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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-12-18

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,18/12/1997 (KYPE)

Oi ejelijeis sto proeklogiko skhniko kai eidikotera oi mesolabhtikes prospaqeies toy Nikoy Anastasiadh gia apokatastash twn sxesewn Klhridh - Kyprianoy kai oi xqesines dhlwseis toy ypochfioy proedroy Giwrgoy Iakwboy einai ta kyria qemata toy shmerinoy kypriakoy Typoy.

"O Agwn" grafei oti se gefyra epikoinwnias metajy Proedrikoy kai Spyroy Kyprianoy metatraphke xqes o Proedros toy DHSY Nikos Anastasiadhs, se mian prospaqeia na arqoyn ta opoia problhmata metajy twn dyo pleyrwn kai na ananewqei h synergasia enocei twn proedrikwn eklogwn toy Febroyarioy. Se allo qema h efhmerida anaferei oti o Proedros Klhridhs kai o Proedros ths Boylhs kai Proedros toy DHKO Spyros Kyprianoy qa synanthqoyn ayrio Paraskeyh gia na syzhthsoyn to qema twn proedrikwn eklogwn.

H "Alhqeia" me kyrio titlo "Iakwboy h aytodynama oi epiloges toy Kyprianoy" grafei oti thn erxomenh Deytera otan qa synelqei h Kentrikh Epitroph toy DHKO anamenetai oti qa doqei oristiko telos sto qema toy ypochfioy poy to komma qa yposthrijei ston prwto gyro twn proedrikwn eklogwn. Se allo qema anaferei oti o Amerikanos Proedros Mpil Klinton, o Bretanos Prwqypoyrgos Toni Mpler kai h gallikh kybernhsh prospaqhsan xqes na aposyndesoyn thn poreia ths Kyproy apo tis toyrkikes antidraseis, enw o Toyrkos Prwqypoyrgos Mesoyt Gilmaz proeidopoihse oti an h EE den anaqewrhsei th stash ths, tote h Toyrkia qa aposyrei thn ypochfiothta ths gia entajh sthn Enwsh.

"H Maxh" grafei sto kyrio ths qema oti proklhsh pros thn ellhnikh kybernhsh na dhmosiopoihsei stoixeia gia th drash toy sth diarkeia ths qhteias toy sto Idryma Palinnostoyntwn aphyqyne xqes o Giwrgos Iakwboy, gia thn opoia o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Dhmhtrhs Reppas anaferqhke sth diarkeia synedrias kybernhtikhs epitrophs xarakthrizontas th gemath adynamies - dysleitoyrgies kai h opoia syneqete eikona baqias krishs gia to idryma. Se allo qema h efhmerida anaferei oti th dyskolh prospaqeia epanasygkollhshs twn sxesewn Klhridh - Kyprianoy anelabe xqes o Proedros toy DHSY Nikos Anastasiadhs wste na synexisqei h synergasia DHSY - DHKO eite ston a' eite sto b' gyro twn proedrikwn eklogwn, an kai o Proedros toy DHKO deixnei ametapeistos.

"H Shmerinh" anaferei sto kyrio ths qema oti meqodeyetai amesh epafh, poy endexetai na ginei akomh kai shmera, metajy Klhridh - Kyprianoy, ws ystath prospaqeia synennohshs toy DHSY kai toy DHKO. H diadikasia gia th gefyrwsh twn diaforwn toy Proedroy Klhridh kai toy k. Kyprianoy, opws epishmainetai, jekinhse xqes me prwtoboylia toy DHSY kai prwtagwnisth ton Proedro toy kommatos Niko Anastasiadh. Se allo qema h efhmerida grafei oti parembash ths Elladas kai ths Bretanias gia na apotrecoyn ta toyrkika sxedia gia prosarthsh twn katexomenwn, zhta h kypriakh kybernhsh.

"O Fileleyqeros" me kyrio titlo "Anoixta ola gia to DHKO" grafei oti qema hmerwn einai gia to DHKO h epishmopoihsh apo ta kommatika swmata ths synergasias me to Giwrgo Iakwboy kai pws h protash gia Iakwboy einai h exoysa tis perissoteres piqanothtes egkrishs apo to Ektelestiko Grafeio toy DHKO, poy qa synedriasei to erxomeno Sabbato. Se allo qema anaferetai oti prospaqeies gia thn kataskeyh dikoinotikwn ydatikwn ergwn, ta opoia protiqentai na xrhmatodothsoyn oi Hnwmenes Politeies kai pros to skopo ayto exoyn klhqei na metaboyn sthn Amerikh armodioi kai apo tis dyo koinothtes.

H "Xaraygh" me kyrio titlo "Strathgikos Sxediasmos" grafei oti h entajiakh poreia ths Kyproy epayjanei thn anagkaiothta damorfwshs strathgikoy sxedioy sthrijhs kai eksygxronismoy ths oikonomias, opws tonise xqes o anejarthtos ypochfios proedros Giwrgos Iakwboy. Se allo qema h efhmerida grafei oti o Proedros toy DHKO Spyros Kyprianoy epanelabe xqes emfantika pws symfwna me thn teleytaia apofash ths Kentrikhs Epitrophs to komma den prokeitai na yposthrijei oyte thn prwth oyte th deyterh Kyriakh, Klhridh apokleiontas etsi thn epilogh ayth.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti o Proedros toy DHKO Spyros Kyprianoy eipe xqes, meta th synedria toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy toy DHKO, oti to komma toy den qa yposthrijei ton Proedro Klhridh oyte ston prwto oyte sto deytero gyro twn proedrikwn eklogwn. Se allo qema h efhmerida grafei oti melos toy Eyrwpaikoy Koinoboylioy poy einai omofylofilos qa episkefqei thn Kypro me to syntrofo toy gia na ypogrammisei oti oi ypochfies gia entajh sthn EE xwres qa prepei na apodexqoyn thn omofylofilia efoson entaxqoyn sthn Enwsh.

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