Topic: jobs Subject: Academic positions in Chemistry and Physics in Cyprus From: Thanos Tsekouras The Department of Natural Sciences invites applications for five academic positions. Fields of Study: Physics: 3 posts at any rank. Preferably, fields within the present areas of research at the Department: Experimental and Theoretical High Energy Physics, Experimental and Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Experimental and Solid State Physics. Chemistry: 2 posts at any rank. Experimental Analytical Chemistry, Experimental Physical Chemistry. The languages of instruction are Greek and/or Turkish. Applicants need not be citizens of the Republic of Cyprus. Salary ranges are: Professor #22.561 - #29.329; Associate Professor #19.900 - #27.128; Assistant Professor #18.565 - #25.042; Lecturer #15.678 - #22.963. (At present CY#1=1.3411 sterling and CY#=2.1324 dollars). In addition the Council may approve an annual bonus of up to CY 5.000 for persons appointed as Professors and up to CY 3.000 for persons appointed as Associate Professors. Interested individuals must submit the following items by Tuesday 9th May, 1995: a CV, a list of publications, a brief summary of their research work as well as a description of future research, and copies of representative publications. In addition, the applicant must have three letters of recommendation sent directly to the University. The names and addresses of these referees must be submitted with the application, which must be sent to: The Registrar University of Cyprus P.O. Box 537 CY-1678 Nicosia CYPRUS Tel.: +357-2-366186, Fax.:+357-2-366198. For more details contact the Registrar or the Department, e-mail: [From Chemical and Engineering News, March 27, 1995, p.92] [Copied by Thanos Tsekouras]