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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-11

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE - 11/01/2001 Oi ejelijeis sto Kypriako kai oi epafes twn jenwn apestalmenwn sto trigwno Aqhna - Leykwsia - Agkyra, plhrofories gia enisxysh twn katoxikwn strateymatwn, h chfish toy Proypologismoy toy Kratoys apo th Boylh kai h epikeimenh idiwtikopoihsh ths yphresias "192" ths Arxhs Thlepikoinwniwn einai merika apo ta kyria qema poy apasxoloyn to shmerino kypriako Typo.

H "Alhqeia" katw apo ton titlo "Ston aera oi synomilies" anaferei oti oi epafes toy Bretanoy apestalmenoy gia to Kypriako Nteibint Xanei sthn Agkyra den dikaiologoyn aisiodojia gia epanalhch twn synomiliwn. Oi dieqneis apestalmenoi sto Kypriako ekfrazoyn foboys oti den qa thrhqei to xronodiagramma poy exoyn qesei gia oloklhrwsh twn synomiliwn, shmeiwnei h "A", prosqetontas pws h ypobolh oloklhrwmenhs protashs qa ejarthqei apo tis epafes toy eidikoy symboyloy toy GG toy OHE Albaro nte Soto. Alloy grafei oti o Ypoyrgos Ergasias Andreas Moysioyttas dhlwse oti den exei lhfqei opoiadhpote apofash gia anaqewrhsh toy orioy syntajiodothshs apo to 63o etos sto 65o h sto 67o.

"H Maxh" katw apo ton titlo "Eggrafo - tekmhrio ekane ftera" anaferei oti xqes klhthras toy Dikasthrioy Leykwsias diapistwse thn ejafanish shmantikoy eggrafoy apo fakelo poy katateqhke ws tekmhrio gia to qanato ths Iwannas Pafith apo to Strobolo kai poy "kaiei" giatroys gia to peristatiko. O Arxhgos ths Astynomias, prosqetei h "M", dietaje ereyna gia thn ypoqesh. Alloy grafei oti o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos dhlwse xqes pws oi dhlwseis Toyrkwn kai T/K ajiwmatoyxwn deixnoyn oti h Agkyra synexizei na qewrei ta katexomena ypotelh dioikhsh ths kai gi' ayto h kybernhsh lambanei ola ta anagkaia metra kai kanei ta aparaithta diabhmata.

"H Shmerinh" katw apo ton titlo "To mysthrio me '192'" anaferei oti "diaplekomena symferonta ekatommyriwn lirwn krybontai pisw apo thn Yphresia '192' ths ATHK," h opoia me bash thn enarmonish me thn EE, "syntoma qa prepei na apokratikopoihqei kai na ekxwrhqei se idiwtes." Alloy grafei oti en mesw diafwniwn kai proeklogikoy klimatos chfisthke ces kata pleiochfia apo thn Olomeleia ths Boylhs o Proypologismos toy Kratoys gia to 2001. Yper, shmeiwnei h "S", chfisan ta kommata DHSY, EDH kai DHKO kai enantion to Kinhma Sosialdhmokratwn. To AKEL thrhse apoxh, enw tropologies eginan me synergasia AKEL kai DHKO.

"O Fileleyqeros" katw apo ton titlo "Kamnoyn astako ton Attila" anaferei oti h katoxikh pleyra ektos apo th dhmioyrgia newn tetelesmenwn sto nhsi proagei eyreias ektasews ejoplistikh enisxysh twn stratiwtikwn ths dynamewn sthn Kypro. O YPAM Swkraths Xasikos, grafei o "F", epibebaiwnei oti ola ta opla einai amerikanikhs kataskeyhs. Symfwna me to dhmosieyma, kentro baroys twn newn enisxysewn einai h Leykwsia kai h Ammoxwstos. Alloy grafei oti enas stoys pente neoys poy metabainoyn sto ejwteriko gia spoydes den epistrefei sthn Kypro, logw toy oti edw den exoyn prooptikes gia ergodothsh.

H "Xaraygh" katw apo ton titlo "Sth gwnia o DHSY" dhmosieyei apospasma apo thn cesinh omilia toy GG toy AKEL Dhmhtrh Xristofia, o opoios milwntas kata th syzhthsh twn proypologismwn sth Boylh eipe pws h apoxh toy kommatos apo thn chfoforia einai mia prajh "proeidopoihtikh" epeidh h kybernhsh den lambanei ypoch, opws eipe, "th swreia twn eishghsewn" toy AKEL. Alloy grafei oti o Stefanos Stefanoy epanekleghke xqes sth qesh toy Genikoy Grammatea ths EDON. Ton k. Stefanoy ejeleje to Kentriko Symboylio ths organwshs sthn prwth toy synedria meta to 13o synedrio ths.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" anaferei oti oi giatroi toy dhmosioy tomea dhlwnoyn oti h ayrianh 24wrh apergia thn opoia exoyn prokhryjei einai h monadikh toys epilogh kai yposthrizoyn oti gi' ayto eyqynh ferei h kybernhsh poy arneitai tis misqologikes toys apaithseis kai th beltiwsh twn synqhkwn ergasias toys. Alloy grafei pws o T/K Omer Tekogoyl proshxqh xqes enwpion toy Eparxiakoy Dikasthrioy Larnakas kai toy apaggelqhkan efta kathgories, metajy twn opoiwn kai h katoxh hrwinhs.

(SS. H efhmerida "Poliths" den parelhfqh sto KYPE)


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