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Greek Government Press Briefing, 05-06-29

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 29 Ioynioy 2005



O Prwqypoyrgos, ayrio to prwi, anaxwrei gia to Londino. Stis 15:00 qa synanthqei sthn prwqypoyrgikh katoikia sthn Ntaoyningk Strit, me to Bretano Prwqypoyrgo Tony Mpler. Stis 18:30 qa milhsei sto City University, me qema ``H prooptikh ths Elladas meta toys Olympiakoys Agwnes''.

Parakalw tis erwthseis sas.

TSIODRAS: Qa hqela mia apanthsh se osa leei o k. Ebert, sxetika me ton isologismo ths ALPHA BANK. Oti dhladh den eixe eggracei th sxetikh dapanh epeidh htan se gnwsh ths ryqmishs gia tis trapezes.

ROYSOPOYLOS: O Ypoyrgos Oikonomias kai Oikonomikwn k. Alogoskoyfhs, exei hdh dwsei apanthsh, h opoia kai kalyptei apolytws thn kybernhsh. O k. Alogoskoyfhs eipe oti exei jekinhsei aytos o dialogos hdh apo ton perasmeno Septembrio. Apo tote gnwrizoyn oloi me safhneia tis proqeseis ths kybernhshs.

TSIODRAS: Giati to eggrafei mono h ALPHA BANK, afoy to gnwrizoyn oloi;

ROYSOPOYLOS: O k. Alogoskoyfhs eipe oti symbainei kai me alles trapezes.

BLAXOS: Exete eseis ypoch sas allh trapeza;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas parapempw sth dhlwsh toy k. Alogoskoyfh, poy einai safhs kai analytikh. Dinei polla stoixeia. Deite th, kai en synexeia opoies apories exete, qa lyqoyn.

BLAXOS: Eseis rwthsate ton k. Alogoskoyfh, poia allh trapeza@

ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas apanthsa. Exei hdh milhsei o k. Alogoskoyfhs kai exei pei kai gia alles trapezes. Den katalabainw, loipon, th synexeia twn erwthsewn sto idio qema.

SPYRAKH: Kyrie Ekproswpe, einai eytyxhs h kybernhsh me thn eikona poy paroysiazetai, dyo koryfaia stelexh na antallassoyn dhmosies dhlwseis gia to an h oxi ejyphretoyn symferonta trapezwn; Prepei na sas pw oti ston k. Alogoskoyfh apanthse o k. Ebert, me kykloys, kai anamenoyme thn allh antidrash.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas exw pei polles fores, na mh moy qetete erwthseis gia to ean einai eytyxhs h dystyxhs kapoios. Den prokeitai na pw tipote perissotero. Yparxei mia anafora se Deltio Typoy toy prwhn Proedroy ths Neas Dhmokratias k. Ebert. Yparxei kai safhs dhlwsh toy Ypoyrgoy Oikonomias kai Oikonomikwn k. Alogoskoyfh.

BLAXOS: Etsi ki alliws yparxei ena megalo, hqikhs tajews, qema. O prwhn Proedros ths Neas Dhmokratias leei -den jerw, an exei dikio h oxi, den me endiaferei ayto, einai politikh h qesh- oti kapoios enhmerwse mia megalh trapeza kai etsi h trapeza ayth me bebaiothta proejoflei, opws leei o idios o k. Ebert, tesseris mhnes prin apo thn kataqesh toy nomosxedioy sth Boylh oti qa ginei h ryqmish. Einai hqikhs tajews to qema. H kybernhsh den exei sxolio sto qema ayto;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Ekana hdh sxolio. To qema qa htan hqikhs tajews, an isxye ayth h kataggelia, ayth h dhlwsh. Sas lew oti apo ton perasmeno Septembrio -dhladh poly prin toys tesseris mhnes poy anaferate eseis kai anaferetai kai sth dhlwsh toy prwhn Proedroy ths Neas Dhmokratias- exei yparjei dialogos kai exoyn ginei safeis oi proqeseis kai oi qeseis ths kybernhshs. Ara, einai kati poy den ekryce pote h kybernhsh. To eipe apo thn prwth stigmh -sas epanalambanw apo ton perasmeno Septembrio- se oles tis trapezes, prokeimenoy na proxwrhsei se ayth th ryqmish, kalwntas ean qeloyn na entaxqoyn h oxi.

BLAXOS: Ara, h kybernhsh katalogizei dolo ston k. Ebert;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Oxi, pros Qeoy.

