European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-01-22
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Programmes Urban II : €113.5 millions pour 10 villes britanniques
(Belfast, Bristol, Burnley, Clyde, Derby, Halifax, East Durham Coalfield,
Peterborough, Stockwell et Thames Gateway)
[02] Urban II programme : EU contributes €10.6 million to urban
regeneration in Belfast, Northern Ireland
[03] Urban II programme : EU contributes €10.6 million to urban
regeneration in Bristol, UK
[04] Urban II programme : EU contributes €11.4 million to urban
regeneration in Burnley, UK
[05] Urban II programme : EU contributes €12.9 million to urban
regeneration in Clyde, Scotland
[06] Urban II programme : EU contributes €11.1 million to urban
regeneration in Derby, UK
[07] Urban II programme : EU contributes €12.6 million to urban
regeneration in Halifax, UK
[08] Urban II programme : EU contributes €11.4 million to urban
regeneration in the East Durham Coalfield, UK
[09] Urban II programme : EU contributes €11.1 million to urban
regeneration in Peterborough, UK
[10] Urban II programme: EU contributes €10 million to urban regeneration
in Stockwell, London
[11] Urban II programme : EU contributes €11.8 million to urban
regeneration in the Thames Gateway, Kent
[12] December 2001 - Euro-zone annual inflation stable at 2.1% ; EU15 up to
[13] Premières estimations pour novembre, données révisées pour octobre -
Excédent de €5,5 milliards du commerce extérieur pour la zone euro en
novembre 2001 ; déficit de €0,6 milliard pour l'UE15
[14] Autorité européenne pour la sécurité alimentaire : le Conseil adopte
le texte clé qui met en place un nouveau système de sécurité alimentaire à
l'échelle européenne
[15] Commission welcomes conclusion of EU-South Africa wine and spirits
[16] Data protection : standard contractual clauses to facilitate personal
data transfers to third countries for processing
[17] Réaction du Commissaire à l'Elargissement Günter Verheugen sur la
pétition en Autriche contre la centrale de Temelin
[18] The European Union's contribution to the reconstruction process of
[19] Commission adopts €17 million humanitarian aid package for Sierra
Leone, Guinea and Liberia
[20] EU-Japan relations : Chris Patten in Tokyo, Regulatory Reform Dialogue
in Brussels
[21] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 22/01/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 22/01/2002
[01] Programmes Urban II : €113.5 millions pour 10 villes britanniques
(Belfast, Bristol, Burnley, Clyde, Derby, Halifax, East Durham Coalfield,
Peterborough, Stockwell et Thames Gateway)
Michel Barnier, Commissaire européen responsable de la Politique régionale,
a annoncé l'approbation par la Commission de programmes Urban II pour 10
zones urbaines britanniques. Parmi les priorités figureront l'amélioration
de l'environnement économique, l'insertion des groupes défavorisés sur le
marché du travail et le développement urbain.
[02] Urban II programme : EU contributes €10.6 million to urban
regeneration in Belfast, Northern Ireland
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy,
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the Belfast area of Northern Ireland. This Urban Community
Initiative Programme will provide over €10.6 million from the EU over the
period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted €5.6 million in
further investment from the public sector and €0.9 million from the private
sector, creating total resources of €17.1 million. Priorities will include
projects for the renewal of the area and training and employment measures.
[03] Urban II programme : EU contributes €10.6 million to urban
regeneration in Bristol, UK
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the Bristol area of South-West England. This Urban
Community Initiative Programme will provide over €10.6 million from the EU
over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted €10.6 million
in further investment from the public sector and €1.1 million from the
private sector, creating total resources of €22.4 million. Priorities will
include improving access to employment, creating a safe, attractive and
healthy environment, and projects for young people.
[04] Urban II programme : EU contributes €11.4 million to urban
regeneration in Burnley, UK
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the Burnley area of North-West England. This Urban
Community Initiative Programme will provide €11.4 million from the EU over
the period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted a further €11.4
million in investment from the public sector, creating total resources of
over €22.8 million. Priorities will include empowering the community,
providing positive pathways for local people and developing safer
[05] Urban II programme : EU contributes €12.9 million to urban
regeneration in Clyde, Scotland
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in Clyde Urban Waterfront in Scotland. This Urban Community
Initiative Programme will provide €12.9 million from the EU over the period
2000-2006. The European funding has attracted €15.4 million in further
investment from the public sector, creating total resources of €28.3
million. Priorities will include training, improvement of the business
environment and various measures to promote the inclusion of disadvantaged
groups, particularly into the labour market.
[06] Urban II programme : EU contributes €11.1 million to urban
regeneration in Derby, UK
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the Normanton area of Derby in the East Midlands of
England. This Urban Community Initiative Programme will provide over €11.1
million from the EU over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has
attracted €14.8 million in further investment from the public sector and
€1.9 million from the private sector, creating total resources of €27.8
million. Priorities will include improving employment opportunities and
supporting local businesses, protecting and developing the environment and
building community capacity.
