European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-01-21
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Green light for €50.9 million Leader+ rural development programme in
Brandenburg (Germany)
[02] La Commission octroie €120 millions en aide au développement pour la
République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)
[03] Commission provides €5 million of aid to help populations affected by
eruption of volcano "Nyiragongo" in eastern Congo
[04] Joint statement on EU-US consultations of 17 January 2002 pursuant to
the 1992 EU-US bilateral agreement on trade in large civil aircraft
[05] Novembre 2001 : la production industrielle en baisse de 0,8% dans la
zone euro ; baisse de 0,6% dans l'UE15
[06] Go Digital Awareness Campaign 2002
[07] EU workshop to assess regional and local strategies for helping SMEs
to Go Digital
[08] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 21/01/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 21/01/2002
[01] Green light for €50.9 million Leader+ rural development programme in
Brandenburg (Germany)
The European Commission approved the programme for the EU Initiative
Leader+ in Brandenburg (Germany). Welcoming the decision, Franz Fischler,
Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, said : "This
program aims to pilot new ideas to help build a more sustainable society,
economy and environment for rural Germany. We want to improve the quality
of life for all those who live in rural areas. Leader+ will help to add
value to local products and to make the best use of natural and cultural
resources." During the period 2001-2006, total expenditure under the
programme is €50.917 million. This includes an EU contribution of €30.550
million and a contribution of €10.813 million from the private sector.
[02] La Commission octroie €120 millions en aide au développement pour la
République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)
Poul Nielson, Commissaire européen au développement et à l'aide humanitaire,
a signé aujourd'hui le programme indicatif national (PIN) pour la
République Démocratique du Congo pour un montant global d'environ €120
millions. Le PIN constitue l'instrument de programmation pour l'aide dans
tout le territoire congolais. Cette signature concrétise la reprise
officielle de l'aide au développement suspendue depuis 1991 à la suite de
graves interruptions du processus de démocratisation et des événements
sanglants qui se sont déroulés ces dernières années. Les crédits
proviennent des ressources allouées dans les 7ème et 8ème Fonds européens
de développement (FED). Cet argent viendra compléter les montants déjà très
significatifs, €200 millions que l'Union européenne débourse déjà au titre
de l'aide humanitaire et de la réhabilitation.
[03] Commission provides €5 million of aid to help populations affected by
eruption of volcano "Nyiragongo" in eastern Congo
Following a first needs assessment of the situation in the region of the
explosion, the European Commission will immediately make €5 million
available to cover the emergency needs of 100,000 people, one third of the
population affected by the eruption, together with support for coordination
and logistics. This assistance will be channelled through UN, Red Cross and
non-governmental implementing partners. Immediate needs concern water and
sanitation ; shelter and essential relief items ; emergency food rations
and the provision of essential drugs. Commissioner for Development and
Humanitarian Aid Poul Nielson said : "With populations still on the move,
our immediate priority is to provide rapid and flexible emergency
assistance. Working with our partners, this decision means that people will
get the food, water, shelter and medicine they so desperately need. We
stand by to give further support and assistance as a long term partner to
the Congolese people."
[04] Joint statement on EU-US consultations of 17 January 2002 pursuant to
the 1992 EU-US bilateral agreement on trade in large civil aircraft
(1) Consultations were productive. Parties reaffirmed their adherence to
the 1992 EU-US bilateral agreement which provides a useful forum for
discussions that has reduced government support and thereby avoided
litigation since 1992. (2) Parties exchanged transparency information on
government funded R&D. (3) The US posed questions regarding European
government support to the A380 program supplementary to the information
provided on 19 April 2001, to which the EU responded. (4) The EU enquired
about the recent legislation authorizing lease of 100 B767 tanker aircraft
to the US Air Force. (5) Parties discussed updating the WTO plurilateral
agreement on trade in civil aircraft. (6) Both parties agreed to explore
ways and means to improve the functioning of the Bilateral Agreement. (7)
Parties have agreed to hold the next regular meeting in Washington D.C.
[05] Novembre 2001 : la production industrielle en baisse de 0,8% dans la
zone euro ; baisse de 0,6% dans l'UE15
La production industrielle de la zone euro, ajustée des variations
saisonnières, a baissé de 0,8% au mois de novembre 2001 par rapport au mois
d'octobre 2001, selon les estimations publiées aujourd'hui par Eurostat.
Ceci fait suite à une baisse de 1,4% en octobre et de 0,6% en septembre. La
production de l'UE15 a baissé de 0,6% en novembre après -1,4% en octobre et
-0,7% en septembre. En novembre 2001 et par rapport à novembre 2000, la
production industrielle a baissé de 4,3% dans la zone euro et de 4,2% dans
[06] Go Digital Awareness Campaign 2002
The Go Digital Awareness Campaign 2002 is being launched by Enterprise and
Information Society Commissioner Erkki Liikanen in Berlin at a conference
organised by the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH) on January
21st, 2002. The campaign aims to make small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) more aware of opportunities in e-business, to refine best policy
practice to this end and to help them develop strategies for accessing the
e-Economy. SMEs are still lagging behind larger enterprises in Internet
use. Although they cannot always trade products and services profitably on-
line, the Internet can nonetheless be a very powerful tool for maximising
the choice of goods and services that they buy. This in turn can help them
sharpen their competitive edge, by securing better quality at lower cost.
[07] EU workshop to assess regional and local strategies for helping SMEs
to Go Digital
Progress in implementing the eEurope action plan strategy to help small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to "go digital" will be assessed at a
workshop in Brussels on 21-22 January. Ten months after the Go Digital
strategy was launched, the European Commission, the Committee of the
Regions, regional authorities and other key stakeholders will take stock of
progress made to date, in particular with regard to benchmarking current
policy initiatives in this field at local and regional level. Participants
will identify the key obstacles to the take-up of electronic commerce and
information and communication technologies (ICTs) by SMEs, and present
success stories of public policies to help them go digital. They will also
discuss possible future strategies and scenarios for SME-related e-business
[08] Autre matériel diffusé
Opening remarks by Chris Patten to the International Conference on
Reconstruction Assistance for Afghanistan (Tokyo)
Discours de M. Bolkestein : "L'Europe économique et financière : Bilan à
quelques semaines du Conseil européen de Barcelone" au déjeuner-débat au
Club de la Bourse, Club de l'Automobile
Discours de Mme Reding : "La coopération euroméditerranéenne dans la lutte
contre le dopage" à l'ouverture du séminaire euroméditerranéen sur le
dopage (Marrakech, ! embargo 16h !)
Note sur la préparation de l'Eurogroupe et du Conseil Ecofin
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
© ECSC - EC - EAEC, Brussels-Luxembourg, 1995, 1996