BLAXOS: Alla, ti leei; Pws ejhgei th qesh @

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den gnwrizw, qa hqela na rwthsete ton idio. Den mporw na sas apanthsw egw, giati ekane ayth th dhlwsh. Sas lew ti isxyei sthn pragmatikothta.

BLAXOS: O k. Ebert leei oti an h kybernhsh, o k. Alogoskoyfhs kai h kybernhsh sto synolo ths, exei isologismoys allwn trapezwn stis opoies na exei katagrafei apo toys orkwtoys elegktes, h analogh parathrhsh, parakalw na toys dwsei sth dhmosiothta.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas lew, loipon, oti rwthqhke o k. Alogoskoyfhs sth Boylh kai exei dwsei apanthseis. Parakalw, na krathsete tis apanthseis @

BLAXOS: Allh htan h erwthsh. Egw lew allo, lew synexeia ths dhlwshs toy k. Alogoskoyfh. O k. Ebert apantwntas ston k. Alogoskoyfh eipe, an exoyn isologismoys allwn trapezwn stoys opoioys isologismoys na yparxoyn analoges parathrhseis orkwtwn logistwn, parakalw h kybernhsh na dwsei sth dhmosiothta tis trapezes aytes.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Qa epikoinwnhsw me ton k. Alogoskoyfh, na ton enhmerwsw, an den exei enhmerwqei hdh gi` ayth th dhlwsh.

POYLIDOY: Epeidh milate gia th safhneia ths dhlwshs Alogoskoyfh @kai epeidh den exoyme thn idia apoch- mhpws mporeite na mas ejhghsete ton ypainigmo poy afhnei ston k. Ebert giati epilegei thn Trapeza Alpha Bank sthn parathrhsh toy;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Oxi, den to gnwrizw kai den qa mpw se ayth th syzhthsh.

BLAXOS: Me sygxwreite, pws den to jerete, afoy prohgoymenws eipate oti sas kalyptei h dhlwsh Alogoskoyfh.

ROYSOPOYLOS: H synadelfos sas milhse gia kapoion ypainigmo. Eipa oti den gnwrizw ton ypainigmo. Apo th stigmh poy den exw diabasei kapoia dhlwsh, den mporw na kanw dhlwsh gia dhlwseis poy den exw diabasei. Ennoeite oti yparxei deyterh dhlwsh;

BLAXOS: Oxi, ayth th dhlwsh poy prin apo ligo sthrijate. Eipate@

ROYSOPOYLOS: Ara, loipon, sthn prwth dhlwsh exw dwsei safh apanthsh.

BLAXOS: Ara, sas kalyptei o ypainigmos Alogoskoyfh. Ton yioqeteite ton ypainigmo Alogoskoyfh.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas eipa ti eipe. Apo ekei kai pera, eipa oti h dhlwsh toy k. Alogoskoyfh exei mia seira analytikwn leptomereiwn gia to pws jekinhse ayth h istoria. Kata synepeia, den yfistatai qema epilektikhs enhmerwshs @opws isws qa pisteye kapoios- mias sygkekrimenhs Trapezas. Antiqetws, epanalambanw, yparxei dhmosia, plhrhs kai safhs enhmerwsh olwn twn Trapezwn apo ton perasmeno Septembrio. Den krycame pote oti jekiname dialogo. Allwste, se ola ta qemata exoyme jekinhsei dialogo. Sta qemata toy OTE eixame jekinhsei to dialogo polloys mhnes prin. Sta qemata toy Asfalistikoy twn Trapezwn to idio. Sta qemata toy wrarioy to idio. Oles oi diarqrwtikes allages ginontai afoy exei prohghqei makra periodos dialogoy me oloys toys endiaferomenoys foreis.

BLAXOS: Pantws, o k. Alogoskoyfhs leei to gegonos oti epeleje mono thn Alpha Bank o k. Ebert, aytos gnwrizei. Einai enas safestatos ypainigmos, oti ejyphretei symferonta.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den gnwrizw ayth th dhlwsh.

BLAXOS: Th mish gnwrizete, dhladh;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den gnwrizw ayto poy lete. Qa prepei na to dw kai na eimai apolytws safhs se ayta poy qa sas pw. Mporeite na epanaferete thn erwthsh sas ayrio.

BLAXOS: Oxi, ayrio. Na ekdwsete grapth anakoinwsh shmera, parakalw.

