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Greek Government Press Briefing, 00-06-06

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 6 Ioynioy 2000



Geia sas.

Qa hqela na sas enhmerwsw, symplhrwmatika, gia to programma toy Prwqypoyrgoy oti thn Pempth stis 12.30 to meshmeri qa episkefqei ton 6o Pyrosbestiko Staqmo sto Dhmo Metamorfwshs.

Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

KONTOPOYLOS: Yphrje mia plhroforia, apo thn pleyra ths Arxiepiskophs, oti o k. Xristodoylos prokeitai entos twn epomenwn leptwn na episkefqei sto Megaro Majimoy ton k. Shmith. Qa hqela na rwthsw ean o Prwqypoyrgos eixe epikoinwnia me to Makariotato kai an qa ton dei.

REPPAS: Pragmati, prin apo liga lepta, ekproswpos ths Ierarxias ths Ekklhsias ths Elladas epikoinwnhse me to Grafeio toy Prwqypoyrgoy kai zhthse synanthsh me ton Prwqypoyrgo gia logariasmo ths hgesias ths Ekklhsias ths Elladas. Anateqhke ston armodio Ypoyrgo Paideias kai Qrhskeymatwn Petro Eyqymioy na epikoinwnhsei me toys ekproswpoys ths Ierarxias, prokeimenoy na syzhthsoyn to endexomeno synanthshs toys kai na diamorfwsoyn thn atzenta qematwn poy qa apasxolhsoyn, sto plaisio mias tetoias synanthshs, ton Ypoyrgo Paideias kai toys ekproswpoys ths dioikhshs ths Ierarxias ths Elladas. Einai safes, to eipa xqes kai to epanalambanw, pws ta qemata poy mporei na symperilhfqoyn sthn atzenta einai ekeina poy exoyn sxesh me ta problhmata ths Ekklhsias kai tis sxeseis ths me thn Politeia. Oxi qemata epi twn opoiwn thn armodiothta thn exei h Politeia kai monon. Ara, loipon, den tiqetai qema synanthshs, twra, toy Prwqypoyrgoy me toys ekproswpoys ths Ierarxias. O armodios Ypoyrgos Paideias exei analabei thn prwtoboylia na anazhthsei toys ekproswpoys ths Ierarxias, prokeimenoy na symfwnhsoyn gia ta qemata ths synanthshs toys. Etsi exoyn ta pragmata. Ayth einai h istorikh seira.

KONTOPOYLOS: Dhladh, o Arxiepiskopos zhthse na diakopei h Synodos, na episkefqei ton Prwqypoyrgo kai na epistrecei pisw;

REPPAS: Den milhse o Arxiepiskopos. Milhse kapoios ek meroys ths Ierarxias, profanws oxi me dikh toy prwtoboylia, alla kat` entolhn.

PITARAS: Exete kati perissotero na mas peite gia th synanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy me thn k. Aggelopoyloy shmera to prwi;

REPPAS: Den exw otidhpote allo, peran twn qematwn ta opoia gnwrizete poly kala oti xeirizetai h k. Aggelopoyloy. Den yparxei otidhpote allo.

I. KAMPOYRAKHS: Qa hqela na rwthsw ean o Prwqypoyrgos syzhthse, shmera, me thn k. Aggelopoyloy to gnwsto qema ths stelexwshs ths pentameloys epitrophs toy ``Aqhna 2004''.

REPPAS: Den exw tipota allo. Gnwrizete oti to nomosxedio problepei th dhmioyrgia aytwn twn epitropwn. Otan katastei nomos toy kratoys, tote qa antimetwpistei kai to qema ths sygkrothshs toys.

I. KAMPOYRAKHS: Qa hqela ena sxolio ths kybernhshs gia th shmerinh dhlwsh toy Dhmarxoy Aqhnaiwn se thleoptiko staqmo, oti se dyomisi xronia protiqetai na epistrecei sthn kentrikh politikh skhnh, pragma poy shmainei oti den qa einai ypochfios Dhmarxos.

