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BRIEFING 06-05-96

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <> - email:



Kalhmera sas. Kalh ebdomada, me perissoterh ygeia kai ligotero kapnisma.

O k. Prwqypoyrgos eixe synergasia me ton Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn k. Pagkalo en ocei kai ths syzhthshs poy ginetai to apogeyma sthn Ellhnikh Boylh gia qemata Ejwterikhs Politikhs. O Prwqypoyrgos edexqh ton Proedro ths Eyrwpaikhs Trapezas Ependysewn k. Angoyin. Epishs, exei synergasia me ton Ypoyrgo Metaforwn k. Kastanidh kai ton Proedro ths Boylhs k. Kaklamanh me ton opoio qa synanthqoyn argotera, to meshmeri. To apogeyma, opws gnwrizete, prokeitai na diejaxqei sth Boylh, se epipedo Arxhgwn Kommatwn kai ektos hmerhsias diatajhs, syzhthsh gia ta qemata ths ejwterikhs politikhs.

* Ayrio qa synedriasei stis 11:00 p.m. h Kybernhtikh Epitroph, h opoia qa asxolhqei me qemata armodiothtas toy Ypoyrgeioy Metaforwn. Thn Tetarth to apogeyma exoyme epishs syzhthsh sth Boylh ektos hmerhsias diatajews se epipedo Arxhgwn Kommatwn, me antikeimeno thn anergia. Parempiptontws anaferw oti thn Tetarth to prwi qa synedriasei h Koinoboyleytikh Omada toy PASOK h opoia qa asxolhqei me to qema toy kanonismoy leitoyrgias ths. Thn prosklhsh ypografei o k. Prwqypoyrgos. Anaferw kai ayto parempiptontws, wste na exete mia eikona gia to programma twn epomenwn hmerwn, th de Pempth - episkeptetai apo shmera thn Ellada o k. Klhridhs - qa yparxei synanthsh toy Proedroy ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias me ton Prwqypoyrgo k. Shmith.

SKOYRHS: Me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias poy episkeptetai tis Hnwmenes Politeies den qa eprepe na eixe synanthsh o Prwqypoyrgos;

REPPAS: Exei ginei synanthsh k. Skoyrh, exoyn antallagei apoceis. Yparxei enhmerwsh. O Proedros ths Dhmokratias exei enhmerwqei. Allwste, qa synodeyei ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias se ayto to tajidi kai o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn k. Pagkalos. Allh erwthsh parakalw;

SOYGLERHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, o Boyleyths Epikrateias ths Neas Dhmokratias, o k. Gkonhs, me grapth toy dhlwsh, sas kathgorhse gia parembash sto ergo ths Dikaiosynhs. Mas eixate pei edw thn Paraskeyh oti sto porisma gia ta chfiaka thlefwna den anaferontai parabaseis. Qa hqela ena sxolio.

REPPAS: An deite th syzhthsh, opws prokyptei apo ta praktika ths Paraskeyhs, qa diapistwsete pws h qesh thn opoia diatypwsa ws basikh qesh htan oti asxoloyntai ta organa ths Dikaiosynhs kai den exoyme kanena logo na sxoliasoyme tis prwtoboylies tis opoies analambanoyn dikastika organa. Proswpikws, eipa, meta, ekana ena sxolio. Proswpikws apolytws kai den prepei na yparxei paranohsh giati dyo fores yphrje ayth h dieykrinish. Katalabainete para poly kala oti prepei na sthrixqei kai o OTE sthn eksyxronistikh kai anaptyjiakh prospaqeia toy. Mhn ejagoyme symperasmata. Ayto poy epanalambanw ayth thn wra kai qewrw skopimo na diatypwsw ws kybernhtikh qesh kai moy dinete thn eykairia na to kanw me thn erwthsh sas einai oti bebaiws, h ypoqesh exei parei to dromo ths. Asxoloyntai ta dikastika organa. Den prepei, den mporei, alla kyriws den epiqymei h Kybernhsh na parembainei stis drasthriothtes twn organwn ths dikastikhs ejoysias. Ayto to opoio epiqymei h Kybernhsh einai na yparxei mia taxytath antimetwpish opoiwn problhmatwn prokyptoyn, wste na ejasfalizetai kai h diafaneia, na katoxyrwnontai ta symferonta toy Dhmosioy kai ta problhmata na antimetwpizontai wste na payoyn na yparxoyn kai na mhn apoteloyn empodio sth leitoyrgia toy dhmosioy bioy h twn organismwn toy Dhmosioy. Ayth einai h apanthsh kai h qesh ths Kybernhshs.

