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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-07-12Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Qemata Paideias kai Dikaiosynhs sto ypoyrgikoTa sxedia nomoy gia tis allages sthn tritobaqmia ekpaideysh kai thn ekdikash prajewn diafqoras politikwn kai kratikwn ajiwmatoyxwn, alla kai h plhrwsh kenwn qesewn Dikastikwn Leitoyrgwn, qa breqoyn shmera sthn atzenta toy ypoyrgikoy symboylioy, poy synedriazei stis 12 to meshmeri ypo thn proedria toy prwqypoyrgoy, G. Papandreoy.Sygkekrimena ta qemata toy ypoyrgikoy symboylioy einai ta ejhs: 1. Plhrwsh kenwn qesewn Dikastikwn Leitoyrgwn: Proedroy toy Areioy Pagoy kai dyo Antiproedrwn toy Areioy Pagoy, enos Antiproedroy toy Symboylioy ths Epikrateias, dyo Antiproedrwn toy Elegktikoy Synedrioy kai toy Genikoy Epitropoy Epikrateias twn Taktikwn Dioikhtikwn Dikasthriwn. (M. Papaiwannoy) 2. Sxedio nomoy: Ekdikash prajewn diafqoras politikwn kai kratikwn ajiwmatoyxwn. (M. Papaiwannoy) 3. Sxedio nomoy: Organwsh Anwtaths Ekpaideyshs, Anejarthth Arxh gia th diasfalish kai pistopoihsh ths poiothtas sthn Anwtath Ekpaideysh. (A. Diamantopoyloy) © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] Ysterhsh esodwn to prwto ejamhno toy etoysTa synolika esoda toy kratikoy proypologismoy kata to A' ejamhno toy etoys ysteroyn enanti toy stoxoy kata 3,051 dis. eyrw enw oi synolikes dapanes paroysiazontai meiwmenes kata 644 ekat. eyrw, anakoinwse to ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn.Eidikotera ta kaqara esoda toy taktikoy proypologismoy anhlqan se 21,814 dis eyrw kai emfanizoyn meiwsh enanti toy antistoixoy xronikoy diasthmatos toy 2010 kata 8,3%. Logw ths ysterhshs twn esodwn to elleimma, diamorfwqhke sta 12,781 dis. eyrw, enanti stoxoy 10,374 dis. eyrw kai elleimmatos 9,997 dis. eyrw to antistoixo diasthma toy 2010. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] Lagkarnt: H Ellada exei kanei almataH nea epikefalhs toy DNT, Kristin Lagkarnt, xarakthrise almata ta osa exei mexri twra kanei h Ellada, prokeimenoy na periorisei to xreos ths, alla, taytoxronws epeshmane oti apomenoyn akomh polla poy prepei na ginoyn, oxi mono apo thn kybernhsh, alla kai thn antipoliteysh.Kata th diarkeia xqesinhs synanthshs ths me dhmosiografoys sthn Oyasingkton, h Kristin Lagkarnt dhlwse pws h politikh ths Elladas apedwse ajioshmeiwtes ejelijeis. "Taytoxronws omws, gnwrizoyme oloi, pws oti exei ginei den einai arketo, oti prepei na synexistoyn oi prospaqeies kai oti h lysh twn problhmatwn einai apotelesma epejergasias toys me toys etairoys". H Lagkarnt den qelhse na ekfrasei thn apoch ths gia to rolo poy prepei na paijei o idiwtikos tomeas sth beltiwsh twn oikonomikwn ths Elladas, enw erwtwmenh gia to rolo poy paizoyn oi Organismoi ajiologhshs eipe epigrammatika oti exoyn mia kapoia barythta. Parallhlws, ejhre thn Italia kai thn oikonomikh politikh ths. Telos, anaferomenh sto DNT, dhlwse pws shmera prokeitai na kanei anakoinwseis sxetikes me th leitoyrgia toy Organismoy, xwris peretairw epejhghseis. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] Lhsteia meta fonoy se peripteroTesseris agnwstoi pyrobolhsan kai skotwsan ypallhlo se periptero shmera stis 03.45 ta jhmerwmata sth symbolh twn odwn Anagennhsews kai Arths sth Metamorfwsh.Symfwna me ta mexri stigmhs stoixeia, kinhtro toy fonoy htan h lhsteia, dioti oi drastes arpajan tis eisprajeis kai diefygan me agnwsto meso. Qyma einai 54xronos albanos poy ergazotan sto periptero kai o opoios diakomisqhke se nosokomeio opoy diapistwqhke o qanatos toy. Apo thn astynomia ginontai ereynes gia ton entopismo kai th syllhch twn drastwn. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] Ekrhjh ejw apo to kentro Vive Mar sth BoylaEkrhjh shmeiwqhke stis 05.45 to prwi ejw apo to kentro Vive Mar sth lewforo Karamanlh 18 sth Boyla. Apo thn ekrhjh proklhqhkan ylikes zhmies sto katasthma.Epitopoy briskontai pyrotexnoyrgoi kai astynomikoi ths asfaleias, oi opoioi ereynoyn thn ypoqesh. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [06] "H Italia den prokeitai na ptwxeysei""H Italia den prokeitai na ptwxeysei pote, epeidh einai mia ploysia xwra", tonise me dhlwseis toy sto Milano o Lorentso Mpini Smagki, melos toy Dioikhtikoy symboylioy ths Eyrwpaikhs Kentrikhs Trapezas(EKT)."Stis dieqneis xrhmatagores, h krish kratikoy xreoys epekteinetai twra kai stis trapezikes metoxes. H diadosh einai amesh", epishmane o idios sth diarkeia synenteyjhs typoy. "Eidika sthn Italia, ginetai o sysxetismos toy kratikoy xreoys me ton trapeziko (oikonomiko) kindyno, epeidh to dhmosio xreos einai ychlo kai oi trapezes mas sto xartofylakio toys exoyn kratika xreografa, thn wra malista poy ta kefalaia toys den fqanoyn ekeina pollwn jenwn (amerikanikwn) trapezwn", epishmane. "Ola ayta kaqistoyn 'eyalwto' to italiko trapeziko systhma, kati poy kaqista epitaktiko na epitaxynqei sto ameso mellon h diadikasia ths anakefalaiopoihshs stis italikes trapezes", prosqese. Epishs o k. Smagki epishmane oti "sthn Eyrwph exoyme to problhma ths diaxeirishs toy pistwtikoy systhmatos synolikws, opws h periptwsh ths Elladas anadeiknyei. Telika, omws, h Eyrwph den einai dynaton na mhn kataferei na diaxeiristei ena xreos, poy antiproswpeyei, telika, monon to 2% toy AEP ths 17meloys eyrwzwnhs". "Anohto krinw", dhlwse katalhgontas o Mpini Smagki, "ton isxyrismo pollwn, oti ena pistwtiko systhma einai eyryqmo, afoy problepei akoma kai th xreokopia. Fronw proswpika oti, h diadosh poy aporreei apo paromoies katastaseis, safws apaitei mia lysh sto epipedo ths EE". © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [07] H Kypros metra tis plhges thsDwdeka einai, symfwna me ta epishma stoixeia, oi nekroi apo tis isxyres ekrhjeis, poy shmeiwqhkan xqes sth naytikh bash "Eyaggelos Flwrakhs", sthn perioxh Zygi - Mari, ejw apo th Lemeso ths Kyproy. Synolika 62 einai oi traymaties ek twn opoiwn oi dyo noshleyontai se krisimh katastash.O Ploiarxos Andreas Iwannidhs, dioikhths ths naytikhs bashs, einai metajy twn 12 nekrwn. O gios toy adikoxamenoy dioikhth, Nikolas, kathggeile sthn thleorash toy RIK oti toso o pateras toy, oso kai alloi ajiwmatikoi toy naytikoy, tonizan synexws thn anagkh katastrofhs h apomakrynshs twn pyromaxikwn poy fylagontan sth naytikh bash, alla , opws eipe, oi proeidopoihseis toys " epesan sto keno". Ejalloy, symfwna me plhrofories toy RIK, o dioikhths ths bashs eixe aposteilei epistoles pros to Ypoyrgeio Amynas, epishmainontas toys sobaroys kindynoys apo ta emporeymatokibwtia me thn pyritida. To de KYPE, epikaloymeno stratiwtikh phgh, metedose oti tis teleytaies hmeres logw twn ychlwn qermokrasiwn shmeiwnontan anaflejeis sta kibwtia poy perieixan thn pyritida. H Astynomia se synergasia me thn Eqnikh Froyra diereyna ta aitia ths ekrhjhs sth naytikh bash, enw exoyn klhqei kai empeirognwmones apo to ejwteriko, dhlwse o kybernhtikos ekproswpos Stefanos Stefanoy, meta thn ektakth synedriash toy ypoyrgikoy symboylioy. Deka pyrotexnoyrgoi twn Ellhnikwn Enoplwn Dynamewn efqasan sto aerodromio ths Larnakas prokeimenoy na bohqhsoyn sthn ejakribwsh twn aitiwn ths ekrhjhs sth naytikh bash ths Eqnikhs Froyras. Opws ypogrammise o k. Stefanoy, ektos apo ta qymata shmeiwqhkan terasties zhmies, kai ola ta armodia ypoyrgeia kai oi armodies kratikes yphresies exoyn kinhtopoihqei gia katagrafh kai apokatastash twn zhmiwn kai analhch peraiterw energeiwn. To ypoyrgiko symboylio elabe, epishs, apofaseis gia th lhch olwn twn aparaithtwn metrwn prokeimenoy na