European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-07-24
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Commission reports on achievements and internal management and control
systems in 2001 and adopts an action plan to speed up reform implementation
in specific areas
[02] Modernisation du système comptable : vers un cadre intégré fondé sur
le principe de la comptabilité d'exercice
[03] Commission exempts multilateral interchange fees for cross-border Visa
card payments
[04] Commission fines seven companies in Dutch industrial gases cartel
[05] La Commission autorise l'acquisition de Sulzer Textil par Promatech
sous réserve de cessions d'actifs
[06] Commission declares State aid to BAE Berliner Batteriefabrik and MODAC
compatible with the EC Treaty
[07] Commission declares State aid to Technische Glaswerke Ilmenau
incompatible with the EC Treaty
[08] Italie / Province de Trente : la Commission approuve partiellement
l'aide prévue pour soulager le réseau routier d'une partie du trafic de
[09] Commission appoints new Head of Fisheries, new Deputy Secretary
General and Deputies in Trade and Competition
[10] Nicolas Théry nommé chef de cabinet du Commissaire Pascal Lamy
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[11] World Summit on Sustainable Development : Commission pushes for
tangible results and globalisation for the benefit of all
[12] La Commission statue définitivement sur les aides françaises à
l'industrie houillère pour les années 1998 à 2001
[13] High-level exchange of views on financial markets
[14] La Commission salue l'approbation d'un nouveau montant de 65 millions
d'€ de crédits humanitaires en faveur de l'Afrique australe, de
l'Afghanistan et des Palestiniens
[15] Reproductive Health in Developing Countries : Commission moves to fill
the 'decency gap' with €32 million package
[16] Pascal Lamy and Chris Patten agree with Mercosur counterparts
ambitious programme for EU-Mercosur trade negotiations
[17] Franz Fischler visits Japan and Thailand to press for more political
involvement in Doha Round
Midday Express 24/07/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 24/07/2002[I] Résultats de la Commission
de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission meeting
[01] Commission reports on achievements and internal management and control
systems in 2001 and adopts an action plan to speed up reform implementation
in specific areas
The European Commission has examined Reports from all Directors General and
Heads of Service on the contributions made by all Departments to the
Commission's five year strategic objectives and on the manner in which the
services were managed. The review centred on the adoption by the Commission
of a Synthesis Report on the first-ever series of Annual Activity Reports
(AAR's), compiled and signed by every Director-General and Head of Service.
In keeping with the provisions of the Commission Reform Strategy, each AAR
includes an Assurance Declaration (AD) by each of the top managers on the
proper and efficient use of funds for the year 2001. The Synthesis Report
highlights broad progress on the Commission's strategic objectives, it
analyses qualifications and concerns expressed by Directors-General about
the current management systems, and it proposes specific actions to remedy
identified weaknesses.
[02] Modernisation du système comptable : vers un cadre intégré fondé sur
le principe de la comptabilité d'exercice
La Commission européenne a pris note des travaux de longue haleine visant à
moderniser le système et le cadre comptables. Ces travaux aboutiront à une
proposition détaillée qui doit permettre à la Commission de prendre une
décision pour fin de 2002 sur les options concernant le développement du
projet, son calendrier de mise en œuvre et son coût. Michaele Schreyer, le
Commissaire chargé du budget et de la lutte antifraude, a déclaré que "le
cadre comptable de la Commission, qui est fondé sur un système de
comptabilité de caisse, évolue, comme celui des administrations publiques
de certains Etats membres, vers des pratiques comptables de type plus
commercial (comptabilité d'exercice) comme l'exige le nouveau règlement
financier qui doit entrer en vigueur en 2005". Mme Schreyer a également
déclaré que les travaux entrepris ont aussi pour objectif "d'examiner
comment appliquer les normes comptables internationales pour le secteur
public dans l'environnement de la Commission et comment développer
parallèlement le système comptable automatisé pour assurer la production de
comptes fiables et complets" non seulement pour les comptes de caisse mais
aussi pour les comptes généraux.
[03] Commission exempts multilateral interchange fees for cross-border Visa
card payments
The European Commission has exempted under the European Union competition
rules certain multilateral interchange fees (MIF) for cross-border payments
with Visa cards, after the card organisation made major changes to the
system. The new MIF will not only be reduced in absolute terms, but will
also be capped at the level of relevant costs, significantly improving the
situation for retailers and, ultimately, the consumer.
[04] Commission fines seven companies in Dutch industrial gases cartel
The European Commission has fined seven producers of industrial and medical
gases a total of €25.72 million for participating in a secret cartel in the
Netherlands between September 1993 and December 1997. The illicit
arrangement concerned the supply of several gases such as oxygen, nitrogen,
carbon dioxide and argon for which the cartel members colluded to keep
prices high. This is the third cartel decision taken by the Commission this
year and further highlights its determination to crack down on price-fixing
agreements which harm customers, industrial consumers and, as is the case
for medical gases, also taxpayers.
[05] La Commission autorise l'acquisition de Sulzer Textil par Promatech
sous réserve de cessions d'actifs
La Commission européenne a autorisé l'acquisition de Sulzer Textil, la
division des machines textiles de la société suisse Sulzer Ltd., par
l'entreprise italienne Promatech SpA, qui fabrique également des machines à
tisser. Une enquête approfondie a montré que l'opération aurait conduit à
la création d'une position dominante sur le marché ouest-européen des
machines à tisser à pinces, mais Promatech a remédié à ce problème en
proposant de céder les unités de production de machines à tisser à pinces
situées à Vérone (Italie) et à Solothurn (Suisse).
[06] Commission declares State aid to BAE Berliner Batteriefabrik and MODAC
compatible with the EC Treaty
The European Commission has decided not to raise objections to notified
rescue aid of an amount of about one million € in favour of BAE Berliner
Batteriefabrik and its subsidiary MODAC. Both companies manufacture and
sell industrial batteries. They are based in Berlin and have 342 employees.
[07] Commission declares State aid to Technische Glaswerke Ilmenau
incompatible with the EC Treaty
The European Commission has decided to declare non-notified State aid of an
amount of around €1 million to Technische Glaswerke Ilmenau GmbH, a company
based in Ilmenau, Thüringen, Germany, as incompatible with the common
market. Germany must take all necessary measures to recover the aid
unlawfully made available to the beneficiary.
[08] Italie / Province de Trente : la Commission approuve partiellement
l'aide prévue pour soulager le réseau routier d'une partie du trafic de
La Commission européenne a autorisé le volet principal d'un régime d'aide
spécifique élaboré par la Province autonome de Trente pour encourager le
recours à d'autres modes de transport que la route pour le fret. La
Commission a toutefois décidé d'enquêter sur l'une des dispositions de ce
régime, qui concerne l'investissement dans les équipements ferroviaires.
[09] Commission appoints new Head of Fisheries, new Deputy Secretary
General and Deputies in Trade and Competition
Mr Jörgen Holmquist, currently Deputy Director General of DG Budget, was
today appointed Director General for DG Fish. Mr. Eckart Guth, currently
Head of the Private Office of Commissioner Schreyer will become the Deputy
Secretary General in charge of relations with other the other institutions.
Mr Pierre Defraigne, currently Head of Private Office of Commissioner Lamy,
was appointed Deputy Director General for Trade and finally Mr Claude Chêne,
currently in charge of the design of administrative reform proposals under
Vice-President Kinnock, was appointed Deputy Director General for
Competition (State Aids).