MOYRTZHS: Eipate sthn erwthsh toy synadelfoy gia ejygiantikh prospaqeia toy OTE. Rwtw epeidh kykloforoyn kapoies fhmes h eikasias oti eginan systaseis apo ypoyrgika grafeia h grafeia Dioikhtoy Organismoy na parete ayth th qesh, giati an askhqei diwjh telika h metoxh toy OTE prokeitai na katrakylhsei. Ti lete eseis;

REPPAS: Ayto einai diko sas sxolio k. Moyrtzh. Ayto poy epanalambanw egw einai oti h Kybernhsh endiaferetai na yparjei taxytath antimetwpish opoiwn problhmatwn diapistwnoyn organa ths politeias oti yfistantai, wste na yparxei - epanalambanw kai pali - h diafaneia kai na ejasfalizontai kai ta symferonta toy Dhmosioy. H Kybernhsh den exei logo na parembainei se drasthriothtes poy analambanoyn dikastika organa. Isa - isa epidiwkoyme kai sthn prajh to apodeiknyoyme, na perifroyroyme thn aytonomia, thn anejarthsia twn dikastikwn organwn, ta opoia sebomaste kai bebaiws, tis apofaseis poy ekdidoyn. Sth sygkekrimenh periptwsh einai qema organwn ths Dikaiosynhs an qa askhqei h sygkekrimenh diwjh. Ergo ths Kybernhshs einai na parakoloyqhsei ayth thn poreia ths sygkekrimenhs ypoqeshs, epanalambanw kai pali me thn elpida to taxytero dynaton na dialeykanqei opoia skia qewreitai oti yparxei, wste na katoxyrwqoyn ta symferonta toy Dhmosioy kai na lamcei h diafaneia.

POYLIDOY: Mhpws exoyn prosdiorisqei oi synanthseis toy k. Pagkaloy me ton k. Fertskofski kai oi synanthseis twn k.k. Sabbaidh kai Filwnos me toys kyrioys...

REPPAS: Oi synanthseis stis opoies anaferqhkate - me th diploy xarakthra erwthsh sas - den exoyn xronikws prosdiorisqei, kyria Poylidoy.

ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, egine syzhthsh shmera to prwi anamesa ston k. Prwqypoyrgo kai ton Pagkalo gia to tajidi sthn Amerikh, mias kai o k. Pagkalos qa synodeysei ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias;

REPPAS: Asfalws h ejwterikh politikh syzhteitai ana pasa stigmh synergasias poy exei o Prwqypoyrgos me ton Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn k. Pagkalo. Kai h politikh mas nomizw pws einai gnwsth. Den xreiazetai na ginoyn ektetamenes syzhthseis toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton armodio Ypoyrgo epi twn sygkekrimenwn qematwn. O k. Pagkalos einai gnwsths kai kalos xeirisths ths ejwterikhs politikhs kai h symmetoxh toy sto tajidi ayto toy Ellhna Proedroy stis Hnwmenes Politeies, pisteyw oti einai wfelimh.

