European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-12-15
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Economic recovery in the euro area is gathering momentum
[02] Deuxième anniversaire des pièces et billets en euro
[03] New study on population ageing and public finance targets
[04] Marchés des valeurs mobilières : la Commission propose que la
Communauté européenne signe la Convention de La Haye sur les titres
[05] eEurope Workshop to exchange experience of local and regional
initiatives to speed up the roll out of broadband networks
[06] Commission approves acquisition of tractor manufacturer Valtra by AGCO
[07] Commission clears acquisition of French battery maker SAFT by Doughty
[08] Eurobarometer : decline in public confidence in acceding countries,
but continued strong support for core EU policies
[09] Commission statement on the outcome of the "elections" in the northern
part of Cyprus (14/12)
[10] EU launches police mission in FYROM
[11] Enhancing the role of elected and appointed Romani leaders
[12] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 15/12/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 15/12/2003
[01] Economic recovery in the euro area is gathering momentum
Both recent hard data and survey indicators suggest that the euro-area
recovery rests on firm grounds. Economic growth in the third quarter came
in stronger than expected, business confidence is back at the level of mid
2001 and consumer confidence shows some improvements. The euro-area
recovery has so far been mainly export driven. Despite the euro
appreciation, external demand will continue to be buoyed by a simultaneous
upturn in all major parts of the world. Domestic conditions are turning
more supportive and should allow domestic demand to gather momentum. A
further pick-up of growth in the first quarter of 2004 is likely.
[02] Deuxième anniversaire des pièces et billets en euro
Près de deux ans après l'introduction de la monnaie unique, le maniement et
la reconnaissance des pièces et des billets s'avèrent de plus en plus aisés
pour les citoyens de la zone euro. Ainsi, seuls 14% des personnes
interrogées lors d'un récent sondage déclarent encore rencontrer beaucoup
de difficultés lors de l'utilisation des pièces et billets en euro. L'euro
semble désormais davantage utilisé comme valeur mentale de référence,
surtout pour les actes de consommation courante. Dans la grande majorité
des pays de la zone euro, les personnes interrogées ne souhaitent plus le
double affichage des prix. Cependant, pour une majorité conséquente
d'interviewés, la mise en place de l'euro reste toujours associée à une
augmentation des prix et même s'il reste majoritaire, le niveau de
satisfaction lié au passage à la monnaie unique enregistre une baisse
constante depuis le 1er janvier 2002. En ce qui concerne les aspects
économiques abordés pour la première fois au cours de cette enquête, on
note qu'une majorité relative de répondants (47%) souhaite voir le Pacte de
stabilité et de croissance strictement respecté même si un pays connaît des
difficultés économiques, contre 42% qui pensent le contraire. Quant à
l'application de sanctions en cas de non-respect du Pacte, 40% estiment que
les sanctions ne sont pas appliquées de la même manière à tous les Etats
membres. Finalement, 71 % des interviewés considèrent que ce Pacte est une
bonne chose car il contribue au renforcement de la monnaie unique.
[03] New study on population ageing and public finance targets
A new study carried out by economists in the European Commission's
Directorate General of Economic and Financial Affairs investigates
alternative measures for analysing long-term sustainability of public
finances under population ageing and presents a method to transform long-
term public expenditure projections into medium-term budget balance
targets. This paper incorporates intergenerational fairness into a
framework to analyse long-term sustainability of public finances under
population ageing. It establishes a link between ageing-related public
expenditure projections and public finance targets, thereby clarifying the
connection between pension reforms and general government budget balance
and debt targets. Full document available on : http://europa.eu.int/comm/economy_finance/publications/economic_papers/economicpapers196_en.htm
[04] Marchés des valeurs mobilières : la Commission propose que la
Communauté européenne signe la Convention de La Haye sur les titres
La Commission européenne a proposé que la Communauté européenne signe la
Convention de la Haye, qui est un traité multilatéral visant à régir la
propriété des valeurs mobilières détenues par voie électronique. Cette
proposition prend la forme d'un projet de décision, que devra adopter le
Conseil de l'Union européenne en vue d'autoriser ladite signature. La
Convention prévoit un dispositif juridique unique pour établir les droits
de propriété, ce qui sera particulièrement utile dans le cas des titres
détenus via une chaîne d'intermédiaires établis dans différents pays. Une
fois adoptées, ses dispositions auront une incidence sur plusieurs
directives en vigueur, comme la directive sur les garanties (2002/47/CE) et
la directive sur le caractère définitif du règlement (1998/26/CE). La
signature de la Convention enverra un signal politique fort à toutes les
parties concernées, notamment au secteur des services financiers, largement
favorable à l'application de ce texte.
