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Greek Government Press Briefing, 98-06-04

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 4 Ioynioy 1998


Geia sas. Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

KARASABBA: Qa hqela na rwthsw poio einai to sxolio ths Ellhnikhs Kybernhshs sxetika me th syllhch toy Moxament Rasint apo tis amerikanikes arxes, an aisqanetai h Ellhnikh Kybernhsh prosbeblhmenh gia to oti epanadikazetai enwpion ths amerikanikhs dikaiosynhs kai an synebalan oi ellhnikes arxes sth syllhch toy.

REPPAS: H Ellhnikh Kybernhsh den niwqei kamia enoxlhsh. H Ellhnikh Kybernhsh anagnwrizei pws oi armodies arxes ths kaqe xwras qa prepei na kanoyn ayto poy ypagoreyoyn oi nomoi ths sygkekrimenhs xwras. Den empleketai sta eswterika allhs xwras. Otan xeiristhke analoga qemata h Ellada, ta xeiristhke symfwna me toys ellhnikoys nomoys kai kata tetoio tropo, wste na ikanopoieitai to peri dikaioy aisqhma.

SOYGLERHS: Qelw na rwthsw, an h Kybernhsh niwqei san ton Titaniko sto teleytaio toy tajidi, meta tis xqesines dhlwseis toy Grammatea k. Skandalidh.

REPPAS: Prwta-prwta, gnwrizete poly kala oti to PASOK einai ena poly kalo skari, to opoio den kanei to parqeniko tajidi toy. Exei kanei polla dyskola tajidia. Exei antimetwpisei polles politikes kakokairies kai exei pantote tajidecei se swsta limania, fqanontas ston proorismo toy. Exei apodeixqei, pleon, pws oloi exoyme kanei "antititaniko" oro makras diarkeias, wste na antimetwpizoyme tetoioys kindynoys.

GYPARH: Me sygxwreite, oi misoi qa phdhjoyn sth qalassa; Giati ap` oti eipe o k. Skandalidhs den mporeite na pate oloi mazi.

REPPAS: Opws exei apodeixqei mexri twra, oxi mono mporoyme na pame mazi oloi osoi eimaste shmera s` ayto to skari poy legetai PASOK, alla poly perissoteroi qa breqoyme ayrio, kaqws qa pernaei o kairos, giati olo kai perissoteroi qa einai aytoi oi opoioi qa anagnwrizoyn sthn prospaqeia mas kati apo tis dikes toys epidiwjeis kai prosdokies, wste kai ekeinoi na qeloyn mazi mas na tajidecoyn pros to mellon, gia to diko toys kalo, gia to kalo ths xwras.

SOYGLERHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, exei mpei to PASOK sthn pio krisimh kamph ths istorias toy;

REPPAS: To PASOK brisketai, epeidh akribws einai kai Kybernhsh toy topoy, se mia stigmh opoy prepei na apodeijei oti einai ajio ths entolhs poy elabe apo ton ellhniko lao. Ta mexri twra apotelesmata ths kybernhtikhs drashs mporoyme na poyme oti apoteloyn peisthria poy apodeiknyoyn oti briskomaste sth swsth poreia. Qa prepei na synexisoyme me thn idia synepeia, enteinontas thn prospaqeia mas, wste na oloklhrwsoyme to ergo poy mas exei anateqei.

GALANHS: Qa parameinw sth dhlwsh toy k. Skandalidh: Otan rwthqhke apo idiwtiko radiofwniko staqmo gia endexomeno anasxhmatismo, apanthse oti "oi allages den kanoyn pote kako". Apasxolei thn Kybernhsh tetoio endexomeno;

REPPAS: Den thn apasxolei. Den exei teqei tetoio qema.

MIXAHL: Qelw na sas rwthsw to ejhs: O Titanikos phge kai prosekroyse sto pagoboyno kai byqisthke. To PASOK kalo skari, apo ti mporei na kindyneyei kai anagkazetai o k. Skandalidhs na leei oti diakatexomaste apo to syndromo toy Titanikoy; To pagoboyno poio einai;

REPPAS: O k. Skandalidhs ekfrazei mia anhsyxia, exei ena ypeyqyno kommatiko politiko logo. Nomizw, omws, oti eimaste pia se qeros kai edw sth Mesogeio, gnwrizete, oti den yparxoyn pagoboyna. Yparxoyn se alles perioxes, opoy oi politikes ejelijeis kai anakatatajeis einai didaktikes kai gia mas. Sthn Ellada, h empeiria poy exoyme odhgei sto symperasma pws to PASOK qa synexisei na prwtagwnistei gia para polla xronia, epeidh exei sterees baseis kai baqies rizes pia sthn ellhnikh koinwnia.