REPPAS: Einai dikaiwma toy kai ferei thn eyqynh twn epilogwn toy. Kaqe poliths kai o Dhmarxos Aqhnaiwn, exei ayto to diakaiwma.

ARGYROS: Yparxei qema antikatastashs toy k. Mpakoyrh;

REPPAS: Den exei antimetwpistei tetoio qema.

TAKHS: Prwton, qewreite oti h arnhsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy na synanthqei me ton Arxiepiskopo ojynei, en pash periptwsei, tis sxeseis metajy toy Arxiepiskopoy kai ths kybernhshs, oson afora to qema twn taytothtwn; Kai deyteron, yparxei kapoia antidrash toy Prwqypoyrgoy stis xqesines ekaterwqen boles toy k. Pagkaloy pros toys boyleytes toy PASOK kai twn boyleytwn pros ton k. Pagkalo;

REPPAS: Oson afora to deytero qema ekana xqes sxetika sxolia, edwsa apanthseis se synafeis erwthseis. To qema ayto exei kleisei. O Prwqypoyrgos synergazetai me ton k. Pagkalo ton opoio exei orisei Ypoyrgo Politismoy kai toy exei anaqesei poly shmantika kaqhkonta, poly perissotero enocei ths Olympiadas toy 2004.

Oson afora to prwto qema, antiqetws, pisteyw oti h proetoimasia gia mia tetoia synanthsh, thn opoia qa prepei na frontisei toso o armodios Ypoyrgos Paideias, oso kai oi ekproswpoi ths Ierarxias apotelei mia poly kalh bash, wste h synanthsh ayth, otan ginei, na ginei sto katallhlo periballon. Kai bebaia, epanalambanw, me thn anagnwrish kai to sebasmo twn diakritwn rolwn metajy ths Politeias kai twn organwn ths Ekklhsias ths Ellados.

FILHS: Exete kapoio sxolio, sxetika me tis dhlwseis toy k. Mhtsotakh, o opoios -meta th synanthsh toy me ton Arxiepiskopo xqes- anaferqhke sto qema twn taytothtwn, alla se sxesh me thn kybernhsh, pantote;

REPPAS: Diafwnoyme apolytws me tis apoceis toy k. Mhtsotakh gia to qema ayto. Kai pisteyoyme oti h ekdhlwsh mias tetoias stashs den bohqaei ayth thn wra. Antiqetws, pisteyoyme oti odhgei sthn polwsh kai thn ojynsh twn sxesewn me apotelesma thn antiparaqesh. Qewroyme oti o logos mas den prepei na einai ojys, den prepei na einai sygkroysiakos. Ayth einai h dikh mas epilogh. Opoios exei mia allh stash pisteyoyme oti den prosferei qetikh yphresia.

FILHS: Symfwna me dhmosiografikes plhrofories yparxei problhma -nomimothtas;- sxetika me to diagwnismo poy afora thn hlektronikh kalych twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn. Dedomenoy oti ayto to esodo, apo ta thleoptika, einai to mono sigoyro kai to mono toso megalo gia toys Olympiakoys Agwnes, qelw na rwthsw ti akribws exei symbei, ti apo ola osa grafontai epibebaiwnei h kybernhsh kai ti prokeitai na symbei gia na qerapeyqei endexomeno problhma sto diagwnismo.

REPPAS: Den exei symbei, toylaxiston mexri twra, otidhpote apo ayta ta opoia anaferete sthn erwthsh sas. Gnwrizete poly kala oti shmantikes etairies exoyn labei meros se ayth th diagwnistikh diadikasia. Ola ejelissontai omala. Den exei prokycei opoiodhpote problhma. Den exei diatypwqei enstash apo opoiadhpote pleyra, prokeimenoy na xreiastei ta armodia organa na kanoyn kati diaforetiko apo ayto poy mexri twra ekanan. Pisteyoyme oti qa oloklhrwqei me epityxia ayth h diadikasia kai qa exoyme, sto plaisio ths teleshs twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn, acogh kalych twn agwnwn aytwn apo ta MME, me thn epilogh toy katallhloteroy forea gi` ayto to skopo.