[05] eEurope Workshop to exchange experience of local and regional
initiatives to speed up the roll out of broadband networks
European Commissioners for the Information Society, Erkki Liikanen, and for
Regional Policy, Michel Barnier, will today join industry, regions and
Member States representatives in Brussels for an 'eEurope Workshop on local
and regional broadband initiatives'. The workshop will discuss current
local and regional initiatives to extend the reach of broadband in remote
and rural areas where market forces alone are not yet sufficient to support
its roll out. The event follows guidelines before the summer on the use of
the Structural Funds for electronic communications. The mid-term review of
structural funds programmes will be an opportunity to assess progress on
actions and initiatives relating to the Information Society, for which at
least 6 billion of Structural Funds were allocated, and to consider
appropriate changes in support of broadband infrastructure and services
according to needs.
[06] Commission approves acquisition of tractor manufacturer Valtra by AGCO
The European Commission has approved the acquisition of Valtra Inc. a
Finnish-based tractor manufacturer, by AGCO Corporation, a US-based
manufacturer and distributor of agricultural equipment, from Kone Corp. The
acquisition will significantly increase the market share of AGCO in Europe,
but it will face competition from Case New Holland and John Deere among
[07] Commission clears acquisition of French battery maker SAFT by Doughty
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition of full control of French battery maker SAFT, which
belongs to Alcatel group, by the UK private equity fund manager Doughty
Hanson & Co Limited. (The operation was examined under the simplified
merger review procedure)
[08] Eurobarometer : decline in public confidence in acceding countries,
but continued strong support for core EU policies
The latest Eurobarometer opinion poll carried out in the acceding and
candidate countries shows a decline in public optimism about the economic
situation. This general downturn in sentiment, which mirrors results in the
current European Union Member States, appears to have affected confidence
in public institutions, both national and European. However, support for
the EU and its main policies remains strong in the ten countries which join
the EU in May, as well as the three candidate countries.
[09] Commission statement on the outcome of the "elections" in the northern
part of Cyprus (14/12)
The "elections" in the northern part of Cyprus reflect the growing desire
of the Turkish Cypriots to find a solution on the basis of the Annan plan
and to allow for the accession of a reunited island to the EU on 1 May
2004. The European Commission hopes that a new administration will be in
place as soon as possible in order for the Turkish Cypriots to grasp the
opportunity to reach a comprehensive settlement on the basis of the Annan
plan. To that end we call upon all parties to reengage in the UN led talks
without delay. The Commission is convinced that securing a comprehensive
settlement on the basis of the Annan plan by 1 May 2004 would be in the
best interest of all Cypriots and of the region. The Commission is ready to
offer assistance for a solution and to prepare all necessary steps for the
application of the acquis to the northern part of the island. We are also
ready to organise an International Donors' Conference in order to mobilise
funds arising from a settlement. Moreover, the EU is willing to accommodate
the terms of a settlement in line with the principles on which the EU is
founded and to provide additional funds to assist the northern part of the
island in the event of a settlement.
[10] EU launches police mission in FYROM
On 15 December 2003, the EU launches a new police mission in the Former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). "EUPOL Proxima" will succeed the
EU's "Concordia" peacekeeping military mission, which expires that same
day. It is the second EU police mission following the "EUPM" that was
launched in Bosnia and Herzegovina on 15 January 2003. "Proxima"
demonstrates the EU's continued commitment to the consolidation of
stability and the rule of law in the Balkans, within the objectives of the
Stabilisation and Association Process (SAp). The promotion of European
standards of policing in FYROM is part of the EU's wider strategy of
supporting the process of reform, including institution building,
administrative and judicial reforms and fight against organised crime and
corruption, all of which are essential for the development of a stable and
democratic state. The EU, the leading donor, will spend a total of €54
million during 2000-2004 to support reforms in these areas. "Proxima" is
the third EU's European Security and Defence Policy operation in the
Balkans and the fourth globally when including the "ARTEMIS" peacekeeping
military mission successfully carried out in Bunia (Congo) over the Summer
of 2003.
[11] Enhancing the role of elected and appointed Romani leaders
In an effort to further develop relations between Romani communities, their
governments, and the European Union, the European Commission and the NGO
'Project on Ethnic Relations' (PER), organised a two-day programme on the
role of Romani leaders in acceding and candidate countries. The roundtable
discussion brought together Romani elected and appointed representatives
from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia as
well as officials of the Commission and Members of the European Parliament.
The roundtable was followed by a session in the European Parliament and by
one-on-one consultations between Romani leaders and officials from the
[12] Autre matériel diffusé
Statement by President Romano Prodi at the final press conference of the
IGC (13/12)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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