[10] Nicolas Théry nommé chef de cabinet du Commissaire Pascal Lamy
Suite à la nomination de M. Pierre Defraigne aux fonctions de Directeur
Général adjoint à la DG Trade, Pascal Lamy a confié la direction de son
Cabinet à M. Nicolas Théry, Inspecteur des Finances. M. Théry prendra ses
fonctions à compter du 1er septembre 2002. Ancien élève de l'ENA (1989),
Nicolas Théry a travaillé quatre ans à l'Inspection générale des finances
avant de rejoindre la direction du Trésor, au sein du bureau "marché des
changes et balance des paiements" puis comme chef du bureau "entreprises
d'assurances". En juin 1997, il a été nommé conseiller pour les affaires
monétaires et financières puis pour les questions européennes et
internationales au Cabinet de Dominique Strauss-Khan, Ministre français de
l'économie, des finances et de l'industrie. Après avoir été Directeur de
Cabinet de Florence Parly, Secrétaire d'Etat au Budget, il a rejoint le
syndicat CFDT en septembre 2000, en qualité de secrétaire confédéral chargé
des questions économiques.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[11] World Summit on Sustainable Development : Commission pushes for
tangible results and globalisation for the benefit of all
European Commission President Romano Prodi today urged world leaders to
attend the upcoming World Summit in Johannesburg and take decisions on
global action for global sustainable development. "It is time to move from
words to deeds. This requires leadership and commitment. The EU is
determined to face its responsibilities and play a leading role in securing
tangible results in Johannesburg. Poverty and environmental degradation are
global problems requiring global solutions. Ten years after the Rio
Conference, action is overdue. With the Millennium Declaration, the Doha
development agenda and the Monterrey Consensus we have taken important
steps forward in securing international commitment. We have agreed to
improve market access and increase development aid. In Johannesburg
developed and developing countries must work hand-in-hand to make
globalisation work for everyone by agreeing on objectives and partnerships
to make development sustainable and reverse environmental degredation. We
will take important initiatives in the areas of water and energy. I call on
others to follow our lead." President Prodi will attend the Summit in
Johannesburg, which will last from 26 August to 4 September. The Commission
will also be represented by Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström and
Development and Humanitarian Aid Commissioner Poul Nielson.
[12] La Commission statue définitivement sur les aides françaises à
l'industrie houillère pour les années 1998 à 2001
La France est autorisée à accorder une aide à la réduction d'activité
complémentaire à celle déjà autorisée par la Commission pour les années
1998 et 2001, à concurrence de 5,9 millions d'€. Pour les années 1999 et
2000, la France doit récupérer auprès de Charbonnages de France un montant
d'aides s'élevant à 4,5 millions d'€.
[13] High-level exchange of views on financial markets
The current market situation in the wake of corporate scandals in the US is
being closely monitored by all EU regulators and supervisors, and by the
European Commission. The overall macroeconomic picture remains broadly
encouraging and provides a good basis for restoring confidence. The EU is
well on the way towards establishing, primarily through the Financial
Services Action Plan (FSAP), the right policy framework to protect
investors, savers and policyholders, and to boost European markets.
Continued and enhanced cooperation at EU level, both in terms of its long-
term strategy and in response to market developments, is crucial for the
development of strong and stable markets so that regulation can be
effectively enforced. These were the main points to emerge from the
exchange of views in Brussels yesterday, chaired by Internal Market
Commissioner Frits Bolkestein. The meeting brought together senior
representatives of EU Finance Ministries, financial services supervisors
and senior market participants. The Commissioner for Economic and Monetary
Affairs, Pedro Solbes, also spoke about the broad economic situation.
