Press Communique M-NAC-2 (95)119
For immediate release
5th December 1995
On the eve of the most significant military
operation in the history of this Alliance, we, the Foreign
and Defence Ministers of all 16 Allies, speak and act with
unity of purpose. Together, we affirm our commitment to
continue the Alliance's efforts to bring peace to
Bosnia-Herzegovina. Our common resolve, founded on
transatlantic cooperation, will enable us to respond
effectively to this threat to European stability.
Decisive action by the Alliance through the
judicious and effective use of NATO air power in support of
a determined diplomatic effort helped create the conditions
that have made peace possible in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Our
aim now is to contribute to a just and lasting peace in
Bosnia-Herzegovina. All Parties to the Dayton peace
agreement have accepted NATO's role, which will be
authorised by a UN Security Council Resolution,
even-handed, and limited in duration and scope. NATO will
not be imposing a settlement, but will take the necessary
action to ensure compliance.
We have today endorsed the military planning for
the Implementation Force. JOINT ENDEAVOUR will attest to
NATO's capacity to fulfil its new missions of crisis
management and peacekeeping, in addition to its core
functions as a defensive alliance. We welcome the wide
range of offers from Partnership for Peace and other
nations outside of our Alliance to participate in and
support the operation. Russia's participation is
especially significant as a concrete example of our
evolving relationship.
JOINT ENDEAVOUR represents a critical part of a
comprehensive international effort in support of peace in
Bosnia-Herzegovina. We underline the importance of putting
in place the necessary mechanisms to help implement the
civil aspects and to promote regional stabilisation,
building on the conferences in London, Paris and Bonn, so
that the conditions for lasting peace are firmly
established within 12 months. We shall cooperate fully
with the High Representative and the organisations
responsible for these tasks.
We pay tribute to the efforts of the United
Nations and all the countries and organisations with which
NATO has worked to bring an end to the tragedy in the
Former Yugoslavia and to alleviate the untold sufferings of
the civilian population. We specially remember today the
countless innocent victims and the sacrifice of all the
soldiers and civilians who have given their lives in
pursuit of peace in the Former Yugoslavia.
We say to the people of the Republic of
Bosnia-Herzegovina: We are ready to help you. Past
differences can - and must - be put aside. New forms of
partnership must be built among you. We are confident that
together we can succeed.