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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 98-06-18Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>Anaskophsh Kypriakoy TypoyLeykwsia,Kypros,18/06/1998 (KYPE) O apohxos ths parembashs toy Proedroy twn HPA Mpil Klinton sto Karntif, h ekqesh toy GG toy OHE Kofi Anan kai to chfisma gia thn OYNFIKYP, h antidrash ths Agkyras sthn prosgeiwsh twn ellhnikwn aeroskafwn sthn aeroporikh bash Pafoy kai h epityxhs metamosxeysh hpatos sto Londino se koritsaki tessarwn xronwn apo thn Kypro einai merika apo ta qemata poy proballontai sto shmerino kypriako Typo.H "Alhqeia" me kyrio titlo "Sta malaka rixnei h Aqhna thn parembash Klinton" grafei oti hpio yfos, xamhloys tonoys kai filiko xarakthra, einai ta stoixeia me ta opoia prospaqhse xqes na diaskedasei toys diaqyrambikoys - hrwikoys tonoys poy sysswmos o ellhnikos Typos alla kai politikes omades qelhsan na dwsoyn sthn aporrich apo meroys toy Prwqypoyrgoy Kwsta Shmith ths thlefwnikhs parembashs toy Proedroy Klinton. Alloy grafei oti tragelafikh xarakthrise xqes o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Xrhstos Stylianidhs th diamartyria ths Agkyras gia thn prosgeiwsh twn ellhnikwn aeroskafwn sthn aeroporikh bash Pafoy. H "Maxh" me kyrio titlo "Egkatastash twn F16 sthn Kypro" grafei oti se apolyth mystikothta, aifnidia pthsh panw apo thn Kypro kai prosgeiwsh sthn aeroporikh bash "Andreas Papandreoy" sthn Pafo 4 maxhtikwn aeroskafwn F16 kai dyo metagwgikwn C130 ths Ellhnikhs Polemikhs Aeroporias htan mia apanthsh meta tis ejelijeis sto Karntif me to proswpiko thlefwnhma toy Proedroy twn HPA Mpil Klinton kai sthn peiratikh energeia twn Toyrkwn sta Dardanelia. Alloy grafei oti epityxhs htan h metamosxeysh toy hpatos ths atyxhs 35xronhs Marias Iakwbidoy sthn 4xronh Rafaella Kwnstantinoy, poy oloklhrwqhke tis prwines wres xqes se nosokomeio toy Londinoy. H "Shmerinh" me kyrio titlo "Enisxyetai o Attilas" grafei oti h Agkyra enisxyei ton Attila me amerikanikhs kataskeyhs armata maxhs, aytokinoymena barea pyrobola, teqwrakismena oxhmata maxhs kai allo bary oplismo. Alloy grafei oti etoimo einai to prosxedio toy chfismatos toy Symboylioy Asfaleias twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn gia thn ananewsh ths paramonhs twn kyanokranwn sthn Kypro kai, symfwna me plhrofories ths efhmeridas, ginetai anafora sthn Kybernhsh ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias, h opoia qewrei aparaithth thn paroysia ths Eirhneytikhs Dynamhs sthn Kypro. "O Fileleyqeros" katw apo ton titlo "H parembash Klinton prokalese anhsyxies", grafei oti Aqhna kai Leykwsia prospaqoyn na krathsoyn xamhloys toys tonoys kai na kaqyshxasoyn toys foboys poy mporei na prokalese h parembash toy Amerikanoy Proedroy, enw o Ellhnas Prwqypoyrgos, Kwstas Shmiths, leei oti o Mpil Klinton den anaferotan sthn Kypro, otan miloyse gia entaseis. Se allo shmeio grafei oti symfwna me thn Yphresia Diwjhs Narkwtikwn, h Aqhna apotelei shmera thn kyria phgh promhqeias narkwtikwn sthn Kypro. H "Xaraygh" me titlo "Parekklish olkhs", grafei oti xqes sth Boylh o boyleyths toy AKEL, Kikhs Giagkoy, xarakthrise thn energeia toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy na dwsei adeia se megalh kypriakh etaireia gia anegersh polydynamoy emporikoy kentroy sto Strobolo, ws xaristikh kai paranomh energeia. Alloy anaferetai se xqesines dhlwseis toy ekproswpoy Typoy toy AKEL, Nikoy Katsoyridh, symfwna me tis opoies h entajiakh poreia xrhsimopoieitai apo kapoies xwres ws moxlos pieshs pros thn kateyqynnsh ths Kyproy. H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" katw apo ton titlo "Stamathste thn epideinwsh sth jenodoxeiakh biomhxania", anaferetai se xqesinh omilia toy Proedroy toy Pagkyprioy Syndesmoy Dieyqyntwn Jenodoxeiwn (PASYDIJE), Tzon Goynt, me thn opoia aphyqyne ekklhsh gia anabaqmish toy epipedoy yphresiwn sta jenodoxeia, dioti, opws eipe, diaforetika o klados qa antimetwpisei sobarh krish. Alloy grafei oti o GG twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn sthn ekqesh toy pros to Symboylio Asfaleias kalei ola ta merh sto Kypriako na apofygoyn kaqe energeia poy qa mporoyse na epideinwsei thn katastash. (KYPE/AA/GG/MM)Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |