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Greek Government Press Briefing, 07-10-22

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>

Dieyqynsh Plhroforhshs

Tmhma Dhmosiografikwn Kalycewn

Deytera, 22 Oktwbrioy 2007

Ariqmos Deltioy: 102094148

Ekdosh 1



Aqhna, 22 Oktwbrioy 2007


Xairete kai kalh ebdomada.

To dihmero poy mas perase, yphrxe, opws gnwrizete, poly megalo endiaferon gia tis prwtes megales broxes kai kataigides poy shmeiwqhkan se diafora merh ths xwras -anamenontan allwste- opws eixe problecei h Eqnikh Metewrologikh Yphresia. Apo thn enhmerwsh poy exw apo th Genikh Grammateia Politikhs Prostasias kai isws sas endiaferei: H Pyrosbestikh Yphresia dexqhke, kata th diarkeia aytoy toy dihmeroy, sthn perifereia Attikhs,166 klhseis gia antlhsh ydatwn. Pragmatopoihqhkan 81, enw den apaithqhke epembash stis ypoloipes 65 klhseis gia kopes dentrwn. Gia th Salamina, eidikotera: Dexqhke 45 klhseis kai epenebh se 32 peristatika. Pragmatopoihqhkan 49 apegklwbismoi atomwn apo akinhtopoihmena, logw ycoys ydatwn, oxhmata se Attikh kai Salamina. Se sxesh me alles periptwseis, opws me enhmerwnoyn apo th Grammateia Politikhs Prostasias, yphrjan mikroy megeqoys problhmata.

Parakalw tis erwthseis sas.

NASOPOYLOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, mporoyme na synagoyme dhladh oti ayta ta stoixeia poy mas metaferate apo th drasthriothta ths Pyrosbestikhs, ta metaferete gia na katalaboyme oti h Pyrosbestikh leitoyrgei poly kalytera, meta thn apoxwrhsh toy k. Polydwra;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Skefthka oti mporei na sas endiaferoyn ta stoixeia.

SPYRAKH: Kyrie Ekproswpe, o prwhn Ypoyrgos ths kybernhshs, o k. Byrwn Polydwras, to Sabbatokyriako, me tesseris jexwristes parembaseis toy sth dhmosiothta, exei topoqethqei gia tis aities ths mh symmetoxhs toy sto kybernhtiko sxhma, legontas pws  na metaferw perifrastika- ejyfanqhkan sxedia apo thn pleyra toy Megaroy Majimoy, pws o Prwqypoyrgos kai oi synergates toy ton yponomeyan kaq` olh th diarkeia ths ypoyrgias toy klp. H kybernhsh exei kapoio sxolio gia thn oysia aytwn twn topoqethsewn;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Kanena sxolio.

XIDIROGLOY: Sto idio qema, me epistolh toy sthn ``ELEYQERH WRA'', o k. Polydwras milaei gia sampotaz, leykh apergia kai anoixto polemo kai gia anikanothta. H erwthsh moy einai genikoterh. Exoyn parathrhqei tetoia fainomena ston eyrytero dhmosio tomea, kata th diarkeia ths diakybernhshs apo th Nea Dhmokratia;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Kanena sxolio.

SARANTAKOS: To kalokairi, ligo prin apo tis ekloges, h xwra biwse mia prwtofanh tragwdia. Epikefalhs ths prospaqeias, toylaxiston gia thn katasbesh twn katastrofikwn pyrkagiwn, htan o k. Polydwras. Kat` ekeinh thn periodo, qewreite oti yposthrixqhke apo to synolo ths kybernhshs ayth h prospaqeia toy k. Polydwra;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Kanena sxolio.

GKOYTZANHS: Yparxei qema diagrafhs toy k. Polydwra meta apo aytes tis dhlwseis toy, h an epanelqei;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Kanena sxolio.

RABANOS: Na jefygoyme ligo apo ton k. Polydwra kai na pame stoys ypoloipoys boyleytes ths Neas Dhmokratias oi opoioi diaforopoioyntai tis teleytaies hmeres. Sas problhmatizoyn ta fainomena ayta, ta kaqhmerina;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Isxyei h prohgoymenh apanthsh.

GKOYTZANHS: Mporeite na mas parapemcete kai sthn apanthsh sas thn perasmenh ebdomada. Htan idia.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Einai freskia ayth.

KWNSTANTINIDHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, pws sxoliazei h ellhnikh kybernhsh to eggrafo Talat pros ton Geniko Grammatea Hnwmenwn Eqnwn, to opoio anaferetai se dyo krath, milaei gia politikh isothta, anaferei oti to sxedio Anan einai to kalytero poy mporei na yparxei gia lysh toy Kypriakoy kai poyqena den anaferei th lejh omospondia.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Oi qeseis ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs paramenoyn staqeres se o,ti afora to sxedio Anan. Tis gnwrizete. Se o,ti afora antilhceis gia to oti h Kypriakh Dhmokratia mporei na exei diaireqei se dyo kommatia, emeis den symfwnoyme se kamia periptwsh. H Kypriakh Dhmokratia einai mia, adiaireth, eniaia. Kanoyme kaqe dynath prospaqeia, se synergasia panta me thn Kypriakh Dhmokratia, na broyme thn kalyterh dynath lysh sta problhmata ta opoia gnwrizoyme oloi mas.

PALAIOLOGOS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, alhqeyoyn oi plhrofories poy eidan to fws ths dhmosiothtas thn prohgoymenh ebdomada me aformh, bebaiws, diaforopoihseis twn boyleytwn, oti o Prwqypoyrgos apeilei me ekloges; Apeilei h proeidopoiei h afhnei anoixto to endexomeno gia prowres ekloges, prokeimenoy na steilei ena mhnyma stoys diafwnoyntes boyleytes;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den katalabainw ti ennoeite. Dhmosieymata eipate;

PALAIOLOGOS: Nai, symfwna me plhrofories poy eipwqhkan ston Typo, grafthkan kata koron.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den yparxoyn tetoies plhrofories apo thn kybernhsh. Moy kanei entypwsh, pragmatika, poy grafthke kati tetoio.

GKOYTZANHS: Yparxei mia kommatikh synedriash opoy elexqh oti to komma einai se katastash eklogikhs etoimothtas, to opoio den einai to idio me tis fhmes h tis plhrofories.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Ti ennoeite;

GKOYTZANHS: Akribws ayto, oti yphrje kommatikh synedriash thn perasmenh ebdomada, den qymamai akribws th lejh, den hmoyna mesa gia to ti eipwqhke. Pantws, elexqh oti to komma einai se katastash eklogikhs etoimothtas.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas qymizw oti prin apo ena mhna eixame ekloges.


ROYSOPOYLOS: Pernaei grhgora o kairos, alla oxi kai toso pia!

KAKALHS: Yparxei mia anadiplwsh apo thn pleyra ths kybernhshs sto qema ths epibolhs FPA, me bash th xqesinh dhlwsh toy k. Alogoskoyfh sthn Oyasigkton oti to prosxedio toy Proypologismoy perigrafei leptomerws ola ta metra, enw o idios to afhne anoixto tis prohgoymenes ebdomades. Epibebaiwnete oti yparxei ayth h anadiplwsh;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Gia na yparxei anadiplwsh, prepei na exei yparjei allh qesh. Apo thn prwth stigmh, h qesh, toso h dikh moy edw oso kai toy k. Alogoskoyfh htan akribws h idia.

KAKALHS: Me sygxwreite, alla o k. Alogoskoyfhs afhne anoixto to endexomeno kai stis dhlwseis poy eixe kanei thn perasmenh ebdomada se synenteyjh Typoy na epiblhqei o FPA.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Toso o k. Alogoskoyfhs oso kai egw, alla kai alloi Ypoyrgoi ths kybernhshs, eimaste ypeyqynoi gi` ayta poy dhlwnoyme, oxi gia tis ermhneies poy mporei na kanei kapoios dhmosiografos.

KAKALHS: Dhladh den yparxei qema FPA gia thn kybernhsh.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Exei apanthqei polles fores to qema.

SARANTAKOS: Yphrjan to teleytaio diasthma synanthseis toy Prwqypoyrgoy me proswpa ta opoia htan sthn prohgoymenh kybernhsh kai den einai se ayth; Kai an nai, poioys eide o k. Karamanlhs;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Opws gnwrizete, oi synanthseis toy Prwqypoyrgoy anakoinwnontai. Synhqws, anakoinwnontai mia mera nwritera. Ayth einai h praktikh thn opoia akoloyqoyme xronia twra kai to Grafeio Typoy toy Prwqypoyrgoy, alla kai palaiotera ws antipoliteysh. Mia mera nwritera anakoinwnoyme ta ranteboy toy Prwqypoyrgoy. Alles synanthseis den gnwrizw.

GKOYTZANHS: Yphrxan kapoies plhrofories ayth th fora peri diastashs apocewn metajy toy Megaroy Majimoy kai toy Ypoyrgeioy Oikonomikwn. Tis gnwrizete ypoqetw.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Nai, tis diabazw. Den exei kamia alhqh bash ayth h ``plhroforia''.

SPYRAKH: Hqela na rwthsw an mporeite na mas aposafhnisete edw sto press room, oti h kybernhsh den protiqetai na proxwrhsei sthn ayjhsh toy FPA entos toy 2008.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Exw apanthsei toses polles fores gia ton FPA poy den exw na pw tipota perissotero.

SPYRAKH: Ennow, epeidh to erwthma einai poly sygkekrimeno.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Kai h apanthsh moy einai sygkekrimenh.

N. PAPADHMHTRIOY: Mporeite na mas dwsete kapoia paradeigmata se ayto ton prwto mhna ths deyterhs kybernhtikhs qhteias politikwn drasewn poy jekinoyn me kales proqeseis, alla den ftanoyn ston kosmo, opws lete me th synenteyjh sas shmera sthn ``Apogeymatinh'';

ROYSOPOYLOS: Exw milhsei polles fores -kai se ayth thn aiqoysa- gia qemata poy aforoyn thn politikh ths kybernhshs. To erwthma sto opoio anafereste einai gia epikoinwnia kai oxi eidikotera mono gia politikh. Einai gia politikh epikoinwnia. Parakalw, diabaste th synenteyjh moy. Nomizw oti qa deite thn apanthsh mesa sthn idia th synenteyjh.

KAKALHS: Poso sobara mporei na parei kaneis thn analogistikh meleth toy Dieqnoys Grafeioy Ergasias, h opoia den perilambanei oyte thn kratikh xrhmatodothsh, oyte thn eisforodiafygh, enw h idia paradexetai oti h problech poy ginetai, me diasthma penthkontaetias, einai episfalhs.

ROYSOPOYLOS: O Ypoyrgos Apasxolhshs kai Koinwnikhs Prostasias k. Magginas, ekane shmera mia anakoinwsh, opoy, metajy allwn, leei: ``Einai aytonohto oti protaseis, meletes kai diapistwseis proswpwn, forewn h organismwn, synistoyn stoixeia pros synektimhsh, xwris bebaiws na aphxoyn tis kybernhtikes proqeseis''. Nomizw oti ayth h frash, metajy twn allwn, einai xarakthristikh gia na apanthsei sto erwthma poy moy qesate.

