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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 96-10-23

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    Leykwsia, 23/10/1996 (KYPE) -- H qeomhnia poy eplhje ta Kokkinoxwria, h opoia prokalese ena qanato kai terasties zhmies, kaqws kai h apopeira dolofonias enantion toy Xaralampoy Forh, poy apodidetai se bentetismoys einai ta dyo qemata poy kyriarxoyn ston shmerino Typo.

    "O Agwn" shmeiwnei oti h qeomhnia eplhje kyriws thn Jylofagoy, to Liopetri kai th Swthra kai anaferei oti o 44xronos Xaralampos Koymh, apo th Gialoysa kai twra katoikos Liopetrioy, exase th zwh toy otan ypoxwrhse h stegh toy prosfygikoy spitioy toy meta thn ptwsh toy ntepozitoy neroy. Anaferetai se stoixeia toy armodioy Ypoyrgeioy basei twn opoiwn peripoy enas stoys deka astynomikoys dikasthke kai katadikasthke kata ta teleytaia tria xronia gia seira peiqarxikwn ypoqesewn.

    H "Alhqeia" proballei dhlwsh toy Kybernhtikoy Ekproswpoy oti h entajh ths Kyproy sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh qa prepei na apotelesei kommati ths lyshs toy Kypriakoy, xwris ayto na shmainei oti topoqeteitai oristika meta th lysh toy problhmatos. Oson afora sthn apopeira dolofonias enantion toy 28xronoy Forh, sth Lemeso, grafei oti mia toylaxiston Rwsida kallitexnida piqanon na krata to kleidi ths ypoqeshs. Anaferetai se "Fonikh qeomhnia" me zhmies ycoys 150 xiliades lires.

    "H Maxh" anaferomenh stis dhmotikes ekloges grafei oti DHSY kai DHKO qa antiparataxqoyn me th symmaxia AKEL-EDEK-KED. Proballei ypoyrgikh syskech poy pragmatopoihqhke xqes sthn Aqhna ypo ton Prwqypoyrgo Kwsta Shmith gia to neo ejoplistiko programma twn Ellhnikwn Enoplwn Dynamewn. Gia thn apopeira dolofonias shmeiwnei oti o ejontwtikos polemos metajy melwn fatriwn toy ypokosmoy diejagetai pleon me hlektronika mesa kai oti h astynomia pisteyei oti brisketai se ejelijh enas neos kyklos aimatos.

    "H Shmerinh" proballei synenteyjh toy patera toy dolofonhqentos apo Toyrkoys Solwmoy Solwmoy sthn toyrkikh "Xoyriet" oti qa sfijei to xeri Toyrkoy ean fygoyn oi Attiles apo thn Kypro kai breqei lysh. Grafei oti apofasisthke opws to Politiko Grafeio toy DHSY afierwnei meros kaqe synedrias toy ston syntonismo me thn kybernhsh kai oti ajiwmatoyxoi ths kybernhshs qa pareyriskontai stis synedries gia na enhmerwnoyn to komma.

    "O Fileleyqeros" proballei plhrofories oti o ekproswpos ths Irlandikhs Proedrias ths Eyrwpaikh Enwshs Kester Xislip ejefrase thn pepoiqhsh oti twra einai h kalyterh periodos na enhmerwqoyn oi T/K gia ta ofelh apo thn entajh ths Kyproy kai oti gi' ayto qa episkefqei to nhsi arxes Noembrioy. Anaferetai se dhlwsh toy Kybernhtikoy Ekproswpoy oti ton prwto logo gia to stratiwtiko dialogo qa exei h hgesia ths Eqnikhs Froyras, h opoia qa pairnei politikh kaqodhghsh, enw ton teliko logo qa exei o Proedros Klhridhs.

    H "Xaraygh" proballei th qesh toy AKEL oti tassetai enantia sth fileleyqeropoihsh toy nomismatikoy systhmatos kai sthn apeleyqerwsh twn epitokiwn protoy dhmioyrghqoyn oi proypoqeseis gia diasfalish twn symferontwn twn ergazomenwn. Apokalyptei apofash opws oi hmikratikoi organismoi kataqetoyn sthn Eqnikh kai Emporikh Trapeza ths Elladas sthn Kypro, giati, symfwna me ton Ypoyrgo Oikonomikwn, yparxei anagkh na bohqhqoyn.

    H "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti o pateras toy dolofonhqentos Solwmoy dhlwse sthn "Xoyriet" oti ta prosfata epeisodia proklhqhkan apo atoma ta opoia de qeloyn thn symbiwsh E/K kai T/K, oi opoioi, eipe, mporoyn na zhsoyn eirhnika ean toys afhsoyn. Anaferetai sthn entonh antidrash twn T/K enantion ths diadhlwshs poy pragmatopoihqhke to Sabbatokyriako sto Lhdra Palas, logw ths opoias kanenas toyristas den perase sta katexomena.

    H "Financial Mirror" proballei reportaz gia to laqremporio me ta katexomena, to opoio xarakthrizei mia apo tis megalyteres mastiges ths kypriakhs koinwnias. Grafei oti h Synergatikh Kentrikh Trapeza protiqetai na ekdwsei pistwtikes kartes mesa sto prwto ejamhno toy 1997 gia na antimetwpisei ton antagwnismo.


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