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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-12-16

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,16/12/1997 (KYPE) H xqesinh peripeteia ths nearhs monaxhs Nektarias me th fhmologoymenh apagwgh ths, h xqesinh anakoinwsh toy Raoyf Ntenktas oti o dialogos sthn Kypro einai nekros, oi synexizomenes diergasies sta kommata gia tis proedrikes ekloges kai h xqesinh synenteyjh Typoy toy GG toy AKEL, Dhmhtrh Xristofia, einai ta qemata poy kyriarxoyn sto shmerino kypriako Typo.

"O Agwn" katw apo ton titlo "Monaxismo epeleje h nearh Nektaria", grafei oti h nearh apofasise na parameinei gia panta sth Monh toy Agioy Hrakleidioy kai epestresce hdh sto Monh. Se allo shmeio anaferetai se xqesines dhlwseis toy prwhn Proedroy ths Boylhs kai boyleyth toy DHKO, Alejh Galanoy, symfwna me tis opoies, an den katelqoyn stis proedrikes ekloges oi Spyros Kyprianoy, Ntinos Mixahlidhs kai Alekos Markidhs, qa ypobalei o idios ypochfiothta.

H "Alhqeia" me titlo "Apagwgh qriller ths monaxhs Nektarias xqes apo monasthri", grafei oti h monaxh Nektaria dhlwnei pws den exei parapono kai zhthse na gyrisei sth Monh, ystera apo thn apagwgh ths ek promeleths, poy qa zhleye kai to kalytero senario kinhmatografikhs tainias. Alloy anaferetai sthn oikonomikh bohqeia poy qa doqei sta kommata kai grafei oti apo to 1992 mexri shmera, toys exoyn paraxwrhqei tessera ekatommyria lires.

"H Maxh", sto prwtoselido ths qema kai katw apo ton titlo, "Galanos, h lysh apofyghs diaspashs", grafei oti o boyleyths Alejhs Galanos fainetai oti qa einai o ypochfios poy to DHKO qa yposthrijei stis proedrikes ekloges, meta thn anamenomenh anakoinwsh ths mh ypobolhs ypochfiothtas apo ton Aleko Markidh, afoy etsi qa apofeyxqei h diaspash toy kommatos. Se allh eidhsh grafei oti enantion toy Toyrkoy kataskopoy Saritsitsekli, to Kakoyrgiodikeio epebale poinh fylakishs 6,5 xronwn, gia ypoqesh kataskopeias gia logariasmo twn toyrkikwn mystikwn yphresiwn.

"H Shmerinh", sto basiko ths qema, to opoio stegazei ypo ton titlo, "Termatizei to dialogo o Ntenktas", grafei oti h toyrkikh pleyra antidra me sklhrynsh ths politikhs ths sto Kypriako, logw ths apofashs ths EE gia thn entajiakh prooptikh ths Kyproy kai thn aporrich ths Agkyras, na perilhfqei stis ypochfies xwres. Alloy h efhmerida anaferei oti h monimopoihsh toy ektaktoy proswpikoy sthn hmidhmosia yphresia, antimetwpizetai qetika apo thn Koinoboyleytikh Ypepitroph, h opoia paradexetai pws h apasxolhsh proswpikoy gia arketa xronia prepei na tyxei monimhs dieyqethshs.

"O Fileleyqeros", sto kyrio toy qema kai katw apo ton titlo, "Krish me pazarema Eyrwphs - Toyrkias", grafei oti h Eyrwph estelne xqes mhnyma sthn Agkyra na mhn kleisei tis portes kai na synexisei to dialogo, enw h Toyrkia synexize thn epixeirhsh dhmioyrgias krisews stis sxeseis ths me tis Bryjelles, thn Aqhna kai th Leykwsia. Allo dhmosieyma grafei oti h ATHK exei ekdhlwsei proqesh gia ayjomeiwseis sta thlefwnika telh mesa sto 1998, gia tis opoies omws ton teleytaio logo qa exei h Boylh twn Antiproswpwn.

H "Xaraygh" katw apo ton titlo "D. Xristofias: Synenwtikh h ypochfiothta Iakwboy", anaferetai sth xqesinh diaskech Typoy toy AKEL, sthn opoia o GG toy Kommatos ekane ekklhsh pros oles tis dhmokratikes, proodeytikes dynameis, na sthrijoyn apo koinoy thn ypochfiothta Giwrgoy Iakwboy. Alloy anaferetai stis aixmes poy afhse xqes o Dhmhtrhs Xristofias kata ths kybernhshs Klhridh, oti h KYP parakoloyqei thlefwna politikwn.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" katw apo ton titlo "Oi synomilies einai nekres leei o Ntenktas", anaferetai se xqesinh dhlwsh toy T/K hgeth, me thn opoia kleinei h porta gia parapera diakoinotiko dialogo, ystera apo thn apofash toy Symboylioy Koryfhs ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs sto Loyjemboyrgo. Alloy grafei oti se ekqesh toy o GG twn HE, Kofi Anan, kalei tis dyo pleyres sthn Kypro na eisagagoyn nees proseggiseis sto kypriako problhma.


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