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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 98-06-26

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,26/06/1998 (KYPE) H epishmh episkech toy Proedroy ths Ellhnikhs Dhmokratias Kwsth Stefanopoyloy apotelei anamfibola thn kyria eidhsh se oles anejaireta tis efhmerides, oi opoies proballoyn tis dhlwseis toso toy k. Stefanopoyloy oso kai toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Glaykoy Klhridh kaqws kai megales fwtografies.

H "Alhqeia" me titlo "Istoriko Gegonos" grafei oti o Stefanopoylos tygxanei qermotaths ypodoxhs pantoy kai proballei thn prosfwnhsh toy Proedroy Klhridh sto xqesino deipno poy pareqese pros timh toy Ellhna omologoy toy oti o agwnas ths Kyproy stoxeyei sthn ejeyresh me eirhnika mesa mias dikaihs kai leitoyrgikhs lyshs. Sto idio deipno o k. Stefanopoylos kalese toys T/K na apodektoyn thn protash toy Proedroy Klhridh gia symmetoxh stis entajiakes diapragmateyseis giati, opws tonise, ekei h fwnh toys qa akoygetai mesw dhmokratikwn ermhneytwn kai den qa xreiazontai pleon na kataballoyn barytata lytra se desmwtes - prostates. Grafei oti h Boylh anamenetai na chfisei thn erxomenh Pempth to nomosxedio gia tis efeseis enantion aqwwtikwn apofasewn toy Kakoyrgiodikeioy.

H "Maxh" katw apo ton titlo "Kalws Hlqes Ellada" anaferetai sth dhlwsh Klhridh sto aerodromio Larnakas oti h paroysia toy Ellhna Proedroy stellei to mhnyma oti h Ellada ws eggyhtria dynamh einai edw mazi mas sto idio xarakwma kai agwnizetai gia th dhmioyrgia enos enwmenoy kratoys kai thn entajh toy sthn eyrwpaikh oikogeneia. Se allh eidhsh anaferei oti nearos breqhke nekros xqes to prwi se aytokinhto sthn perioxh Leintis Mail. Prokeitai gia ton Mixalh Sabba Eyaggeloy, 22, oikodomo apo th Lemeso, o opoios efere traymata apo maxairi. H astynomia eqese ypo krathsh to Dhmhtrh Polykarpoy.

H "Shmerinh" me titlo "H Ellada einai edw" anaferei oti o k. Stefanopoylos diakhryje xqes oti to dogma toy eniaioy amyntikoy xwroy enisxyetai kai prosqese "H Kypros einai Ellas, eimaste ena eqnos, dyo krath." Shmeiwnei epishs thn apokalych sthn opoia proebh xqes o Proedros ths Elladas oti h katagwgh toy einai keryniwtikh. Proballei akoma th diabebaiwsh Klhridh oti enosw katexontai ta edafh ths Kyproy den qa stamathsoyme na enisxyoyme thn amyna mas. O Proedros Stefanopoylos epeshmane xqes oti h Kypros mporei na apotelesei ton katalyth gia th dhmioyrgia klimatos empistosynhs toso metajy ths Elladas kai ths Toyrkias oso kai metajy ths Toyrkias kai ths EE. Anaferetai sthn episkech Stefanopoyloy sta Fylakismena Mnhmata opoy dierwthqhke kata poso oi Bretanoi zhthsan sygnwmh apo thn Kypro gia tis ekteleseis twn nearwn agwnistwn.

O "Fileleyqeros" katw apo ton titlo "To teixos frassei to dromo gia thn Toyrkia", proballei th dhlwsh Stefanopoyloy oti to teixos poy xwrizei th Leykwsia xwrizei sygxronws kai thn Toyrkia apo thn Eyrwph an den allajei taktikh kai politikh, kai ejefrase thn apolyth bebaiothta oti h Kypros qa entaxqei sthn EE. Anaferei oti o Proedros Klhridhs apeneime ston Ellhna Proedro thn anwtath timhtikh diakrish ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias, to Mega Perideraio toy Tagmatos toy Makarioy III. H Boylh enekrine xqes thn ayjhsh toy kybernhtikoy programmatos gia ekdosh eyrwpaikwn mesoproqesmwn xreografwn kata 500 ek. dolaria kai th synach ejwterikoy daneismoy ycoys mexri kai 300 ek. dolaria.

H "Xaraygh" me titlo "Systrateysh gia th nomimothta" anaferetai sth dhlwsh toy Ellhna Proedroy oti ean yparjei anagkh h Ellada qa systrateyqei me thn Kypro pros yperaspish ths nomimothtas, tonizontas parallhla oti den komizei exqrika h epiqetika mhnymata. Shmeiwse akoma oti h Kypros prepei na ginei eytyxhs gia oloys, E/K kai T/K. Anaferei epishs oti oi dasmoi meiwnontai gia ton kafe, ta poyra kai ta tsigara poy eisagontai apo trites xwres, symfwna me nomosxedio poy katateqhke sth Boylh kai me bash tis ypoxrewseis ths Kyproy apo th symfwnia syndeshs me thn EE.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" me kyrio titlo "Ellhnikh eggyhsh gia amyntikoys desmoys", grafei oti o Ellhnas Proedros Kwsths Stefanopoylos arxise xqes mia prwtofanh episkech sthn Kypro, dinontas yposxeseis gia pio isxyroys amyntikoys desmoys metajy twn dyo xwrwn. Alloy grafei oti h olomeleia ths Boylhs anamenetai na chfisei thn erxomenh Pempth to nomosxedio poy qa epitrepei sto Geniko Eisaggelea na parembei sthn aqwwtikh apofash twn triwn adelfwn Aeroporwn apo tis kathgories gia apopeira fonoy.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Weekly" me kyrio titlo "Teixos ntrophs 'kratei thn Toyrkia ektos EE'" grafei oti opws eipe xqes o Ellhnas Proedros Kwsths Stefanopoylos, enosw h Toyrkia diathrei to nhsi diairemeno, den qa exei thn eykairia na entaxqei sthn enwmenh Eyrwph. Alloy grafei oti oi prospaqeies gia na efarmostei h symfwnia Klhridh - Ntenktas gia antallagh plhroforiwn gia atoma poy exoyn entaxqei sth lista twn agnooymenwn exoyn apotyxei, symfwna me ton Epitropo gia Anqrwpistika Qemata Takh Xristopoylo.


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