Washington, April 17: Lefkowitz Lecture: "Guarding the Greek Heritage"
Did Aristotle steal his philosophy from Egypt? Was ancient Greek religion
derived from Egypt? Although there is no evidence to support these
claims, nonetheless these notions are being taught in schools and
universities throughout the United States.
The Society for the Preservation of the Greek Heritage
Lecture and discussion
"Guarding the Greek Heritage"
Mary Lefkowitz
Andrew W. Mellow Professor in the Humanities, Wellesley College
Author of the new and widely acclaimed book, "Not Out of Africa: How
Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach Myth as History" and co-editor of
the book "Black Athena Revisited".
Wednesday, April 17, 1996, 7:30 p.m.
Powel Auditorium, The Cosmos Club
Massachusetts Avenue, at Q Street, Washington, D.C.
Members $12, Non-Members $15