KIAOS: Sxetika me to qema ths Olympiakhs: Poia einai h qesh ths Kybernhsews kai sta sxedia kai stis ekqeseis poy dhmosieyqhkan stis efhmerides kai se ola ayta, sthn protash twn kybernhtwn, twn kommatwn olo ayto to paketo poy bghke ...

REPPAS: H Kybernhsh einai safhs kai apolyth. Prepei na efarmostei to programma ejygianshs. Apotelei th monh syntagh gia th swthria kai thn anakamch ths Olympiakhs Aeroporias. Den gnwrizoyme opoiesdhpote prwtoboylies epimeroys forewn. Ayto to opoio kaloyme kai pali na kanoyn oi ergazomenoi kai oloi osoi exoyn sxesh me thn prospaqeia gia thn epibiwsh, thn ejygiansh kai thn anakamch ths O.A. einai toyto: Na enwsoyme tis dynameis mas, prokeimenoy o eqnikos aerometaforeas, ws eqnikos aerometaforeas na synexisei kai sto mellon na prosferei ajiopistes yphresies.

KIAOS: Pera apo th dhlwsh sas kai thn eyxh poy ekfrazete...

REPPAS: Einai politikh qesh.

KIAOS: ..thn politikh qesh, efoson den fainetai na briskei antapokrish, ti mellei genesqai;

REPPAS: Sas eipa poia einai h politikh mas kai s` ayth thn politikh paramenoyme. Aythn efarmozoyme kai kaloyme oloys na enwsoyn tis dynameis toys, prokeimenoy h politikh ayth, to syntomotero dynato, na apodwsei karpoys. Den einai dynaton na astynomeyoyme prwtoboylies poy lambanoyn epimeroys foreis. Prepei na pw, omws, oti aytes oi prwtoboylies den bohqoyn thn prospaqeia gia thn ejygiansh ths O.A.

KARASABBA: Epanerxomai sto teleytaio skelos ths prwths erwthshs giati den phra apanthsh. Prwton, sto an yphrxe symbolh twn ellhnikwn Arxwn sth syllhch toy Rasint kai, deyteron, an meta thn apelash toy apo thn Ellada yphrxan kapoies plhrofories stis ellhnikes Arxes, gia to poy htan;

REPPAS: Apanthsa sthn erwthsh sas kai htan safes ayto to opoio eipa. Eipa oti emeis xeiristhkame ypeyqyna ta qemata sth dikh mas epikrateia. Den exoyme opoiadhpote sxesh me drasthriothtes poy anaptyssontai se alles perioxes, se alles xwres. Ayto to eipa sthn arxh. Apanthsa.

LEONTOPOYLOS: Se shmerino prwtoselido sthn efhmerida "TA NEA" emfanizetai oi misqwtoi kai oi syntajioyxoi na exoyn ayjhsh sth forologia kata 21,2%. Exete na kanete kapoio sxolio;

