Temporary multiyear appointments of Greek-speaking researchers in Greece
From: "HR-Net News Distribution Manager" <dist@hri.org>
Originally From: root@mhs-gw.gsrt.epmhs.gr
In the next months the GSRT will launch the new Programme
"Career Award in Greek universities, research centers and institutes",
which will be financed by EU as well as Greek state funds,
under the Operational Programme for Research and Technology (EPET II).
It is reserved for Greek-speaking researchers living and working abroad at
the time of the call for proposals, for a period not less than two years.
The Career Award Programme aims at attracting to Greece distinguished
young researchers, having at least a two-years post-doctoral research
experience abroad, in order to join research teams in Greek universities,
research centers or institutes and carry out specific and well-defined
research, technology and training activities.
The knowledge of the Greek language is considered as a strong cultural
link between those scientists and Greece. Thus it is expected that
Greek-speaking researchers will be interested in moving to Greece
for a rather long stay (three years) with a view to contribute to the upgrading
or further development of the research and technology activities
of the Greek research teams.
The proposal for a Career Award project must be submitted to the GSRT
by a research unit attached to a university or a public research establishment
in Greece which consists the Host Research Unit. The selection of the
"foreign" researcher is left to the responsibility of the Host Research Unit
upon criteria of scientific excellence and through transparent procedures.
Particular attention will be given on that each interested research unit gives
the widest possible publicity to its intention to host a "foreign" researcher.
This announcement aims at the diffusion of basic information concerning
the above Programme so that Greek- speaking researchers not living in Greece,
on one side, and research units in Greece, on the other side, start making
the necessary contacts for the preparation of proposals.
For further information, please contact :
Mrs. Evangelia Sofouli (Technological Applications Directorate)
Tel. Number : 7713474 Fax Number: 7713810
Mrs. Leda Yannakopoulou (Programming and planning Directorate)
Tel Number: 7711487 Fax Number : 7711427
General Secretariat for Research and Technology
Messogeion 14-18
115 10 Athens, GREECE