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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-02-15

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh Prwinoy Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,15/02/1997 (KYPE) Oi apeiles Ntenktas gia epoikismo ths Ammoxwstoy apoteloyn thn kyria prwtoselidh eidhsh sto shmerino Typo, h opoia proballetai me fwtografies ths katexomenhs polhs. Alla qemata poy apasxoloyn ton Typo einai to Kypriako, oi eswkommatikes diergasies sto Dhmokratiko Synagermo, oi ekdhlwseis twn gynaikwn gia probolh toy Kypriakoy kai oi astynomikes ereynes gia egklhmatikes energeies.

"O Agwn" grafei oti EDEK kai EDH apofasisan, kata thn prosfath synanthsh poy eixan oi arxhgoi twn kommatwn, na mhn yposthrijoyn anejarthto ypochfio gia tis prosexeis proedrikes ekloges enw diapistwsan oti yparxoyn agefyrwtes diafores sto Kypriako. Oi foithtes qa synexisoyn tis ekdhlwseis diamartyrias ejw apo th Boylh thn erxomenh bdomada gia ikanopoihsh twn aithmatwn toys poy aforoyn sth stegash kai th meiwsh twn didaktrwn gia metaptyxiakes spoydes.

H "Alhqeia" proballei dhlwseis ths Amerikanidas YPEJ oti h eykairia gia prowqhsh lyshs sto Kypriako qa doqei isws argotera, alla oxi prin to telos toy 1998 kai shmeiwnei oti den exei xaraxqei, mexri stigmhs, sygkekrimenh strathgikh gia thn epilysh toy problhmatos. Sto metajy, h Rwsia ejefrase thn yposthrijh ths stis amerikano-bretanikes prospaqeies gia to Kypriako. Se allo qema, grafei oti enteinontai oi ypocies poy eixan oi anakrites gia rich pyrobolismwn enantion ths odhgoy taji, Gewrgias Fytidoy, sto dromo Kolosioy-Fasoyrioy, afoy prokyptei oti oyte to aytokinhto oyte oi skopeytes htan en kinhsei otan rifqhsan oi pyrobolismoi.

"H Maxh" me titlo "Paizei me to Barwsi o Ntentkas" grafei oti ta HE den exoyn diapistwsei opoiesdhpote allages sto kaqestws ths Ammoxwstoy, meta tis apeiles Ntenktas gia epoikismo, enw o Ypatos Armosths ths Bretanias eipe oti to Symboylio Asfaleias qa prepei na antidrasei an oi plhrofories alhqeyoyn. H Leykwsia qa filojenhsei synanthsh ths omadas twn xwrwn melwn toy Dieqnoys Nomismatikoy Tameioy apo tis 22-24 Febroyarioy me th symmetoxh Ypoyrgwn Oikonomikwn kai dioikhtwn trapezwn apo dwdeka xwres melh toy DNT.

"H Shmerinh" anaferetai sth shmerinh synedria toy Anwtatoy Symboylioy toy DHSY, kata thn opoia qa prepei na apofasisoyn kata poson qa diejaxqoyn endokommatikes ekloges gia ananewsh ths hgesias to Maio, h aytes qa anablhqoyn. O GG toy kommatos Dhmhtrhs Sylloyrhs proeidopoihse oti an anablhqoyn oi ekloges to komma qa odhghqei se baqia krish. Se allh eidhsh grafei, oti se diabhma pros ton OHE qa probei h kypriakh kybernhsh gia tis proqeseis Ntenktas oson afora sthn Ammoxwsto, symfwna me dhlwsh toy Proedreyontos ths Dhmokratias Spyroy Kyprianoy.

"O Fileleyqeros" anaferomenos sto qema toy epoikismoy ths Ammoxwstoy grafei oti o Ntenktas "paratraba to skoini" kai stoxeyei se anazwpyrwsh twn entasewn, enw diplwmatikh phgh dhlwse sto "F" oti qa yparjei klimakwsh kai energeies poy dynaton na pyrodothsoyn eyryterh krish. Grafei akoma, oti symfwna me to porisma toy iatrodikasth Marioy Matsakh h Aygoystina Parris peqane apo straggalismo apo anqrwpina xeria, paroysiazontas ws tekmhrio meros toy larygga toy qymatos poy efere katagma.

H "Xaraygh" grafei oti lhgei h prwth ejaeths qhteia toy Epitropoy Dioikhsews (Ompoytsman), Nikoy Xaralampoys, ton erxomeno Martio opote o Proedros ths Dhmokratias anamenetai eite na epanadiorisei ton nyn Epitropo, eite na ejeyrei antikatastath toy. Anaferetai akomh, se seira ekdhlwsewn poy organwnoyn apo koinoy oles oi gynaikeies kai syndikalistikes organwseis me thn eykairia ths Pagkosmias Meras ths Gynaikas stis 8 Martioy. Dieqneis gynaikeies proswpikothtes me prosbash sta kentra apofasewn, qa parastoyn stis ekdhlwseis poy programmatizontai gia tis 14 kai 15 Martioy.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" proballei dhlwsh toy Anaplhrwth Kybernhtikoy Ekproswpoy Spyroy Aroth, oti to aima poy oi toyrkikes katoxikes arxes isxyrizontai oti prohlqe apo Ellhnokyprio, poy pyrobolhqhke prospaqwntas na katebasei toyrkikh shmaia apo fylakio konta sth Loyroytzina einai aima agelados. O k. Aroths ejalloy, aperice toyrkikoys isxyrismoys oti o dhqen Ellhnokyprios drasths ypekyce sta traymata toy. Dyo ajiwmatoyxoi toy Tmhmatos Naytilias metebhsan sth Norbhgia xqes gia na diereynhsoyn tis synqhkes katw apo tis opoies byqisthke to ypo kypriakh shmaia ploio Leros Strength sta anoixta ths polhs Stabangken.

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