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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-02-09

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


Leykwsia,Kypros,09/02/1997 (KYPE) -- H dimhniaia ekqesh toy Amerikanoy Proedroy Mpil Klinton pros to Kogkreso gia to Kypriako, oi dhlwseis toy Proedreyonta ths Dhmokratias Spyroy Kyprianoy gia thn ekqesh ayth ki alla eswterika qemata, kaqws kai h ekqesh ths OYNFISYP gia to ypotiqemeno epeisodio richs pyrobolismwn sthn perioxh Loyroytzinas apoteloyn ta kyria qemata sto shmerino kypriako Typo.

"O Agwn" dhmosieyei apokleistikh synenteyjh toy Bretanoy Ypatoy Armosth sthn Kypro, Nteibint Manten, o opoios yposthrizei oti o Proedros Klhridhs ki o Raoyf Ntenktas einai proqymoi na proxwrhsoyn se apeyqeias dialogo me th diadikasia toy "pare-dwse" gia mia synolikh lysh sto Kypriako. Grafei oti melh ths Grammateias toy OHE meqodeyoyn lysh me synoptikes diadikasies sto qema twn agnooymenwn, gia oristiko kleisimo toy qematos, wste na mhn apotelei empodio sthn epilysh toy Kypriakoy.

H "Alhqeia" stegazei to kyrio qema ths katw apo ton titlo "Fws se alla egklhmata" kai grafei oti enas apo toys syllhfqentes Rwsoys gia to fono sympatriwth toys paradexthke enoxh, enw sto spiti poy egine o fonos breqhkan klopimaia poy rixnoyn fws kai sthn ejixniash ki allwn egklhmatwn poy eginan prosfata sth Lemeso. Grafei oti sth dimhniaia toy ekqesh gia to Kypriako, o Proedros Klinton ekfrazei anhsyxia ki apogohteysh gia thn agora twn S-300 apo thn Kypriakh Dhmokratia kai tis toyrkikes apeiles gia stratiwtikh drash enantion ths Kyproy, enw epanelabe th desmeysh toy na epidiwjei anabaqmismeno endiaferon ws pros thn epilysh toy Kypriakoy.

"H Maxh" titloforei to kyrio qema ths "Jexaste thn prwtoboylia twn HPA" kai grafei oti ayto einai to safes mhnyma apo thn ekqesh Klinton pros to Kogkreso, se periptwsh poy den mataiwqei h agora twn S-300. Proballei tis dhlwseis Kyprianoy gia thn ekqesh Klinton, oti h E/k pleyra prepei na apeyqynqei pros to Kogkreso kai na toy ypenqymizei oti oi ejoplismoi twn toyrkikwn katoxikwn strateymatwn einai amerikanikoi. Grafei oti h ekqesh ths OYNFISYP gia to ypotiqemeno epeisodio richs pyrobolismwn sth Loyroytzina den rixnei fws stoys toyrkikoys isxyrismoys gia dhqen emplokh E/K.

"H Shmerinh" sto prwtoselido ths grafei oti yparxoyn etoima dyo sxedia gia to Kypriako, ena apo th Bretania ki ena apo ton OHE, ta opoia diamorfwqhkan enocei twn epikeimenwn ejelijewn. Grafei oti periexoyn idees kai apoceis poy qa xrhsimopoihqoyn stis epafes me tis dyo pleyres. Proballei tis dhlwseis Kyprianoy kai grafei oti m' aytes epanaferei to empargko stis pwlhseis amerikanikwn oplwn sthn Toyrkia. Anaferetai kai sth dhlwsh Kyprianoy oti aporriptei asyzhthti to qema ths ek peritrophs proedrias ki oti qa syzhthsei diafora qemata me ton Proedro Klhridh, molis aytos epistrecei apo thn India.

"O Fileleyqeros" proballei thn ekqesh ths OYNFISYP gia th Loyroytzina kai grafei oti h OYNFISYP diaceydei ton Attila afoy kanena ixnos aimatos den breqhke mesa sth nekrh zwnh, alla monon sta katexomena. Grafei oti to AKEL rixnei gefyres pros to DHKO twra, ki oti ginontai prospaqeies gia dhmioyrgia rhgmatwn sth synergasia ths kentrodejias. Grafei oti Eyrwpaioi apestalmenoi, ajiwmatoyxoi toy OHE kai E/K kai T/K syndikalistes qa paroyn meros se pansyndikalistiko foroym poy qa pragmatopoihqei ton Martio sthn Kypro me qema "Oi epiptwseis stoys ergazomenoys apo thn entajh ths Kyproy sthn EE".

H "Xaraygh" katw apo ton kyrio titlo "Den chfizoyme Klhridh" grafei oti arketa deyteroklasata kai tritoklasata stelexh toy DHSY diatypwsan sthn hgesia toys to jekaqaro ayto mhnyma, ejaitias, opws grafei, ths emplokhs kybernhtikwn ajiwmatoyxwn stis prosfates eklogikes anametrhseis. Proballei dhmosieyma ths toyrkikhs efhmeridas "Tzoymxoyriet" gia aporrhto bretaniko eggrafo poy anaferei oti to 1959 oi Prwqypoyrgoi Elladas kai Toyrkias, Kwnstantinos Karamanlhs kai Atnlan Menterles, symfwnhsan opws idryqei bash toy NATO sthn Kypro kai na apagoreyqei h leitoyrgia toy AKEL.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti h kybernhsh qa probei se parastaseis pros thn OYNFISYP dioti oi katoxikes dynameis ejediwjan xqes E/K giatro kai mia nosokoma poy metebhsan ston katexomeno Kormakith gia na periqalcoyn asqeneis egklwbismenoys. Grafei oti emporiko ploio ypo kypriakh shmaia byqisthke xqes sta anoikta ths Norbhgias, logw sfodrhs qalassotaraxhs, me apotelesma na agnoeitai to 20 meles toy plhrwma, oloi Polwnoi.

H ebdomadiaia efhmerida "Ta Nea" grafei oti h Kentrikh Epitroph ths EDEK yposthrije thn proedrikh ypochfiothta toy Proedroy toy kommatos Basoy Lyssaridh, epeidh h dieqnhs toy embeleia ki h eyryterh apodoxh ths proswpikothtas toy apoteloyn exeggyo epityxias sth symphjh metwpoy synergasias twn antipoliteyomenwn dynamewn. Grafei oti meletatai allagh sth strathgikh ths Toyrkias sxetika me thn entajh ths idias kai ths Kyproy sthn EE, dioti, opws grafei, to toyrkiko YPEJ ektima pws enas ellhnotoyrkikos polemos qa ferei oikonomikh katastrofh.


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