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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 98-06-17

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,17/06/1998 (KYPE) H parembash toy Amerikanoy Proedroy Mpil Klinton pros ton Ellhna Prwqypoyrgo Kwsta Shmith sth synodo toy Karntif, h prosgeiwsh ellhnikwn aeroskafwn sth bash Pafoy, h antidrash toy Proedroy ths Boylhs sthn apofash ths kybernhshs gia meiwsh twn froyrwn twn politikwn arxhgwn kai h metamosxeysh organwn apo nea poy katesth klinika nekrh meta apo troxaio dystyxhma einai merika apo ta qemata poy proballontai sto shmerino kypriako Typo.

H "Alhqeia" me kyrio titlo "Politika kamwmata" grafei oti o Proedros ths Boylhs, Spyros Kyprianoy, prokalese mia mikrh "antarsia" se baros apofasewn toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy gia meiwsh twn froyrwn twn politikwn proswpwn, me thn ekdiwjh ths froyras apo to ktirio ths Boylhs. Grafei oti enteinontai oi pieseis twn dytikwn kybernhsewn gia mataiwsh ths agoras twn pyraylwn S300, me prwtagwnistes toys Amerikanoys oi opoioi proteinoyn akyrwsh ths paraggelias twn pyraylwn kai eishgoyntai thn agora rwsikwn pyraylwn mikroteroy belhnekoys.

"H Maxh" me prwtoselido titlo "Ekbiasmos Klinton epese sto keno" anaferetai sthn aporrich apo ton Prwqypoyrgoy ths Elladas, Kwsta Shmith, ths eishghshs toy Amerikanoy Proedroy, Mpil Klinton, poy isodynamei se wmo ekbiasmo, parathrei, opws h Aqhna synainesei gia enisxysh twn sxesewn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs me thn Toyrkia. Grafei pws o altroyismos twn syggenwn ths 35xronhs Marinas Iakwbidoy edwse elpides zwhs se tesseris dektes twn organwn ths nearhs kopelas, h opoia katesth klinika nekrh meta apo troxaio dystyxhma.

"H Shmerinh" me kyrio titlo "'Oxi' Shmith pros Klhridh" grafei oti epesan sto keno oi syntonismenes prospaqeies twn Gallwn, twn Bretanwn kai twn Amerikanwn, poy stoxo toys eixan thn allagh twn apofasewn ths Synodoy toy Loyjemboyrgoy gia thn Toyrkia, apo th Synodo Koryfhs ths EE sto Karntif. Alloy, grafei oti an den yparjei antapokrish ek meroys ths kybernhshs sta problhmata ths Larnakas, qa yparjei klimakwsh twn metrwn diamartyrias, opws dhlwse o Proedros ths Epitrophs Anaptyjhs Larnakas, Dhmarxos Gewrgios Lykoyrgos.

"O Fileleyqeros" titloforei to kyrio qema toy "Klinton - proeidopoihseis gia entaseis" kai grafei oti o Amerikanos Proedros ekane proswpikh parembash pros ton Prwqypoyrgo Shmith, wste na synainesei h Ellada sthn anabaqmish twn sxesewn Toyrkias - Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, proeidopoiwntas ton oti se diaforetikh periptwsh qa mporoysan na proklhqoyn entaseis. Alloy, grafei oti h pleiochfia twn Kypriwn prosdokei se shmantika oikonomika ofelh apo thn entajh sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, symfwna me ereyna agoras poy dienhrghse gia logariasmo ths Laikhs Trapezas h etaireia RAI.

H "Xaraygh" me kyrio titlo "Sto 'edwlio' DHSY o Xr. Poyrgoyridhs" grafei oti to skeptiko ths "dikhs" "proapofasisqhke" xqes, sth diarkeia synanthshs me ton Proedro Klhridh, kai o logos einai oi dhlwseis toy k. Poyrgoyridh, o opoios proeklogika eixe pei oti o k. Klhridhs symperiferetai ws "Rwmaios Aytokratoras", enw prosfata eixe pei oti den exei allajei o,tidhpote gia na anairesei ayta poy eixe pei gia th symperifora toy Proedroy. Alloy, grafei oti toyrkikh einai h diaxeiristria etaireia toy ypo shmaia Maltas forthgoy ploioy "Natasa I" sto opoio oi toyrkikes arxes diejhgagan nhocia, anazhtwntas tmhmata twn S300 poy proorizontai gia thn Kypro.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" me basiko titlo "Ellhnika aeroskafh prosgeiwnontai sth bash Pafoy" grafei oti gia prwth fora tessera maxhtika aeroskafh prosgeiwqhkan xqes sthn nea bash Pafoy, prokalwntas thn entonh diamartyria ths Toyrkias kai toy kaqestwtos Ntenktas. Alloy, grafei oti o Proedros ths Boylhs, Spyros Kyprianoy, arxise ekstrateia enantion ths apofashs ths kybernhshs gia meiwsh ths froyras twn politikwn arxhgwn.

H ebdomadiaia "Financial Mirror" me kyrio titlo "Pro twn pylwn toy XAK (Xrhmatisthrioy Ajiwn Kyproy), SAFS kai Libra Holidays" grafei oti anaqermansh ths xrhmatisthriakhs agoras anamenetai na prokalesoyn oi dyo nees programmatismenes dhmosiopoihseis ths Trapezas Ependysewn Severis & Athienitis Financial Services (SAFS) kai toy grafeioy diorganwshs tajidiwn Libra Holidays. Alloy, grafei oti oi eyrwpaikes Trapezes kai to ECU (Eyrwpaikh Nomismatikh Monada) apoteloyn stoxo ths kybernhshs, prokeimenoy na ejasfalisei ta xrhmata mesw ejwterikoy daneismoy, kerdizontas taytoxrona to pleonekthma twn xamhlwn tokwn poy epikratoyn shmera sth Ghraia Hpeiro.


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