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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 96-10-22

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From: "HR-Net News Distribution Manager" <dist@hri.org>




    Leykwsia, 22/10/1996 (KYPE) -- Ta prwtoselida twn efhmeridwn shmera asxoloyntai kyriws me th xqesinh lhsteia se tamieythrio sth Lemeso, th synanthsh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Glaykoy Klhridh me to Politiko Grafeio toy DHSY kai tis dhlwseis toy Anaplhrwth Eidikoy Antiproswpoy toy GG toy OHE sthn Kypro Gkoystab Feisel.

    O "Agwn" grafei oti egine xqes sth Lemeso qrasytath lhsteia se baros toy synoikiakoy pararthmatos toy Synergatikoy Tamieythrioy Lemesoy, otan oplismenoi koykoyloforoi eklecan ogdonta xiliades lires metrhta kai trapezikes epitages. Anaferetai, epishs, se dhlwsh toy k. Feisel oti arxise hdh o stratiwtikos dialogos metajy ths eirhneytikhs dynamhs toy OHE kai twn stratiwtikwn dynamewn twn dyo pleyrwn sthn Kypro.

    H "Alhqeia" grafei oti pragmatopoieitai shmera h kaqierwmenh synanthsh toy Politikoy Grafeioy toy DHSY me ton Proedro Klhridh, sthn opoia qa syzhthqoyn se baqos oi prosfates dhlwseis toy Proedroy toy kommatos Giannakh Matsh peri programmatismenhs yposkachs toy. Grafei, epishs, oti h epimonh toy Dhmarxoy Aglantzias na proistatai kaqe ekdhlwshs h drasthriothtas, idiaitera twn apofasewn poy aforoyn th leitoyrgia toy Dhmoy, exei apodiorganwsei plhrws tis diafores epitropes toy Dhmoy.

    H "Maxh" grafei oti o Proedros Klhridhs emfanizetai aganaktismenos gia ta tektainomena sto DHSY, afoy diapistwnei oti anti yposthrijhs, to kybernwn komma toy prokalei problhmata. Grafei, epishs, oti h kybernhsh den prokeitai na ypoxwrhsei apo th qesh ths gia anadomhsh twn taxydromikwn yphresiwn sthn ypaiqro, ekei opoy to kratos den mporei na epektaqei.

    H "Shmerinh" grafei oti h kybernhsh diabibase sto Geniko Grammatea toy OHE Mpoytros Gkali kai ton Eidiko Antiproswpo ths Bretanias sto Kypriako Ser Nteibint Xanei to mhnyma oti mexri to kalokairi toy 1997 qa prepei na oloklhrwqoyn oi prospaqeies sto Kypriako. Anaferetai, epishs, se dhlwsh toy Kybernhtikoy Ekproswpoy Giannakh Kasoylidh oti to Syntagma pronoei oti h kybernhsh mporei na ryqmizei dia nomoy tis apergies se oysiwdeis yphresies.

    O "Fileleyqeros" grafei oti h eirhneytikh dynamh toy OHE sthn Kypro qa qesei atyph proqesmia dyo ebdomadwn stis hgesies ths Eqnikhs Froyras kai toy Attila gia na topoqethqoyn epi twn triwn protasewn poy synistoyn thn atzenta toy ek toy syneggys stratiwtikoy dialogoy. Grafei, epishs, oti parapempetai syntoma sto Ypoyrgiko Symboylio to qema ths apeleyqerwshs twn epitokiwn, enw oles oi organwseis poy diafwnoyn syspeirwnontai gia th sygkrothsh koinoy metwpoy.

    H "Xaraygh" grafei oti o prwhn Ypoyrgos Paideias Xristoforos Xristofidhs ejaggeile xqes thn ypochfiothta toy gia th dhmarxia ths Larnakas ki ektos aprooptoy qa yposthrixqei apo to AKEL, thn EDEK kai to KED. Grafei, epishs, oti den exei prokycei tipota mexri stigmhs poy na odhgei toys poinikoys anakrites se ereynes sth Gallia sxetika me to ypotiqemeno skandalo gia mizes apo thn promhqeia oplikwn systhmatwn se baros toy prwhn Ypoyrgoy Amynas Andrea Alwneyth.

    H "Cyprus Mail" dhmosieyei dhlwsh toy Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn Alekoy Mixahlidh oti h Kypros qa anoijei tesseris nees presbeies to 1997 ki elpizei na anaptyjei plhreis diplwmatikes apostoles se kaqe prwteyoysa twn 15 xwrwn poy apartizoyn thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh. Anaferetai, epishs, se dhlwsh toy Ypoyrgoy Gewrgias, Fysikwn Porwn kai Periballontos Kwsta Petridh oti h prostasia toy periballontos prepei na ginei tropos zwhs gia oloys.


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