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Greek Government Press Briefing, 05-06-30

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 30 Ioynioy 2005





O Prwqypoyrgos anaxwrhse prin apo ligo gia to Londino, opoy qa exei synanthsh me to Bretano omologo toy k. Toni Mpler.

Parakalw, tis erwthseis sas.

POYLIDOY: Kyrie Ekproswpe, molonoti den eiste qesmika o armodios gia na apanthsete sthn erwthsh, wstoso, gia na mas dieykolynete, qa hqela an mporeite na diereynhsete ayto poy metadidei to Praktoreio Reuters, oti o k. Dhmas, xqes, sth syzhthsh toy Kolegioy twn Epitropwn yposthrije tis enstaseis poy diatypwse h k. Rentingk, pws dhladh den prepei shmera se ayth th sygkyria na doqei entajiakh prooptikh sthn Toyrkia. Qa hqela an jerete kati ep` aytoy h na to dieykrinisete kai na mas apanthsete.

ROYSOPOYLOS: H plhroforhsh moy einai entelws antiqeth. Qa yparjei, ej oswn gnwrizw, kai diorqwtikh anafora apo to idio to Praktoreio. O k. Dhmas, antiqetws, yposthrije tis qeseis poy exei labei h xwra mas kata kairoys gia to qema ths entajhs ths Toyrkias.

TSIODRAS: An yparxei kapoio sxolio se ayta ta opoia apodidontai se kykloys toy Ypoyrgeioy Oikonomias gia ton k. Ebert. Kai ennow gia toys proswpikoys xarakthrismoys.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas parapempw sth dhlwsh poy ekane xqes o k. Alogoskoyfhs, proserxomenos sth Boylh.

SARANTAKOS: Qa hqela to sxolio ths kybernhshs gia plhrofories poy dhmosieyontai shmera ston Typo, sthn efhmerida ``EQNOS'' einai prwtoselido, symfwna me tis opoies ta stoixeia poy paroysiase o Prwqypoyrgos sthn pro Hmerhsias Diatajews syzhthsh sth Boylh gia th Dhmosia Dioikhsh eixan kriqei ws plasta apo th stratiwtikh dikaiosynh, thn periodo kata thn opoia epikefalhs ths htan o k. Xaslaridhs, metepeita symboylos toy k. Giannh Barbitsiwth epikefalhs toy eyrwchfodeltioy ths Neas Dhmokratias.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Oxi, den eixan kriqei plasta ta stoixeia. Sthn anafora, gia thn opoia kanete logo, anaferetai me safhneia oti egine ereyna. Oi anqrwpoi bebaiws poy eklhqhsan den apodexqhkan oti eixan thn eyqynh twn eggrafwn. Kai qa htan fysiologiko gia th dikh toys kariera, opws katalabainete, na apodexqoyn oti den ta synetajan oi idioi. Wstoso, einai stoixeia poy yfistantai kai ta gnwrizoyme. Exei dienerghqei ayth h ereyna sthn opoia anaferqhkate. Ena poly shmantiko stoixeio, poy qa hqela na prosqesw se ayta, einai h xqesinh anakoinwsh toy Ypoyrgeioy Eqnikhs Amynas. symfwna me thn opoia stis karteles twn ajiwmatikwn, ta onomata twn opoiwn anaferqhkan apo ton Prwqypoyrgo sth Boylh, mporei kaneis me safhneia na katanohsei @kai opoio komma ths Boylhs epiqymei mporei na exei aytes tis karteles- oti, amesws meta, eginan metaqeseis opws akribws entellontan stis perifhmes ekeines katastaseis poy anaferqhke o Prwqypoyrgos.

KAKALHS: Anejarthta apo toys xarakthrismoys poy antallajan metajy toys o k. Ebert kai o k. Alogoskoyfhs gia ejyphrethsh kai diaplokh me epixeirhmatika symferonta, den einai karampinath prajh diaplokhs h idia h ryqmish poy xarizei ennea dis stoys Trapezites, opws kathggeile kai o k. Barqolomaios gia thn kyria asfalish twn Trapezwn;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Se o,ti afora sto deytero skelos ths erwthshs sas exw apanthsei polles fores se ayth thn aiqoysa. Den exei allajei tipote apo ta osa sas exw pei kata kairoys kai eidika thn teleytaia fora poy kaname diejodikh syzhthsh.

Se o,ti afora sto prwto skelos: Qa epanalabw, ayta poy sas eipa xqes kai, epishs, na sas pw kai ti eipe o k. Alogoskoyfhs. Giati, ontws, yphrxe mia dhlwsh toy k. Ebert sthn opoia anaferqhka kai eixa analabei thn ypoxrewsh, sto synadelfo sas k. Blaxo, na milhsw kai gia tis alles Trapezes: Opws mporei kaneis na dei, koitazontas toys isologismoys poy dhmosieyqhkan, h parathrhsh gia to qema poy anaferoyme ginetai apo thn idia thn Trapeza kai oxi apo toys orkwtoys logistes. H paradoxh ths Trapezas oti exei ekkremothtes me tis asfalistikes ypoxrewseis ths, kaqws kai oti aytes qa antimetwpistoyn me thn oloklhrwsh ths syzhthshs gia to Asfalistiko, profanws den eynooyn thn Trapeza. Analogh parathrhsh eixe ginei kai apo th Dioikhsh ths Agrotikhs, ston isologismo toy 2004 poy dhmosieyqhke. Ara, den yparxei kanenos eidoys diakritikh plhroforhsh, afoy to qema htan genikotera gnwsto, apo to perasmeno fqinopwro, otan arxise h syzhthsh metajy kybernhshs @ Trapezwn kai olwn twn synarmodiwn. Shmera malista o k. Alogoskoyfhs kateqese sth Boylh ki ena eggrafo ths OTOE, mia epistolh gia to dialogo poy eixe hdh jekinhsei.

KAKALHS: Epilektikh enhmerwsh mporei na mhn yparxei, alla yparxei xaristikh ryqmish synolika gia oles tis Trapezes.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Exw topoqethqei polles fores me safhneia sto qema. Den exw na prosqesw tipote perissotero.

Sas eyxaristw.

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