[07] Urban II programme : EU contributes €12.6 million to urban
regeneration in Halifax, UK
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy,
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the Halifax area in the East Midlands of England. This
Urban Community Initiative Programme will provide €12.6 million from the EU
over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted €12.6 million
in further investment from the public sector and €10.7 million from the
private sector, creating total resources of about €36 million. Priorities
will include empowering people and businesses in the area.
[08] Urban II programme : EU contributes €11.4 million to urban
regeneration in the East Durham Coalfield, UK
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the Hetton and Murton area of the North East of England.
This Urban Community Initiative Programme will provide over €11.4 million
from the EU over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted a
further €12.9 million in investment from the public sector and €0.5 million
from the private sector, creating total resources of €24.8 million.
Priorities will include engaging young people, empowering the coalfield
community and building and sustaining economic activity.
[09] Urban II programme : EU contributes €11.1 million to urban
regeneration in Peterborough, UK
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the Peterborough area of Eastern England. This Urban
Community Initiative Programme will provide €11.1 million from the EU over
the period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted a further €11.1
million in investment from the public sector and €0.04 million from the
private sector, creating total resources of €22.3 million. Priorities will
include encouraging and delivering integrated services, building community
confidence, and supporting innovation and enterprise.
[10] Urban II programme: EU contributes €10 million to urban regeneration
in Stockwell, London
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the Stockwell area of the London borough of Lambeth. This
Urban Community Initiative Programme will provide €9.98 million from the EU
over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted €9.98 million
of further investment from the public sector, creating total resources of
€19.96 million. Priorities will include training, business' support,
environmental protection and various measures to promote the inclusion of
disadvantaged groups, particularly into the labour market.
[11] Urban II programme : EU contributes €11.8 million to urban
regeneration in the Thames Gateway, Kent
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the Thames Gateway area in Kent. This Urban Community
Initiative Programme will provide €11.8 million from the EU over the period
2000-2006. The European funding has attracted €15.5 million in further
investment from the public sector and €1.9 million from the private sector,
creating total resources of €29.2 million. Priorities will include training,
improvement of the business environment and various measures to promote the
inclusion of disadvantaged groups, particularly into the labour market.
[12] December 2001 - Euro-zone annual inflation stable at 2.1% ; EU15 up to
Euro-zone annual inflation remained stable at 2.1% between November and
December, Eurostat reports today. A year earlier the rate was 2.6%. EU15
annual inflation rose from 1.8% in November to 2.0% in December. A year
earlier the rate was 2.3%. In December, highest annual rates were in the
Netherlands (5.1%), Ireland (4.4%) and Portugal (3.9%) ; lowest rates were
in Luxembourg (0.9%), the United Kingdom (1.0%) and France (1.4%). Compared
with December 2000, the biggest relative rises were in Sweden (1.3% to
3.2%), the Netherlands (2.9% to 5.1%) and the United Kingdom (0.9% to
1.0%); the biggest relative falls were in Luxembourg (4.2% to 0.9%),
Germany (2.3% to 1.5%) and Belgium (3.0% to 2.0%).
[13] Premières estimations pour novembre, données révisées pour octobre -
Excédent de €5,5 milliards du commerce extérieur pour la zone euro en
novembre 2001 ; déficit de €0,6 milliard pour l'UE15
D'après les premières estimations d'Eurostat pour le mois de novembre 2001,
la zone euro a enregistré un excédent du commerce extérieur de €5,5
milliards avec le reste du monde, comparé à un déficit de 0,2 milliard en
novembre 2000. L'excédent (révisé) enregistré au mois d'octobre 2001 était
de 9,6 milliards, par rapport à un surplus de 1,9 milliard en octobre 2000.
Le commerce de la zone euro a enregistré un excédent de 38,4 milliards pour
les onze premiers mois de l'année 2001, comparé à +8,0 milliards en 2000.
Les premières estimations du solde des échanges extra-UE15 pour le mois de
novembre 2001 conduisent à un déficit de €0,6 milliard, comparé à -7,6
milliards en novembre 2000. Au mois d'octobre 2001, l'excédent (révisé2)
était de 2,1 milliards, contre un déficit de 7,0 milliards en octobre 2000.
Le déficit pour les onze premiers mois de l'année 2001 est estimé à 49,3
milliards, comparé à -83,3 milliards en 2000.
[14] Autorité européenne pour la sécurité alimentaire : le Conseil adopte
le texte clé qui met en place un nouveau système de sécurité alimentaire à
l'échelle européenne
Le Conseil des ministres de l'Agriculture a adopté hier le règlement qui
porte création de l'Autorité européenne pour la sécurité alimentaire (AESA)
et définit un nouveau cadre pour la législation alimentaire de l'UE.
