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European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 06-09-27Midday Express: News from the EU Commission Spokesman's Briefings Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <>CONTENTS / CONTENU[I] RĂ©sultats de la Commission du 26 septembre 2006 -
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
MIDDAY EXPRESSNews from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefingNouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction GĂ©nĂ©rale Communicationb27/09/06[I] RĂ©sultats de la Commission du 26 septembre 2006 -Outcome of Commission meeting of 26 September[01] Commission confirms Bulgaria's and Romania's EU accession on 1 January 2007, completed by a rigorous package of accompanying measuresThe European Commission has adopted its final monitoring report on the preparedness of Bulgaria and Romania for EU membership. Based on the solid progress achieved, the Commission considers that both countries will be in a position to take on the rights and obligations of EU membership on 1 January 2007. To address the limited number of areas where further work will be necessary, the Commission proposes a package of rigorous accompanying measures.[02] MobilitĂ© des patients : la Commission lance une consultation publique sur l'action de l'UE dans le domaine des services de santĂ©La Commission europĂ©enne a lancĂ© une consultation publique sur les moyens d'assurer la sĂ©curitĂ© juridique en ce qui concerne les soins de santĂ© transfrontaliers dans le cadre du droit communautaire, d'une part, et de soutenir la coopĂ©ration entre les systèmes de santĂ© des Etats membres, d'autre part. La date limite de rĂ©ponse est fixĂ©e au 31 janvier 2007. La Commission compte ensuite prĂ©senter des propositions, plus tard en 2007.[03] Hungarian budget deficit to be corrected in 2009 under new Convergence Programme ; but rigorous implementation will be key to meeting targetsThe new budgetary projections contained in the revised Hungarian Convergence Programme until 2009 set an appropriate path for the correction of the deficit, but implementation will be key in ensuring its success. The programme foresees a reduction of the budget deficit from an expected 10.1% of GDP this year to 3.2% of GDP in 2009. The programme also foresees public debt of 70.4% of GDP in 2009, putting an end to the steep increase that has been seen in the last few years. Given the size of the deficit, the Commission proposes that the Council extends the deadline for its correction to 2009, from 2008, in a new recommendation under Article 104.7 of the Treaty, and that the Government takes all the necessary measures to meet this new deadline and ensure a permanent correction within a comprehensive reform strategy.[04] Libre circulation des capitaux : la Commission demande Ă l'Espagne de remanier la loi modifiant les fonctions de l'autoritĂ© de rĂ©gulation espagnole du gaz et de l'Ă©lectricitĂ©La Commission europĂ©enne a dĂ©cidĂ© de demander officiellement Ă l'Espagne de remanier sa lĂ©gislation Ă©tendant les pouvoirs de la ComisiĂłn Nacional de EnergĂa (CNE), l'autoritĂ© de rĂ©gulation espagnole du gaz et de l'Ă©lectricitĂ©. Cette lĂ©gislation subordonne Ă l'autorisation de la CNE les prises de participation supĂ©rieures Ă 10% (ou suffisantes pour confĂ©rer une influence notable) dans le capital d'entreprises rĂ©alisant des activitĂ©s rĂ©glementĂ©es ou soumises Ă un contrĂ´le administratif spĂ©cial, ainsi que l'acquisition des actifs nĂ©cessaires pour mener Ă bien ces activitĂ©s. La Commission estime que ces dispositions risquent de restreindre indĂ»ment la libre circulation des capitaux et le droit d'Ă©tablissement inscrits dans les règles du traitĂ© CE (articles 56 et 43 respectivement). La demande de la Commission est adressĂ©e sous la forme d'un avis motivĂ©, deuxième Ă©tape de la procĂ©dure d’infraction prĂ©vue Ă l'article 226 du traitĂ© CE. La première Ă©tape de cette procĂ©dure est une lettre de mise en demeure, qui a Ă©tĂ© envoyĂ©e en mai 2006 (voir IP/06/569). En l'absence de rĂ©ponse satisfaisante de l'Espagne dans les deux mois suivant la rĂ©ception de l'avis motivĂ©, la Commission peut dĂ©cider de saisir la Cour de justice europĂ©enne.