antimetwpistoyn oi dyskolies poy dhmioyrgoyntai me th zhthsh hlektrikoy reymatos. En tw metajy, tis paraithseis toys ston proedro ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias ypebalan o ypoyrgos Amynas ths Kyproy Kwstas Papakwstas kai o arxhgos ths Eqnikhs Froyras strathgos Petros Tsalikidhs. Opws egine gnwsto meta thn ektakth synedriash toy ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy, o D. Xristofias ekane apodektes tis paraithseis twn dyo andrwn. Dekades polites sygkentrwqhkan ayqormhta xqes ejw apo to proedriko megaro sth Leykwsia, ekfrazontas thn aganakthsh toys gia ta osa synebhsan logw ths fonikhs ekrhjhs. To plhres keimeno toy antapokrith mas A. Biketoy sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [08] Se treis doseis o FPASthn telikh eyqeia brisketai to ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn gia thn energopoihsh ths diatajhs toy forologikoy nomoy sxetika me thn katabolh toy FPA se treis doseis. Se anakoinwsh toy TAXISnet anaferetai oti h efarmogh gia thn hlektronikh ypobolh periodikwn dhlwsewn FPA se doseis qa einai texnhta etoimh stis 14/07/2011. H paragwgikh leitoyrgia ths efarmoghs - prosqetei - qa jekinhsei me thn ypografh ths sxetikhs apofashs.Ejalloy, dieykolynseis se ofeiletes lhjiproqesmwn xrewn pros to dhmosio qa problepei ryqmish poy prowqei to ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn. Stoxos einai na doqoyn kinhtra stoys ofeiletes poy den eixan ypaxqei apo thn arxh sth ryqmish gia ta lhjiproqesma na to kanoyn twra xwris na xreiasqei na katabaloyn oles tis doseis poy den exoyn katabalei apo thn enarjh ths. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [09] "Symbibastikh lysh"O proedros twn Hnwmenwn Politeiwn Mparak Ompama dhlwse shmera, sth diarkeia synenteyjhs Typoy, oti "qa epidiwjei thn eyryterh dynath symfwnia" me toys Repoymplikanoys oson afora to zhthma toy orioy toy omospondiakoy daneismoy, proideazontas sygxronws toys politikoys toy antipaloys oti "einai aparaithto na ginoyn paraxwrhseis".Anakoinwse epishs oti efejhs einai etoimos na synantatai "kaqe mera" me toys Repoymplikanoys, wste to amerikaniko dhmosio na mhn anagkastei na khryjei (ta mesanykta ths 2as Aygoystoy) "stash plhrwmwn". Katesthse safes oti den qa symbibastei me hmimetra, opws qa htan mia 30hmerh, 60hmerh, 90hmerh paratash toy isxyontos anwtatoy orioy daneismoy. O Ompama qetei ws stoxo mesa se mia 10etia to dhmosio elleimma na syrriknwqei 4 trisekatommyria dolaria. Twra swreytika to elleimma aggizei ta 14.294 dis. dolaria, ap ta opoia ta 1.600 dis. dolaria aforoyn ton trexonta omospondiako proypologismo. Oi politikoi antipaloi toy proedroy, poy pleiochfoyn sth Boylh twn Antiproswpwn, den qeloyn na lhjei h isxys twn foroapallagwn yper twn ploysioterwn ths epoxhs toy Repoymplikanoy Tzortz Mpoys toy neoteroy, ektimwntas oti monon mesw ths peristolhs twn kratikwn dapanwn qa prokycei meiwmeno dhmosio elleimma. Se ayto, oi Dhmokratikoi antekroyan, ews shmera, oti oi dapanes gia koinwfeleis skopoys, opws h Ygeia, qa prepei na meinoyn ametablhtes. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [10] Synenteyjh F. KoybelhEkeino to meshmeri ths Tetarths, poy htan se ejelijh to politiko qriler ths diereynhshs endexomenhs kybernhtikhs synergasias anamesa ston prwqypoyrgo G. Papandreoy kai ton arxhgo ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs Ant. Samara, ena apo ta polla onomata poy akoysthkan gia thn prwqypoyrgia, htan kai toy Fwth Koybelh.Htan ena ``oxi'' poy den eipwqhke pote, giati, opws leei ekplhktos, den exei idea pws kykloforhse ayth h fhmh. Ekeinos qewrei, allwste, oti to shmantiko einai to periexomeno ths politikhs ki oxi ta proswpa poy qa thn efarmosoyn kai dhlwnei antiqetos me thn politikh poy askeitai shmera. ``Ola ta sxhmata, einai qema periexomenoy'', leei sth synenteyjh toy sto APE-MPE. Gia th Dhmokratikh Aristera -poy apospasqhke apo ton Synaspismo meta th qyellwdh synyparjh twn teleytaiwn xronwn logw rizikwn diafwniwn- ekeino poy proexei einai ``h hqikh katanomh twn barwn'' poy den blepoyn na prytaneyei stis epiloges ths kybernhshs. 