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European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-11-05Midday Express: News from the EU Commission Spokesman's Briefings Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <>CONTENTS / CONTENU
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[01] Foreign Sales Corporations (FSC) : Commission prepares for the imposition of countermeasures on US productsThe European Commission has adopted a proposal to impose countermeasures on selected US products in connection with the long-standing WTO dispute on the US Foreign Sales Corporations. Under the proposed scheme, countermeasures would be imposed gradually starting from 1 March 2004. The Commission's proposal is in line with the WTO authorisation, granted earlier this year, to apply countermeasures of up to $4 billion following the failure of the US to comply with the WTO rulings. The proposal has now been forwarded to the Council for its adoption.[02] La Commission décide que l'aide octroyée à une entreprise houillère espagnole doit être récupéréeLa Commission européenne a décidé de clôturer l'enquête ouverte en février 2003 concernant l'aide octroyée à l'entreprise houillère espagnole González y Diez S.A. La Commission a conclu qu'une partie de l'aide accordée en 1998 et 2000 avait été utilisée abusivement et que seule une partie de l'aide octroyée en 2001 pouvait être autorisée. La Commission demande par conséquent à l'Espagne de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires pour récupérer l'aide utilisée abusivement en ce qui concerne les années 1998 et 2000 et une partie de l'aide relative à l'année 2001.[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles[03] Romano Prodi meets representatives of US Jewish communitiesIn New York on 3 November European Commission President Romano Prodi met various groups representing broad sections of the American Jewish community, including the Anti-Defamation League and the World Jewish Congress, who expressed warm appreciation for the statement issued by the President concerning the Eurobarometer survey findings (see IP/03/1503). On the basis of that statement they agreed to work together to seek to understand the reasons behind the disturbing survey replies by organising a seminar in Brussels shortly.[04] La Commission s'oppose au barème d'honoraires minimums indicatif de l'Ordre des architectes de BelgiqueLa Commission européenne a adressé à l'Ordre des architectes de Belgique un avertissement selon lequel son barème d'honoraires minimums indicatif pourrait constituer une violation des règles de concurrence de l'Union européenne. La communication des griefs rend compte de l'analyse préliminaire de la Commission et ne préjuge pas de l'issue de l'affaire. L'Ordre des architectes dispose de deux mois pour répondre aux griefs préliminaires de la Commission et peut également demander une audition.[05] CFP reform : Commission proposes changes to funding to implement EU strategy for sustainable aquacultureThe European Commission has tabled a proposal to amend some provisions under the Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG) to help meet the objectives set in the EU strategy for the sustainable development of European aquaculture. These objectives include the creation of secure employment in the aquaculture sector particularly in areas dependent on fisheries, ensuring the availability of good quality, healthy and safe aquaculture products to consumers, promoting animal health and welfare standards and ensuring the environmentally sound development of the industry. The main changes proposed involve granting financial support for applied research and technological development in aquaculture, a reduction of support rates for certain intensive fish farming projects, an increased contribution for extensive fish farming and the introduction of aid for shellfish farmers forced to suspend their activities for more than six consecutive months due to contamination by toxic algae. The Commission strategy for aquaculture, tabled in September of last year, received the support of the Council and European Parliament last January.[06] September 2003 : Euro-zone unemployment stable at 8.8% ; EU15 steady at 8.0%Euro-zone seasonally-adjusted unemployment stood at 8.8% in September 2003, unchanged compared to August, Eurostat reports today. It was 8.5% in September 2002. The EU15 unemployment rate was 8.0% in September 2003, unchanged compared to August. It was 7.8% in September 2002. In September 2003, lowest rates were registered in Luxembourg (3.8%), the Netherlands (4.2% in August), Austria (4.5%) and Ireland (4.7%). Spain's 11.2% remained the EU's highest rate.[07] Août 2003 par rapport à août 2002 : ventes du commerce de détail en baisse de 0,9% dans la zone euro ; hausse de 0,3% dans l'UE15En août 2003, par rapport à août 2002, le volume des ventes du commerce de détail a diminué de 0,9% dans la zone euro et s'est accru de 0,3% dans l'UE15, selon les estimations publiées aujourd'hui par Eurostat. Par rapport au mois de juillet 2003, les ventes ont reculé de 0,1% dans la zone euro mais sont restées inchangées dans l'UE15.[08] Sécheresse : Franz Fischler annonce une proposition de réduction à 5% du taux de gel des terresM. Franz Fischler, membre de la Commission européenne chargé de l'agriculture, a annoncé, le 4 novembre à l'occasion d'une allocution prononcée à Louvain, son intention de proposer au Collège des commissaires l'abaissement de 10 à 5% du taux de gel des terres pour la campagne 2004- 2005. "De nombreuses régions d'Europe ont connu cet été une sécheresse catastrophique, qui a entraîné une diminution des récoltes et une augmentation des prix des aliments pour animaux. C'est la raison pour laquelle l'UE a décidé depuis déjà quelque temps d'anticiper le paiement d'un certain nombre de primes, afin de prémunir les agriculteurs contre les problèmes de liquidités. Mais il convient également d'améliorer notre bilan céréalier; dans cette optique, je proposerai la semaine prochaine de ramener de 10 à 5% le taux de gel obligatoire des terres pour l'année 2004, ce qui permettra de produire l'an prochain sept millions de tonnes de céréales supplémentaires", a déclaré M. Fischler lors de son allocution.[09] Joint statement on situation in Sri LankaThe Presidency of the European Union (EU) and the European Commission have noted with concern the actions on 4 November in Sri Lanka, including deployment of troops in the capital and the action to bring under the remit of the President the Cabinet portfolios of Defence, of Interior, and of Communications. The Peace Process in Sri Lanka has made substantial progress up to now. This momentum has been assured by continued cooperation and commitment of both the government of Sri Lanka and the LTTE, and by support of ordinary Sri Lankan citizens. The spirit of cohabitation, which has prevailed between the Presidency and the Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers, has contributed significantly to this positive situation. The international community, including the European Union, has shown its strong commitment to this process. Norway is acting as the facilitator to the peace talks and the rest of the international community is providing funds for reconstruction as well as full political support and other measures, such as the monitoring mission. The EU Presidency and the Commission believe that the recent developments in Sri Lanka may put at risk the spirit of cohabitation which has proven vital for the sustained forward momentum of the peace process. They urge the two principal parties to continue to work together in support of a negotiated political solution, as envisaged by the peace process. The goals of peace and prosperity that Sri Lanka so much deserves can only be achieved through the continued cooperation and commitment by all the players involved.[10] Autre matériel diffuséSpeech by President Prodi : "Cultural diversity and shared values" at New York University Law School (04/11)Speech by Pascal Lamy : "Trade crisis" at the European Institute (04/11, Washington) Speech by Loyola de Palacio : "Scenarios for alternative transport fuel" at VW / Shell Fuel Event (04/11) Note sur les résultats du Conseil Ecofin Note on the Commission's proposal for a consumer credit directive From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at