[14] La Commission salue l'approbation d'un nouveau montant de 65 millions
d'€ de crédits humanitaires en faveur de l'Afrique australe, de
l'Afghanistan et des Palestiniens
Poul Nielson, Commissaire européen chargé du Développement et de l'Aide
humanitaire, a fait part au Conseil de ministres et au Parlement européen
de sa satisfaction pour leur réaction rapide à la demande d'octroi de
ressources humanitaires supplémentaires présentées récemment par la
Commission. Les deux institutions ont accepté de libérer un nouveau montant
de 65 millions d'€ de la réserve d'urgence du budget de la CE afin de faire
face aux besoins humanitaires constatés en Afrique australe, en Afghanistan
et au Moyen-Orient. Evoquant plus particulièrement la progression rapide de
la crise alimentaire en Afrique australe, M. Nielson a indiqué que "grâce à
ECHO et à l'Office de coopération EuropeAID, la Commission a déjà engagé
près de 90 millions € pour contribuer à atténuer les souffrances. Ces
nouvelles ressources nous permettent toutefois de doper encore notre effort
en ce moment crucial. Alors que les stocks d'aliments atteindront
probablement un bas niveau désastreux avant même que n'arrive la prochaine
récolte, le besoin d'une assistance à grande échelle et, notamment, un
soutien nutritionnel, des soins de santé et d'autres mesures vitales
d'intervention se fait urgent dans les prochaines semaines".
[15] Reproductive Health in Developing Countries : Commission moves to fill
the 'decency gap' with €32 million package
The European Commission has strengthened its support for sexual and
reproduction health with the approval by Member States of a €32 million
programme in 22 developing countries. The joint EU-ACP programme is being
launched in partnership with the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the
International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and will help the target
countries with family planning and advice on population, health and sexual
matters. This decision makes good a promise made by Development and
Humanitarian Aid Commissioner Poul Nielson last year to step in and fill
the 'decency gap' left by the US Administration's intention to end its
support for the UNFPA. Welcoming the green light given to the Commission
proposal and commenting on the US move, Mr Nielson said : "We highly value
the work carried out by organisations such as the IPPF and the UNFPA. We
consider that their efforts in areas such as contraception and HIV/AIDS
form part of the solution to challenges in developing countries rather than
part of the problem. The US decision is regrettable and counter-productive.
The decision to cut funding to the UNFPA may well lead to more unwanted
pregnancies, unsafe abortions and increased dangers for mothers and
infants. The losers from this decision will be some of the most vulnerable
people on this planet. Reproductive health services are crucial elements in
the fight against poverty and the UNFPA and the IPPF deserve strong support
to continue their activities."
[16] Pascal Lamy and Chris Patten agree with Mercosur counterparts
ambitious programme for EU-Mercosur trade negotiations
European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy and External Relations Commissioner
Chris Patten together with their Mercosur counterparts have today injected
renewed impetus to the EU-Mercosur relations by agreeing on an ambitious
programme for the trade negotiations. Both parties have agreed on a work-
programme phasing in the negotiations on all issues under the comprehensive
agenda over a calendar of negotiating rounds to take place in 2002 and
2003. At the conclusion of the meeting both Commissioners said : "The
agreement reached today fulfils the mandate given to us at the Madrid
summit to intensify the negotiating process. It clearly reflects the
importance that both parties attach to the process of regional integration
between the EU and Mercosur. This is also an occasion for us to show the
continued EU support for this region."
[17] Franz Fischler visits Japan and Thailand to press for more political
involvement in Doha Round
From 24 to 29 July European Commissioner Franz Fischler, responsible for
Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, will pay an official visit to
Japan and Thailand. His first stop will be Tokyo where the Commissioner
will meet representatives of the Japanese government. In Nara he will then
attend the "QUINT", an informal meeting of Japan, the US, Australia, Canada
and the EU. This meeting will give the farm ministers and the Commissioner
an opportunity to have an open exchange of views on WTO negotiations on
agriculture, non-trade concerns, the process of reform of agriculture
policies, and the role of new technologies. Commenting on his visit, Mr
Fischler said : "The EU is fully committed to a successful outcome of the
Doha Development Round. I'll impress upon my colleagues the need for
increased political involvement, and for seeking a balanced result between
the different countries and in particular developing and developed
countries, in order to make the Doha agenda bear fruit. This meeting will
also give me the opportunity to present the Commission's proposal to make
our Common Agricultural Policy less trade distorting and to discuss the US
Farm Bill, which goes exactly in the opposite direction." On 28 July, Mr
Fischler is expected to arrive in Thailand, for his first official visit to
this country.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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