KAKALHS: Exontas ypoch moy ayth thn apanthsh, ekana thn erwthsh. Giati den einai dynaton na parei kaneis sta sobara mia meleth poy einai sthn pragmatikothta gia ta skoypidia kai leei pragmata ta opoia den sthrizontai poyqena. Ayto lew.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Synektimoyntai ola. Gia th meleth, opws qymaste, den bghke to Ypoyrgeio na panhgyrisei oti perimenei mia meleth h erxetai mia meleth h ftanei mia meleth. Mia seira apo dhmosieymata egrafan gi` ayth th meleth. Erwtwmenos kai egw kai alloi Ypoyrgoi ths kybernhshs kai o anaplhrwths moy otan eleica sto ejwteriko, gia to pote qa erqei ayth h meleth, ti ginetai gi` ayth th meleth. H kybernhsh den edeije kamia ``premoyra'' gi` ayth th meleth. Mallon ta dhmosieymata einai ekeina ta opoia thn anebasan se kapoia ych, poy antilambanomai oti sas odhgoyn sto symperasma ayto poy emperiexei h erwthsh sas. H apanthsh, apo thn pleyra moy, einai apanthsh poy nomizw oti tairiazei ganti, opws thn exei dwsei, o armodios ypoyrgos.

KAKALHS: O k. Magginas, ean moy epitrepete, leei akoma oti oi paroxes kai oi syntajeis poy kataballontai den prokeitai se kamia periptwsh na qigoyn. Milaei omws gi` aytes poy hdh kataballontai. Gia tis kainoyrgies, dhladh, apo 1/1/2008 poy opws anaferetai se shmerino dhmosieyma, qa yparxoyn perikopes...

ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas qymizw oti rwthqhka prin apo 10-15 hmeres, se ayth thn aiqoysa, gia ta wrima asfalistika dikaiwmata kai exw dwsei apanthsh. Nomizw oti eixa erwthqei tote apo ton k. Palaiologo. En pash periptwsei, exoyn doqei kapoies apanthseis se ayta ta qemata, as afhsoyme na proxwrhsei o dialogos sto plaisio ths Boylhs.

KAKALHS: Den ginetai logos gia ta wrima. Milame gia tis nees syntajeis.

GKOYTZANHS: Tis teleytaies dyo ebdomades eixame mia seira apo diaforopoihseis kybernhtikwn boyleytwn h kritikes. Bebaiws, exete pei kai eseis oti katoxyrwnetai apo to Syntagma h eleyqeria syneidhshs twn boyleytwn kai exoyn to dikaiwma na ekfrazoyn tis apoceis toys. Wstoso, politika einai h prwth fora poy blepoyme kati tetoio apo tote poy h Nea Dhmokratia kerdise thn ejoysia stis ekloges toy 2004. To apodidete kapoy; Skopeyete na to antimetwpisete me kapoio tropo;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Ennoeite oti einai h prwth fora poy yparxei diaforetikh apoch; Den symfwnw mazi sas. Oxi.

GKOYTZANHS: Toses polles apoceis se toso syntomo xroniko diasthma, prwth fora yparxei.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Isws gia ola yparxei panta h prwth fora.

RABANOS: Ep` aytoy. Qewreite oti einai proion politikhs diafwnias h proswpikhs pikrias twn perissoterwn diafwnoyntwn;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Qa epanaferw thn prohgoymenh apanthsh moy. Kanena sxolio.

KAKALHS: Sto idio qema me ton k. Polydwra. O k. Karaxalios dhlwse shmera oti ``o problhmatismos toy k. Polydwra mas problhmatizei''. Den nomizw oti eipate to idio kai eseis me tis prohgoymenes apanthseis sas. Eipate ``kanena sxolio''. Dhladh, qelete na peite oti agnoeite pantelws ayto poy bgainei apo thn pleyra toy k. Polydwra;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Me rwthsate ean exw na kanw kapoio sxolio kai apanthsa ``kanena sxolio''.

KAKALHS: Kai gia th diagrafh toy, epishs, to stelexos ths Neas Dhmokratias eipe oti den yparxei qema diagrafhs. Eseis den eipate kati tetoio.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Opws gnwrizete, yparxoyn dhmosieymata poy anaferontai se ayto. Blepete na yparxei kati apo thn pleyra ths kybernhshs h toy kommatos; Den mporw na apantw se kaqe eyfantasto senario.

Sas eyxaristw.

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