REPPAS: Proxqes, sth Boylh, sth syzhthsh se epipedo Arxhgwn Kommatwn, o Prwqypoyrgos milhse gia thn prospaqeia ths Kybernhshs prokeimenoy na epityxoyme ena pio orqologiko kai koinwnika dikaiotero forologiko systhma. Shmera ginetai mia prospaqeia antistrofhs ths pragmatikothtas. To synolo twn dhlwsewn poy ypoballontai se ethsia bash anerxetai ston ariqmo twn 4.300.000 dhlwsewn. Oi dhlwseis poy exoyn elegxqei mexri twra einai 1.452.000. Prepei na pw oti xwris na exei oloklhrwqei h statistikh epejergasia twn dedomenwn, einai sfalma na dinetai ermhneia sta stoixeia ayta ta opoia, mexri twra, exoyn tyxei epejergasias, me tetoio, malista, tropo, wste na odhgoymeqa se symperasmata poy den exoyn sxesh me thn alhqeia. S` ayto ton ariqmo twn forologikwn dhlwsewn, h symmetoxh twn misqwtwn kai twn syntajioyxwn, anerxetai se ena poly ychlo pososto, poy fqanei to 76%. Enw, sto synolo twn forologikwn dhlwsewn, to pososto ayto einai poly katwtero. Persi efqase se ycos 58%. Einai laqos, loipon, na ejagagoyme symperasmata apo th meleth aytwn twn epimeroys stoixeiwn, otan den einai antiproswpeytiko to deigma, to opoio meletoyme gia na bgaloyme ta symperasmata ayta. Epishmainw, epiprosqetws, oti me thn eisagwgh toy eniaioy misqologioy kai thn katabolh anadromikwn stoys misqwtoys, ta persina eisodhmata toys, ta opoia dhlwnontai s` ayto to trexon etos, einai ayjhmena kai ayto qa apotypwqei stis forologikes dhlwseis toys. Katagrafetai. Me ayth thn ennoia, kalw oloys na anamenoyn thn oloklhrwsh ths statistikhs epejergasias twn forologikwn stoixeiwn gia na bgaloyme ta telika symperasmata mas. H prospaqeia ths Kybernhshs gia ena systhma to opoio einai antikeimeniko, orqologiko kai, oso perissotero ginetai, koinwnika dikaio, nomizw oti apodidei karpoys kai qa erqei h wra poy qa anagnwristei apo oloys ayth h prospaqeia, ths Kybernhshs.

KIAOS: Qa janagyrisw sto qema ths Olympiakhs. Efoson den proxwrei to programma ths ejygianshs kai efoson synexizontai oi antidraseis, eite toy enos eite toy alloy forea, eite den ta briskei pali h Kybernhsh, mazi toys, einai sta sxedia na pwlhqei;

REPPAS: To programma ejygianshs to opoio ejelissetai sthn Olympiakh Aeroporia apotelei th monadikh politikh epilogh ths Kybernhshs. Den exoyme opoiadhpote allh skech, giati pisteyoyme oti to programma ayto apotelei th monh swthria odo gia thn Olympiakh Aeroporia. Kai epimenoyme s` ayto to programma, to opoio prepei na efarmostei me th symbolh olwn twn pleyrwn.

KANELLAKHS: Sth Gialta k. Ypoyrge, jerete ean qa synanthqei o Prwqypoyrgos me ton Proedro ths Toyrkias Ntemirel;

REPPAS: Den exei problefqei kapoia tetoia synanthsh. To programma to opoio exw ypoch moy kai einai sth diaqesh sas, problepei synanthseis toy Prwqypoyrgoy me hgetes allwn xwrwn kai einai para polles aytes oi synanthseis. Qa synanthqei me toys hgetes ths Rwsias, ths Oykranias, ths Boylgarias, ths Roymanias, ths Armenias, ths Gewrgias, toy Azermpaitzan, ths Moldabias, ths Albanias k.t.l. Den exei ginei opoiadhpote kroysh apo th mia h thn allh pleyra gia ena tetoio endexomeno. Ara, den perilambanetai sto programma toy Prwqypoyrgoy synanthsh me ton epikefalhs ths toyrkikhs Antiproswpeias poy qa labei meros s` ayth th diaskech. Epanalambanw, oti ean sto plaisio ths diaskechs synanthqoyn oi dyo andres tyxaia, xwris na yparxei ek twn proterwn synennohsh, xwris sxediasmo, xwris na problepetai ayto sto epishmo programma, den apokleietai mazi me to xairetismo, na antallajoyn kapoies apoceis.

KATSAKOS: Oi plhrofories lene oti shmera sth Gewrgia arxise enas kainoyrgios kyklos aimathrwn sygkroysewn. Dedomenoy oti yparxoyn polloi Ellhnes ekei, h Kybernhsh parakoloyqei aytes tis ejelijeis;

REPPAS: Ta gegonota ayta mas dhmioyrgoyn lyph kai problhmatismo. Exoyme aristes sxeseis me th filh xwra ths Gewrgias. Exoyme parembei prosferontas tis kales yphresies mas, prokeimenoy mesw dialogoy kai synennohsewn na antimetwpistei h krish stis sxeseis ths epishmhs Kybernhshs ths Gewrgias kai ths hgesias twn aposxistikwn dynamewn ths Apxazias. To endiaferon mas, loipon, gia tis ejelijeis se ekeinh thn perioxh den sthrizetai mono sto oti exoyme kales sxeseis me th Gewrgia, alla, epiprosqetws, kai sto oti stis perioxes aytes diabioyn Ellhnes. Malista, ena meros twn Ellhnwn katoikei sto tmhma ths Gewrgias, thn Apxazia. Parakoloyqoyme tis ejelijeis, exoyme epikoinwnia me thn hgesia ths xwras. Eimaste, ana pasa stigmh, sth diaqesh ths na prosferoyme kai pali tis kales yphresies mas.

