggeile to syntonisth ths ereynas oti den akoloyqhse toys oroys entolhs.

H "Xaraygh" exei titlo "To DHKO exei allh epilogh" kai proballei dhlwsh toy Proedroy toy kommatos oti to DHKO den brisketai se adiejodo alla exei ypallaktikes lyseis tis opoies qa melethsei me cyxraimia ypomonh, sobarothta kai nhfaliothta. Grafei akomh oti o Ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn diaisqanomenos oti h omilia toy enwpion ths Boylhs gia thn koinwniko - oikonomikh politikh ths kybernhshs qa dexqei kataigismo epikrisewn kata th syzhthsh twn proypologismwn zhthse to dikaiwma na parembei kai pali sto Swma.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" proballei to symperasma toy Genikoy Eisaggelea oti opws exoyn ejelixqei ta pragmata ean ypeballe ypochfiothta gia tis proedrikes ekloges qa prostiqeto akomh enas ypochfios, o opoios qa apoteloyse polo peraiterw diaspashs ths politikhs zwhs toy topoy. Grafei akomh oti o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn ths Toyrkias Ismail Tzem kathgorhse thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh oti ta exei "qalasswsei" sto kypriako problhma.

H "Financial Mirror" grafei oti o ryqmos ths anergias synexizei na paroysiazei staqera ptwtikh tash, h opoia problepetai oti qa synexistei kai to 1998 symfwna me ths diapistwseis syskechs me epikefalhs ton Ypoyrgo Ergasias. Epishs proballei synenteyjh toy Proedroy ths Arxhs Thlepikoinwniwn Mixalakh Zibanarh sto KYPE oti to Sxedio EAST ths ATHK poy anakoinwqhke prosfata qa einai pros ofelos ths Kyproy "giati qa th bgalei apo ta mexri twra stena oria".

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