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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-02-08

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


Leykwsia,Kypros,08/02/1997 (KYPE) -- Oi dhlwseis toy Eidikoy Antiproswpoy toy GG twn HE gia to Kypriako, Xan Soyng Tzoy, sthn Agkyra, gia megales diafores apocewn metajy twn dyo pleyrwn, h amfibolh ekdhlwsh ths polydiafhmizomenhs amerikanikhs prwtoboylias sto Kypriako kai o fonos toy Rwsoy Sergkei Malekoy poy diapraxqhke sth Lemeso apoteloyn merika apo ta kyria qemata poy proballei shmera o kypriakos Typos.

"O Agwn" ston kyrio titlo toy anaferetai sto anqrwpokynhghto poy synexizetai sth Lemeso prokeimenoy na syllhfqoyn oi dolofonoi toy Rwsoy epixeirhmatia Sergkei Malekoy. Se allo qema, grafei oti stoxos twn Toyrkwn me to skhnoqethmeno epeisodio sth Loyroytzina htan na plhjoyn ton stratiwtiko dialogo metajy ths Eqnikhs Froyras kai twn Attilwn, poy diejagetai ek toy syneggys ypo thn aigida twn HE.

H "Alhqeia" me titlo "Xaos xwrizei tis dyo pleyres", anaferetai se dhlwseis toy Xan Soyngk Tzoy, oi opoies prodiagrafoyn thn apotyxia ths apostolhs toy, shmeiwnei, enw stis HPA etoimazetai h omada toy Kypriakoy sthn opoia prosblepoyn kai ta Hnwmena Eqnh. H "A" proballei se allo qema tis anhsyxies toy GG toy NATO Xabie Solana, gia tis epiptwseis poy mporei na exei sthn Eyrwph h synexizomenh antiparaqesh sthn Kypro, enw den fainetai na ton anhsyxei to endexomeno parempodishs ths dieyrynshs toy NATO apo thn Agkyra, grafei.

"H Maxh" grafei oti h hgesia toy AKEL brisketai se fobero dilhmma kai epeigetai na jekaqarisei to skhniko me tis ypochfiothtes twn proedrikwn eklogwn. Me epititlo "Dyskolh ypoqesh o paramerismos Lyssaridh", anaferetai sth symmaxia me thn EDEK enw, grafei, apo thn pleyra twn Enwmenwn Dhmokratwn stelletai to mhnyma oti to AKEL prepei na qewrei dedomenh thn htta toy stis ekloges, an aporrifqei h ypochfiothta Basoy Lyssaridh h toy Marioy Hliadh. Anaferetai sth syllhch dyo nearwn gia apagwgh kai diafqora triwn maqhtriwn.

"H Shmerinh" me prwtoselido titlo "Oroshmo o Martios gia to Kypriako" grafei oti h Oyasigkton qa einai etoimh na apofasisei ta epomena ths bhmata gia to Kypriako se ena peripoy mhna, otan h YPEJ twn HPA oloklhrwsei tis syskeceis poy pragmatopoiei twra me toys synergates ths. Shmeiwnetai epishs oti oi ejelijeis qa shmeiwqoyn to kalokairi, kaqoti h Kypros eiserxetai se proeklogikh ekstrateia ton Septembrio. H "S" anaferetai sthn ekqesh ths amerikanikhs Kentrikhs Yphresias Plhroforiwn (SIA), h opoia problepei polemo metajy Elladas kai Toyrkias logw ths ayjhmenhs entashs stis sxeseis twn dyo xwrwn.

"O Fileleyqeros" grafei plhqainoyn oi logoi opisqoxwrhshs twn HPA, peran ths dysforias ths Oyasigkton me th Leykwsia, meta thn aporrich ths protashs gia to moratorioym ki oti to Steit Ntipartment strefei thn prosoxh toy pros thn eswterikh astaqeia poy epikratei sthn Toyrkia. Me titlo "Ton meqysan kai ton skotwsan", o "F" grafei oti h astynomia qewrei promelethmenh th dolofonia toy 29xronoy Rwsoy Sergkei Malekoy, o opoios maxairwqhke kai ktyphqhke mexri qanatoy apo omoeqneis toy, enw diaskedazan se spiti sympatriwth toys.

H "Xaraygh" grafei oti stelexh toy DHKO xarakthrizoyn to rhgma DHSY-DHKO ws agefyrwto kai oti prepei h synergasia na termatistei giati krinetai zhmiogonos. Prosqetei oti oi antidraseis sto DHKO koryfwqhkan meta thn thleoptikh synenteyjh toy Proedroy Klhridh kai th symperifora boyleytwn kai ajiwmatoyxwn toy DHSY. Se allo qema, anaferetai stis dhlwseis Xan Soyng Tzoy sthn Toyrkia, oti ejakoloyqoyn na paramenoyn megales oi diafores apocewn metajy twn dyo pleyrwn sto Kypriako.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" anaferomenh sto sthmeno epeisodio sth Loyroytzina grafei oti ta Hnwmena Eqnh "den brhkan tipota sth nekrh zwnh", enw deyteros ajiwmatoyxos twn HE dhlwse oti kanena melos ths Eirhneytikhs Dynamhs den parathrhse opoiadhpote kinhsh pros th nekrh zwnh thn wra poy egine to ypotiqemeno epeisodio. Se allo qema ejalloy, grafei oti o Eidikos antiproswpos toy GG twn HE dhlwse pws prepei kai oi dyo pleyres na deijoyn kalh qelhsh protoy arxisoyn oi apeyqeias synomilies, tonizontas oti kamia pleyra den mporei na exei "ekato tois ekato apo o,ti epiqymei".


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