FILHS: Mexri pote problepetai na yparjei h epilogh aytoy toy forea;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete oti liges hmeres prin, stis 29 Maioy, elhje h proqesmia ypobolhs twn fakelwn twn endiaferomenwn etairiwn. Qa xreiastei ena mikro xroniko diasthma, prokeimenoy na ginei h epilogh toy sygkekrimenoy forea poy qa analabei ayto to ergo.

MPOTWNHS: O k. Sphliwtopoylos, xqes, zhthse me dhlwseis toy th systash ejetastikhs epitrophs gia thn O.A. Ena sxolio ths kybernhshs;

REPPAS: Mia tetoia kinhsh einai ektos topoy kai xronoy, afoy h olomeleia ths Boylhs, gnwrizete poly kala oti qa arxisei kai pali th leitoyrgia ths ton epomeno Oktwbrh. Ena tetoio qema antimetwpizetai mono sto plaisio ths leitoyrgias ths olomeleias ths Boylhs, Ara, einai mia kinhsh gia entypwsiasmo kai mono kai lypoymaste gi` ayto.

KALARITHS: O k. Pagkalos se synenteyjh Typoy, xqes, sto ypoyrgeio Politismoy, eipe oti o idios ferei barytath politikh eyqynh, dioti to @94 den ekleise thn O.A. ``Prokeitai gia ena apo ta kaka pragmata poy exw kanei kai to exw metaniwsei'', eipe. Prokeitai na kleisei h O.A.; Einai ena apo ayta poy skeftetai na kanei h kybernhsh;

REPPAS: Oyte antimetwpisame, oyte antimetwpizoyme tetoio qema.

KAPPOS: Dyo erwthseis qa hqela. H prwth, epeidh ligo prin xrhsimopoihsate ki eseis th lejh ``polwsh''. H erwthsh einai ypoqetikh, alla nomizw sth sfaira toy apolytws piqanoy: Ean h ierarxia, en pash periptwsei, xrhsimopoiwntas ws aformh piqanon thn arnhsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy na ginei h shmerinh synanthsh, katalhjei se kapoio porisma to opoio, qa elega -qa xrhsimopoihsw to xarakthrismo- qa htan sygkroysiako, h kybernhsh pws skeftetai na antidrasei enanti aytoy toy endexomenoy;

REPPAS: Prwta ap` ola, den xreiazetai na kanoyme ypoqeseis epi enos qematos, to opoio arketa exei apasxolhsei thn teleytaia periodo thn koinh gnwmh kai emas edw, sto plaisio ths politikhs enhmerwshs. H kybernhsh asxoleitai me thn antimetwpish problhmatwn poy aforoyn th xwra kai toys Ellhnes polites. Paramenoyme afosiwmenoi se ayta ta kaqhkonta mas kai pisteyoyme oti ayto prepei na kanoyn oloi oi foreis ths syntetagmenhs ellhnikhs politeias.

KAPPOS: H deyterh erwthsh einai h ejhs: Metaferw, toylaxiston opws apodoqhke h lejh apo synadelfoys toy peiraikoy reportaz, mia dhlwsh toy presbeyth Nikolas Mperns, xqes ston Peiraia. Anaferetai ston ypoyrgo Dhmosias Tajhs kai leei epi lejei ``qa exoyme mia poly stenh synergasia gia ta qemata ths tromokratias, synergasia poy qa ginetai anepishma kai den qa ginontai anakoinwseis''. Profanws, anaferetai se mia ejwqesmikh synergasia kai me to periexomeno to opoio prodiegrace. Dedomenoy oti ayto to opoio legetai en pash periptwsei antitromokratikh synergasia, antitromokratikh politikh, polles fores ejelissetai se ``kynhgi magisswn'' kai exoyn yparjei arketa qymata se ayth thn istoria, qelw na rwthsw, ti eidoys qesmikos, apo th mia pleyra, elegxos mporei na ginei se aytoy toy eidoys th synergasia kai ti eidoys koinwnikos elegxos mporei na ginei se mia synergasia, h opoia den perilambanei anakoinwseis kai ginetai anepishma, kata thn ekfrash toy k. Mperns.