[05] Commission rules against Spanish Energy Regulator's measures concerning E.ON's bid for EndesaThe European Commission has decided that the decision of the Spanish Energy Regulator, CNE, subjecting E.ON's bid for Endesa to a number of conditions breaches Article 21 of the EU Merger Regulation. The Commission's decision is based on two facts. First, the CNE's decision was adopted and entered into force without prior communication to, and approval by, the Commission, in violation of the communication and stand-still obligation of Article 21. Second, the CNE subjected E.ON's acquisition of control over Endesa to a number of conditions that are contrary to EC Treaty rules on free movement of capital and freedom of establishment. The Commission's decision that the conditions imposed by the CNE on E.ON are unlawful requires Spain to withdraw them. The Commission's decision is legally binding, and could be invoked before a national court or public authority in Spain.[06] "Poste Italiane" : la Commission approuve une compensation de service public de €2,4 milliards pour la pĂ©riode 2000-2005 ; elle ouvre une enquĂŞte sur les taux d'intĂ©rĂŞt portant sur les fonds collectĂ©s Ă partir de 2005La Commission europĂ©enne a dĂ©cidĂ©, en application des règles du traitĂ© CE relatives aux aides d'Etat, de ne pas s'opposer Ă la compensation versĂ©e Ă "Poste Italiane" de 2000 Ă 2005 pour faire face aux coĂ»ts gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s par ses obligations de service public. Toutefois, elle a ouvert une procĂ©dure formelle d'examen, en application des règles du traitĂ© CE sur les aides d'Etat, concernant le niveau des taux d'intĂ©rĂŞt appliquĂ©s aux fonds collectĂ©s sur les comptes courants des clients de Poste Italiane et dĂ©posĂ©s auprès du TrĂ©sor public, Ă partir de 2005. L'ouverture d'une enquĂŞte approfondie donne la possibilitĂ© aux parties intĂ©ressĂ©es de prĂ©senter leurs observations sur les mesures envisagĂ©es. Elle ne prĂ©juge pas du rĂ©sultat de l'enquĂŞte.[07] Green light for Czech state aid to compensate inland waterway transport operatorsThe European Commission has decided not to raise any objections to the aid measures of the Czech authorities to compensate inland waterway transport operators for losses due to insufficient boating conditions on the river Elbe. The aid will encourage transport of goods in less suitable conditions, so that the maximum possible amount of goods is transported on the waterway and not transferred to roads.[08] Commission authorises Czech state aid for research and development in transportThe European Commission has decided not to raise any objections to the aid scheme which the Czech authorities are proposing to support the implementation of sustainable development in transport sector. The aid was found to be compatible with the proper functioning of the common market.[09] Commission approves public financing for six regional airports in IrelandThe European Commission has decided to allow the Irish government to finance infrastructure developments at six small regional airports. The measure in the form of capital investment expenditure, will last 5 years (2006-2010) and provides funding of up to €65.5 million to the airports.[10] Commission rejects Dutch investment aid for Holland Malt B.V.The European Commission has decided under EC Treaty state aid rules to reject an investment aid of €7,425,000 that the Dutch authorities committed to Holland Malt B.V. for the establishment of a production plant for malt in Eemshaven, province of Groningen. The Netherlands gave this commitment at the end of 2003 under the suspending condition that the aid would have to be approved by the Commission. The plant itself was built in 2004. It started its operations in April 2005.