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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 98-06-27Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>Anaskophsh Kypriakoy TypoyLeykwsia,Kypros,27/06/1998 (KYPE) H prosfwnhsh toy Proedroy ths Ellhnikhs Dhmokratias, Kwsth Stefanopoyloy, sthn eidikh synedria ths Boylhs twn Antiproswpwn, h ypoqesh xrhmatikhs apaths sthn opoia feretai na empleketai to onoma toy Mhtropolith Lemesoy Xrysanqoy, h apodokimasia toy Ritsarnt Xolmproyk apo akroathrio sthn Aqhna kai h epiqesh enantion nearoy me maxairi sth Larnaka, einai ta kyria qemata twn shmerinwn kypriakwn efhmeridwn.H "Alhqeia" exei titlo "Nea periergh ypoqesh sthn opoia feretai na empleketai o Mhtropoliths", kai apokalyptei nea epistolh poy feretai na ypografei o Mhtropoliths Lemesoy Xrysanqos gia daneio 100 ek. dolariwn. Se allo shmeio proballei thn prosfwnhsh toy Ellhna Proedroy sthn eidikh synedria ths kypriakhs Boylhs, me thn opoia kalei to Symboylio Asfaleias na epideijei politikh boylhsh kai apofasistikothta gia na epibalei sthn Toyrkia thn thrhsh twn chfismatwn toy gia thn Kypro. "H Maxh" proballei thn episkech Kwsth Stefanopoyloy, me titlo "Qa badisoyme mazi" kai shmeiwnei oti, safhs kai kathgorhmatikos, o Ellhnas Proedros diakhryje apo to bhma ths Boylhs oti h Ellada einai dipla sthn Kypro atalanteyth. Alloy grafei oti o boyleyths toy AKEL Kikhs Giagkoy, o opoios kathgorhse ton epixeirhmatia Niko Siakola gia xalarwseis, enhrghse me th symfwno gnwmh ki egkrish toy GG toy kommatos Dhmhtrh Xristofia kai toy koinoboyleytikoy ekproswpoy toy AKEL, Andrea Xristoy. "O Fileleyqeros" exei kyrio qema kai pali thn episkech Stefanopoyloy. Ypo ton titlo "An den entaxqei h Kypros den entassontai alloi", grafei oti o Ellhnas Proedros aphyqhne safh proeidopoihsh pros toys etairoys ths sthn EE, shmeiwnontas parallhla kai th dhlwsh toy oti oi ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis den beltiwnontai xwris lysh toy Kypriakoy. Anaferei, epishs, oti dyo chfismata anamenetai na egkriqoyn thn erxomenh Trith apo to Symboylio Asfaleias gia thn Kypro, ena gia thn ejamhnh ananewsh ths UNFICYP kai allo gia tis kales yphresies toy GG toy OHE. H "Xaraygh" me titlo "Wra gia thn oysia toy Kypriakoy" shmeiwnei th dhlwsh toy Ellhna Proedroy sthn omilia toy sth Boylh oti efqase pleon h wra h dieqnhs koinothta na egkataleicei tis atermones peri th diadikasia synomilies kai na epilhfqei ths oysias toy Kypriakoy. Alloy proballei dhlwseis toy GG toy AKEL Dhmhtrh Xristofia me tis opoies tonizei oti to qema einai h politikh poy akoloyqoyn oi HPA sto Kypriako kai oxi h politikh poy akoloyqoyn proswpa. H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" exei titlo "O Xolmproyk apodokimasthke sthn Ellada" kai shmeiwnei oti o neodiorisqeis eidikos antiproswpos twn HPA sta Hnwmena Eqnh apodokimasqhke otan dhlwse oti h Oyasingkton yposthrizei th mellontikh entajh ths Toyrkias sthn EE. Se allh eidhsh grafei oti pente nearoi Agglokyprioi teqhkan ypo krathsh meta apo to maxairwma nearoy sth Larnaka. (KYPE/MX)Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |