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European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-05-06

Midday Express: News from the EU Commission Spokesman's Briefings Directory - Previous Article - Next Article

From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <>


  • [01] Déclaration de Romano Prodi sur le résultat des élections présidentielles françaises
  • [02] European External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten welcomes release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
  • [03] Commission to adopt new Consumer Policy Strategy
  • [04] La Commission donne le feu vert au rachat par Vivendi de la participation de Liberty dans Multithématiques (chaînes thématiques)
  • [05] La Commission autorise Edison à acquérir une entreprise italienne de production d'électricité
  • [06] Commission clears joint venture between Germany's NMW and Haniel
  • [07] Commission clears joint buy of property development firm Haslemere
  • [08] Commission seeks head of European Food Safety Authority
  • [09] Autre matériel diffusé Midday Express 06/05/2002 TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 06/05/2002

  • [01] Déclaration de Romano Prodi sur le résultat des élections présidentielles françaises

    Le Président de la Commission européenne, Romano Prodi, a fait hier la déclaration suivante sur le résultat des élections présidentielles en France : "Je félicite chaleureusement le Président Jacques Chirac pour sa réélection et je suis certain du maintien de nos excellentes relations de travail tant avec lui qu'avec la France. L'Europe est une Union de nations et de peuples. Aujourd'hui, le peuple français a montré, une fois encore, que cette nation est au cœur de l'Europe et entend le rester. Les politiques extrémistes et isolationnistes de Jean-Marie Le Pen ont été rejetées en bloc."

    [02] European External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten welcomes release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

    "I welcome the news that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has been released from house arrest. This can only be a positive step for the development of Burma/Myanmar and EU/Burma relations. Her continuous commitment to the establishment of democracy and civilian government in Burma/Myanmar has been an inspiration to us all. I hope that her release will prove to be unconditional, that she and her party are free to travel and carry out political activities throughout the country, and that her release will be swiftly followed by that of Burma/Myanmar's remaining political prisoners."

    [03] Commission to adopt new Consumer Policy Strategy

    A high common level of consumer protection, effective enforcement of consumer protection rules and the involvement of consumer organisations in EU policies - these are the three objectives of the new consumer policy strategy which the European Commission is due to adopt on 7 May. The objectives will be implemented through a set of actions over the next five years (2002-2006). A short-term rolling programme is included and will be reviewed regularly. These objectives are designed to help achieving integration of consumer concerns into all other EU policies, to maximise the benefits of the Internal Market for consumers and to prepare for enlargement. Consumer policy in this strategy covers safety, economic and legal issues relevant to consumers in the marketplace, consumer information and education, the promotion of consumer organisations and their contribution with other stakeholders to consumer policy development. Food safety issues are not covered by the scope of this strategy as they have their own legislative agenda.

    [04] La Commission donne le feu vert au rachat par Vivendi de la participation de Liberty dans Multithématiques (chaînes thématiques)

    La Commission européenne vient d'autoriser l'acquisition par la société française Vivendi Universal de la participation que détient Liberty dans Multithématiques, un groupe de chaînes thématiques. Cette opération renforcera la participation de Vivendi dans Multithématiques, sur laquelle Vivendi exercera un contrôle en commun avec Lagardère. Cette opération ne modifiera pas sensiblement l'état de la concurrence sur ce marché, car Vivendi exerce déjà un contrôle en commun sur Multithématiques.

    [05] La Commission autorise Edison à acquérir une entreprise italienne de production d'électricité

    La Commission européenne a autorisé Edison, un fournisseur d'électricité appartenant au groupe Italenergia, lui-même contrôlé par le groupe Fiat, à acquérir le contrôle exclusif de l'entreprise italienne de production d'électricité Eurogen. La Commission est parvenue à la conclusion que l'opération ne posait pas de problèmes de concurrence, puisqu'elle permettra au groupe Italenergia de renforcer sa position concurrentielle vis-à-vis de l'opérateur historique italien Enel. L'opération accroîtra donc la concurrence en Italie sur le marché libéralisé de la fourniture d'électricité aux clients qui peuvent déjà choisir leur fournisseur.

    [06] Commission clears joint venture between Germany's NMW and Haniel

    The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation to the creation of a joint venture between German building material companies Norddeutsche Mischwerke GmbH (NMW) and Haniel Baustoff-Industrie Zuschlagstoffe GmbH. The joint venture will be called Norddeutsche Naturstein GmbH & Co KG. (The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure)

    [07] Commission clears joint buy of property development firm Haslemere

    The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation to the acquisition of joint control of property development company Haslemere N.V. by Israeli undertaking Brack Capital Real Estate Ltd, Luxembourg's Apollo International S.a.r.l. and Merrill Lynch IBK Positions. (The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure)

    [08] Commission seeks head of European Food Safety Authority

    The European Commission today extended its search for the head of the new European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The Commission, which is responsible for putting together a list from which the Management Board of the Authority can select its Executive Director, today launched an additional search to find suitable candidates. Vacancy notices will be published in the press in all Member States, and appear today on the website of the European Food Safety Authority and on the EFSA pages of the website of DG Health and Consumer Protection of the Commission. The closing date for applications will be Friday, 7 June 2002. For more detail see: and and Questions and Answers about the European Food Safety Authority at

    [09] Autre matériel diffusé

    Note sur la préparation de l'Eurogroupe et du Conseil Ecofin

    From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at
    © ECSC - EC - EAEC, Brussels-Luxembourg, 1995, 1996

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