[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles[11] Commission presents results of Eurobarometer on consumer protection in the Internal MarketThe European Commission has today published the results of the Eurobarometer 252 on consumer protection in the Internal Market. Over the last few years cross-border shopping has increased in the EU. 26% of EU citizens (EU 25) have made at least one cross-border purchase in the last 12 months, compared to 12% in 2003 (EU15). Most cross-border purchases take place when consumers are on holidays or business trips, 19%. E-commerce is becoming a more popular sales channel – in the last 12 months, 27% of citizens made an e-commerce purchase and 50% of those with internet access at home did so. But this online confidence has not yet developed on a cross- border basis. Only 6% of EU citizens made a cross-border online purchase, and only 12% of those who had an internet connection at home. A majority of Europeans are less confident purchasing from providers based in other EU countries.[12] Commission clears acquisition of Euroshipping by voestalpine and K + NThe European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger Regulation to the acquisition of joint control of KĂĽhne + Nagel Euroshipping GmbH (Euroshipping) of Germany by voestalpine AG of Austria and KĂĽhne + Nagel International AG (K + N) of Switzerland. voestalpine produces and processes steel products for various industries. K + N provides integrated logistics services including sea freight, air freight, and contract logistics. Euroshipping provides inland shipping services. The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.[13] Environnement : la Commission s'inquiète des amendements apportĂ©s par le PE Ă la directive sur la qualitĂ© de l'airLa Commission europĂ©enne se fĂ©licite de l'avis Ă©mis le 26 septembre par le Parlement europĂ©en sur la stratĂ©gie thĂ©matique de lutte contre la pollution atmosphĂ©rique. Elle craint toutefois que certains des amendements en première lecture du Parlement concernant la directive sur la qualitĂ© de l'air n'affaiblissent des Ă©lĂ©ments importants de la proposition de la Commission.[14] Visite de Mme Fischer Boel dans la rĂ©gion viticole alsacienneMme Mariann Fischer Boel, Membre de la Commission europĂ©enne chargĂ©e de l'agriculture et du dĂ©veloppement rural, visitera une exploitation viticole Ă Dorlisheim en Alsace le jeudi 28 septembre Ă 10h30. Elle y participera Ă une vendange conviviale dans l'exploitation avec M. Dominique Bussereau, ministre français de l'Agriculture, et M. Joseph Daul, prĂ©sident de la Commission agricole du Parlement europĂ©en. Cet Ă©vĂ©nement est organise par l'association des viticulteurs d'Alsace (ASA) en liaison avec les organisations professionnelles agricoles et viticoles alsaciennes. Mme Fischer Boel saisira cette occasion pour avoir des Ă©changes de vues sur sa Communication "vers un secteur vitivinicole europĂ©en durable" avec les responsables et agriculteurs viticoles de la rĂ©gion alsacienne.[15] Autre matĂ©riel diffusĂ©Key findings of the monitoring report on Bulgaria's preparedness for EU accessionPrincipales conclusions du rapport global de suivi sur le degrĂ© de prĂ©paration Ă l'adhĂ©sion de la Roumanie Mesures d'accompagnement prĂ©vues pour l'adhĂ©sion de la Bulgarie et de la Roumanie Speech by President Barroso at presentation of Bulgaria and Romania report to the European Parliament (26/09, Strasbourg) Speech by Olli Rehn at presentation of Bulgaria and Romania report to the European Parliament (26/09, Strasbourg) Questions and answers on health services in the EU Speech by Olli Rehn on Turkey at the European Parliament (26/09, Strasbourg) Questions and answers on the Eurobarometer on consumer protection in the Internal Market Competition : Commission welcomes Court of First Instance judgments in Citric Acid cartel case Competition : Commission welcomes Court of First Instance judgments in Sodium Gluconate cartel case Message of Vice-President GĂĽnter Verheugen on the occasion of the World Tourism Day (27/09) Speech by Franco Frattini : "Management of Migration flows" at EP joint debate – Freedom, Security and Justice – Immigration (Strasbourg) Discours de Louis Michel : "L'aide seule ne sert pas Ă grand-chose si elle ne s'appuie pas sur le dialogue politique et la bonne gouvernance" au ComitĂ© des Ambassadeurs ACP (! embargo 16h30 !) Speech by Danuta HĂĽbner : "The Community Strategic Guidelines 2007-2013: the path for a clear and consistent approach to regional development" at plenary session of the European Parliament (26/09, Strasbourg) Speech by Benita Ferrero-Waldner : "Globalisierung managen!" (26/09,
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