REPPAS: Oti den einai aparaithto pantote na ekdidontai anakoinwseis, meta apo synergasia diaforwn forewn, den shmainei oti h synergasia ayth einai ejwqesmikh h kineitai sthn ``gkriza perioxh'', opws peripoy yponoeite. Kaqe allo. Gnwrizete poly kala oti gia ta qemata ayta oi armodies yphresies twn dyo kratwn, opws kai yphresies allwn kratwn, exoyn synergasia. Kai bebaiws, gia qemata ta opoia aforoyn to antikeimeno me to opoio asxoleitai o ypoyrgos Dhmosias Tajhs, yparxei ayth h synergasia h opoia qa synexistei. Den yparxei otidhpote allo. Oyte anabaqmish ths, oyte allagh toy tropoy me ton opoio diaxeirizomaste, oson afora ton epikoinwniako tomea, tetoioy eidoys synanthseis. Synexizetai h synergasia poy yparxei. H synergasia ayth einai xrhsimh.

KAPPOS: H erwthsh eixe allo periexomeno kai allh katalhjh: Ti eidoys koinwnikos elegxos mporei na ginei se mia tetoia synergasia, kai en pash periptwsei @

REPPAS: Gnwrizete poly kala oti o ypoyrgos Dhmosias Tajhs -kai menw se ayto to paradeigma, me aformh thn erwthsh sas- einai ypoyrgos o opoios exei eklegei apo ton ellhniko lao, exei oristei apo ton Prwqypoyrgo, symfwna me ta osa problepei to Syntagma kai askei ta kaqhkonta toy. H ennoia toy koinwnikoy elegxoy, etsi opws th qetete eseis, den shmainei oti qa prepei kaqe mera o ypoyrgos Dhmosias Tajhs na ekdidei makroskeleis anakoinwseis h en pash periptwsei oi epikoinwnies toy -thlefwnikes h apeyqeias- h oi synergasies toy, na ginontai kthma kai na periexontai sth gnwsh olwn twn Ellhnwn politwn. An etsi ennoeite ton koinwniko elegxo, den exei kamia sxesh ayto me th dhmokratia se mia syntetagmenh politeia. Kamia apolytws sxesh.

KAPPOS: H erwthsh einai safhs: Epeidh yparxoyn diaforetikes antilhceis gia thn tromokratia kai toylaxiston, apo pleyras HPA yparxei mia poly eyreia antilhch@

REPPAS: H erwthsh poia einai; Qelete na moy peite; Sas lew, kante erwthseis. Mhn anaptyssete tis apoceis sas. Ayta qa ta gracete sthn efhmerida poy ergazeste.

KAPPOS: Bebaiws kai qa ta gracw, oso mporw.

REPPAS: Ti qelete na rwthsete; An exoyme diaforetikh apoch apo tis HPA gia to qema ayto; Ti akribws;

KAPPOS: Ayth h ypoqesh afora, telika, para poly kosmo, apo th mia. Kai apo thn allh, anaferomaste se mia synergasia, h opoia kalyptetai apo ena peplo siwphs.

REPPAS: Den yparxei kanena peplo siwphs. Oi qeseis ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs gi` ayth thn ypoqesh exoyn, kat` epanalhch, anakoinwqei. Einai gnwsth h topoqethsh mas. To plaisio poy efarmozetai sth xwra mas gia thn antimetwpish tetoiwn drasthriothtwn, sas einai, epishs, gnwsto. Kai oi politikes topoqethseis mas, pantote htan epikaires kai kathgorhmatikes. Htan toso safeis, wste na mhn epitrepetai opoiadhpote paranohsh.

BITALHS: Xqes, h N.D. dia toy ekproswpoy ths, sxoliase thn ekqesh ths eqnikhs epitrophs toy Kogkresoy, xarakthrizontas thn adikh k.t.l. Wstoso, yparxei kai ena allo qema to opoio qetei sthn anakoinwsh toy o k. Sphliwtopoylos: Zhtaei safestata thn allagh sth synqesh twn dikasthriwn gia na antimetwpistoyn apotelesmatikotera tromokratia, emporoi narkwtikwn, k.t.l. Pws topoqeteiste se aytes tis dhlwseis;

REPPAS: Oti einai laqos, apo thn pleyra ths N.D., thn wra poy ekdidei mia anakoinwsh h probainei se mia dhlwsh h ena sxoliasmo gia thn ekqesh ayth poy hlqe apo thn allh pleyra toy Atlantikoy, na syndeei thn kritikh pros to periexomeno ayths ths ekqeshs me kritikh pros thn ellhnikh kybernhsh, kalwntas thn na analabei orismenes prwtoboylies. Kata ta alla, emeis paramenoyme sthn politikh poy exoyme anakoinwsei kai h opoia den allazei.

FILHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, eipate nwritera oti h kybernhsh qewrei laqos th syndesh toy qematos ths allaghs ths nomoqesias gia thn tromokratia, me th dhmosieysh ths amerikanikhs ekqeshs peri tromokratias.

REPPAS: Ayto eipa;

FILHS: Na to aposyndesoyme.

REPPAS: Ayto eipa;

FILHS: H kybernhsh qewrei oti yparxei zhthma poy afora thn allagh sth nomoqesia gia th synqesh aytwn twn dikasthriwn;

REPPAS: Apanthsa xqes se idia erwthsh gi ayto to qema.

FILHS: ``Den antimetwpizetai'', eipate.

REPPAS: To idio apantw kai shmera.

FILHS: Epimenete, dhladh;

REPPAS: Sas parakalw. Milate gia to nomiko kai qesmiko plaisio, to opoio isxyei sth xwra mas. Thn apanthsh poy edwsa xqes, sas dinw kai shmera.

FILHS: Qewreite oti einai eparkes to shmerino plaisio gia thn antimetwpish ths tromokratias; Apanthste eyqews, nai h oxi!

REPPAS: Sas parakalw, k. Filh. Apantw oti den einai aneparkes. Loipon, sas parakalw! Einai dynaton, opws prokyptei apo thn erwthsh sas, na epimenoyme se ena aneparkes plaisio; Poia erwthsh kanete; Ti kainoyrgio stoixeio eisagete me thn erwthsh sas;

FILHS: An qewrei h kybernhsh@

REPPAS: Profanws. Gia na qewroyme oti prepei na parameinei ayto to plaisio, shmainei oti to qewroyme katallhlo plaisio, eparkes. Den einai aytonohto ayto; Einai dynato na to qewroyme aneparkes kai para tayta na exoyme ayth thn epilogh na paramenoyme s` ena aneparkes plaisio;

TAKHS: Exete kati anakoinwsimo sxetika me to mellon ths Emporikhs Trapezas;

REPPAS: Den exw na kanw kamia anakoinwsh, apo thn pleyra ths kybernhshs.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, yparxoyn sthn kybernhsh atoma poy briskontai se ``sxizoeidh katastash'';

REPPAS: Gia ola ayta ta qemata apanthsame xqes. Gnwrizete poly kala oti o ellhnikos laos me thn@

STAMATOPOYLOS: Den eixe bgei ayto sth dhmosiothta.

REPPAS: Kanete megalo laqos.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Egw to brady to akoysa.

REPPAS: Profanws, enhmerwneste arga gia polla pragmata. Qa eprepe egkairws na eixate ypoch sas tis dhlwseis.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Ektos ki an htan epanalhch.

REPPAS: Exete ypoch sas oti ayth h dhlwsh egine prin apo th xqesinh syzhthsh mas edw. Alla, me aformh thn erwthsh sas, gia na mh qewrhsete oti ypekfeygw, sas lew toyto kai mono: O k. Pagkalos exei eklegei apo ton ellhniko lao. O ellhnikos laos me thn chfo toy epilegei toys ekproswpoys toy. O k. Pagkalos, kat epanalhch, exei analabei sygkekrimena kaqhkonta, ta opoia exei ferei se peras me epityxia. Ola ta alla einai, ayth thn wra, ek toy ponhroy. Den prepei, nomizw, na ektrecoyme th syzhthsh s` ayth thn kateyqynsh.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, kai aytos poy to eipe, apo ton ellhniko lao exei eklegei.

REPPAS: Poly wraia, exei to dikaiwma na leei thn apoch toy. Apeyqynqeite s` ayton gia na sas ejhghsei poy sthrizei thn apoch ayth.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Logw epityxias efyge apo to ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn o k. Pagkalos;

REPPAS: Logw epityxias eklegetai kai epaneklegetai synexws apo ton ellhniko lao. Akribws, logw ths epityxias toy.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Ston ellhniko lao, dhladh, giati sthn kybernhsh einai apotyxhmenos.

REPPAS: Einai dikh sas apoch ayth.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Exei ekdiwxqei, ws apotyxhmenos.

REPPAS: Ma, eseis, k. Stamatopoyle, exete thn apoch oti einai apotyxhmenh h kybernhsh. Me aythn thn apoch, einai dynaton na qewreite oti sthn kybernhsh yparxei epityxhmenos ypoyrgos;

STAMATOPOYLOS: Otan paredwse ton Otsalan@

REPPAS: Apo poy prokyptei ayto, k. Stamatopoyle;

STAMATOPOYLOS: Oti tote ton ediwje o Prwqypoyrgos.

REPPAS: Apo poy prokyptei ayto; Yparxei kapoio porisma; Yparxei kapoia ekqesh organoy, h opoia na dikaiologei ayton ton isxyrismo sas, h einai ayqairetos o isxyrismos sas, gia profaneis politikoys logoys;

STAMATOPOYLOS: Afoy toys ediwje kai toys treis o Prwqypoyrgos. Den to qymaste; Paredwsan ton Otsalan kai toys ediwje.

REPPAS: Mplekete para poly ta qemata. Ennoeite oti exei perasei arketos kairos@

STAMATOPOYLOS: Prepei na jexname, epeidh, perase kairos;

REPPAS: Oxi, kaqe allo. O ellhnikos laos, en tw metajy, ejefrase th dikh toy kyriarxh krish. Ayto sas diafeygei. Sas pikrainei ligo, alla, den prepei na sas diafeygei.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Emena; Kaqoloy.

REPPAS: Xairomai poy to akoyw. Apoktoyme neoys ``symmaxoys''.

KAPPOS: Eipate prin apo ligo, epi lejei, oti o Prwqypoyrgos synergazetai me ton k. Pagkalo, poy ton exei orisei ypoyrgo Politismoy. Ayth h diatypwsh einai aplws mia diatypwsh diapistwtikh h yponoei kati, oti to plaisio kinhsewn toy k. Pagkaloy periorizetai@

REPPAS: Ti qelete na pw gia na einai yper toy k. Pagkaloy; Den sas katalabainw! Lete einai ``diapistwtikh''. Ma, einai enas apo toys stenoys synergates toy Prwqypoyrgoy, poy brisketai epikefalhs ths prospaqeias poy kanei h xwra mas na proetoimastei gia thn Olympiada toy 2004. Kai toy anateqhke ayto to ypoyrgeio, prokeimenoy na antimetwpisei tis polles proklhseis poy yparxoyn se ayto to pedio gia thn proetoimasia ths xwras mas. Ligo einai ayto; Ayto ta leei ola.

Sas eyxaristw.

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