SOYRMELH: Epanerxomai sto qema toy Rasint. Hqela na sas rwthsw an yphrje kapoia synergasia se opoiodhpote epipedo twn ellhnikwn astynomikwn h allwn arxwn, etsi wste na syllhfqei, opws synelhfqh telika, o Rasint;

REPPAS: Oi armodies ellhnikes Arxes kai oi yphresies edrasan me ton tropo poy sas einai gnwstos. Otan eprepe na drasoyn entos ths ellhnikhs epikrateias, eprajan to kaqhkon toys. Gnwrizete poia einai h ejelijh gia to qema ayto. Odhghqhkame se apelash toy sygkekrimenoy atomoy. Apo ekei kai pera den exei opoiadhpote emplokh se sxetikes diadikasies h ellhnikh Kybernhsh.

ELENOPOYLOS: Akoysa, xqes, enan ekproswpo, enos apo toys epimeroys foreis ths Olympiakhs, o opoios dhlwse epishmws, oti ws Proedros toy sygkekrimenoy forea twn ergazomenwn, diapragmateyetai me jenes etairies thn pwlhsh ths Olympiakhs. Qa hqela na rwthsw, o armodios politikos ypeyqynos, o k. Mantelhs, giati den ton kalei sto grafeio toy na toy "trabhjei ligo to afti";

REPPAS: Prwta apo ola, gnwrizete poly kala, oti den eteqh etsi to qema. Kapoios ekproswpos enos syndikalistikoy forea, enos swmateioy, eipe oti endiaferetai na agorasei o klados toy ena paketo metoxwn ths Olympiakhs Aeroporias, wste se synergasia me alloys endiaferomenoys idiwtes, na agorasoyn analoga paketa metoxwn ths Olympiakhs kai na elegjoyn thn idiokthsia ths megalhs ayths epixeirhshs. Tetoio qema den exei teqei apo thn Kybernhsh. Den einai praktikws efikto na ginei ayto. Apo ekei kai pera mhn perimenete apo thn Kybernhsh enagwniws na trexei pisw apo prwtoboylies poy analambanei opoiosdhpote, an kai otan tis analambanei, prokeimenoy na tis antimetwpisei. H Kybernhsh exei mia sygkekrimenh kai safh politikh gia to qema ths Olympiakhs Aeroporias. Ayth efarmozetai kai s` aythn epimenoyme.

KANELLAKHS: H ejaggelia gia prowres ekloges sthn Toyrkia exei sxesh me thn epilysh toy Kypriakoy kai th mataiwsh ths episkechs ths Olmprait sthn Aqhna kai me tis ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete oti yparxei mia politikh reystothta sthn Toyrkia edw kai arketo kairo. Exoyn ginei ejaggelies pws h geitonikh xwra qa odhghqei se ekloges toys prwtes mhnes toy 1999. Den exoyme kapoia allh epishmh enhmerwsh. Ayto to opoio emeis epiqymoyme einai toyto: h periodos ayth mexri tis ekloges, an pragmati ginoyn stis arxes toy 1999, na einai mia periodos h opoia den qa diakrinetai apo astaqeia kai reystothta sto eswteriko ths Toyrkias, se tetoio baqmo, wste na dhmioyrgei problhmata stis ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis. Epiqymoyme na yparxei enas ypeyqynos synomilhths sthn allh pleyra gia ta qemata ta opoia mas apasxoloyn kai elpizoyme ayth h periodos na ejelixqei sthn Toyrkia me omalo tropo, wste sto plaisio twn dhmokratikwn diadikasiwn na anadeijei o filos toyrkikos laos thn hgesia ths xwras toy.

Sas eyxaristw.

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