L'adoption de ce texte clé marque la conclusion, en un temps record, d'un
accord entre tous les Etats membres au sein du Conseil et tous les groupes
politiques au sein du Parlement européen qui porte sur une refonte majeure
du système communautaire de sécurité alimentaire et de l'intégration des
avis scientifiques dans l'élaboration des politiques. Cet accord met un
terme à la première phase de la vaste réforme de la législation alimentaire
européenne lancée par la Commission Prodi dans son Livre blanc sur la
sécurité alimentaire de janvier 2000. Le Commissaire européen à la Santé et
la Protection des Consommateurs, David Byrne, a annoncé lors de la réunion
du Conseil que cette adoption rapide du règlement permettait une action
immédiate afin que l'Autorité soit totalement opérationnelle dans le
courant de l'année à Bruxelles, son siège provisoire. Dans un premier temps,
la Commission va lancer les procédures de sélection et de désignation d'un
conseil d'administration et d'un directeur exécutif. Le système actuel
d'avis scientifiques continuera de fonctionner jusqu'à la mise en place du
comité scientifique et des groupes scientifiques de l'AESA.
[15] Commission welcomes conclusion of EU-South Africa wine and spirits
The Agriculture Council yesterday adopted the agreements between the EU and
South Africa on trade in wine and spirits. After signature in the second
half of January 2002, the agreements can then provisionally enter into
force. Negotiations between the two parties, which began in 1995, were
concluded on 25 July 2001 when both parties agreed ad referendum on "all
important outstanding issues". These included provisions on protection of
geographical indications, oenological (wine making) practices and product
specification, import certification, the direct collaboration of official
inspection bodies and dispute settlement.
[16] Data protection : standard contractual clauses to facilitate personal
data transfers to third countries for processing
The European Commission has adopted a Decision setting out standard
contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to processors
(subcontractors) established in non-EU countries that are not recognised as
offering an adequate level of data protection. The Decision simplifies the
process for companies and organisations wishing or needing to transfer
personal data for processing in a third country. In particular, the
Decision offers companies a straightforward means of complying with their
obligation to ensure "adequate protection" for personal data transferred to
countries outside the EU. Use of these standard contractual clauses will be
voluntary. Under the standard contractual clauses, an EU company exporting
data should instruct its subcontractor to treat the data with full respect
to the EU data protection requirements and should guarantee that
appropriate technical and security measures are in place in the destination
country. It complements Decision 2001/497/EC (IP/01/851) which laid down
standard clauses for the transfer of personal data to controllers.
[17] Réaction du Commissaire à l'Elargissement Günter Verheugen sur la
pétition en Autriche contre la centrale de Temelin
"Je prends note du résultat de cette pétition, qui confirme qu'il existe en
Autriche une forte opposition contre l'énergie nucléaire. Il confirme
également qu'une très nette majorité de la population autrichienne ne veut
pas mettre en danger les relations de bon voisinage avec la République
tchèque. La Commission part du principe que les résultats du processus de
Melk seront reconnus dans les délibérations parlementaires et que les
engagements pris seront respectés. Entre-temps, les négociations d'adhésion
avec la République tchèque se poursuivront comme prévu."
[18] The European Union's contribution to the reconstruction process of
The EU is fully committed to all aspects of the Afghan process : it hosted
the Bonn Conference which provided the blue print for Afghanistan's future
; it has participated fully in all military and security aspects ; it has
been a major donor of humanitarian aid (€352 million since September 2001
alone) ; and it has from the outset repeatedly declared its clear support
for the long term reconstruction effort.
[19] Commission adopts €17 million humanitarian aid package for Sierra
Leone, Guinea and Liberia
The European Commission has adopted a further substantial package of
humanitarian assistance for victims of the crisis affecting Sierra Leone,
Guinea and Liberia in Western Africa. In the 2001 Global Plan for coastal
West Africa, drawn up by the Humanitarian Aid Office ECHO, €17 million has
been earmarked for continuing relief efforts targeting refugees, internally
displaced people and the local population in areas affected by the
conflict. Commenting on the adoption, Development and Humanitarian Aid
Commissioner Poul Nielson said : "Civil conflict over many years has
exacted a terrible cost in human misery with homes destroyed, health and
education systems left in ruins and huge numbers of people displaced from
their home areas. With past actions and this decision, the European
Commission has been at the forefront of efforts to provide relief to the
people of the region. Solidarity with the worlds' most vulnerable
populations is an important component of the EU's external action and we
will continue offering humanitarian support for as long as it is needed."
[20] EU-Japan relations : Chris Patten in Tokyo, Regulatory Reform Dialogue
in Brussels
Building on the good progress in EU-Japan relations made in 2001, European
External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten is meeting senior politicians
in Tokyo this week, to discuss implementation of the 'Action Plan' agreed
at the EU-Japan summit last December as well as multilateral and regional
issues of common concern. On 23rd January in Brussels, representatives of
the Commission and Member States will meet their Japanese counterparts in
the eighth round of the EU-Japan Regulatory Reform Dialogue, which aims to
improve conditions for business and investment by EU firms in Japan and
[21] Autre matériel diffusé
Liste des fonctionnaires de grade "A1" de la Commission européenne
Note sur les résultats du Conseil Agriculture
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
© ECSC - EC - EAEC, Brussels-Luxembourg, 1995, 1996