GKOYTZANHS: Asxeta pantws me to an exei dikio h oxi o k. Ebert @poy eseis lete oti den exei- kai asxeta me to an einai eytyxhs h oxi h kybernhsh yparxei ena politiko zhthma. O prwhn Proedros ths Neas Dhmokratias epimenei se mia parembash toy enantion toy Ypoyrgoy Oikonomias kai kat` epektash ths kybernhshs. Ayto to antiparerxetai h kybernhsh;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Kanena sxolio, gi` ayto poy lete.

TSIODRAS: Thn parathrhsh poy kanate eseis kai th dhlwsh poy kanei o k. Alogoskoyfhs oti exei jekinhsei o dialogos apo to Septembrh, o k. Ebert den to gnwrizei oti exei jekinhsei o dialogos apo to Septembrh;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den to gnwrizw. Qa sas parakaloysa na apeyqynqeite ston k. Ebert.

TSIODRAS: Oxi, profanws to gnwrizei, qelw na symplhrwsw@

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den to gnwrizw egw. Me rwtate na sas pw gia ton k. Ebert.

SPYRAKH: Kyrie Ekproswpe, qa pw kati meta logoy gnwsews: Yparxei h aisqhsh kai einai poly entonh ayth oti stelexh ths kybernhtikhs paratajhs antimaxontai dhmosia, fwtografizontas apoceis symferontwn. Qa hqela ena sxolio.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Symferonta apo ayth thn paratajh den yphretoyntai. Ayth h paratajh yphretei ta symferonta toy Ellhna polith, etsi opws phre entolh stis 7 Martioy toy 2004. Den yphretei kanenos alloy eidoys symferonta h endiaferonta.

KAKALHS: To problhma toy Asfalistikoy eipe xqes o k. Alogoskoyfhs ofeiletai sto systhma poy isxyei shmera me bash to opoio enas ergazomenos apasxoleitai epi 35 xronia to poly kai sth synexeia ameibetai gia 20 xronia me to 80% toy misqoy toy. Ara, kata logikh synepeia, afoy einai ayto to problhma, poia einai h lysh; Einai h paratash toy ergasimoy bioy kai h meiwsh twn syntajewn h einai kai ta dyo mazi; Giati den lete eyqews tis qeseis sas stoys ergazomenoys;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Exw thn entypwsh oti apomonwnete mia frash. Den einai etsi akribws h synenteyjh Typoy toy k. Alogoskoyfh. Anaferqhke synolika sta problhmata toy Asfalistikoy. Gia paradeigma, eipe oti anti gia ena syntajioyxo pros tesseris ergazomenoys opws isxyei stis perissoteres xwres sthn Ellada ayth h analogia einai poly mikroterh. Yparxei, loipon, mia seira zhthmatwn, ta opoia anefere, xqes, o k. Alogoskoyfhs. Parakalw deite analytika th synenteyjh toy.

BLAXOS: Giati o k. Karamanlhs epeleje na thlefwnhsei ston k. Mhtsotakh kai den epeleje na milhsei thlefwnika estw kai me ton k. Ebert;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den gnwrizw o k. Karamanlhs oti epeleje na epikoinwnhsei me ton k. Mhtsotakh. Gnwrizw oti eixan mia poly syntomh synanthsh sto Skopeythrio ths Kaisarianhs. Den gnwrizw an epikoinwnhsan ektote thlefwnikws.

BLAXOS: Pantws me ton k. Ebert den epikoinwnhse.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den yphrje thlefwnikh epikoinwnia. Ayto einai alhqeia.

BLAXOS: Giati den mporoyse na parei ton prwhn Proedro ths Neas Dhmokratias na toy pei Proedre ti einai ayta poy les, den einai, exeis dikio, emeis exoyme kanei ayto, ekei. Gia poio logo o k. Karamanlhs agnoei ton k. Ebert;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Pros Qeoy! O k. Ebert molis prin apo 15 -20 hmeres htan sto Megaro Majimoy se mia apo tis polles synanthseis poy exei me ton Prwqypoyrgo. Opws gnwrizete, to perasmeno Sabbato, epikoinwnhse me ton k. Ebert o k. Alogoskoyfhs kai syzhthsan to qema.

BLAXOS: E, kala den mporoyse, omws, na thlefwnhsei kai o k. Karamanlhs ston k. Ebert;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Kala, otan ginete Prwqypoyrgos, qa xeirizeste diaforetika eseis ta qemata.

BLAXOS: Exoyn diarragei toso poly oi sxeseis Karamanlh @ Ebert, wste thlefwnei mesw ekproswpoy;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Oxi, den exoyn diarragei oi sxeseis.


ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas apanthsa.

Sas eyxaristw.

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