'Oson afora to Mesoproqesmo Programma, pisteyoyn oti ``den exei kamia anaptyjiakh stoxeysh, enw ta metra poy problepei einai anapotelesmatika. H anazhthsh porwn kai qysiwn ginetai pali apo ta xamhlotera strwmata kai den antimetwpizei thn anastrofh ths yfeshs''. Epipleon, o k. Koybelhs epishmainei thn anagkh ajiopoihshs (kai oxi ``jepoylhmatos'', opws dieykrinizei) ths dhmosias perioysias, thn anagkh na proxwrhsoyn oi metarryqmiseis ston dhmosio tomea kai thn anagkh ejeidikeymenhs politikhs gia kaqe DEKO. To plhres keimeno ths G.Zhtoyniath sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE - MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [11] Biblio kai paidiaH diaxronikh kalokairinh diamaxh gonewn - paidiwn gia allh mia fora sto proskhnio me th frash ``anoije paidi moy kai kanena biblio''. Oi kalokairines diakopes gia ta paidia apoteloyn mia anasa apo th sxolikh kaqhmerinothta kai mia eykairia na diwjoyn to agxos ths xronias. Apo thn allh pleyra gia arketoys goneis prokeitai gia spatalh xronoy, afoy pisteyoyn pws merikes wres thn hmera h thn ebdomada mporei na afierwnontai sto diabasma h thn epilysh askhsewn. Ti lene omws oi eidikoi;``Meta apo mia dyskolh xronia me frontisthria, maqhmata kai alles drasthriothtes, einai fysiko gia ta paidia na perimenoyn to kalokairi prokeimenoy na paijoyn, na jekoyrastoyn, na xalarwsoyn kai na afhsoyn gia ta kala pisw toys biblia kai diabasma. Ta paidia xreiazontai xrono, prokeimenoy na apofortistoyn apo thn piestikh pragmatikothta kai to apaithtiko programma poy kaloyntai na feroyn eis peras'', leei o cyxologos Giannhs Jhntaras. O pio aplos kai eykolos tropos wste to myalo twn paidiwn na kratietai se forma toys kalokairinoys mhnes einai to diabasma ejwsxolikwn bibliwn. To plhres keimeno toy N.Tsoytsia sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE - MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [12] Onegkin sto MegaroH epiqymia na gracei moysikh gia ``pragmatikoys, anqrwpinoys xarakthres, oxi xartines figoyres'', odhghse ton Tsaikofski ston Eygenio Onegkin. Thn triprakth opera toy koryfaioy Rwsoy synqeth qa paroysiasei h Opera toy Qeatroy Mpolsoi sto plaisio toy Festibal Aqhnwn, stis 12 kai 13 Ioylioy sto Megaro Moysikhs Aqhnwn. Th skhnoqesia ypografei o dieqnoys fhmhs Ntmitri Tserniakof kai th moysikh dieyqynsh o arximoysikos Basili Sinaiski.To aristoyrghma toy Tsaikofski, ``Eygenios Onegkin'' prwtoparoysiasthke sth Mosxa to 1879, enw h Opera toy Qeatroy Mpolsoi to anebase gia prwth fora molis dyo xronia argotera, to 1881. To plhres keimeno ths N.Mpakopoyloy sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE - MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [13] Anaballetai h dikh Stros KanAnaballetai gia thn 1h Aygoystoy h epomenh akroamatikh diadikasia enwpion twn amerikanikwn dikastikwn arxwn toy Ntominik Stros Kan, meta apo aithma, toso twn synhgorwn toy prwhn epikefalhs toy DNT, oso kai twn kathgorwn.Etoyth h dikh eixe programmatistei gia tis 18 Ioylioy, alla kai oi dyo pleyres zhthsan thn anabolh ths prokeimenoy na proxwrhsoyn se peretairw ereynes. Se anakoinwsh toys, opws metadidei kai to Roiter, oi dikhgoroi toy Stros Kan, ekfrazoyn thn elpida toys na aposyrqoyn (ews tote) oi kathgories kata toy Stros Kan, enw oi eisaggeleis ths ypoqeshs dhlwsan pws oi ereynes synexizontai kai kamia apofash den exei lhfqei akomh. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |