European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-01-27
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Un saumon moins coloré, mais sans danger pour les yeux : la Commission
arrête de nouvelles règles concernant un colorant alimentaire
[02] Air quality, climate change and protection of the ozone layer :
Commission pursues legal action against six Member States
[03] 'Your Voice in Europe' : new Commission portal aims to give citizens a
bigger role in policy making
[04] Pascal Lamy travels to Brazil to strengthen trade links
[05] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 27/01/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 27/01/2003
[01] Un saumon moins coloré, mais sans danger pour les yeux : la Commission
arrête de nouvelles règles concernant un colorant alimentaire
La canthaxanthine est un pigment utilisé comme colorant alimentaire,
notamment pour donner une couleur rougeâtre aux saumons, jaunes d'œufs et
produits à base de volaille. Tenant compte de travaux scientifiques
établissant un lien entre une absorption importante de canthaxanthine et
des troubles de la vue, la Commission a arrêté ce jour une directive visant
à réduire la concentration autorisée de canthaxanthine dans les aliments
pour animaux. Cette directive avait récemment été approuvée par les
représentants des Etats membres au sein du comité permanent de la chaîne
alimentaire et de la santé animale.
[02] Air quality, climate change and protection of the ozone layer :
Commission pursues legal action against six Member States
The European Commission has taken legal action to improve air quality in
Europe, address climate change and protect the ozone layer by pursuing
infringement proceedings against Greece, Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Finland
and Germany. The Commission is concerned that these Member States have not
correctly implemented certain EU laws governing emissions to the air.
Greece is to be referred to the European Court of Justice for failing to
apply correctly an EU law on combating air pollution from industrial plants
to a power station at Linoperamata in Crete. Ireland is to be referred to
the Court for failing to provide monitoring data on emissions of carbon
dioxide from cars. Austria is to be referred to the Court for failing to
bring its national legislation on large combustion plants into line with
the Large Combustion Plants Directive. Ireland and Germany are also to
receive Reasoned Opinions (final written warnings) for failing to fulfil
reporting requirements on the use of ozone-depleting substances, which is
required by the Ozone Regulation. Greece, Belgium and Finland are to
receive Reasoned Opinions for failing to communicate complete transposition
measures for amendments to the Directive on internal combustion engines for
non-road mobile machinery (in Finland this relates only to the Province of
Åland). Reasoned Opinions represent the second stage of infringement
proceedings under Article 226 of the EC Treaty. In the absence of a
satisfactory response within two months, the Commission may decide to refer
these cases to the Court of Justice.
[03] 'Your Voice in Europe' : new Commission portal aims to give citizens a
bigger role in policy making
The European Commission has created a new web portal to make it easier for
European citizens to make their voices heard in EU policy making. The new
'Your Voice in Europe' portal (http://europa.eu.int/yourvoice) replaces the
previous version of the site with a one-stop shop in all eleven EU
languages allowing citizens, businesses and all other stakeholders to tell
the Commission what they think about new policy initiatives. The results of
consultations will be available through the portal as soon as they are
closed, so that as well as giving their own opinions, users of the site
will be able to see what others have said and subsequently see how the
Commission has taken this into account when new policy proposals are
published. This will contribute to more transparency and accountability in
the EU's policy-making process. The development of a single access point
for public consultations is part of the implementation of the 'General
principles and minimum standards for consultation' (IP/02/1865) recently
adopted by the Commission.
[04] Pascal Lamy travels to Brazil to strengthen trade links
European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy travels to Brazil between 28
January and 1 February. Purpose of the visit is to meet the new Brazilian
government and discuss a wide-ranging number of trade issues. Before
leaving for Sao Paolo Mr Lamy said : "Brazil is an essential partner for
the EU both in the context of the WTO as well as a pillar of the Mercosur.
The election of President Lula has brought a renewed spirit to the region.
I very much look forward to working with the new government to advance on
both the regional and the multilateral trade agendas."
[05] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Margot Wallström : "Environmental Governance and Civil Society"
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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