KWNSTANTINIDHS: Pws sxoliazete tis dhlwseis Faikogloy, kyrie Ypoyrge, anaforika me thn prosfath episkech toy k. Prwqypoyrgoy stis perioxes Komothnhs kai Janqhs;

REPPAS: O k. Faikogloy exei epilejei gia ton eayto toy ena rolo. O rolos aytos einai gnwstos. Einai h kalyterh apodeijh ths isonomias kai ths isopoliteias h opoia yparxei sto Ellhniko Kratos to oti o k. Faikogloy mporei na diatypwnei eleyqerws kai abiastws aytes tis apoceis. Bebaiws, den symfwnoyme me tis qeseis aytes. Epanalambanoyme kai pali oti h Ellada einai mia koinwnia eynomoymenh. Yparxoyn qesmoi. Yparxoyn nomoi. Yparxei h tajh thn opoia oloi prepei na sebomaste. Giati s' ayth th xwra sebontai ta politeiaka ths organa toys nomoys prwta ap' oloys kai apaiteitai to idio na kanoyn kai oi polites, anejarthtws twn opoiwn idiaiterothtwn exoyn sto qrhskeyma toys.

FILIPPAKOPOYLOS: Me ton k. Kaklamanh o Prwqypoyrgos ti qa syzhthsei;

REPPAS: H syzhthsh, kyrie Filippakopoyle, den exei kan jekinhsei. Einai dynaton na gnwrizoyme ti qa syzhthsoyn;

FILIPPAKOPOYLOS: Mhpws gia thn Koinoboyleytikh Omada;

REPPAS: Fantazomai oti qa syzhthsoyn gia thn kalyterh synergasia ths Kybernhshs me ton Proedro ths Boylhs kai tis Yphresies ths Boylhs. Ayth h synergasia einai monimh. Kai prepei na yparxei.

KIAOS: Poios eixe thn prwtoboylia;

REPPAS: Fantazomai oti, en ocei kai ths apogeymatinhs syzhthshs poy ginetai sth Boylh, kyrie Kiao, kai ths syzhthshs poy qa ginei meqayrio, exei endiaferon to na syzhthsoyn o k. Prwqypoyrgos me ton k. Proedro ths Boylhs.

KIAOS: An epitrepete, h synanthsh kai h synergasia, opws lete, mhpws entassetai kai sto plaisio twn diaboyleysewn endokommatikwn toy PASOK en ocei toy Synedrioy;

REPPAS: Mporoyme na kanoyme polles ypoqeseis oloi mas. Ayto poy exei shmasia - epanalambanw kai pali - einai...

KIAOS: Ma, den ypeqesa...

REPPAS: Ma, moy eipate "mhpws exei". Sas lew oti den exei orisqei "atzenta". Den yparxei sygkekrimenh qematografia. Synantwntai dyo Ellhnes oi opoioi exoyn ena ajiwma ychlo o kaqenas ap'aytoys kai bebaiws sympiptei na exoyn kai mia ychlh kommatikh qesh. H syzhthsh toys exei na kanei - epanalambanw kai pali - me ta qemata ta opoia aforoyn th synergasia ths Ellhnikhs Kybernhshs me th Boylh kai tis leitoyrgies ths Boylhs, xwris na apokleiw o,tidhpote allo. Ayto einai kati - epanalambanw kai pali - poy qa adikoyse th nohmosynh kai th dikh moy kai th dikh sas. Gnwrizete oti tetoioy eidoys synanthseis, einai synanthseis opoy ginontai genikoy periexomenoy syzhthseis.

GARGALAKOS: Teqhke ek neoy kai apo ton k. Mantelh, to synergath toy Prwqypoyrgoy, to dilhmma "Shmiths h ekloges" en ocei Synedrioy. Mhpws enoxlei thn Kybernhsh, kyrie Ekproswpe, h kalliergeia proeklogikhs atmosfairas kai dh apo synergates toy Prwqypoyr- goy;

REPPAS: Kyrie Gargalako, gia to sygkekrimeno qema h Kybernhsh exei parei qesh - poly sygkekrimenh kai safh - dia stomatos toy pleon armodioy: toy idioy toy Prwqypoyrgoy. O Prwqypoyrgos exei diatypwsei th qesh oti oi ekloges qa ginoyn to 1997. Kai qa einai ekloges nikhfores gia to PASOK.
Eyxaristw poly.

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