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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-12

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE 12/01/2001 Oi ejelijeis sto Kypriako, to apotelesma twn epafwn twn jenwn apestalmenwn sto trigwno Aqhna - Leykwsia - Agkyra, h apergia twn kybernhtikwn iatrwn kai oi foboi gia tis synepeies ths xrhshs bombwn me apemploytismeno oyranio sto Kossobo apoteloyn tis kyries eidhseis poy despozoyn sta prwtoselida twn shmerinwn efhmeridwn.

H "Alhqeia" sthn kyria eidhsh anaferetai stis politikes ejelijeis. Me titlo "Ta bronthje o Ntenktas" kanei logo gia thn arnhsh toy Toyrkokyprioy hgeth na apodextei thn prosklhsh gia th Geneyh gia ton ekto gyro twn ek toy syneggys synomiliwn, para tis episkeceis twn Amerikanwn ajiwmatoyxwn kai toy Bretanoy ekproswpoy. Alloy h efhmerida anaferetai sthn yphresia "192" h opoia, opws anaferei, einai zhmiogona, enw anaferetai stis dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Sygkoinwniwn kai Ergwn Aberwf Neofytoy poy epikrinei th dieyqynsh ths ATHK na mhn idiwtikopoihsei thn yphresia.

"H Maxh" sthn kyria eidhsh me titlo "Paralyoyn ta Nosokomeia" anaferetai sthn 24wrh apergia twn kybernhtikwn iatrwn, oi opoioi sthn prospaqeia toys na ikanopoihqoyn ta aithmata toys, afhsan akoma kai tis Prwtes Bohqeies xwris iatroys. H efhmerida filojenei dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Ygeias Frijoy Sabbidh, o opoios epanalambanei oti h kybernhsh den syzhtei ypo thn apeilh apergiakwn metrwn. Alloy h efhmerida anaferetai sto boyleyth toy DHSY Xristo Poyrgoyridh, o opoios taxqhke kai pali enantion tyxon synergasias toy kommatos toy me to ADHK, proedros toy opoioy einai o Ntinos Mixahlidhs.

"H Shmerinh" sthn kyria eidhsh me titlo "Empaizei toys pantes" anaferetai sthn arnhsh toy Raoyf Ntenktas na parastei stis ek toy syneggys synomilies, enw dhlwse stoys apestalmenoys ths Bretania kai twn HPA, oti an paei sth Geneyh den qa einai gia tis ek toy syneggys. Proballei epishs th qesh ths kypriakhs kybernhshs na mhn apodektei kamia tyxon allagh sth bash twn synomiliwn. Alloy h efhmerida anaferetai se apeiles kata ths zwhs dikastwn, oi opoioi ekdikazoyn sobares ypoqeseis apo egklhmatika stoixeia kai poy exoyn ws stoxo ton ekfobismo toys.

O "Fileleyqeros" me ton titlo "Tentwnoyn pali to sxoini" anaferetai sth stash ths toyrkikhs pleyras gia tis synomilies grafontas oti oi Toyrkoi dhmioyrgoyn entaseis, ekbiazontas kai apeilwntas pros kaqe kateyqynsh. Sxoliazontas tis epafes Xanei grafei oti o Bretanos apestalmenos feretai na dhlwse oti ta xronodiagrammata gia thn entajh ths Kyproy kai ths Toyrkias sthn EE "exoyn hmeromhnia lhjhs". Alloy h proballei dhlwseis toy neoy dioikhth twn Bretanikwn Basewn sthn Kypro Ypopterarxoy Mpil Rimer oti ta strathgika symferonta ths Bretanias den allajan kai ara oi Baseis sthn Kypro qa meinoyn.

Sth "Xaraygh" despozei o titlos "Ston anapneysthra ta nosokomeia" kai me ypotitlo "Nekrwnoyn ta nosokomeia gia 24 wres", anaferetai sthn krish sth dhmosia ygeia poy den mporese oyte xqes na ektonwqei, me apotelesma h apergia na synexizetai kai shmera me ola ta dhmosia iatrika kentra na einai kleista, symperilambanomenwn kai twn Prwtwn Bohqeiwn. Alloy h efhmerida anaferetai stis dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn, Takh Klhridh, o opoios "ebale plwrh" gia tis forologikes metarryqmiseis, enw epikaloymenh plhrofories, anaferei oti aytes einai "amfiboles" prin apo tis boyleytikes ekloges.

H agglofwnh efhmerida "Cyprus Mail" katw apo ton titlo "Stratiwtes twn Basewn ekteqeimenoi sto apemploytismeno oyranio" grafei oti polloi stratiwtes poy yphretoyn sthn Kypro, eixan sto parelqon yphrethsei sta Balkania kai ston Kolpo kai enas ariqmis ej aytwn piqanon na ekteqhke sto apemploytismeno oyranio, opsw epibebaiwqhke xqes apo tis Bretanikes Baseis kai ta Hnwmena Eqnh. Alloy h efhmerida paraqetei tis dhlwseis Ntenktas anaforika me thn epanenarjh twn synomiliwn oti "qa paei sth Geneyh na synanthsei ton Kofi Anan, ftanei na mhn einai o Klhridhs sthn polh".

H ebdomadiaia agglofwnh "The Cyprus Weekly" me titlo "Peismatarhs o Ntenktas" anaferetai sto Toyrkokyprio hgeth o opoios, opws anaferei, antisteketai stis pieseis twn Amerikanwn apestalmenwn kai toy Bretanoy ekproswpoy na parastei ston ekto gyro twn ek toy syneggys synomiliwn. Alloy h efhmerida grafei gia ayjanomenh apelpisia twn syggenwn toy apaxqentos apo to katoxiko kaqestws Panikoy Tziakoyrma, oi opoioi diapistwsan xqes poy ton episkefqhkan stis fylakes toy ceydokratoys oti h ygeia toy exei xeiroterecei.

H agglofwnh efhmerida "The Weekly Review" sthn kyria eidhsh anaferetai sth shmerinh apergia twn kybernhtikwn iatrwn, me toys asqeneis na ypoferoyn apo ayth thn ejelijh. Anaferetai kai ston idiwtiko tomea o opoios qa epwmistei to ergo twn ektaktwn peristatikwn. Alloy h efhmerida anaferetai stis anhsyxies apo to apemploytismeno oyranio kai sto NATO to opoio kaqhsyxazei anaferontas oti h xrhsh toy oyranioy den ekqetei se kindyno toys stratiwtes kai qa kanei o,ti mporei gia na epibebaiwsei oti h xrhsh twn pyromaxikwn den egkymonei kindyno gia thn ygeia.


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