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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-02-14

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,14/02/1997 (KYPE) Oi efhmerides shmera proballoyn thn egkrish apo th Boylh toy proypologismoy toy Tameioy Amyntikhs Qwrakishs, poy synepagetai kai thn egkrish ths agoras twn rwsikwn pyraylwn S-300. Alla kyria qemata anaferontai sthn amerikanikh prwtoboylia sto Kypriako, stis eikones poy dakryzoyn, thn egklhmatikothta sth Lemeso, thn Politikh Amyna kai th giorth toy Agioy Balentinoy.

"O Agwn" grafei oti h Boylh edwse xqes to prasino fws gia thn agora toy pyraylikoy systhmatos S-300, chfizontas ton proypologismo toy Tameioy Amyntikhs Qwrakishs. Grafei, epishs, oti parathreitai kosmosyrroh sthn ekklhsia toy Agioy Gewrgioy sto Mammari, logw twn dakrywn poy trexoyn apo treis eikones.

H "Alhqeia" dhmosieyei dhlwseis toy Presbh ths Rwsias sthn Kypro Gkeorgki Moyratof oti den einai gnwsto an telika qa ekdhlwqei h amerikanikh prwtoboylia sto Kypriako. Grafei, epishs, oti h epidhmia griphs, poy eplhje kai krebatwse toys misoys toylaxiston Kyprioys, exei prokalesei ayjhmenh kinhsh xwris prohgoymeno sta farmakeia kai nosokomeia.

"H Maxh" grafei oti h Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn twn HPA Mantlin Olmprait afhse na diafanei jekaqara oti oi HPA metaqetoyn to Kypriako sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, afoy ekrinan oti h prwtoboylia toys den exei kamia prooptikh me ta dedomena poy yparxoyn shmera. Grafei, epishs, oti Bretanos armodios dhlwse pws h Bretania qewrei thn Kypro ws mian apolyta asfalh xwra toyristikoy proorismoy, sxoliazontas dhlwsh toy Proedreyonta ths Dhmokratias Spyroy Kyprianoy oti h Bretania apotrepei tajidiwtes na erqoyn sthn Kypro.

"H Shmerinh" grafei oti h syntriptikh pleiochfia twn melwn toy DHSY tassetai yper ths diejagwghs twn endokommatikwn eklogwn, gia ananewsh ths hgesias toys. Grafei, epishs, oti o Proedros twn Kypriakwn Aerogrammwn Takhs Kyriakidhs zhthse apo oloys odynhres qysies kai drastika metra, gia na mporesoyn oi KA na ejelqoyn apo ta oikonomika adiejoda.

"O Fileleyqeros" anaferetai se dhlwsh toy Ypoyrgoy Amynas twn HPA Oyiliam Koen oti ta pragmata bainoyn ektos elegxoy se sxesh me thn katastash sthn Kypro kai oti h entash sthn Kypro exei ayjhqei se tetoio baqmo poy mporei na prokalesei kai syrrajh. Grafei, epishs, oti h Astynomia Lemesoy brisketai se epifylakh meta tis synexeis plhrofories gia diaprajh newn stygerwn egklhmatwn metajy anqrwpwn toy ypokosmoy.

H "Xaraygh" anaferetai se dhlwsh toy ekproswpoy toy Ypoyrgeioy Eswterikwn kai syntonisth me to Ypoyrgeio Amynas G. Xaralampoys oti se tria xronia qa yparjei apotelesmatikh kai ikanopoihtikh leitoyrgia ths Politikhs Amynas, enw ta prwta praktika apotelesmata anamenontai se ena xrono peripoy. Grafei, epishs, oti to ceydokratos den epetrece stoys T/K kallitexnes na erqoyn stis eleyqeres perioxes gia na parastoyn se megalh dikoinotikh ekqesh sthn Pylh Ammoxwstoy.

H "Cyprus Mail" anaferetai se dhlwsh toy Genikoy Grammatea toy OHE Kofi Anan oti den pisteyei pws h katastash sthn Kypro bainei pros polemikh anametrhsh. Grafei, epishs, oti h apofash toy Eyrwpaikoy Dikasthrioy Anqrwpinwn Dikaiwmatwn gia thn ypoqesh ths Titinas Loizidoy mporei na parameinei "ena kommati xarti", dioti h Kypros den exei akomh akyrwsei nomo poy apagoreyei thn omofylofilia.

H "Cyprus Weekly" grafei oti o T/K hgeths Raoyf Ntenktas apokalyce xqes oti exoyn arxisei ergasies gia proetoimasia ths katexomenhs Ammoxwstoy, prokeimenoy na egkatastaqoyn s' aythn T/K. Grafei, epishs, oti pente zeygaria kataskhnwsan xqes to brady ejw apo ta grafeia ths Gulf Air gia na epwfelhqoyn ths prosforas gia dwrean eisithria se opoiodhpote proorismo twn aerogrammwn sta pente prwta zeygaria poy qa paroysiastoyn ekei to prwi, me thn eykairia ths giorths toy Agioy Balentinoy.


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